Development of High Sensitive Zeranol Monoclonal Antibody Based on the Cross Reactivity of Structural Analogs
HU XiaoFei1, LI QingMei1, YAO JingJing1, HU SiYu2, SUN YaNing1, XING YunRui1, DENG RuiGuang1, ZHANG GaiPing,1,31 Key Laboratory of Animal Immunology, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002 2 College of Life Sciences, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002 3 Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002
Abstract 【Objective】The aim of this study was to obtain highly sensitive monoclonal antibody of Zearalanol (ZAL). 【Method】Zearalanone (ZAN), as the structural analogs of ZAL, was employed to synthesize the artificial complete antigen. ZAN structure was modified by oximation reaction to obtain ZNA-O. ZAN-O was coupled with bovine serum albumin and ovalbumin by 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) respectively to prepare ZAN-O-BSA and ZAN-O-OVA. ZAN-O-BSA was used to immunize the mice with the immune dose of 50 μg protein/mouse. The mouse with higher serum titer and sensitivity was selected for cell fusion. During the process of cell fusion to screen the positive hybridoma cells, ZAL was used as a blocker instead of ZAN to screen the hybridoma cell lines that could secrete monoclonal antibody against ZAL. ZAL monoclonal antibody was prepared in batches by ascites induction in vivo, and the immunological properties of the monoclonal antibodies were identified. 【Result】By cell fusion and screening for positive hybridoma cell lines, one hybridoma cell line named 12B10A7 that could secrete monoclonal antibody against ZAL was obtained. The sensitivity (half inhibitory concentration, IC50) of the prepared monoclonal antibody was 577 pg?mL -1, the affinity constant Ka was 6.21×10 7 L?mol -1, the cross-reactivity rate with structural analogues such as β-zearalanol, α-zearalenol, β-zearalenol, zearalanone and zearalenone were 43.06%, 15.51%, 15.22%, 77.65% and 9.79%, respectively, and the cross reaction rates with other toxins and carrier proteins were all less than 0.06%. 【Conclusion】In conclusion, based on the cross reaction characteristics of antibody, in this study, we prepared the artificial antigen of ZAN, and got the monoclonal antibody against ZAL, which had high affinity, sensitivity and specificity. Keywords:Zearalanol;Zearalanone;structural analogs;cross reaction;monoclonal antibody
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