
马铃薯块茎花色素苷合成相关R2R3 MYB蛋白基因的克隆和功能 分析

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

谈欢1, 刘玉汇,1,*, 李丽霞1, 王丽2, 李元铭1, 张俊莲,1,*1 甘肃省作物遗传改良与种质创新重点实验室 / 甘肃农业大学园艺学院 / 甘肃省干旱生境作物学重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730070
2 甘肃农业大学生命科学技术学院, 甘肃兰州 730070

Cloning and Functional Analysis of R2R3 MYB Genes Involved in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Potato Tuber

TAN Huan1, LIU Yu-Hui,1,*, LI Li-Xia1, WANG Li2, LI Yuan-Ming1, ZHANG Jun-Lian,1,* 1 Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement / College of Horticulture / Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
2 College of Life Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China

通讯作者: * (Corresponding authors): 刘玉汇, E-mail:lyhui@aliyun.com; 张俊莲, E-mail: zhangjunlian77@163.com

第一联系人: E-mail: 2440455662@qq.com
基金资助:本研究由国家自然科学基金项目(31601356), 甘肃省****科学基金项目(17JR5RA138), 甘肃省农业生物技术研究与应用开发专项(GNSW-2015-15), 甘肃省高等学校科研项目(2016A-030)和甘肃农业大学“伏羲人才”计划项目(Gaufx-02Y04)资助.

Fund supported: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31601356), Gansu Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (17JR5RA138), the Agricultural Biotechnology Research and Application Development Foundation of Gansu Province (GNSW-2015-15), Gansu Scientific Research Foundation for the Universities (2016A-030), and Fuxi Talent Project of Gansu Agricultural University (Gaufx-02Y04)..

植物花色素苷的合成代谢受转录因子的调控, 其中R2R3 MYB为最主要的转录调控因子。本研究以彩色四倍体马铃薯为试材, 克隆了R2R3 MYB基因家族里调控马铃薯块茎花色素苷合成R2R3 MYB-StAN1的3个同源基因, 并利用生物信息学分析、稳定烟草遗传转化、qPCR等方法对这3个同源基因的结构和功能进行分析和鉴定, 结果表明, 这3个同源基因均含有R2和R3保守结构域, 其主要差别在于C端由10个氨基酸序列组成的重复结构(R)数目不同, 根据R数目将其分别命名为StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3, 其蛋白分子量分别为28 047.91、29 458.35和31 527.60 Da, 等电点(pI)分别为6.14、6.90和8.39, 均为亲水蛋白。通过转化烟草发现, 转入StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3后, 烟草叶片叶色变化明显, 其中转StAN1-R1烟草叶色呈深红色, 其叶片花色素苷含量最高。进一步利用qPCR分析表明, 外源StAN1使烟草叶片花色素苷合成代谢途径的关键基因(NtCHS、NtCHI、NtF3H、NtF3’H、NtDFR、NtANS、NtUFGT)上调表达, 同时烟草内源NtbHLH基因的表达显著上升; StAN1-R1可以高效地调控烟草内源NtbHLH基因和结构基因NtDFRNtANS的表达。结果表明, StAN1的3个同源蛋白均可以调控花色素苷的合成, 而只含一个重复序列R的StAN1调控花色素苷合成的能力最强。
关键词: 马铃薯;花色素苷;R2R3 MYB;基因克隆;生物信息学分析;烟草转化;基因表达分析

The anthocyanins biosynthesis is regulated by transcription factors, and R2R3 MYB is the most important transcriptional regulator in plant. In this study, three homologous genes were isolated from tetraploid potato, belonging to R2R3 MYB gene family. The structure and function analysis of the three homologous genes were characterized by bioinformatics analysis, stable tobacco genetic transformation and qPCR assays. The three homologous genes contained R2 and R3 conserved domains, differed in the number of repeats (R) consisting of 10 amino acid sequences, and named as StAN1-R0, StAN1-R1, and StAN1-R3 according to the number of R. The coding proteins are hydrophilic with molecular weight of 28 047.91, 29 458.35, 31 527.60 Da, and isoelectric points (pI) of 6.14, 6.90, and 8.39, respectively. The accumulation of anthocyanin was significantly increased in StAN1-R0, StAN1-R1 and StAN1-R3 overexpressed plants. The leaf color of StAN1-R1-overexpressed plants was dark red with the highest anthocyanin content among the three transgenic events. The qPCR assays showed that exogenous StAN1 genes enhanced the expression of endogenous NtbHLH transcription factor as well as NtCHS, NtCHI, NtF3H, NtF3’H, NtDFR, NtANS, and NtUFGT, involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis in transgenic tobacco leaves. The overexpression of StAN1-R1 resulted in higher expression of NtDFR, NtANS, and endogenous NtbHLH in transgenic tobacco. The results showed that three homologous genes of StAN1 can regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis, among them StAN1-R1 containing one R has the strongest regulatory capacity.
Keywords:potato;anthocyanin;R2R3 MYB;gene cloning;bioinformatics analysis;stable tobacco transformation;gene expression analysis

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谈欢, 刘玉汇, 李丽霞, 王丽, 李元铭, 张俊莲. 马铃薯块茎花色素苷合成相关R2R3 MYB蛋白基因的克隆和功能
分析 [J]. 作物学报, 2018, 44(7): 1021-1031. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.01021
TAN Huan, LIU Yu-Hui, LI Li-Xia, WANG Li, LI Yuan-Ming, ZHANG Jun-Lian. Cloning and Functional Analysis of R2R3 MYB Genes Involved in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Potato Tuber[J]. Acta Crops Sinica, 2018, 44(7): 1021-1031. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.01021

花色素苷是一类以花色基元为基本结构的水溶性色素, 主要分为飞燕草色素、芍药色素和天竺葵色素等[1]。它们不仅可以使植物呈现出不同的色彩, 还有助于昆虫的传粉、植物生长素的运输以及保护叶片免受紫外线损伤, 同时具有抑制病虫害等重要的作用。此外, 它还具有抗癌、抗氧化等保健作用和药用价值[2], 因此近年来备受人们的关注。

花色素苷是类黄酮类次生代谢物质, 合成前体为苯丙氨酸。苯丙氨酸经苯丙氨酸裂解酶(PAL)、查尔酮合成酶(CHS)、查尔酮异构酶(CHI)、黄烷酮-3-羟基化酶(F3H)、黄烷酮-3'-羟基化酶(F3'H)、二氢黄酮醇还原酶(DFR)、花色素苷合成酶(ANS)或无色花色素双加氧酶(LDOX)形成不稳定的花色素苷, 再经类黄酮3-0-葡萄糖基转移酶(UFGT)催化生成稳定的花色素苷[3,4]。研究证实, 参与花色素苷合成的调控因子包括R2R3 MYB蛋白、bHLH蛋白和WD40蛋白三大类转录因子, 其中R2R3 MYB为最重要的转录因子, 其调控花色素苷合成已在苹果和葡萄上证实[5,6]。R2R3 MYB中R2和R3基序能够特异性识别DNA序列, R3 C端的螺旋结构能特异结合目标基因启动子区顺式作用元件中的核心序列[7]。植物bHLH转录因子能调控花器官发育和激素应答等[8,9], 其最重要的功能是调节类黄酮和花色素苷的合成。

R2R3 MYB蛋白调控植物花色素苷的合成已在果树[10]、小麦[11]、拟南芥[12]、甘蔗[13]等植物中报道, 例如, 苹果R2R3 MYB蛋白中的MdMYB10使DFR基因表达量上调[14], MdMYBA使ANS的转录水平提高[15], MdMYB1激活结构基因UFGTDFR, 从而提高了苹果花色素苷的含量[16]; 油桃中分离的MYB10能够正向调控DFR基因的表达, 促进花青素在果实中大量积累[17]; 拟南芥AtMYB75转录因子调控花色素苷的生物合成, 其异位表达促进类黄酮类物质生物合成相关基因的表达, 导致植物的大多数器官呈现紫色[18,19,20]

马铃薯中有117个MYB类转录因子, 其中R2R3型MYB数量最多, 它参与植物次生代谢调控、激素刺激和环境胁迫应答等过程[21], R2R3 MYB转录因子能够调控马铃薯薯皮和叶片中花色素苷合成途径结构基因的表达, 从而促进花色素苷的积累[22,23]。生物或非生物因素均能影响花色素苷的生物合成, 光照强度与StCHSStDFRStR2R3-MYB的表达正相关; 环境温度与StPALStDFRStR2R3-MYB的表达负相关[24,25,26,27,28]。本试验以彩色四倍体马铃薯为研究对象, 分离了3个马铃薯R2R3 MYB基因, 并以烟草为受体进行稳定遗传转化, 利用qPCR进行转基因烟草叶片中与花色素苷合成相关基因和转录因子的相对表达分析, 并分析3个同源基因的功能。本研究为进一步探究马铃薯块茎花色素苷合成的调控机制以及人工调控马铃薯块茎花色素苷合成提供理论和方法。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料和试剂

马铃薯品种 “新大坪”(XD: 白皮白肉)、“黑美人”(HM: 紫皮紫肉)、“甘农薯5号”(GN: 红皮白肉)和“青薯9号”(QS: 红皮白肉, 红色的维管束), 均在甘肃农业大学温室内种植。其中GN由甘肃农业大学培育, HM和XD是甘肃省当地栽培品种, QS由青海省农林科学院培育。分别在块茎收获期采集4个品种薯皮和薯肉, 立即放入液氮速冻, 于-80℃冰箱保存备用。野生型烟草由甘肃省作物遗传改良与种质创新重点实验室提供。

大肠杆菌DH5α感受态细胞和pGEM-T Easy Vector载体(抗性标记为氨苄青霉素)购自Promega公司; 限制性内切酶、T4 DNA连接酶和Taq DNA聚合酶购自TaKaRa公司; PureLink Plant RNA Reagent Kit购自Invitrogen公司; QuantiTect Reverse Transcription Kit购自Qiagen公司; DNA凝胶回收试剂盒购自北京天根公司; 其他生化试剂均为国产分析纯。

1.2 3个StAN1基因编码序列的克隆

将已报道的马铃薯StAN1的基因序列(AY841129)作为参考序列[29], 利用Oligo6设计引物StAN1-F (5°-ATGAGTACTCCTATGATGTGTA- 3°)和StAN1-R (5°-CTAATTAAGTAGATTCCATATATC-3°), 克隆4个品种StAN1基因的编码序列。用PureLink Plant RNA Reagent Kit试剂盒分别抽提4种马铃薯薯皮薯肉的总RNA。用Nanodrop ND-1000分光光度计(Thermofisher公司, 美国)测定RNA纯度和浓度, 并用1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定其完整性。利用QuantiTect Reverse Transcription Kit试剂盒进行反转录, 其中以Oligo(dT)20为引物, 在M-MLV反转录酶作用下合成cDNA第1链, 并在-20℃下保存。

PCR反应体系是由cDNA模板2 μL、10×buffer 2.5 μL、10 mmol L-1的上下游引物各1 μL、Taq DNA聚合酶0.5 μL、ddH2O 18 μL组成。反应程序为94℃预变性5 min; 94℃变性50 s, 57℃退火50 s, 72℃延伸1 min, 35个循环; 72℃延伸10 min。用1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测扩增产物。

将扩增得到的目的片段用琼脂糖凝胶试剂盒回收纯化, 并分别与pGEM-T Easy Vector载体连接, 转化大肠杆菌DH5α感受态细胞, 对所获得的白斑通过滞后质粒、PCR扩增、EcoR I酶切鉴定后, 于-80℃下保存, 并将阳性克隆送到生工生物工程(上海)有限公司进行DNA测序验证。

1.3 马铃薯StAN1转录因子家族成员的生物信息学分析

用在线软件Expasy (http://au.expasy.org/tools/)中提供的ProtParam和ProtScale分别进行蛋白质分子式、分子量、等电点、脂肪系数、不稳定系数和氨基酸亲疏水性的分析, 用SOPMA (https://npsa-prabi.ibcp.fr/cgi-bin/npsaautomat.pl?page=npsa_sopma.html)预测蛋白质的二级结构。使用在线分析软件InterPro: protein sequence analysis & classification (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/)进行保守性功能域分析。

以StAN1-R0为参比序列, 通过NCBI在线比对(http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi), 找出与其同源性较高的其他物种的氨基酸序列, 通过Clustal X2和DNAMAN软件进行氨基酸序列比对, 利用MEGA5.0软件构建系统进化树。

1.4 农杆菌介导叶盘法共转化烟草及表达分析

利用EcoR I酶切位点将StAN1 3个同源基因的全长片段重组到植物表达载体pSAK277中, 再将构建体转入农杆菌。使用农杆菌介导叶盘法[30]StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3基因转化到野生型烟草中, 通过Kan抗性筛选和颜色判定初步筛选阳性抗性苗。根据特异性引物(F1: 5°-GGCCACATATC AAGAGAGGTGACTTTG-3°, R1: 3°-TCACATCGTT AGCTGTCCTTCCTGG-5°)对所对应的目的基因进行PCR扩增鉴定, 分别用1.5%琼脂糖电泳检测扩增产物, 根据鉴定结果最终获得转StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3基因的烟草株系分别为6、9和7株。

1.5 利用qPCR分析转基因烟草中MYB基因的相对表达

分别提取转StAN1-R0、 StAN1-R1StAN1-R3基因烟草叶片的总RNA, 反转录获得的cDNA作为qPCR扩增模板, 根据特异性设计qPCR引物(表1)。以NtEF-1α基因(序列号为D63396)为内参, 在Mx3005p型实时荧光定量PCR仪中进行定量分析。反应体系包含浓度为50 ng μL-1的cDNA 2.0 μL、上下游引物0.4 μL、Nuclease-Free Water 7.2 μL和Go Taq qPCR Master Mix 10 μL。反应程序为95℃预变性5 min; 95℃变性5 s, 60℃退火5 s, 72℃延伸10 s, 循环40次。每个样品重复3次, 反应结束后采用2-ΔΔCT [31]法分析数据。

Table 1
Table 1Primer sequences for qRT-PCR in this study
Accession number
Forward primer (5'-3')
Reverse primer (5'-3')


1.6 转基因烟草中花色素苷平均含量的分析

将不同转基因烟草叶片样品在液氮中充分研磨, 取0.5 g转至5 mL的离心管, 加入酸性甲醇提取液至满管, 混匀, 4℃下黑暗放置24 h, 离心, 上清液转入25 mL的容量瓶, 残渣中加入酸性甲醇提取液, 悬浮混匀, 4℃下黑暗放置12 h, 离心取上清液。重复以上步骤1次, 最后将浸提液定容至25 mL。在400~800 nm可见光的波长范围内进行紫外-可见光吸收光谱的扫描, 确定其在可见光区的最大吸收波长。取1 mL花色苷提取液, 分别加入pH 1.0氯化钾缓冲液和pH 4.5醋酸钠缓冲液9 mL, 室温平衡1 h, 蒸馏水做空白对照, 分别在λmaxλ700下测定吸光值, 代入公式计算花色素苷总含量[32,33], 最后求其花色素苷含量平均值。

2 结果与分析

2.1 StAN1基因序列的克隆和分析

图1可以看出, 总RNA的28S和18S条带完整、清晰, 表明RNA的完整性良好。


RS1:“甘农薯5号”红色薯皮; WS:“新大坪”白色薯皮; PS:“黑美人”紫色薯皮; RS2:“青薯9号”红色薯皮; WF1:“甘农薯5号”白色薯肉; WF:“新大坪”白色薯肉; PF:“黑美人”紫色薯肉; WF2:“青薯9号”白色薯肉; RFV:“青薯9号”红色维管束; M: DNA marker。

Fig. 1Electrophoresis of the total RNA
RS1: GN, red skin; WS: XD, white skin; PS: HM, purple skin; RS2: QS, red skin; WF1: GN, white flesh; WF: XD, white flesh; PF: HM, purple flesh; WF2: QS, white flesh; RFV: QS, red vascular bundle; M: DNA marker.

以cDNA为模板, 通过PCR扩增, 从4个马铃薯品种的薯皮和薯肉中分别获得了长度为735、777和837 bp的完整片段(图2)。根据C端10个氨基酸序列组成的重复结构(R: TIAPQPQEGI)数目的不同(图3), 分别命名为StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3 (GenBank登录号依次为AKA95391、AKA95392和AKA95392)。其中在WS中含有StAN1-R0, WF中含有StAN1-R1; PS和PF只含有StAN1-R1; RS1、RS2、WF1、WF2和WFV中含有StAN1-R3。序列比对分析发现这3个序列间的同源性达到88.85%。StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3与参考序列(AY841129)的同源性分别为87.98%、94.57%和90.29%; StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3的同源性分别为89.15%和82.37%; StAN1-R1StAN1-R3的同源性为89.57%, 二者同源性最高。


RS1:“甘农薯5号”红色薯皮; WS:“新大坪”白色薯皮; PS:“黑美人”紫色薯皮; RS2:“青薯9号”红色薯皮; WF1:“甘农薯5号”白色薯肉; WF:“新大坪”白色薯肉; PF:“黑美人”紫色薯肉; WF2:“青薯9号”白色薯肉; RFV:“青薯9号”红色维管束; M: DNA marker。

Fig. 2PCR map of gene cloning
RS1: GN, red skin; WS: XD, white skin; PS: HM, purple skin; RS2: QS, red skin; WF1: GN, white flesh; WF: XD, white flesh; PF: HM, purple flesh; WF2: QS, white flesh; RFV: QS, red vascular bundle; M: DNA marker.


图3序列比对图 R表示重复结构TIAPQPQEGI。

Fig. 3Sequence comparison chart R indicates the repeat structure for TIAPQPQEGI.

2.2 马铃薯StAN1基因的生物信息学分析

2.2.1 马铃薯StAN1基因编码蛋白质的一级结构预测 通过在线工具ExPASy中的ProtParam预测马铃薯StAN1基因编码蛋白质的一级结构, 蛋白质分子式分别为C1227H1936N362O365S14、C1284H2019N377 O390S15和C1371H2164N402O423S15, 分子量分别为28 047.91、29 458.35和31 527.60 Da。等电点(pI)分别为8.39、6.90和6.14, 等电点的差异表明, 3个同源基因与其他植物的MYB基因在编码蛋白质稳定性、功能或者调控方式上有所差异[34]。3个蛋白质分别有负电荷残基(Asp+Glu) 30、32和34个, 正电荷残基(Arg+Lys) 33、32和32个。蛋白质三维结构不稳定系数(II)分别为46.97、48.64和50.76, 平均疏水性(GRAVY)分别为-0.693、-0.720和-0.712, 脂肪系数分别为(AI)为79.14、74.88和76.15。蛋白质不稳定系数均大于40, 三者表现为不稳定状态[35](表2)。

2.2.2 马铃薯StAN1基因编码蛋白质的疏水性/亲水性的预测和分析 蛋白质的疏水性可根据蛋白质的平均疏水性(GRAVY)值来预测, 当GRAVY大于0时, 为疏水蛋白; 当GRAVY小于0时, 为亲水蛋白[36]。根据ProtScale软件预测, 三者的平均疏水性GRAVY均小于0 (表2), 故推测马铃薯R2R3 MYB蛋白均为亲水蛋白。

Table 2
Table 2Primary structure prediction of potato StAN1 gene encoding proteins
Molecular weight (Da)
Instability index
Average of hydropathicity
Aliphatic index


2.2.3 马铃薯StAN1基因编码蛋白质的二级结构的预测和分析 根据SOPMA软件预测, 3种马铃薯StAN1基因编码的蛋白质均由α-螺旋、β-螺旋、无规则卷曲和延伸链组成。3个蛋白均为无规则卷曲>α-螺旋>延伸链>β-螺旋(表3)。

Table 3
Table 3Secondary structure analysis of StAN1 gene encoding protein (%)
Alpha helix
Beta turn
Random coil
Extended strand


2.2.4 马铃薯StANI-R0、StANI-R1和StANI-R3氨基酸同源性分析 多重序列比对结果显示, 这3个同源基因的编码区均含高度保守的R2和R3 MYB结构域, 分别由48个和46个氨基酸组成, 该结构域与来自茄科植物和其他科属植物MYB转录因子的保守结构域具有很高的同源性(图4)。系统进化分析表明, 与StAN1-R0智利番茄和多毛番茄同源基因相似性最高, 同源性为53.0%; 与单子叶植物玉米和水稻同源基因相似性较低, 分别为33.2%和29.3% (图5)。


图4一些茄科植物与其他科属植物的R2R3 MYB氨基酸序列多重比对
StAN1-R0_PSAK277, StAN1-R1_PSAK277, StAN1-R3_PSAK277: 马铃薯; AAF66727: 矮牵牛; AAA33482.1: 玉米; AAG42001.1-AAG42002.1: 拟南芥; ABB84753.1: 苹果; ABD72956.1: 葡萄; ABO26065.1: 智利番茄; ABX71488.1: 沙梨; ACI195261.1: 多毛番茄; ACN79541.1: 蒺藜苜蓿; ACO52470.1: 烟草; ADW94950.1: 矮牵牛; AFD31843.1: 马铃薯; AIP93873.1: 茄子; AMK01804.1: 茄子; BAF45114.1: 甘薯; NP_001311547.1: 辣椒; ABX71493.1: 甜樱桃; sp_O23892.1: 水稻。

Fig. 4Multiple alignment of amino acid sequence of R2R3 MYB in some solanaceae plants and other subfamily
StAN1-R0_PSAK277, StAN1-R1_PSAK277, StAN1-R3_PSAK277: Solanum tuberosum; AAF66727.1: Petunia×hybrida; AAA33482.1: Zea mays; AAG42001.1-AAG42002.1: Arabidopsis thaliana; ABB84753.1: Malus pumila; ABD72956.1: Vitis vinifera; ABO26065.1: Solanum chilense; ABX71488.1: Pyrus pyrifolia; ACI195261.1: Solanum habrochites; ACN79541.1: Medicago truncatula; ACO52470.1: Nicotiana tabacum; ADW94950.1: Petunia×hybrida; AFD31843.1: Solanum tuberosum; AIP93873.1: Solanum melongena; AMK01804.1: Solanum melongena; BAF45114.1: Ipomoes batats; NP_001311547.1: Capsicum annuum; ABX71493.1: Cerasus avium; sp_O23892.1: Oryza sativa.


图5StAN1基因与一些茄科和其他植物R2R3 MYB转录因子家族氨基酸序列的系统进化树分析

Fig. 5Phylogenetic tree analysis of the amino acid sequence of StAN1 genes and some R2R3 MYB transcription factor families in solanaceae and other plants

2.2.5 转StAN1基因烟草的鉴定及其花色素苷平均含量的分析 转目的基因StAN1的烟草叶片颜色呈现红色, 而CK的叶片为绿色, 转基因烟草的叶片和叶脉颜色深度分别为StAN1-R1>StAN1-R0>StAN1- R3 (图6-a, b)。对转基因烟草植株进行目的基因的PCR鉴定, 结果进一步证实3个目的基因已成功转入野生型烟草中(图7)。分别取转StAN1基因烟草和CK各3个株系的叶片测定花色素苷的含量发现, 转基因烟草叶片的花色素苷含量均明显高于CK, 且3个转基因烟草之间的花色素苷含量差异显著(图8), 转StAN1-R1烟草叶片中花色素苷平均含量最高, 为124.46 mg g-1 FW, StAN1-R3中平均含量最低, 为89.51 mg g-1 FW, 与表型相一致。


a: 转StAN1基因烟草的整株; b: 转StAN1基因烟草的叶片。

Fig. 6Phenotypic analysis of StAN1 transgenic tobacco
a: whole plant of StAN1 transgenic tobacco; b: leaves of StAN1 transgenic tobacco.


M: DNA marker; CK: 未转基因烟草; R0、R1、R3分别为转StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3基因烟草。

Fig. 7PCR identification of StAN1 transgenic tobacco
M: DNA marker; CK: non-genetically modified tobacco; R0, R1, R3: the transgenic tobacco of StAN1-R0, StAN1-R1, StAN1-R3, respectively.

2.2.6 转基因烟草中花色素苷合成关键基因的表达分析 从图9-A可以看出, 外源基因StAN1在转基因烟草中显著上调表达, 且3个基因的表达量之间无显著差异, 而在对照烟草中检测不到StAN1, 进一步说明外源基因StAN1已导入到烟草中。与CK相比, 转StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3基因烟草中参与花色素苷合成的相关基因表达量大幅上调, 包括合成途径中的早期表达基因NtCHSNtCHINtF3HNtF3’H和晚期表达基因NtDFRNtANSNtUFGT。其中NtDFRNtANS在转StAN1-R1烟草中的表达量显著高于转StAN1-R0StAN1-R3烟草中的。此外, 与CK相比, 转StAN1-R0, StAN1-R1StAN1-R3烟草叶片中内源NtbHLH转录因子(NtAN1aNtAN1b)的相对表达量均大幅度上调(图9-B~I), 说明3个目的基因的转入显著增强了NtbHLH基因的表达, 其中StAN1-R1对其调控能力最强, StAN1-R3的调控能力最弱, StAN1-R0的调控能力介于两者之间。


采用Duncan’s多重比较方法分析(P < 0.05, n = 3)。

Fig. 8Average content of anthocyanin in StAN1 transgenic tobacco and control
Duncan’s multiple comparisons were used to analyze (P < 0.05,n = 3).


采用Duncan’s多重比较方法分析(P < 0.05, n = 3)。

Fig. 9Gene expression relative to anthocyanin biosynthesis in transgenic tobacco
Duncan’s multiple comparisons were used to analyze (P < 0.05, n = 3).

3 讨论

四倍体马铃薯的栽培种遗传背景复杂, 不同品种的彩色马铃薯所合成花色素苷的种类和数量也不同。MYB是参与调控植物花色素苷合成中涉及最广泛的转录因子, 研究者已在多种植物中克隆分离出大量的与花色素苷合成积累有关的MYB转录因子, 且对其研究较为深入[37]。植物MYB蛋白的结构域高度保守, 该结构域通常包括1~4个重复的氨基酸R基序, 根据R基序的数量分为R1 MYB蛋白、R2R3 MYB蛋白、R1R2R3 MYB蛋白和4R MYB蛋白[10], 其中R2R3 MYB在参与调控不同植物以及同种植物不同组织器官中的花色素苷合成与积累中尤为重要[38]。研究发现, 在马铃薯红色薯皮和紫色薯皮中表达的基因D是二倍体马铃薯薯皮花色素苷合成的转录调控基因, 其编码R2R3 MYB-StAN1转录因子[25]。StAN1不仅调控薯皮颜色, 而且与StJAF13转录因子协同调控马铃薯红叶品种“Magenta Love”的叶片颜色; 在另一个红叶品种‘Double Fun’中, StbHLH1转录因子与StAN1和StJAF13共同调控叶片颜色[23]

本实验从不同颜色的四倍体马铃薯块茎中克隆分离了StAN1的3个同源基因, 通过序列比对分析发现其区别在于C末端3个重复序列数目(R)不同, 根据R数目分别命名为StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3。通过进一步转化烟草分析发现, StAN1-R0、StAN1-R1以及StAN1-R3均显著调控烟草叶片花色素苷合成相关的结构基因, 使烟草叶片明显积累花色素苷从而呈现红色, 其中含有一个重复序列R的StAN1-R1调控能力最强, 烟草叶片呈现深红色, 花色素苷含量积累最多, StAN1-R3调控能力最弱, 说明R在StAN1调控花色素苷能力方面具有重要功能。

另有研究表明, MYB转录因子需要与其他转录因子结合协同调控花色素苷的合成[39,40]。本研究发现转StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3烟草叶片中NtbHLH基因显著上调表达, 说明外源基因StAN1导入烟草后可以激活烟草内源转录因子NtbHLH的表达, 其表达量在转StAN1-R1烟草中最高, 在转StAN1-R3烟草中最低, 与烟草叶片中花色素苷含量相一致, 因此推测NtbHLH也是调控花色素苷合成的重要转录因子, StAN1与NtbHLH协同调控烟草叶片花色素苷的合成。

综上所述, StAN1转录因子调控花色素苷合成有两个重要机制, 一是C末端结构不同的3个StAN1同源蛋白调控花色素苷合成的能力不同, 其中含一个重复序列R的StAN1-R1调控能力最强, 说明R具有重要功能; 二是StAN1显著调控内源bHLH转录因子的表达, 推测其与bHLH转录因子协同调控花色素苷生物合成相关结构基因的表达, 从而促进花色素苷的合成与积累。

4 结论

本试验克隆了马铃薯R2R3 MYB家族的3个同源基因StAN1-R0StAN1-R1StAN1-R3。StAN1-R0的分子量最小, StAN1-R3分子量最大。3个同源基因编码的蛋白质均为不稳定状态, 二级结构均由α-螺旋、β-螺旋、无规则卷曲和延伸链组成, 均含有2个高度保守结构域R2和R3。与StAN1基因同源性最高的为智利番茄和多毛番茄, 同源性最低的为玉米和水稻。叶色深度为StAN1-R1>StAN1-R0>StAN1- R3>CK。花色素苷含量为StAN1-R1>StAN1-R0> StAN1-R3>CK。StAN1的异源表达激活了烟草叶片内花色素苷合成的早期生物基因(NtCHSNtCHINtF3HNtF3’H)和晚期生物基因(NtDFRNtANSNtUFGT)的表达, 同时也显著增强了内源NtbHLH转录因子的表达, 其中, 含有一个R基序的StAN1-R1调控能力最强。本研究为更深入了解R2R3 MYB转录因子参与调控马铃薯块茎花色素苷合成提供了理论基础。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[本文引用: 2]

Wang Y Q, Zhang B, Chen W J, Liu D C, Liu B L, Zhang H G . Cloning and functional analysis of R2R3-MYB transcription factor TaMYB3-4D in wheat
Acta Bot Boreali-Occident Sin, 2015,35:646-652 (in Chinese with English abstract)

[本文引用: 2]

樊锦涛, 蒋琛茜, 邢继红, 董金皋 . 拟南芥R2R3-MYB家族22亚族的结构与功能
遗传, 2014,36(10):1-10

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1005.2014.0985URL [本文引用: 1]
拟南芥R2R3-MYB转录因子在拟南芥生长发育、代谢及响应生物和非生物胁迫的调控网络中具有重要作用。根据保守的氨基酸序列,R2R3-MYB转录因子被分为25个亚族,其中第22亚族包含AtMYB44、AtMYB77、AtMYB73和AtMYB70 4个基因,主要响应生物和非生物胁迫。文章从基因功能的相似性、基因表达的一致性和基因结构的保守性3方面综述了第22亚族的4个基因,并综合讨论了其在结构与功能上的冗余性和多样性。
Fan J T, Jiang C Q, Xing J H, Dong J G . Structure and function of
Arabidopsis R2R3-MYB family 22 subfamily. Hereditas, 2014,36(10):1-10 (in Chinese with English abstract)

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1005.2014.0985URL [本文引用: 1]
拟南芥R2R3-MYB转录因子在拟南芥生长发育、代谢及响应生物和非生物胁迫的调控网络中具有重要作用。根据保守的氨基酸序列,R2R3-MYB转录因子被分为25个亚族,其中第22亚族包含AtMYB44、AtMYB77、AtMYB73和AtMYB70 4个基因,主要响应生物和非生物胁迫。文章从基因功能的相似性、基因表达的一致性和基因结构的保守性3方面综述了第22亚族的4个基因,并综合讨论了其在结构与功能上的冗余性和多样性。

郭晋隆, 李国印, 苏亚春, 王恒波, 阙友雄, 徐景升, 许莉萍 . 甘蔗R2R3-MYB类似基因Sc2RMyb1的克隆及表达特性分析
农业生物技术学报, 2012,20:1009-1017

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-7968.2012.09.004URL [本文引用: 1]
Guo J L, Li G Y, Su Y C, Wang H B, Que Y X, Xu J S, Xu L P . Cloning and expression analysis of R2R3-MYB like gene Sc2RMyb1 from sugarcane
Chin J Agric Biotechol, 2012,20:1009-1017 (in Chinese with English abstract)

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-7968.2012.09.004URL [本文引用: 1]

Espley R V, Hellens R P, Putterill J, Stevenson D E, Kutty-Amma S, Allan A C . Red colouration in apple fruit is due to the activity of the MYB transcription factor, MdMYB10
Plant J, 2007,49:414-427

DOI:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2006.02964.xURLPMID:1865000 [本文引用: 1]
Anthocyanin concentration is an important determinant of the colour of many fruits. In apple (Malus x domestica), centuries of breeding have produced numerous varieties in which levels of anthocyanin pigment vary widely and change in response to environmental and developmental stimuli. The apple fruit cortex is usually colourless, although germplasm does exist where the cortex is highly pigmented due to the accumulation of either anthocyanins or carotenoids. From studies in a diverse array of plant species, it is apparent that anthocyanin biosynthesis is controlled at the level of transcription. Here we report the transcript levels of the anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in a red-fleshed apple compared with a white-fleshed cultivar. We also describe an apple MYB transcription factor, MdMYB10, that is similar in sequence to known anthocyanin regulators in other species. We further show that this transcription factor can induce anthocyanin accumulation in both heterologous and homologous systems, generating pigmented patches in transient assays in tobacco leaves and highly pigmented apple plants following stable transformation with constitutively expressed MdMYB10. Efficient induction of anthocyanin biosynthesis in transient assays by MdMYB10 was dependent on the co-expression of two distinct bHLH proteins from apple, MdbHLH3 and MdbHLH33. The strong correlation between the expression of MdMYB10 and apple anthocyanin levels during fruit development suggests that this transcription factor is responsible for controlling anthocyanin biosynthesis in apple fruit; in the red-fleshed cultivar and in the skin of other varieties, there is an induction of MdMYB10 expression concurrent with colour formation during development. Characterization of MdMYB10 has implications for the development of new varieties through classical breeding or a biotechnological approach.

Ban Y, Honda C, Hatsuyama Y, Igarashi M, Bessho H, Moriguchi T . Isolation and functional analysis of a MYB transcription factor gene that is a key regulator for the development of red coloration in apple skin
Plant Cell Physiol, 2007,48:958-970

DOI:10.1093/pcp/pcm066URLPMID:17526919 [本文引用: 1]
Red coloration of apple (Malus x domestica) skin is an important determinant of consumer preference and marketability. Anthocyanins are responsible for this coloration, and their accumulation is positively correlated with the expression level of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes. Regulation of expression of these genes is believed to be controlled by MYB transcription factors, and the MYB transcription factors involved in the activation of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes have been isolated in various plants. In the present study, we isolated and characterized a MYB transcription factor gene (MdMYBA) from apple skin. Characterization of MdMYBA demonstrated that (i) MdMYBA expression was specifically regulated depending on the tissue and cultivar/species; (ii) its expression level was much higher in a deep-red cultivar ('Jonathan') than in a pale-red cultivar ('Tsugaru'); (iii) when cauliflower mosaic virus 35S::MdMYBA was introduced into the cotyledons of apple seedlings by means of a transient assay, reddish-purple spots were induced, and MdMYBA also induced anthocyanin accumulation in reproductive tissues of transgenic tobacco; (iv) the expression of MdMYBA was induced by UV-B irradiation and low-temperature treatment, both of which are known to be important in the promotion of anthocyanin accumulation in apple skin; (v) MdMYBA bound specifically to an anthocyanidin synthase (MdANS) promoter region in a gel-shift assay; and (vi) MdMYBA was mapped to the near region of the BC226-STS (a1) marker for the red skin color locus (R(f)). These results suggest that MdMYBA is a key regulatory gene in anthocyanin biosynthesis in apple skin.

Takos A M, Jaffe F W, Jacob S R, Bogs J, Robinson S P, Walker A R . Light induced expression of a MYB gene regulates anthocyanin biosynthesis in red apples
Plant Physiol, 2006,142:1216-1232

DOI:10.1104/pp.106.088104URLPMID:17012405 [本文引用: 1]
Abstract Anthocyanins are secondary metabolites found in higher plants that contribute to the colors of flowers and fruits. In apples (Malus domestica Borkh.), several steps of the anthocyanin pathway are coordinately regulated, suggesting control by common transcription factors. A gene encoding an R2R3 MYB transcription factor was isolated from apple (cv Cripps' Pink) and designated MdMYB1. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence suggests that this gene encodes an ortholog of anthocyanin regulators in other plants. The expression of MdMYB1 in both Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants and cultured grape cells induced the ectopic synthesis of anthocyanin. In the grape (Vitis vinifera) cells MdMYB1 stimulated transcription from the promoters of two apple genes encoding anthocyanin biosynthetic enzymes. In ripening apple fruit the transcription of MdMYB1 was correlated with anthocyanin synthesis in red skin sectors of fruit. When dark-grown fruit were exposed to sunlight, MdMYB1 transcript levels increased over several days, correlating with anthocyanin synthesis in the skin. MdMYB1 gene transcripts were more abundant in red skin apple cultivars compared to non-red skin cultivars. Several polymorphisms were identified in the promoter of MdMYB1. A derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence marker designed to one of these polymorphisms segregated with the inheritance of skin color in progeny from a cross of an unnamed red skin selection (a sibling of Cripps' Pink) and the non-red skin cultivar Golden Delicious. We conclude that MdMYB1 coordinately regulates genes in the anthocyanin pathway and the expression level of this regulator is the genetic basis for apple skin color.

Ravaglia D, Espley R V, Henry-Kirk R A, Andreotti C, Ziosi V, Hellens R P, Costa G, Allan A C . Transcriptional regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis in nectarine (Prunus persica) by a set of R2R3 MYB transcription factors.
BMC Plant Biol, 2013,13:68-81

DOI:10.1186/1471-2229-13-68URLPMID:3648406 [本文引用: 1]
Background Flavonoids such as anthocyanins, flavonols and proanthocyanidins, play a central role in fruit colour, flavour and health attributes. In peach and nectarine ( Prunus persica ) these compounds vary during fruit growth and ripening. Flavonoids are produced by a well studied pathway which is transcriptionally regulated by members of the MYB and bHLH transcription factor families. We have isolated nectarine flavonoid regulating genes and examined their expression patterns, which suggests a critical role in the regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis. Results In nectarine, expression of the genes encoding enzymes of the flavonoid pathway correlated with the concentration of proanthocyanidins, which strongly increases at mid-development. In contrast, the only gene which showed a similar pattern to anthocyanin concentration was UDP-glucose-flavonoid-3-O-glucosyltransferase ( UFGT) , which was high at the beginning and end of fruit growth, remaining low during the other developmental stages. Expression of flavonol synthase ( FLS1) correlated with flavonol levels, both temporally and in a tissue specific manner. The pattern of UFGT gene expression may be explained by the involvement of different transcription factors, which up-regulate flavonoid biosynthesis ( MYB10 , MYB123 , and bHLH3 ), or repress ( MYB111 and MYB16 ) the transcription of the biosynthetic genes. The expression of a potential proanthocyanidin-regulating transcription factor, MYBPA1 , corresponded with proanthocyanidin levels. Functional assays of these transcription factors were used to test the specificity for flavonoid regulation. Conclusions MYB10 positively regulates the promoters of UFGT and dihydroflavonol 4-reductase ( DFR ) but not leucoanthocyanidin reductase ( LAR ). In contrast, MYBPA1 trans-activates the promoters of DFR and LAR , but not UFGT . This suggests exclusive roles of anthocyanin regulation by MYB10 and proanthocyanidin regulation by MYBPA1. Further, these transcription factors appeared to be responsive to both developmental and environmental stimuli.

Bhargava A, Mansfield S D, Hall H C, Douglas C J, Ellis B E . MYB75 functions in regulation of secondary cell wall formation in the Arabidopsis inflorescence stem
Plant Physiol, 2010,154:1428-1438

DOI:10.1104/pp.110.162735URLPMID:20807862 [本文引用: 1]
Deposition of lignified secondary cell walls in plants involves a major commitment of carbon skeletons in both the form of polysaccharides and phenylpropanoid constituents. This process is spatially and temporally regulated by transcription factors, including a number of MYB family transcription factors. MYB75, also called PRODUCTION OF ANTHOCYANIN PIGMENT1, is a known regulator of the anthocyanin branch of the phenylpropanoid pathway in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), but how this regulation might impact other aspects of carbon metabolism is unclear. We established that a loss-of-function mutation in MYB75 (myb75-1) results in increased cell wall thickness in xylary and interfascicular fibers within the inflorescence stem. The total lignin content and S/G ratio of the lignin monomers were also affected. Transcript profiles from the myb75-1 inflorescence stem revealed marked up-regulation in the expression of a suite of genes associated with lignin biosynthesis and cellulose deposition, as well as cell wall modifying proteins and genes involved in photosynthesis and carbon assimilation. These patterns suggest that MYB75 acts as a repressor of the lignin branch of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Since MYB75 physically interacts with another secondary cell wall regulator, the KNOX transcription factor KNAT7, these regulatory proteins may form functional complexes that contribute to the regulation of secondary cell wall deposition in the Arabidopsis inflorescence stem and that integrate the metabolic flux through the lignin, flavonoid, and polysaccharide pathways.

B?hner S, Gatz C . Characterisation of novel target promoters for the dexamethasone-inducible/tetracycline-repressible regulator TGV using luciferase and isopenteny1 transferase as sensitive reporter genes
Mol Gen Genet, 2001,264:860-870

DOI:10.1007/s004380000376URLPMID:11254134 [本文引用: 1]
Abstract The chimeric transcriptional activator TGV mediates dexamethasone (dx)-inducible and tetracycline (tc)-repressible transgene expression in tobacco (dx-on/ tc-off system). The expression profiles of four different synthetic target promoters, comprising multiple TGV binding sites upstream of a core promoter, were characterised using the sensitive luciferase assay. Induction factors of over 1,000 were measured in roots and leaves of over 30% of the transgenic plants, irrespective of the promoter used. Promoters PTF and PTax, which carry the -48 to +1 region of the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter, showed higher expression levels in both the uninduced and induced states than PTop10 and PTFM, which harbour several point mutations in this region. Moreover, PTax expressed higher background activities than PTF, indicating that the sequence of the synthetic regulatory region can influence background levels. The usefulness of the dx-on/tc-off system for experiments addressing gene function was demonstrated by using it to control the expression of isopentenyl transferase. This enzyme catalyses the rate-limiting step in cytokinin biosynthesis and causes phenotypic effects even at low expression levels. Only dx-induced transgenic plants displayed phenotypic alterations indicative for increased cytokinin synthesis (e.g. outgrowth of lateral buds). Simultaneous treatment of selected buds with the antiinducer tc suppressed bud growth. This result suggests that cytokinins cannot serve as mobile signals to elicit the release of apical dominance in tissues compromised for enhanced cytokinin synthesis.

Zuluaga D L, Gonzali S, Loreti E, Pucciariello C, Deg1’-Innocenti E, Guidi L, Alpi A, Perata P . Arabidopsis thaliana MYB75/PAP1 transcription factor induces anthocyanin production in transgenic tomato plants
Funct Plant Biol, 2008,35:606-618

DOI:10.1016/j.carres.2003.11.008URL [本文引用: 1]
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv. Micro-Tom plants were transformed with the Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyhn. MYB75/PAP1 (PRODUCTION OF ANTHOCYANIN PIGMENT 1) gene. This gene encodes for a well known transcription factor, which is involved in anthocyanin production and is modulated by light and sucrose. Transgenic tomato plants expressing AtMYB75 were characterised by a significantly higher anthocyanin production in leaves, stems, roots and flowers under normal growth conditions. Further, they also exhibited anthocyanins in fruits. Anthocyanin accumulation was not widespread but took place in specific groups of cells located in epidermal or cortical regions or in proximity of vascular bundles. In all the organs of the transgenic plants, where AtMYB75 overexpression was determined, a clear increase in the accumulation of DFR (DIHYDROFLAVONOL 4-REDUCTASE) transcript was also detected. The expression of the tomato MYB-gene ANT1 (ANTHOCYANIN1), which had previously been identified as a transcriptional endogenous regulator of anthocyanin biosynthesis, was not altered. The higher basal content of anthocyanins in the leaves of the transgenic plants could be further increased in the presence of high light conditions and contributed to mitigate photobleaching damages under high irradiance.

Knight H, Trewavas A J, Knight M R . Calcium signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana responding to drought and salinity.
Plant J, 1997,12 : 1067-1078

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黄艳岚 . 马铃薯花青素转录激活基因的克隆与序列分析
华南热带农业大学硕士学位论文, 广东广州, 2006

URL [本文引用: 1]
花青素具有抗氧化、抗突变、抗增生等重要的生理功能,紫色马铃薯因其富含花青素而被称为健康食品。花青素 在植物不同组织中积累的模式和程度是受花青素转录激活基因的表达而共同调控的。分离克隆紫色马铃薯花色素合成的转录激活基因(MYC和MYB基因),以进 一步鉴定他们的功能,可为阐明马铃薯花色素生物合成和沉积机制提供理论依据,另外还可为培育高花色素含量的马铃薯新品种提供理论基础。 本文首先采用RT-PCR方法从紫色马铃薯紫皮RNA中扩增了花青素转录激活基因MYC的保守区域片段(Stmyc1),测序后再通过3'-RACE技术 获得马铃薯转录激活基因的cDNA3’末端序列(Stmyc2),拼接获得长为1106bp的Stmyc基因。再对所获得马铃薯Stmyc基因进行阅读编 码框分析及BLASTn和BLASTx分析,并通过ClastalW软件分析Stmyc基因的系统发育树,再对Stmyc基因进行功能预测。 同时采用RT-PCR方法从紫色马铃薯紫皮RNA中扩增了花青素转录激活基因R2R3MYB的保守区域片段(Stmyb280和Stmyb211),对所 获得的片段进行BLASTn、BLASTx、ClastalW和CDDv1.65分析。 结果如下:1)首次从马铃薯紫皮中获得马铃薯Stmyc基因cDNA序列,其长度为1106bp,具有完整的编码阅读框,编码区为10-990bp,共编 码326个氨基酸。经序列比较发现Stmyc基因编码蛋白与紫苏MYC类基因编码蛋白的一致性达94%。蛋白质功能预测具有bHLH结构域,与MYC类蛋 白的保守结构功能域也是基本吻合的,初步认为获得了与马铃薯花色素合成相关的myc基因(Stmyc)。 2)获得马铃薯转录激活基因R2R3MYB基因的保守序列(Stmyb211和Stmyb280)。Stmyb211编码的蛋白与番茄素THM27、葡萄 抗毒素GNF13、拟南芥At4g38620和MYB转录因子的花青素R2R3MYB类蛋白有94%的相似性。Stmyb280编码的蛋白与拟南芥MYB 转录因子At3g61250(AY519601)、玉米R2R3-MYBmyb3蛋白(AF474116)、黑麦R2R3-MYB蛋白 myb4(AY178579)和海棠MYB14(DQ074465)的同源性较低。用蛋白保守结构功能域分析Stmyb211和Stmyb280片段都含 有一个Myb-DNA-binding框。
Huang Y L . Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Potato Anthocyanin Transcriptional Activated Genes
MS Thesis of South China Tropical Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China, 2006 ( in Chinese with English abstract)

URL [本文引用: 1]
花青素具有抗氧化、抗突变、抗增生等重要的生理功能,紫色马铃薯因其富含花青素而被称为健康食品。花青素 在植物不同组织中积累的模式和程度是受花青素转录激活基因的表达而共同调控的。分离克隆紫色马铃薯花色素合成的转录激活基因(MYC和MYB基因),以进 一步鉴定他们的功能,可为阐明马铃薯花色素生物合成和沉积机制提供理论依据,另外还可为培育高花色素含量的马铃薯新品种提供理论基础。 本文首先采用RT-PCR方法从紫色马铃薯紫皮RNA中扩增了花青素转录激活基因MYC的保守区域片段(Stmyc1),测序后再通过3'-RACE技术 获得马铃薯转录激活基因的cDNA3’末端序列(Stmyc2),拼接获得长为1106bp的Stmyc基因。再对所获得马铃薯Stmyc基因进行阅读编 码框分析及BLASTn和BLASTx分析,并通过ClastalW软件分析Stmyc基因的系统发育树,再对Stmyc基因进行功能预测。 同时采用RT-PCR方法从紫色马铃薯紫皮RNA中扩增了花青素转录激活基因R2R3MYB的保守区域片段(Stmyb280和Stmyb211),对所 获得的片段进行BLASTn、BLASTx、ClastalW和CDDv1.65分析。 结果如下:1)首次从马铃薯紫皮中获得马铃薯Stmyc基因cDNA序列,其长度为1106bp,具有完整的编码阅读框,编码区为10-990bp,共编 码326个氨基酸。经序列比较发现Stmyc基因编码蛋白与紫苏MYC类基因编码蛋白的一致性达94%。蛋白质功能预测具有bHLH结构域,与MYC类蛋 白的保守结构功能域也是基本吻合的,初步认为获得了与马铃薯花色素合成相关的myc基因(Stmyc)。 2)获得马铃薯转录激活基因R2R3MYB基因的保守序列(Stmyb211和Stmyb280)。Stmyb211编码的蛋白与番茄素THM27、葡萄 抗毒素GNF13、拟南芥At4g38620和MYB转录因子的花青素R2R3MYB类蛋白有94%的相似性。Stmyb280编码的蛋白与拟南芥MYB 转录因子At3g61250(AY519601)、玉米R2R3-MYBmyb3蛋白(AF474116)、黑麦R2R3-MYB蛋白 myb4(AY178579)和海棠MYB14(DQ074465)的同源性较低。用蛋白保守结构功能域分析Stmyb211和Stmyb280片段都含 有一个Myb-DNA-binding框。

D’Amelia V, Aversano R, Batelli G, Caruso I, Castellano Moreno M, Castro-SanzA B, Chiaiese P, Fasano C, Palomba F, Carputo D . High AN1 variability and interaction with basic helix-loop-helix co-factors related to anthocyanin biosynthesis in potato leaves
Plant J, 2014 , 80:527-540

DOI:10.1111/tpj.12653URLPMID:25159050 [本文引用: 1]
Summary AN1 is a regulatory gene that promotes anthocyanin biosynthesis in potato tubers and encodes a R2R3 MYB transcription factor. However, no clear evidence implicates AN1 in anthocyanin production in leaves, where these pigments might enhance environmental stress tolerance. In our study we found that AN1 displays intraspecific sequence variability in both coding/non-coding regions and in the promoter, and that its expression is associated with high anthocyanin content in leaves of commercial potatoes. Expression analysis provided evidence that leaf pigmentation is associated to AN1 expression and that StJAF13 acts as putative AN1 co-regulator for anthocyanin gene expression in leaves of the red leaf variety ‘Magenta Love,’ while a concomitant expression of StbHLH1 may contribute to anthocyanin accumulation in leaves of ‘Double Fun.’ Yeast two-hybrid experiments confirmed that AN1 interacts with StbHLH1 and StJAF13 and the latter interaction was verified and localized in the cell nucleus by bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays. In addition, transgenic tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) overexpressing a combination of either AN1 with StJAF13 or AN1 with StbHLH1 showed deeper purple pigmentation with respect to AN1 alone. This further confirmed AN1/StJAF13 and AN1/StbHLH1 interactions. Our findings demonstrate that the classical loci identified for potato leaf anthocyanin accumulation correspond to AN1 and may represent an important step to expand our knowledge on the molecular mechanisms underlying anthocyanin biosynthesis in different plant tissues.

Hong Y, Tang X J, Huang H, Zhang Y, Dai S L . Transcriptomic analyses reveal species-specific light-induced anthocyanin biosynthesis in chrysanthemum
BMC Genomics, 2015,16:202

DOI:10.1186/s12864-015-1428-1URLPMID:4404602 [本文引用: 2]
Background The flower colour of agricultural products is very important for their commercial value, which is mainly attributed to the accumulation of anthocyanins. Light is one of the key environmental factors that affect the anthocyanin biosynthesis. However, the deep molecular mechanism remains elusive, and many problems regarding the phenotypic change and the corresponding gene regulation are still unclear. In the present study, Chrysanthemum ?? morifolium ???Purple Reagan???, a light-responding pigmentation cultivar, was selected to investigate the mechanism of light-induced anthocyanin biosynthesis using transcriptomic analyses. Results Only cyanidin derivatives were identified based on the analyses of the pigmentation in ray florets. Shading experiments revealed that the capitulum was the key organ and that its bud stage was the key phase responding to light. These results were used to design five libraries for transcriptomic analyses, including three capitulum developmental stages and two light conditions. RNA sequences were de novo assembled into 103,517 unigenes, of which 60,712 were annotated against four public protein databases. As many as 2,135 unigenes were differentially expressed between the light and dark libraries with 923 up-regulated and 1,212 down-regulated unigenes in response to shading. Next, interactive pathway analysis showed that the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway was the only complete metabolic pathway both modulated in response to light and related to capitulum development. Following the shading treatment, nearly all structural genes involved in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway were down-regulated. Moreover, three CmMYB genes and one CmbHLH gene were identified as key transcription factors that might participate in the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis under light conditions based on clustering analysis and validation by RT-qPCR. Finally, a light-induced anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway in chrysanthemums was inferred. Conclusion The pigmentation of the ray florets of chrysanthemum cultivar ???Purple Reagan??? is dependent on light. During the light-induced pigmentation process, the expression of seven structural genes in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway (regulated by at least four transcription factors in response to light) are the main contributors to the pigmentation of chrysanthemums. This information will further our understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing light-induced anthocyanin biosynthesis in ornamental plants.

武红霞, 马小卫, 王松标, 许文天, 罗纯, 姚全胜, 詹儒林, 高中山 . 不同生态条件杧果着色及花色苷合成相关基因表达比较
果树学报, 2016,33:16-23

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【目的】比较2个不同生态区杧果果实着色的差异,并探讨着色差异的内在机理。【方法】试验于2012年比较了‘台农1号’杧果在四川攀枝花和广东雷州2个生态区的果皮颜色、花色苷含量和花色苷合成相关基因表达模式差异。【结果】四川攀枝花地区高海拔、昼夜温差大,较低降雨量,该生态区‘台农1号’杧果果皮花色苷含量显著高于雷州地区,着色较好,果皮色度角显著低于雷州地区。花色苷合成基因Mi PAL、Mi C4H、Mi CHS1、Mi F3H1、Mi DFR和Mi UFGT的相对表达量以攀枝花地区显著高于雷州地区,其中Mi C4H、Mi CHS1、Mi F3H1、Mi DFR和Mi UFGT基因的相对表达量分别为雷州地区的130、228、63、2.7和4.3倍。【结论】四川攀枝花地区海拔高、辐射强和昼夜温差大等生态因子有利于诱导果皮中花色苷合成相关基因尤其是Mi PAL、Mi CHS1、Mi DFR和Mi UFGT的表达,促进‘台农1号’果皮着色。
Wu H X, Ma X W, Wang S B, Xu W T, Luo C, Yao Q S, Zhan R L, Gao Z S . Comparison of gene expression related to anthocyanin coloring and anthocyanin biosynthesis in different ecological conditions
J Fruit Sci, 2016,33:16-23 (in Chinese with English abstract)

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【目的】比较2个不同生态区杧果果实着色的差异,并探讨着色差异的内在机理。【方法】试验于2012年比较了‘台农1号’杧果在四川攀枝花和广东雷州2个生态区的果皮颜色、花色苷含量和花色苷合成相关基因表达模式差异。【结果】四川攀枝花地区高海拔、昼夜温差大,较低降雨量,该生态区‘台农1号’杧果果皮花色苷含量显著高于雷州地区,着色较好,果皮色度角显著低于雷州地区。花色苷合成基因Mi PAL、Mi C4H、Mi CHS1、Mi F3H1、Mi DFR和Mi UFGT的相对表达量以攀枝花地区显著高于雷州地区,其中Mi C4H、Mi CHS1、Mi F3H1、Mi DFR和Mi UFGT基因的相对表达量分别为雷州地区的130、228、63、2.7和4.3倍。【结论】四川攀枝花地区海拔高、辐射强和昼夜温差大等生态因子有利于诱导果皮中花色苷合成相关基因尤其是Mi PAL、Mi CHS1、Mi DFR和Mi UFGT的表达,促进‘台农1号’果皮着色。

孟富宣, 周军, 辛培尧, 董娇, 徐世宏, 段淋渊 . 苹果花色素苷生物合成及调控的研究现状
北方园艺, 2015, ( 7):180-187

DOI:10.11937/bfyy.201507050URL [本文引用: 2]
苹果果实颜色是影响消费者需求 重要的品质性状,苹果的红色是由花色素苷积累水平决定的,花色素苷是次生代谢产物黄酮类化合物中的一类。文章综述了花色苷合成过程中结构基因、调控基因、 环境因素、管理措施和组织机构对花色苷积累的影响,目的是为实现优质果实品质提供新的方法,包括视觉上的吸引力和营养价值的提升。
Meng F X, Zhou J, Xin P Y, Dong J, Xu S H, Duan L Y . Research status of anthocyanin biosynthesis and regulation in apple
North Hortic, 2015, ( 7):180-187 (in Chinese with English abstract)

DOI:10.11937/bfyy.201507050URL [本文引用: 2]
苹果果实颜色是影响消费者需求 重要的品质性状,苹果的红色是由花色素苷积累水平决定的,花色素苷是次生代谢产物黄酮类化合物中的一类。文章综述了花色苷合成过程中结构基因、调控基因、 环境因素、管理措施和组织机构对花色苷积累的影响,目的是为实现优质果实品质提供新的方法,包括视觉上的吸引力和营养价值的提升。

D’Amelia V, Aversano R, Ruggiero A, Batelli G, Appelhagen I, Dinacci C, Hill L, Martin C, Carputo D . Subfunctionalization of duplicate MYB genes in Solanum commersonii generated the cold-induced ScAN2 and the anthocyanin regulator ScAN1
Plant Cell Environ, 2017. doi: http://zwxb.chinacrops.org/article/2018/0496-3490/10.1111/pce.12966

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Qin Y Z, Tai G, Xie K Y, He C Z, Xiong X Y . Ambient light aters gene expression pattern of enzymes and transcription factor involved in phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway in potato under chilling stress
Agric Sci Technol, 2014,15:1899-1904

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[Objective] Expressions of key enzymatic genes involved in phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway in potato and St R2R3-MYB and St TGA transcripters were investigated in the present study. [Method] The primitive cultivar Yan was the materials for replicated trials and total RNA extracted from tissues of seedlings. Real-time florescent quantification PCR, multiple intervals of air temperature, light-illumination and time-duration were factors of treatments in the experiment. Data on gene expressions were obtained and proceed to asses and compare effects based on statistical analysis. [Result] The results showed negative correlations between temperature degrees and expressions of St PAL, St DFR and St R2R3-MYB genes but not St TGA. Positive correlations, however, were derived between those of St CHS,St DFR and St R2R3-MYB and light-intensity. Significant interactive effects between expressions of St PAL and St DFR and treatments, light intensity and temperature degree, along the phenylpropanoid pathway were observed. Transcription regulator of St R2R3-MYB showed significant positive effect on the expression of St CHS of potato. St TGA transcription factor, on the other hand, gave significant negative effects on the expression of St DFR. [Conclusion] Results from present study reveal the role of environmental factors and complicate interactions between such conditions as temperature-light illumination and m RNA function of target genes.

Jung C S, Griffiths H M, De Jong D M, Cheng S, Bodis M, Kim T S, De Jong W S . The potato developer (D) locus encodes an R2R3 MYB transcription factor that regulates expression of multiple anthocyanin structural genes in tuber skin
Theor Appl Genet, 2009,120:45-57

DOI:10.1007/s00122-009-1158-3URL [本文引用: 1]

Horsch R B, Fry J E, Hoffmann N L, Eichholtz D, Rogers S G, Fraley R T . A simple and general method for transferring genes into plants
Science, 1985,227:1229-1231

DOI:10.1126/science.227.4691.1229URLPMID:17757866 [本文引用: 1]
Transformed petunia, tobacco, and tomato plants have been produced by means of a novel leaf disk transformation-regeneration method. Surface-sterilized leaf disks were inoculated with an Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain containing a modified tumor-inducing plasmid (in which the phytohormone biosynthetic genes from transferred DNA had been deleted and replaced with a chimeric gene for kanamycin resistance) and cultured for 2 days. The leaf disks were then transferred to selective medium containing kanamycin. Shoot regeneration occurred within 2 to 4 weeks, and transformants were confirmed by their ability to form roots in medium containing kanamycin. This method for producing transformed plants combines gene transfer, plant regeneration, and effective selection for transformants into a single process and should be applicable to plant species that can be infected by Agrobacterium and regenerated from leaf explants.

Livaka K J, Schmittgen T D . Analysis of relative gene expression date using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2-ΔΔCT method
Methods, 2001,25:402-408

DOI:10.1006/meth.2001.1262URL [本文引用: 1]

邓素芳, 王天池, 赖钟雄 . pH示差法测定野生蕉果皮花青素含量
中国南方果树, 2014,43(2):5-7

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Deng S F, Wang T C, Lai Z X . pH differential method to determine the content of anthocyanin of wild banana
South China Fruits, 2014,43(2):5-7 (in Chinese with English abstract)

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殷丽琴, 韦献雅, 钟成, 章明海, 郭世星, 牛应泽 . 不同品种彩色马铃薯总花色苷含量与总抗氧化活性
食品科学, 2014,11(5):97

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Yin L Q, Wei X Y, Zhong C, Zhang M H, Guo S X, Niu Y Z . Total anthocyanin content and total antioxidant activity of different varieties of color potato
Food Sci, 2014,11(5):97 (in Chinese with English abstract)

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Tournaire-Roux C, Sutka M, Javot H, Gout E, Gerbeau P, Luu D T, Bligny R, Maurel C . Cytosolic pH regulates root water transport during anoxic stress through gating of aquaporins
Nature, 2003,425:393-397

DOI:10.1038/nature01853URLPMID:14508488 [本文引用: 1]
Abstract Flooding of soils results in acute oxygen deprivation (anoxia) of plant roots during winter in temperate latitudes, or after irrigation, and is a major problem for agriculture. One early response of plants to anoxia and other environmental stresses is downregulation of water uptake due to inhibition of the water permeability (hydraulic conductivity) of roots (Lp(r)). Root water uptake is mediated largely by water channel proteins (aquaporins) of the plasma membrane intrinsic protein (PIP) subgroup. These aquaporins may mediate stress-induced inhibition of Lp(r) but the mechanisms involved are unknown. Here we delineate the whole-root and cell bases for inhibition of water uptake by anoxia and link them to cytosol acidosis. We also uncover a molecular mechanism for aquaporin gating by cytosolic pH. Because it is conserved in all PIPs, this mechanism provides a basis for explaining the inhibition of Lp(r) by anoxia and possibly other stresses. More generally, our work opens new routes to explore pH-dependent cell signalling processes leading to regulation of water transport in plant tissues or in animal epithelia.

Kulik A, Wawer I, Krzywinska E, Bucholc M, Dobrowolska G . SnRK2 protein Kinases-Key regulators of plant response to abiotic stresses
OMICS, 2011,15:859-873

DOI:10.1089/omi.2011.0091URLPMID:3241737 [本文引用: 1]
Abstract The SnRK2 family members are plant-specific serine/threonine kinases involved in plant response to abiotic stresses and abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent plant development. SnRK2s have been classed into three groups; group 1 comprises kinases not activated by ABA, group 2 comprises kinases not activated or activated very weakly by ABA, and group 3 comprises kinases strongly activated by ABA. So far, the ABA-dependent kinases belonging to group 3 have been studied most thoroughly. They are considered major regulators of plant response to ABA. The regulation of the plant response to ABA via SnRK2s pathways occurs by direct phosphorylation of various downstream targets, for example, SLAC1, KAT1, AtRbohF, and transcription factors required for the expression of numerous stress response genes. Members of group 2 share some cellular functions with group 3 kinases; however, their contribution to ABA-related responses is not clear. There are strong indications that they are positive regulators of plant responses to water deficit. Most probably they complement the ABA-dependent kinases in plant defense against environmental stress. So far, data concerning the physiological role of ABA-independent SnRK2s are very limited; it is to be expected they will be studied extensively in the nearest future.

Kyte J, Doolittle R F . A simple method for displaying the hydropathic character of protein
J Mol Biol, 1982,157:105-132

DOI:10.1016/0022-2836(82)90515-0URLPMID:7108955 [本文引用: 1]
A computer program that progressively evaluates the hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity of a protein along its amino acid sequence has been devised. For this purpose, a hydropathy scale has been composed wherein the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of each of the 20 amino acid side-chains is taken into consideration. The scale is based on an amalgam of experimental observations derived from the literature. The program uses a moving-segment approach that continuously determines the average hydropathy within a segment of predetermined length as it advances through the sequence. The consecutive scores are plotted from the amino to the carboxy terminus. At the same time, a midpoint line is printed that corresponds to the grand average of the hydropathy of the amino acid compositions found in most of the sequenced proteins. In the case of soluble, globular proteins there is a remarkable correspondence between the interior portions of their sequence and the regions appearing on the hydrophobic side of the midpoint line, as well as the exterior portions and the regions on the hydrophilic side. The correlation was demonstrated by comparisons between the plotted values and known structures determined by crystallography. In the case of membrane-bound proteins, the portions of their sequences that are located within the lipid bilayer are also clearly delineated by large uninterrupted areas on the hydrophobic side of the midpoint line. As such, the membrane-spanning segments of these proteins can be identified by this procedure. Although the method is not unique and embodies principles that have long been appreciated, its simplicity and its graphic nature make it a very useful tool for the evaluation of protein structures.

邢文, 金晓玲 . 调控植物类黄酮生物合成的MYB转录因子研究进展
分子植物育种, 2015,13:689-696

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Xing W, Jin X L . Research advances on MYB transcription regulators regulating plant flavanone biosynthesis
Mol Plant Breed, 2015,13:689-696 (in Chinese with English abstract)

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段岩娇, 张鲁刚, 何琼, 张明科, 石姜超 . 紫心大白菜花青素积累特性及相关基因表达分析
园艺学报, 2012,39:2159-2167

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利用徒手切片法、pH差计法及实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术,观察和测定紫心大白菜与同源非紫心大白菜[Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis(Lour)Olsson]花青素在叶片中的分布和总含量变化,比较叶片中花青素合成途径关键酶基因及其转录调控因子的表达特点。结果表明,紫心大白菜花青素不均匀分布于叶片中,尤以叶表皮细胞及临近表皮的叶肉细胞内最为丰富,并且内层球叶含量高于外层球叶。紫心大白菜心叶中花青素含量最高为0.79 mg · g^-1 FW,对照09S17混合样的叶片中花青素总含量为0.01 mg · g^-1 FW。荧光定量PCR分析表明,花青素生物合成途径上游关键酶基因CHS、CHI、F3H、F3′H及下游修饰基因UFGT、转运酶基因GST与转录因子MYB0在紫色大白菜心叶中上调表达,下游关键酶基因DFR、ANS、LDOX与转录因子MYB2、MYB4、MYB12和MYB111的表达在整个紫心大白菜中大幅上调,推测这可能是紫心大白菜花青素积累的重要原因,其中MYB2和MYB4可能起主要作用。
Duan Y J, Zhang L G, He Q, Zhang M K, Shi J C . Analysis of anthocyanin accumulation and related gene expression in chinese cabbage
Acta Hortic Sin, 2012,39:2159-2167 (in Chinese with English abstract)

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利用徒手切片法、pH差计法及实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术,观察和测定紫心大白菜与同源非紫心大白菜[Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis(Lour)Olsson]花青素在叶片中的分布和总含量变化,比较叶片中花青素合成途径关键酶基因及其转录调控因子的表达特点。结果表明,紫心大白菜花青素不均匀分布于叶片中,尤以叶表皮细胞及临近表皮的叶肉细胞内最为丰富,并且内层球叶含量高于外层球叶。紫心大白菜心叶中花青素含量最高为0.79 mg · g^-1 FW,对照09S17混合样的叶片中花青素总含量为0.01 mg · g^-1 FW。荧光定量PCR分析表明,花青素生物合成途径上游关键酶基因CHS、CHI、F3H、F3′H及下游修饰基因UFGT、转运酶基因GST与转录因子MYB0在紫色大白菜心叶中上调表达,下游关键酶基因DFR、ANS、LDOX与转录因子MYB2、MYB4、MYB12和MYB111的表达在整个紫心大白菜中大幅上调,推测这可能是紫心大白菜花青素积累的重要原因,其中MYB2和MYB4可能起主要作用。

Hichri I, Heppel S C, Pillet J, Léon C, Czemmel S, Delrot S, Lauvergeat V, Bogs J . The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor MYC1 is involved in the regulation of the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway in grapevine
Mol Plant, 2010,3:509-523

DOI:10.1093/mp/ssp118URLPMID:20118183 [本文引用: 1]

Nesi N, Jond C, Debeaujon I, Lepiniec L . The Arabidopsis TT2 gene encodes an R2R3 MYB domain protein that acts as a key determinant for proanthocyanidin accumulation in developing seed
Plant Cell, 2001,13:2099-2114

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