

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

王小慧1, 姜雨林1, 刘洋1, 卢捷1, 尹小刚1, 史磊刚2, 黄晶3, 褚庆全1, 陈阜,1,*1 中国农业大学农学院 / 农业农村部农作制度重点实验室, 北京 100193
2 北京农业信息技术研究中心, 北京 100097
3 西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院, 四川绵阳 621010

Spatio-temporal Changes of Rice Production in China Based on County Unit

WANG Xiao-Hui1, JIANG Yu-Lin1, LIU Yang1, LU Jie1, YIN Xiao-Gang1, SHI Lei-Gang2, HUANG Jing3, CHU Qing-Quan1, CHEN Fu,1,*1 College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Farming System, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100193, China
2 Beijing Research Center of Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China
3 School of Life and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, Sichuan, China

通讯作者: 陈阜, E-mail: chenfu@cau.edu.cn

第一联系人: E-mail: s096xh@cau.edu.cn

Fund supported: This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China.2016YFD0300200

水稻是我国最重要的粮食作物之一, 阐明近几十年来水稻的时空动态变化特征, 对于优化水稻布局、促进水稻生产的可持续发展具有重要意义。本研究基于1985年以来的县域水稻生产数据, 分析了我国水稻产量、面积和单产的时空动态变化特征和水稻生产重心迁移轨迹, 在此基础上量化了水稻面积和单产对总产的贡献度。结果发现, 我国水稻产量变化以49年周期为主, 21年为辅, 面积变化周期为26年, 单产变化周期为60年; 1985—2015年间, 在水稻种植区域内, 近50%地区产量上升, 约70%播种面积减少, 80%以上区域单产增加; 我国水稻产量、面积重心分别向东北方向迁移229 km和225 km, 而东北稻作区产量、面积重心分别向北偏东方向迁移238 km和242 km; 我国水稻生产主导因素中单产占比由56.3%下降至28.3%, 面积由34.7%上升至63.1%。结果表明, 全国各稻作区单产提升、东北早熟单季稻区面积增加、华中双单季稻区和华南双季稻区面积减少是我国水稻种植面积变化的主要特征。因此, 合理布局我国水稻的种植面积和持续提高的水稻单产是稳定和提升我国水稻产量的主要措施, 充分利用光热资源、提高机械化程度和比较效益是促进我国水稻生产发展的关键途径。
关键词: 水稻;县域单元;时空变化;贡献率;重心

Rice is one of the most important grain crops in China. To clear spatio-temporal change characteristics of rice in recent decades is of great significance in optimizing the layout of rice and promoting the sustainable development of rice production. This study was conducted to figure out spatio-temporal dynamic changes of national rice production, planting area and yield; to map gravity center migration path of rice production and area based on county data particularly since 1985; and to quantitatively analyze rice production contribution merely caused by area and yield. Variation period was calculated by wavelet analysis using deviations from average of national rice-producing data from 1949 to 2017. Rice-producing gravity centers were computed by ArcGIS using county-level data of rice production and planting area, and then connected them in order of year. Production contribution was firstly divided into three components separately resulted from area, yield and mutual interaction, in that case production changes caused by them could be reckoned to get production contribution rate. ArcGIS was applied to display spatial distribution on the background of two maps including Chinese rice cropping regionalization and provincial administrative division. To come out, the variation periods were respectively 49 years and 21 years, 26 and 60 years of production, area and yield. From 1985 to 2015, nearly 50% of planting region increased in rice production, about 70% decreased in rice planting area, and more than 80% increased their yields. The gravity center of national rice production and planting area migrated northeastwards about 229 km and 225 km. What’s more, the gravity center of the northeast migrated more northeastwards at about 238 km and 242 km. In China, the proportion of yield, as a dominant factor of rice production contribution, fell from 56.3% to 28.3%, and area increased from 34.7% to 63.1%. In conclusion, increasing yield in every rice cropping region, increasing planting area in single cropping region of northeastern and decreasing planting area in double cropping region of South China and single and double cropping region of Central China are main rice distribution characteristics in China. Rational layout of rice planting area and increasing yield are more and more important in stabilizing and enhancing rice production. Rationally using resources, increasing the degree of mechanization and comparative effectiveness are critical pathways to promote Chinese rice production.
Keywords:rice;county unit;spatio-temporal changes;contribution;gravity center

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王小慧, 姜雨林, 刘洋, 卢捷, 尹小刚, 史磊刚, 黄晶, 褚庆全, 陈阜. 基于县域单元的我国水稻生产时空动态变化[J]. 作物学报, 2018, 44(11): 1704-1712. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.01704
WANG Xiao-Hui, JIANG Yu-Lin, LIU Yang, LU Jie, YIN Xiao-Gang, SHI Lei-Gang, HUANG Jing, CHU Qing-Quan, CHEN Fu. Spatio-temporal Changes of Rice Production in China Based on County Unit[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2018, 44(11): 1704-1712. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.01704

水稻是我国三大粮食作物之一, 全国有60%的人以大米为主食, 水稻生产可持续发展对保障我国粮食安全意义重大。受气候变化[1]、栽培耕作技术和品种更新、生产成本上升、劳动力短缺、机械化水平较低等多因素[2]的影响, 我国水稻生产出现“南稻北移”、“双改单”、“籼退粳进”、“北粳南移”等现象[3]。因此, 明确我国水稻生产时空变化规律对保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。

前人研究表明, 我国水稻总播种面积减少, 主要表现为南方稻区播种面积减少, 而东北稻区播种面积增多[4], 单产在1991—2007年间涨幅11.98%[5]; 刘珍环等[6]用SPAM-China模型分析水稻种植面积和产量的时空变化特征, 认为过半地区水稻种植面积缩减, 近70%水稻产量增加。刘书通等[7]用生产集中度分析我国各省和地区水稻生产变化, 认为东南沿海地区水稻生产集中度下降, 东北三省集中度上升。程勇翔等[8]用重心拟合模型对全国各省水稻生产时空动态分析认为, 我国水稻播种面积重心和产量重心均向东北方向迁移。杨万江等[3]通过归纳分析, 将全国各省水稻生产变化分为收缩型、扩张型、稳定型和波动型, 代表省市分别为浙江、黑龙江、湖北和天津。然而, 前人研究大多基于省级统计数据, 较多关注水稻种植面积和产量而忽略单产变化, 而且分析指标较为单一, 不能准确系统分析我国水稻种植生产时空动态变化。本研究利用全国县域水稻生产数据, 结合全国稻作区划, 从我国水稻生产变化周期、变化幅度、重心迁移和贡献率角度, 重点分析我国水稻产量、面积和单产的时空动态, 并对驱动因素进行讨论, 以期为我国水稻生产结构优化和区域布局调整提供数据支撑和理论依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 研究数据来源

根据《中国水稻种植区划》[9]和中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心提供的2012年我国行政分布图, 绘制形成我国稻作区分布图(图1)。1949—2015年全国水稻产量、面积和单产数据来自农业部种植业司县级农作物数据库[10], 2016年和2017年产量和面积来自国家统计局[11]。全国县域农业经济统计数据由中国农业科学院农业信息研究所提供, 综合1985—2015年《中国农业年鉴》中省级水稻生产数据[12]以及30年间我国行政区域变化, 整理获得一套含全国2624个县级、31个省市(港澳台地区除外)、7个时间节点(1985—2015年, 每5年一个节点)的水稻分布数据库, 包含水稻产量、面积及由此计算出的单产。



Fig. 1National regionalization of rice cropping

I, II, III, IV, V, and VI mean regionalization of rice cropping in South China, Central China, Southwest, North China, Northeast and Northwest.

1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 小波分析与周期小波分析是20世纪80年代开发的分析方法[13], 通过尺度的伸缩和时间轴上的平移构成一簇函数系, 用以计算变量变化周期及其周期强度。本研究用Morlet小波, 通过Matlab 2016a对1949—2017全国水稻产量、面积和单产的离均差计算小波方差获得其周期和周期强度。

$\text{var}=\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }{|{{W}_{f}}(a,b){{|}^{2}}db}$
式中, var为小波方差, Wf(a,b)为小波变换系数,a为尺度因子, 反映小波的周期长度; b为平移因子, 反映小波时间上的平移。本研究将全国水稻生产总量和小波方差除以该指标最小值进行无量纲化。

1.2.2 水稻产量、面积和单产变化幅度 2003年为我国水稻生产低谷期, 本研究将水稻生产分为1985—2000年和2000—2015年2个阶段, 对1985、2000和2015年的水稻产量、面积和单产进行空间变化分析。为方便讨论, 将变化幅度分为5类, 大于20%为高度增加区, 5%~20%为低度增加区, -5%~5%为无变化区, -20%~ -5%为低度减少区, 小于-20%为高度减少区[6]

$\text{RC}=\frac{{{S}_{2}}-{{S}_{1}}}{{{S}_{1}}}\times 100%$
式中,RC为指标变化幅度,S2为期末量, S1为期初量。

1.2.3 重心迁移本研究以各县几何中心代表该县坐标, 以水稻产量和面积为权重, 用ArcGIS 10.4.1计算并展示我国和各稻作区水稻产量和面积重心[8], 用Haversine公式计算两点地表距离。

1.2.4 产量贡献率计算产量构成可由播种面积和单产共同决定, 因此, 本研究将水稻产量变化分解为面积贡献、单产贡献和面积单产互作贡献3个部分[14]

${{C}_{{{A}_{ij}}}}=\frac{\Delta {{P}_{A}}_{_{ij}}}{\Delta {{P}_{ij}}}$
$C_{Y_{ij}}=\frac{\Delta P_{Y_{ij}}}{\Delta P_{ij}}$
$ {{C}_{(}}{{_{A\times Y}}_{)}}_{_{ij}}=\frac{\Delta {{P}_{{{(A\times Y)}_{ij}}}}}{\Delta {{P}_{ij}}}$
式中, i为期末年, j为期初年,${{C}_{{{A}_{ij}}}}$、${{C}_{{{Y}_{ij}}}}$、${{C}_{{{(A\times Y)}_{ij}}}}$分别表示第j年到第i年间面积、单产和两者互作对产量的贡献率, $\Delta {{P}_{ij}}$表示期初年到期末年水稻产量变化,$\Delta {{P}_{{{A}_{ij}}}}$、$\Delta {{P}_{{{Y}_{ij}}}}$和$\Delta {{P}_{{{(A\times Y)}_{ij}}}}$分别表示由面积、单产和互作导致的产量变化。由于上式计算结果有正有负, 为便于比较各部分的贡献率, 对贡献率进行校正。

$C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T}=\frac{\left| {{C}_{{{A}_{ij}}}} \right|}{\left| {{C}_{{{A}_{ij}}}} \right|+\left| {{C}_{{{Y}_{ij}}}} \right|+\left| {{C}_{{{(A\times Y)}_{ij}}}} \right|}$
$C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T}=\frac{\left| {{C}_{{{(A\times Y)}_{ij}}}} \right|}{\left| {{C}_{A{{i}_{j}}}} \right|+\left| {{C}_{{{Y}_{ij}}}} \right|+\left| {{C}_{{{(A\times Y)}_{ij}}}} \right|}$
$C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T}\times {{Y}_{n}}=\frac{\left| {{C}_{{{(A\times Y)}_{ij}}}} \right|}{\left| {{C}_{{{A}_{ij}}}} \right|+\left| {{C}_{{{Y}_{ij}}}} \right|+\left| {{C}_{{{(A\times Y)}_{ij}}}} \right|}$
当$C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T}\ge 1.95\text{Max}(C_{{{Y}_{n}}}^{T},\ C_{{{A}_{n}}\times {{Y}_{n}}}^{T})$时, 为面积绝对主导型; 当$C_{Yn}^{T}\ge \text{1}\text{.95Max}(C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T},\ C_{{{A}_{n}}\times {{Y}_{n}}}^{T})$时, 为单产绝对主导型; 当$C{{_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T}}_{\times {{Y}_{n}}}}\ge 1.95\text{Max}(C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T},\ C_{{{Y}_{n}}}^{T})$时, 为互作绝对主导型, 包括由无水稻种植到有水稻种植和水稻播种面积或单产剧烈增加两种情况; 当$1.05\text{Max}(C_{{{Y}_{n}}}^{T},C_{{{A}_{n}}\times {{Y}_{n}}}^{T})\ge C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T}<\text{1}\text{.95Max}(C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T},C_{{{A}_{n}}\times {{Y}_{n}}}^{T})$时, 为面积主导型; 当$1.05\text{Max}(C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T},C_{{{A}_{n}}\times {{Y}_{n}}}^{T})\le $ $C_{{{Y}_{n}}}^{T}<\text{1}\text{.95Max}(C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T},C_{{{A}_{n}}\times {{Y}_{n}}}^{T})$时, 为单产主导型; 否则, 为互作主导型, 包括$C_{{{A}_{n}}\times {{Y}_{n}}}^{T}$很小但$C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T}$、$C_{{{Y}_{n}}}^{T}$无显著区别, $C_{{{A}_{n}}\times {{Y}_{n}}}^{T}$与$C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T}$、$C_{{{Y}_{n}}}^{T}$任一项无显著区别以及$C_{{{A}_{n}}\times {{Y}_{n}}}^{T}$与$C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T}$、$C_{{{A}_{n}}}^{T}$两项均无显著区别3种情况。

2 结果与分析

2.1 水稻生产周期和分布变化规律

水稻产量和单产小幅波动上升, 变化周期相对较长; 面积波动幅度相对较小, 但变化周期短(图2)。1949—1976年和2003年至今, 我国水稻产量、面积和单产同步升降; 1976—2003年, 我国水稻产量和单产持续上升, 但面积下降。水稻产量、面积和单产在1960年前后和2003年均达到极小值, 产量和单产水平在1960年前后与1949年基本持平, 而面积则在1962年和2003年均与1949年持平。水稻产量的最高周期强度对应年份为49年, 21年紧随其后, 即以长周期为主, 短周期为辅; 面积和单产分别为26年和60年, 分别为短周期和长周期。



Fig. 2Relative value of change and variation period of national rice production, area, and yield

1985—2015年间, 东北早熟单季稻区种植面积增加而南方沿海稻区减少, 华北单季稻区和西北干燥区单季稻区分布范围缩减(图3)。1985—2000年, 东北早熟单季稻区水稻面积增加, 南方稻区面积缩减; 2000—2015年东北早熟单季稻区面积持续增长, 且播种区域北扩, 华中双单季稻区中部水稻种植面积有一定增长, 但南方沿海和西南高原单双季稻区东部、华中双单季稻区西部面积缩减。30年间, 东北早熟单季稻区和华中双单季稻区湖南、江西中部种植面积增加; 我国南方稻区种植面积呈现减少趋势, 尤其在沿海地区。



HR:大幅缩减; LR: 略有缩减; NC: 无变化; LI: 略有增长; HI: 大幅增长。
Fig. 3Distribution change of national rice-producing in 1985-2000 (a), 2000-2015 (b), and 1985-2015 (c) for planting area

HR: highly reduction; LR: low reduction; NC: no change; LI: low increase; HI: highly increased.

2.2 水稻生产结构构成

华中双单季稻区和华南双季稻区是我国水稻生产主要区域, 近年来东北早熟单季稻区比例趋重(表1)。华中双单季稻区水稻产量和面积比例占全国水稻的62%~72%, 但其比例逐步下降; 1985—2000年间, 该区域水稻单产水平为全国最高。华南双季稻区产量和面积比例在9.5%~16.0%之间, 但近10年来比例下降加快; 该区域长年单产水平为全国最低。东北早熟单季稻区面积由3.83%增长至12.41%, 产量由3.95%增长至13.39%, 其单产水平逐年提升。西南高原单双季稻区水稻面积比例为8%~9%。华北单季稻区产量和面积比例小幅上升, 由3.3%上升至4.8%。西北干燥区单季稻区产量和面积长年占比不足1%, 但近年来水稻单产水平较高。

Table 1
Table 1Changes of yield and proportion of production and planting area of every regionalization of rice cropping
产量比例Proportion of production (%)
华南 South China12.7713.4113.4513.1511.089.639.57
华中Central China71.44*69.07*68.11*64.83*65.50*63.70*62.91*
西南 Southwest7.517.267.708.548.727.987.59
华北 North China3.864.414.725.085.005.695.50
东北 Northeast3.955.225.367.488.8511.8413.39
西北 Northwest0.460.630.660.920.841.151.04
面积比例 Proportion of rice-planting area (%)
华南 South China16.2715.8915.5314.8712.9612.3911.71
华中Central China67.66*66.61*66.43*64.08*64.95*63.26*61.99*
西南 Southwest8.488.108.148.658.808.178.30
华北 North China3.353.803.974.624.594.844.69
东北 Northeast3.834.965.266.848.0110.3712.41
西北 Northwest0.420.640.680.930.710.980.89
单产水平Yield (kg hm-2)
华南 South China4040476753725799559754055854
华中Central China5429*5934*6364*6788*662368937073
西南 Southwest4684529559526659656468476572
华北 North China380654286167633865947180*7044
东北 Northeast4746550258706526676671037209
西北 Northwest44014898555158897327*70407507*
* means the highest of the index in the year.


30年来, 我国水稻生产变化各阶段表现不一; 总的来说, 近50%种植地区水稻产量增加, 约70%水稻面积减少, 但有80%以上水稻单产增加(图3图4)。华中双单季稻区、华南双季稻区和西南高原单双季稻区产量增长区范围逐渐小于减少区, 增长区比例分别由54.4%、70.3%和73.0%下降至37.9%、24.1%和29.0%, 前期单产增长区比例分别为89.4%、96.0%和94.3%, 后期面积缩减范围分别为52.8%、70.6%和62.3%。东北早熟单季稻区产量增长范围持续高于缩减范围, 最后达到77.5%, 前期高度增长区比例为75%, 后期为56.3%, 不同阶段面积和单产增长区范围均高于减少区。华北单季稻区和西北干燥区单季稻区产量增长区范围持续接近或小于减少区, 增长区比例分别由32.2%和54.4%下降至27.4%和20.0%。



1和2分别表示产量和单产; a、b和c为年份排列, 同图3。缩写同图3。
Fig. 4Range of variation of national rice production and yield

1 and 2 mean production and yield; a, b, and c mean years, corresponding with those given in Figure 3. Abbreviations are the same as thosegiven in Figure 3.

2.3 水稻生产重心迁移规律

我国水稻生产重心在近30年发生较大迁移, 产量重心迁移幅度略大于面积重心迁移; 东北早熟单季稻区重心迁移距离远于全国(图5)。全国产量重心由湖北与湖南、江西交界的崇阳县北上, 先后历经赤壁市、汉南区、黄陂区, 直达湖北与河南交界的红安县, 向东北方向移动229 km, 其中北移218 km; 面积重心由湖南平江县一直北上, 历经湖北通城县、赤壁市、嘉鱼县、蔡甸区, 止于湖北黄陂区, 向东北方向移动225 km, 其中北移214 km。各稻作区中, 东北早熟单季稻区产量重心由双阳区迁至五常市, 共向北偏东方向迁移238 km, 面积重心由永吉县迁至阿城区, 共向北偏东方向迁移242 km; 华中双单季稻区产量重心东迁19 km, 面积重心由武宁县西迁67 km至通城县; 西南高原单双季稻区产量和面积重心在1985—2005年间分别向东北方向迁移50 km和55 km, 2005—2015年间分别向西南回移64 km和45 km, 30年内, 产量重心向西偏北方向迁移19 km, 面积重心向北偏东方向迁移13 km; 华南双季稻区产量重心由罗定市西迁117 km至北流市, 面积重心由岑溪市西迁58 km至北流市。



Fig. 5Gravity migration of rice area and production in nation (a), IV (b), II (c), III (d), and I (e)

2.4 水稻产量贡献率时空分布规律

我国水稻产量贡献逐步由单产主导转为面积主导(图6)。水稻种植县市中, 面积绝对主导和面积主导比例由1985年的23.7%增加至2005年的62%后下降至51.2%, 单产绝对主导和单产主导比例由1985年的62.9%下降至2005年的27.8%, 随后增加至40.8%, 互作绝对主导和互作主导比例长年低于15%。1995年之前, 单产绝对主导和单产主导县数多于面积绝对主导和面积主导县数, 1995年之后则表现为相反的态势, 但未来一段时间总单产主导比例可能超过总面积主导比例。



Fig. 6Proportion of counties of different production dominant

AD: area-dominant; AAD: absolute area-dominant;
YD: yield-dominant; AYD: absolute yield-dominant;
MD: mutual-dominant; AMD: absolute mutual-dominant.

各稻作区在各阶段产量贡献主导因素不一, 总的来说, 东北早熟单季稻区和南方沿海地区为面积主导, 西南高原单双季稻区等内陆地区为单产主导(图7)。华中双单季稻区、华南双季稻区和西南高原单双季稻区产量贡献主导由单产转为面积, 总单产主导比例分别由1985—1995年的65.8%、80.2%和64.8%下降至1995—2015年的27.9%、29.0%和37.5%, 且在1985—1995年间, 单产绝对主导比例均接近50%。东北早熟单季稻区在1985—1995年总面积主导比例和总单产主导比例均为45.3%, 但在1995—2015年, 总面积主导比例涨至50.7%, 总单产主导比例降至22%。华北单季稻区和西北干燥区单季稻区产量主导因素为互作, 总互作主导比例均接近60%。



Fig. 7Distribution of different production dominant during 1985-2000 (a), 2000-2015 (b), and 1985-2015 (c)

Abbreviations are the same as those given in Figure 6.

3 讨论

3.1 我国水稻时空分布特点及其驱动因素

1985—2015年间, 我国水稻单产在全国范围内持续上升; 东北早熟单季稻区水稻产量和面积持续增加; 南方稻区呈U型分布, 即东南沿海地区和贵州、四川、云南等地区产量和面积下降, 江西、湖南、湖北产量和面积上升。水稻生产改善东北地区的白浆土和盐碱土[15], 气候变暖增强光温生产潜力和生产适宜性[16], 新品种的育成, 机械化、信息化程度不断提高和较高比较效益[17]等因素推动东北早熟单季稻区水稻生产。我国东南沿海地区经济发展迅速, 吸纳大量农村人口, 导致水稻生产比较效益逐年降低[4], 再加上农户对于新品种和新技术的采纳程度有限, 各地区出现大量“双改单”和撂荒现象[18]。西南双季稻区耕地和水资源在数量、质量和集中度上优势较弱, 再加上该地区气象灾害频发, 导致水稻生产效益下降, 水改旱现象增多[4]

3.2 我国水稻生产重心迁移

本研究结果表明, 我国水稻产量和面积重心均向东北方向迁移, 1985—2015年我国水稻产量重心迁移距离略长于面积迁移距离, 分别为229 km和225 km, 与前人[6,8,19]研究结论相似。不同之处在于, 刘珍环等[6]的迁移路线整体偏东, 王连喜等[19]的面积重心迁移轨迹整体偏西, 产量重心迁移轨迹整体偏北。程勇翔等[8]的产量和面积迁移轨迹均整体偏西。不同迁移轨迹的产生可能与数据精度和中心坐标有关。刘珍环等利用SPAM-China模型将全国水稻生产单元栅格化至10 km水稻生产单元, 其数据精度高于本研究; 王连喜等[19]和程勇翔等[8]均利用全国各省水稻生产数据, 分别使用省会坐标和几何坐标作为中心坐标, 其数据精度低于本研究。进一步分析精度越高, 迁移轨迹越偏东的原因, 可能与部分省市水稻生产集中分布于该区东部有关, 包括黑龙江、四川、内蒙古等省、区。

3.3 我国水稻生产贡献率变化

本研究结果表明, 我国水稻产量贡献在1995—2000年间由单产主导转向面积主导, 但未来一段时间有转向单产主导的趋势; 不同地区主导因素存在差异, 东北早熟单季稻区和南方沿海地区以稳定面积为主, 内陆地区控制单产为要。前人[8,14,20]研究有相似结论, 刘巽浩等[20]通过计算1949—2007年粮食面积、单产与总产的相关系数发现, 面积与总产的关系更为密切, 认为以面积保总产的作用在由小变大; 程勇翔等[8]通过敏感性分析发现在1999—2009年水稻播种面积和播种面积年变化是造成水稻总产量出现较大波动的主要因素, 认为在水稻单产相对稳定且变化较小的前提下, 水稻播种面积是引起水稻总产变化的主因; 刘忠等[14]通过计算2003—2011年单产贡献率、面积贡献率和结构调整贡献率发现13个粮食增产省区中的5个稻谷增产省区内, 有4个为面积主导型, 认为水稻增产以面积扩张为主, 单产增加为辅。本研究创新之处在于, 相比于前人的相关性分析、敏感性分析和增产贡献率分析, 通过计算水稻面积和单产变化对产量变化的影响, 本研究提供了一个量化计算作物产量变化中面积和单产贡献率的思路和方法。

4 结论

水稻产量变化以长周期为主, 短周期为辅; 面积以短周期为主; 单产以长周期为主。我国近50%水稻种植区产量上升, 约70%水稻播种面积减少, 80%以上区域单产增加。我国水稻面积变化在大范围内对我国水稻产量产生较大影响, 单产在大范围内长期持续提升。南方稻区六成以上水稻种植面积下降, 尤其在其沿海地区, 东北早熟单季稻区水稻种植区域北扩, 是我国水稻面积增加的主力地区。全国水稻产量和面积重心迁移距离小于东北早熟单季稻区。我国水稻产量变化主导因素由单产转为面积, 其中东北和南方沿海地区为面积主导, 内陆则多为单产主导。因此, 合理布局的水稻种植面积是当前稳定水稻产量的主要措施, 进一步增长的水稻单产对提升我国水稻产量至关重要。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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【Objective】The trajectories of center of gravity rice acreage and production in China’s north and south regions and different rice systems were drawn respectively, the causes are analyzed, and the main factors that affect the total rice production was found at present stage.【Method】Using gravity fitting model, the temporal-spatial dynamic of rice production in China was analyzed. The main factors affecting China’s total rice production at present were found with sensitivity analysis.【Result】 In addition to the 1960s and 1970s center of gravity of rice sown acreage and production in China had skewed toward the southeast and eastern, it general moved toward the northeast direction since the founding of China. In 1979-2009, the center of gravity of rice in north moved quickly to the Songliao Basin of northeast of China. Center of gravity of middle-season rice and single cropping later rice moved firstly toward northeast then toward southeast, and its direction of movement was consistent with the order of the change of southern rice system, i.e. “double cropping rice changes to single cropping rice” from north to south. Center of gravity of early-season rice and double-season later rice both moved toward southwest. The percentage of single cropping rice was increased significantly in south China; the phenomenon “change double rice to single one” was obvious, which was the main reason leading to the decline of China’s rice acreage. Combined with sensitivity analysis, we can see that the sown acreage becomes the key factor most possibly affecting rice production stability.【Conclusion】 Regulation of market mechanism and technological progress were the two main factors currently affecting the temporal-spatial dynamic changes of rice in China. Under the precondition of keeping on the guidance of the market, from the perspective of food security, according to national conditions, especially to regulate early-season rice and double-season late rice that have low costs profit margins and downward trend of acreage, at same time taking into account total rice acreage, to prevent it from large fluctuation, to improve the yield of rice constantly, is the key to ensure steady increase of China rice output at this stage.
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【Objective】The trajectories of center of gravity rice acreage and production in China’s north and south regions and different rice systems were drawn respectively, the causes are analyzed, and the main factors that affect the total rice production was found at present stage.【Method】Using gravity fitting model, the temporal-spatial dynamic of rice production in China was analyzed. The main factors affecting China’s total rice production at present were found with sensitivity analysis.【Result】 In addition to the 1960s and 1970s center of gravity of rice sown acreage and production in China had skewed toward the southeast and eastern, it general moved toward the northeast direction since the founding of China. In 1979-2009, the center of gravity of rice in north moved quickly to the Songliao Basin of northeast of China. Center of gravity of middle-season rice and single cropping later rice moved firstly toward northeast then toward southeast, and its direction of movement was consistent with the order of the change of southern rice system, i.e. “double cropping rice changes to single cropping rice” from north to south. Center of gravity of early-season rice and double-season later rice both moved toward southwest. The percentage of single cropping rice was increased significantly in south China; the phenomenon “change double rice to single one” was obvious, which was the main reason leading to the decline of China’s rice acreage. Combined with sensitivity analysis, we can see that the sown acreage becomes the key factor most possibly affecting rice production stability.【Conclusion】 Regulation of market mechanism and technological progress were the two main factors currently affecting the temporal-spatial dynamic changes of rice in China. Under the precondition of keeping on the guidance of the market, from the perspective of food security, according to national conditions, especially to regulate early-season rice and double-season late rice that have low costs profit margins and downward trend of acreage, at same time taking into account total rice acreage, to prevent it from large fluctuation, to improve the yield of rice constantly, is the key to ensure steady increase of China rice output at this stage.

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【Objective】 The objective of this research is to analyze the phenophases (including the stages of seeding, heading and maturity) changes of rice, maize, spring wheat and soybean in three provinces of Northeast China. 【Method】Annual slope change rate (θ) was computed to evaluate the temporal trend and the relationship between agroclimate and phenophases. 【Result】Over the past 20 years, the timing of first effective temperature date (T≥10℃) was advanced, the first frost date was postponed, the growth period was continually extended and the accumulated temperature (T≥10℃) was increased in most area of the three provinces. Under this background, the temporal trend of phenophases of both rice and maize showed an advanced seeding stage (0.04<θ<0.55 d?a-1 and 0.04<θ<0.35 d?a-1), a postponed maturity stage (0.09<θ<0.35 d?a-1 and 0.23<θ<0.38 d?a-1) and an extended length of growth period (0.31<θ<1.26 d?a-1 and 0.11<θ<0.57 d?a-1). By contrast, temporal trend of soybean phenophases was different and characterized by an advanced seeding stage (0.01<θ<0.61 d?a-1), a maturity stage (0.18<θ<0.19 d?a-1), and a shortened growth period (0.06<θ<0.17 d?a-1). As for spring wheat, there was no obvious temporal change for the phenophases.【Conclusion】Climate change resulted in the increase of temperature suitability for crops, which could benefit from an early seeding stage, a late maturity stage and a long growth period.
Li Z G, Yang P, Tang H J, Wu W B, Chen Z X, Zhou Q B, Zou J Q, Zhang L . Trend analysis of typical phenophases of major crops under climate change in the three provinces of northeast China
Sci Agric Sin, 2011,44:4180-4189 (in Chinese with English abstract)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2011.20.006URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The objective of this research is to analyze the phenophases (including the stages of seeding, heading and maturity) changes of rice, maize, spring wheat and soybean in three provinces of Northeast China. 【Method】Annual slope change rate (θ) was computed to evaluate the temporal trend and the relationship between agroclimate and phenophases. 【Result】Over the past 20 years, the timing of first effective temperature date (T≥10℃) was advanced, the first frost date was postponed, the growth period was continually extended and the accumulated temperature (T≥10℃) was increased in most area of the three provinces. Under this background, the temporal trend of phenophases of both rice and maize showed an advanced seeding stage (0.04<θ<0.55 d?a-1 and 0.04<θ<0.35 d?a-1), a postponed maturity stage (0.09<θ<0.35 d?a-1 and 0.23<θ<0.38 d?a-1) and an extended length of growth period (0.31<θ<1.26 d?a-1 and 0.11<θ<0.57 d?a-1). By contrast, temporal trend of soybean phenophases was different and characterized by an advanced seeding stage (0.01<θ<0.61 d?a-1), a maturity stage (0.18<θ<0.19 d?a-1), and a shortened growth period (0.06<θ<0.17 d?a-1). As for spring wheat, there was no obvious temporal change for the phenophases.【Conclusion】Climate change resulted in the increase of temperature suitability for crops, which could benefit from an early seeding stage, a late maturity stage and a long growth period.

方福平, 潘文博 . 我国东北三省水稻生产发展研究
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Issu Agric Econ, 2008, ( 6):92-95

URL [本文引用: 1]

Qiu B W, Qi W, Tang Z H, Chen C C, Wang X Q . Rice cropping density and intensity lessened in southeast China during the twenty-first century
Environ Monit Assess, 2016,188:5

DOI:10.1007/s10661-015-5004-6URLPMID:26627210 [本文引用: 1]
Accurate and updated time series maps of paddy rice distribution and planting intensity will greatly improve our knowledge. Unfortunately, spatiotemporal explicit information on rice fields is relatively limited, and considerable uncertainties still exist as regards to its inter-annual variations in China. In this study, an improved rice mapping methodology was proposed through combined consideration of vegetation phenology and surface moisture variations from different seasonal rice. This method was applied to southeast China based on 50002m 802day composite Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Enhance Vegetation Indices with two bands (EVI2) during the period 2001-2013. Its efficiency was validated with 763 ground survey sites, with an overall accuracy of 95.0202% and the kappa index of 0.9217. Spatiotemporal analysis indicated that rice cropping density and intensity lessened in southeast China during the period 2001-2013. Particularly, the paddy rice-planted areas reduced by 30.0902%, changing from 231,005 to 161,48402km(2). Among them, the planted areas of double rice decreased by 49.3402%, changing from 34,215 to 17,33502km(2). Therefore, averaged rice cropping intensity in southeast China decreased from 1.148 to 1.107. The primary dynamic patterns were from single rice or a rotation of rice plus other crops to non-rice (93,38602km(2)) and double rice to non-double rice (24,13202km(2)). When analyzed at provincial and altitudinal gradient levels, it was obvious that areas with greater rice cropping density or intensity were associated with more remarkable reductions. Graphical abstract The left graph shows that the rice cropping density lessened in Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan provinces and other three provincial-level administrative units (Zhejiang, Fujian and Shanghai) from 2001 to 2013. The middle graph indicates the movement of gravity center as well as the variations in the total planted areas of single rice, rice plus others and double rice. The right graph denotes that the rice cropping intensity decreased in each provincial-level administrative unit from 2001 to 2013.

王连喜, 赵晶, 李琪, 吴荣军, 耿秀华 . 中国稻谷生产的重心演变路径及偏移分析
农业现代化研究, 2012,33:415-419

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0275.2012.04.007URL [本文引用: 3]
Wang L X, Zhao J, Li Q, Wu R J, Geng X H . Analysis of track and variation of paddy production gravity center of China from 1949 to 2009
Res AgricMod, 2012,33:415-419 (in Chinese with English abstract)

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0275.2012.04.007URL [本文引用: 3]

刘巽浩, 胡跃高, 陈阜 . 粮食——中国农业的永恒难题与主题
农业现代化研究, 2010,31:385-391

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Liu X H, Hu Y G, Chen F . The problem of cereals: eternal theme and difficult problem of Chinese agriculture
Res AgricMod, 2010,31:385-391 (in Chinese with English abstract)

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