关键词:水稻; 稻瘟病; 低直链淀粉含量; Pi-ta; Pi-b; Wx-mq; 分子标记辅助选择 Pyramiding Pi-ta, Pi-b, and Wx-mqGenes by Marker-assisted Selection in Rice ( Oryza sativaL.) YAO Shu, CHEN Tao, ZHANG Ya-Dong, ZHU Zhen, ZHAO Qing-Yong, ZHOU Li-Hui, ZHAO Ling, ZHAO Chun-Fang, WANG Cai-Lin* Institute of Food Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Jiangsu High Quality Rice R&D Center / Nanjing Branch of China National Center for Rice Improvement, Nanjing 210014, China Fund:This study was supported by the Agricultural Science and Technology Independent Innovation Fund of Jiangsu Province (CX [12]1003), the Key Research and Development Projects of Jiangsu Province (BE2016370), and China Agriculture Research System (CARS-01-62) AbstractIn recent years, japonica rice varieties Nanjing 46, Nanjing 5055, and Nanjing 9108 were planted in a large area in Jiangsu province because of their good eating quality. However, these varieties are not resistant to rice blast, and there is no japonica rice variety with good eating quality and suitable for planting in Huaibei area, Jiangsu province. The goal of modern rice breeding is to develop new varieties with good quality, high yield and multi-resistance. Marker-assisted selection combined with traditional breeding methods can greatly improve breeding efficiency. In this study, the high yield rice variety “Wujing 15” contained two blast resistance genes of Pi-taand Pi-bwas used as gene recipient to be crossed with the rice variety “Nanjing 5055”, which carries the low-amylose content gene Wx-mq. We developed two multiple PCR systems to identify resistance and susceptible alleles on Pi-ta and Pi-bloci and the Tetra-primer Amplification Refractory Mutation PCR System for Wx-mqgene. MAS technique was adopted in combination with field phenotyping of agronomic traits, blast resistance identification, and classification of the grain endosperm appearance. Finally, a new japonicaline, tentatively designated “Nanjing 0051”, was bred, which showed excellent agronomic traits and adaptation in the Huaibei area. The results indicate that the three PCR systems developed in this study are applicable and effective in rice breeding to improve blast resistance and grain quality. The success of breeding “Nanjing 0551” is an example for using MAS technique to pyramid favorable genes and facilitate breeding process in rice.
Keyword:Rice; Blast; Low-amylose content; Pi-ta; Pi-b; Wx-mq; Marker-assisted selection Show Figures Show Figures
表2 用于检测Wx-mq基因的引物名称、序列及预期片段长度 Table 2 Name, sequences, and expected fragment size of specific primers used for detecting Wx-mqgene
引物 Primer
序列 Sequence (5'-3')
预期片段 Fragment size (bp)
The sizes of amplification products are 439 bp and 292 bp for Wx-mq homozygote, 439 bp and 200 bp for wx-mq homozygote, and 439, 292, and 200 bp for heterozygous genotype. Wx-mq不同基因型扩增产物带型, 显性纯合体为439 bp和292 bp, 隐性纯合体为439 bp和200 bp, 杂合体为439、292和200 bp。
表2 用于检测Wx-mq基因的引物名称、序列及预期片段长度 Table 2 Name, sequences, and expected fragment size of specific primers used for detecting Wx-mqgene
图2 武粳15/南京5055衍生F2群体中部分Wx-mq显性纯合体Pi-ta、Pi-b基因的分子检测 M:DL2000; 1:南粳5055; 2:武粳15; 3~24:部分F2分离单株。Fig. 2 Detection of Pi-ta and Pi-b genes in F2 population derived from Wujing 15/Nanjing 5055 M:DL2000; 1:Nanjing 5055; 2:Wujing 15; 3-24:Parts of plants in F2 population.
图3 武粳15/南粳5055衍生的F2群体中部分Wx-mq显性纯合体pi-ta、pi-b基因的分子检测 M:DL2000; 1:南粳5055; 2:武粳15; 3~24:部分F2分离单株。Fig. 3 Detection of pi-ta and pi-b genes in F2 population derived from Wujing 15/Nanjing 5055 M:DL2000; 1:Nanjing 5055; 2:Wujing 15; 3-24:Parts of plants in F2 population.
图5 稳定品系南粳0051 Wx-mq基因型的分子鉴定 M:DL2000; 1:南粳5055; 2:武粳15; 3~24:品系南粳0051随机选取的单株。Fig. 5 Molecule identification of Wx-mqgenotype in stable line Nanjing 0051 M:DL2000; 1:Nanjing 5055; 2:Wujing 15; 3-24:randomly selected of plants in the line Nanjing 0051.
图6 稳定品系南粳0051抗病基因Pi-ta、Pi-b的分子鉴定 M:DL2000; 1:南粳5055; 2:武粳15; 3~24:品系南粳0051随机选取的单株。Fig. 6 Molecule identification ofPi-ta, Pi-bgenotype in stable line Nanjing 0051 M:DL2000; 1:Nanjing 5055; 2:Wujing 15; 3-24:randomly selected of plants in the line Nanjing 0051.
图7 稳定品系南粳0051感病基因pi-ta、pi-b的分子鉴定 M:DL2000; 1:南粳5055; 2:武粳15; 3~24:品系南粳0051随机选取的单株。Fig. 7 Molecule identification ofpi-ta, pi-bgenotype in stable line Nanjing 0051 M:DL2000; 1:Nanjing 5055; 2:Wujing 15; 3-24:randomly selected of plants in the line Nanjing 0051.
4 结论利用分子标记辅助选择将稻瘟病抗性基因Pi-ta和Pi-b与低直链淀粉含量基因Wx-mq聚合于同一个体, 获得了稻瘟病抗性得到提高且食味品质优良的粳稻新品系“ 南粳0051” , 说明本研究自主开发的三套分子标记选择体系对目标基因的辅助选择是有效可行的, 可用于优质抗病育种。而应用多重PCR技术在同一反应体系中检测多个基因, 提高了检测和育种效率。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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