关键词:马铃薯; 主栽品种及育种材料; 北方根结线虫; 抗性评价 Resistance Evaluation of Potato Cultivars and Germplasms to Meloidogyne hapla in Heilongjiang Province MAO Yan-Zhi1, LI Chun-Jie2, HU Yan-Feng2, HUA Cui2, YOU Jia2, WANG Xin-Peng2, LIU Xi-Cai1, YANG Geng-Bin1, WANG Cong-Li2,* 1Keshan branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Keshan 161606, China
2Key Laboratory of Mollisols Agroecology, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin 150081, China
Fund:This study was supported by the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of Heilongjiang (Q001) and the One Hundred Talent Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences AbstractRoot-knot nematode ( Meloidogyne spp., RKN) is one of the most economically important plant parasitic nematodes with wide host including potato ( Solanum tuberosum). In order to investigate resistance of potato to the northern RKN, M. hapla, twenty-eight main potato cultivars and breeding materials in Heilongjiang province with a pot experiment was conducted in greenhouse by randomized block design with five replications. M. hapla could be propagated on all materials with a reproduction factor ranging from 1.53 to 37.90. The reproduction factors of cultivars Baitouweng (2.41), Hui-2 (2.02), and Hongshen (1.53) were significantly different ( P < 0.05) from those of Qingshu 3 (36.93) and 608 Kennebec (37.90). The egg mass number per gram fresh root ranged from 26.6 (Baitouweng) to 217.4 (Kexin 13). Cultivar Baitouweng was resistant one according to egg mass scale. The galling index ranged from 1.5 to 6.8. Three cultivars including Baitouweng (1.8), Hui-2 (1.5), and Hongshen (2.2) were identified as resistance resources based on galling index (GI). Overall, Baitouweng was confirmed as resistant cultivar, Hui-2 and Hongshen as tolerant ones to root-knot nematode, and the cultivars Qingshu 3 and 608 Kennebec as susceptible control.
Keyword:Potato; Main cultivars and breeding materials; Meloidogyne hapla; Resistance evaluation Show Figures Show Figures
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