关键词:茶树; 越冬芽休眠; 物质交流; 钙黄素 Molecular Regulation and Substance Exchange Dynamics at Dormancy and Budbreak Stages in Overwintering Buds of Tea Plant TANG Hu1,2,**, HAO Xin-Yuan2,**, WANG Lu2, XIAO Bin1, WANG Xin-Chao2,*, YANG Ya-Jun1,2,* 1College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
2Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / National Center for Tea Improvement / Key Laboratory of Tea Plant Biology and Resources Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture, Hangzhou 310008, China
Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31370690), the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-23), and the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of CAAS (CAAS-ASTIP-2014-TRICAAS) AbstractEarly-sprouting cultivar Longjing 43 and late-sprouting cultivar Biyun were employed in this study to disclose the dormancy mechanism in tea plant with different sprouting phenophases. The levels of substance exchange were monitored by detecting the fluorescence signal in calcein treated overwintering buds. The glucanase related genes were identified by sequence homology analysis. Their characteristics and expression patterns during different time of winter were further analyzed. The substance exchanges were detected either in stem-bud unit or mother leaf-stem unit. From the initial formation to release in dormancy, the substance exchange in overwintering buds showed strong-weak-strong variation patterns in both cultivars, however, the duration of weak exchange stage was much shorter in Longjing 43 than in Biyun. Moreover, there was a close correlation between substance exchange variation pattern and the expression pattern of CsGLU1, a gene identified in tea plant with positive callose hydrolyzation activity. On the basis of promoter sequence analysis, plenty of transcription factor binding sequences related to hormone signaling, cold stimulation and dormancy regulation were found in CsGLU1 promoter region, which validates its putative functions in dormancy regulation. In conclusion, overwintering buds of tea plant have substance exchange with stem and mother leaf both in dormancy and non-dormancy status, furthermore, the variation of substance exchange level was consistent to the changes of dormancy status. CsGLU1 is a callose hydrolyzation related gene, which is supposed to be a key gene regulating tea plant dormancy transition through affecting the substance exchange in overwintering buds. The study provides meaningful results for understanding the changes of dormancy statuses in overwintering buds and deeply exploring the regulation mechanism in tea plant with different sprouting phenophase.
Keyword:Tea plant; Overwinter bud dormancy; Substances exchange; Calcein Show Figures Show Figures
图1 龙井43及碧云越冬芽在休眠和活跃期的荧光观察“ 茎-芽” 处理越冬芽, A和B为活跃生长期(2015-10-31)样品, E和F为休眠期(2016-01-16)样品; “ 叶-芽” 处理越冬芽, C和D为活跃生长期(2015-10-31)样品, G和H为休眠期(2016-01-16)样品。4倍物镜观察, 绿色荧光为钙黄素在紫外光激发下的荧光信号, 红色荧光为越冬芽在绿光通道下的自发荧光。CTB: 钙黄素处理; CK: 水处理对照。Fig. 1 Fluorescence signals of overwintering buds at dormancy stage and active-growing stage in Longjing 43 and BiyunIn stem to bud treatment, samples A and B were active-growing buds (2015-10-31) and samples E and F were dormant buds (2016-01-16). In leaf to bud treatment, samples C and D were active-growing buds (2015-10-31) and samples G and H were dormant buds (2016-01-16). Pictures were taken under 4× objective lens. The green signals show fluorescence produced by calcein under UV light stimulation and the red signals show autofluorescence of bud under green light stimulation. CTB: calcein treatment; CK: control (H2O).
图2 冬季不同时期钙黄素处理(“ 茎-芽” 处理)的龙井43及碧云越冬芽荧光信号检测采样日期为2015-10-31 (A和B)、2015-11-16 (C和D)、2015-12-17 (E和F)、2016-01-06 (G和H)、2016-02-02 (I和J)、2016-02-25 (K和L)及2016-03-09 (M和N)。4倍物镜观察, 绿色荧光为钙黄素在紫外光激发下的荧光信号, 红色荧光为越冬芽在绿光通道下的自发荧光。CTB: 钙黄素处理; CK: 水处理对照。Fig. 2 Fluorescence signals of calcein treated overwintering buds (stem to bud treatment) of Longjing 43 and Biyun during different periods of winterThe sampling dates were 2015-10-31 (A and B), 2015-11-16 (C and D), 2015-12-17 (E and F), 2016-01-06 (G and H), 2016-02-02 (I and J), 2016-02-25 (K and L), and 2016-03-09 (M and N). Pictures were taken under 4× objective lens. The green signals show fluorescence produced by calcein under UV light stimulation and the red signals show autofluorescence of bud under green light stimulation. CTB: calcein treatment; CK: control (H2O).
图3 CsGLU1与拟南芥和杨树葡聚糖酶家族成员的系统发育树分析蓝色、红色和紫色字体分别显示α 、β 和γ 亚家族基因。■拟南芥葡聚糖酶基因家族; ▼杨树葡聚糖酶基因家族; ●茶树CsGUL1。Fig. 3 Phylogenetic tree analysis of CsGUL1 with glucanase family members from Arabidopsis and Populusα -, β -, and γ -clade genes are in blue, red, and purple font, respectively. ■ Genes from Arabidopsis; ▼ Genes from Populus; ● CsGLU1.
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