关键词:小麦; 假禾谷镰孢; 生长素; 细胞分裂素; 脱落酸; 基因差异表达 Differential Expression of Three Plant Hormone Related Genes in Wheat Infected by Fusarium pseudograminearum LI Yong-Hui, CHEN Lin-Lin, SUN Bing-Jian, WANG Li-Min, XING Xiao-Ping, YUAN Hong-Xia, DING Sheng-Li*, LI Hong-Lian* Henan Agricultural University / National Key Laboratory of Wheat and Maize Crop Science / Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops, Zhengzhou 450002, China Fund:This study was supported by China Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201503112) Abstract Fusarium pseudograminearum is a pathogenic fungus in wheat newly found in China. The purpose of this study was to disclose the responses of genes involved in the hormone signals pathway after F. pseudograminearum infection. Wheat cultivar Zhoumai 24 was infected by the wild-type strain WZ2-8A, and the seedling samples at five and fifteen days after inoculation (DAI) were subject to transcriptome analysis by RNA-seq method. The selected differentially expressed genes were subsequently validated by qRT-PCR assay. The infection of F. pseudograminearum had a negative impact on wheat growth with significantly decreased root length, seedling height, and fresh weights of root and shoot. A total of 29 genes expressed differentially in the signal transduction pathways of auxin, cytokinin (CTK) and abscisic acid (ABA). At 5 DAI, 11 genes were expressed differentially compared with the control group (without WZ2-8A inoculation), in which two and nine genes were up- and down-regulated, respectively. At 15 DAI, 25 genes were expressed differentially, including eight up-regulated and seventeen down-regulated genes. In the auxin signaling pathway, auxin input transporter AUX1 was differentially expressed, influencing polar transport of auxin and disturbing cell elongation of wheat roots. In the CTK signaling pathway, the up-regulating role of B-ARR suggests that it could facilitate CTK signal transduction to inhibit cellular division, resulting in weaker wheat growth along with the interaction of the auxin signaling pathway. In the ABA signaling pathway, ABA receptor PYR/PYL was down-regulated, while the negative regulator PP2C was up-regulated. ABA plays a negative role in regulating host resistance to fungi and bacteria and its transduction has the antagonistic action against the jasmine acid (JA) / ethylene (ET) pathway, i.e., the repression of ABA signaling pathway might result in the opening of JA/ET pathway. These results of transcriptome analysis were generally validated by the qRT-PCR evidence, indicating that inhibition of ABA signal transduction after F. pseudograminearum infection might be the physiological basis of moderate resistance to the fungus in Zhoumai 24.
Keyword:Wheat; Fusarium pseudograminearum; Auxin cytokinin; Abscisic acid; Gene differential expression Show Figures Show Figures
图1 小麦受假禾谷镰孢侵染后的症状及对植株生长的影响 A1和A2分别为接种后5 d和15 d的小麦。* 和* * 分别表示处理组(ZF)与对照组(ZC)之间有显著(P < 0.05)和极显著差异(P< 0.01)。Fig. 1 Symptom and effect on growth of wheat plant infected by F. pseudograminearum A1 and A2 show wheat growth at 5 days and 15 days after inoculation, respectively. * and * * indicate significant difference between the treatment group (ZF) and the control group (ZC) atP< 0.05 and P< 0.01, respectively.
表2 假禾谷镰孢侵染诱导后植物激素差异表达基因数 Table 2 Number of differentially expressed genes related to plant hormones after inoculation with F. pseudograminearum
植物激素 Plant hormone
转录因子 Transcription factor
ZF-5 vs. ZC
ZF-15 vs. ZC
ZF-15 vs. ZF-5
上调 Up-regulated
下调 Down-regulated
上调 Up-regulated
下调 Down-regulated
上调 Up-regulated
下调 Down-regulated
总计 Total
ZF-5 and ZF-15 refer to the treatment group at 5 and 15 days after inoculation, respectively, and ZC refers to the control group. ZF-5和ZF-15分别表示处理组接种后5 d和15 d, ZC表示对照组。
表2 假禾谷镰孢侵染诱导后植物激素差异表达基因数 Table 2 Number of differentially expressed genes related to plant hormones after inoculation with F. pseudograminearum
细胞分裂素途径中的一个B-ARR基因Traes_7AS_503B57D77和脱落酸途径中的一个PP2C基因Traes_2AS_048E13951在接种后15 d差异表达倍数最大, 其log2FC可达到10以上; 而下调表达最明显的是1个SAUR基因Traes_5BL_80B9C8E10, 其log2FC值为-5.9, 其次是1个SAUR基因Traes_5DL_677150034和1个PYR/PYL基因Traes_1AL_B82F1573F, 它们的log2FC值均为-4.6 (表3)。 将各个差异表达基因表达量的FPKM (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads)值取以10为底的对数(lg FPKM)制作热图能够直观看出这些基因的差异表达情况。图2显示, SAUR和PYR/PTL差异表达基因最多, 大部分为在接种5 d后下调表达的, 而在接种5 d和15 d后基因表达量变化不大。而B-ARR和PP2C的基因大部分上调表达。其中, B-ARR在接种后5 d至接种后15 d逐渐上调表达, PP2C的基因在接种后5 d不差异表达, 而在接种后15 d明显上调表达。 表3 Table 3 表3(Table 3)
表3 假禾谷镰孢侵染诱导后植物激素相关基因差异表达倍数 Table 3 Fold change (FC) of differentially expressed genes related to plant hormones after inoculation with F. pseudograminearum
植物激素 Plant hormone
转录因子 Transcription factor
基因代号 Gene code
log2 FC
ZF-5 vs. ZC
ZF-15 vs. ZC
ZF-15 vs. ZF-5
The log2 FC values represent changing folds of differentially expressed genes. The positive and negative log2 FC value indicates up- and down-regulation, respectively, and “ — ” indicates no significant changes (significant when log2 FC > ± 1 and P < 0.05). ZF-5 and ZF-15 refer to the treatment group at 5 and 15 days after inoculation, respectively, and ZC refers to the control group. log2 FC表示差异表达基因的差异倍数, 正、负值分别表示上调和下调, “ — ” 表示表达水平变化不显著(log2 FC > ± 1且P < 0.05为变化显著)。ZF-5和ZF-15分别表示处理组接种后5 d和15 d, ZC表示对照组。
表3 假禾谷镰孢侵染诱导后植物激素相关基因差异表达倍数 Table 3 Fold change (FC) of differentially expressed genes related to plant hormones after inoculation with F. pseudograminearum
图2 植物激素途径中差异表达基因表达量热图 不同颜色表示基因表达量(lg FPKM)。ZC:对照组; ZF-5:接种后5 d; ZF-15:接种后15 d。Fig. 2 Heatmap of differentially expressed genes involved in plant-hormone pathways Gene expression levels in lg FPKM represent in different colors. ZC:control group; ZF-5:5 days after inoculation; ZF-15:15 days after inoculation.
图3 cDNA中基因组DNA污染验证电泳图 M:DL2000 marker; 1~3:接种后5 d对照组; 4~6:接种后5 d处理组; 7和15:gDNA; 8和16:ddH2O; 9~11:接种后15 d对照组; 12~14:接种后15 d处理组。Fig. 3 Electrophoretic pattern of verification of genomic DNA contamination in cDNA pool M:DL2000 marker; 1-3:control group at 5 days after inoculation (DAI); 4-6:treatment group at 5 DAI; 7 and 15:gDNA; 8 and 16:ddH2O; 9-11:control group at 15 DAI; 12-14:treatment group at 15 DAI.
图4 差异表达基因qRT-PCR验证结果 CX-5和CX-15代表5 d和15 d测序样品; YZ-5和YZ-15代表5 d和15 d验证样品。Fig. 4 qRT-PCR validation for the differentially expressed genes CX-5 and CX-15 represent sequencing samples at 5 days after inoculation (DAI) and 15 DAI, respectively; YZ-5 and YZ-15 represent validation samples at 5 DAI and 15 DAI, respectively.
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