关键词:间作; 密度; 根间作用; 产量; 产量构成 Synergistic Effect of Root Interaction and Density on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat/Maize Intercropping System WANG Yi-Fan, QIN Ya-Zhou, FENG Fu-Xue, ZHAO Cai, YU Ai-Zhong, LIU Chang, CHAI Qiang* Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science / Agronomy College, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31360323) and the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (2012BAD14B10) AbstractAs planting density is a key strategy for improvement of yield and efficiencies in intercropping, the present study was conducted to explore the mechanism of yield response to close planting in intercropping systems. The field experiment was carried out in Hexi oasis irrigation area from 2014 to 2015, of which, three root partition patterns, i.e. no root barrier, nylon mesh barrier (obstructs overlapping of wheat roots with maize roots, but allows water and nutrients to exchange through the nylon mesh) and plastic sheet barrier (prevents water and nutrients from exchange between the two intercrops and no overlapping of wheat roots with maize roots), were combined with two planting density levels, i.e., 90 000 plants ha-1 and 105 000 plants ha-1. The main objective was to determine the effect of above- and below-ground interrelation on grain yield and yield components. The results showed that a complete effect of above- and below-ground interaction increased the intercropping-advantage (i.e. LER) by 48.3% compared to sole cropping. Besides, increase of maize density would led to the LER increased by 9.7%. Generally, the below-ground interaction attributed 21.0% to the LER, and with maize density increased, the contribution rate was increased by 5%. The compensation effect of root overlapping and the complementary of moisture/nutrient exchange attributed 9.0% and 11.1% to the LER, respectively. A complete effect of below- and above-ground interaction also had the highest grain yield, which was increased by 58.8%-62.2% under the higher density and by 36.1%-36.8% under the lower density, compared to the corresponding monocultures. On average, the below-ground interaction attributed 26.5%-31.5% to the grain yield of intercropped wheat, of which, the compensation effect of root overlapping and the complementary of moisture/nutrient exchange attributed 12.9%-13.2% and 12.2%-16.0%, respectively. For maize grain yield in the wheat-maize intercropping, the below-ground interaction attributed 9.7%-22.6%, and with maize density increased, the contribution rate was increased by 7.0%-11.0%. Increase of maize density increased grain yield by 18.1%-23.3% and 12.5%-21.5% under no root barrier and nylon mesh barrier, this indicated that a complete root interaction could improve the positive effect of close planting. The below-ground interaction attributed 5.5%-11.4% to wheat era number, but not influenced by the density. Similarly, the below-ground interaction attributed 12.5%-16.3% to maize era number, and was further increased by 3.6% to 14.1% with the increase of the density. Based on the result of path analysis, it could conclude that the improvement of grain yield of wheat and maize was mainly attributable to the increase of era number per area. This study showed that increase of planting density could significantly promote the intercropping advantage and the contribution rate of the below-ground interaction. Furthermore, a complete effect of above- and below-ground interaction would facilitate the positive effect of close planting. Accordingly, the results will provide sound theoretical base for the further exploring of the mechanism in intercropping advantage under close planting.
Keyword:Intercropping; Planting density; Root interaction; Grain yield; Yield components Show Figures Show Figures
图1 小麦间作玉米田间结构及隔根示意图两种作物带宽均为80 cm, 玉米种2行(行距40 cm), 小麦种6行(行距12 cm), 3种隔根方式为不隔根, 尼龙网隔根和塑料布隔根, 试验开始前, 在间作两种作物中间开沟, 将隔根材料垂直隔至土壤100 cm处。Fig. 1 Layout of intercropped crops and partition of root in wheat/maize intercropping system (cm)Field layout of wheat/maize intercropping with a strip of 80 cm of wheat crops (six rows) alternated with a strip of 80 cm of maize crops (two rows), without physical barrier, with a nylon mesh, and with a solid plastic sheet, between wheat and maize strips. Plastic sheet and nylon mesh were placed vertically to the depth of 100 cm to separate the rooting zones between the two intercrops.
供试小麦品种为宁春2号, 玉米品种为先玉335。2014年度, 小麦3月20日播种、7月26日收获, 玉米4月23日播种、10月4日收获; 2015年度, 小麦3月29日播种、7月27日收获, 玉米4月25日播种、9月28日收获。无论单作还是间作, 小麦均在播前施纯氮225 kg hm-2、P2O5 150 kg hm-2, 玉米全生育期施纯氮450 kg hm-2、P2O5 225 kg hm-2, 按播前: 大喇叭口期: 灌浆期3︰6︰1比例分施。除单作小麦处理全生育期灌水3600 m3 hm-2外, 其他处理全生育期灌水量均为6000 m3 hm-2。 1.3 产量及其构成因素测定成熟后按小区收获、计产, 并在间作小区取4.0 m × 0.8 m的调查点, 单作取4.0 m × 1.2 m的调查点, 统计穗数作为该小区的收获穗数。随机选取小麦20株、玉米10株考种, 数出穗粒数。用PM-8188型谷物水分测定仪测定籽粒含水率, 重复5次, 取其平均值。另外, 统计14%含水量下的千粒重。 1.4 间作土地当量比、贡献率和补偿效应间作土地当量比(LER)表示间作优劣势, LER> 1表示间作优势, LER< 1表示间作劣势。地下作用对产量的贡献率(RCT)、地下部根系重叠对产量产生的补偿效应(CE)、地下部水分交流对产量产生的补偿效应(CEW)和密度对产量的贡献率(RCTD)的计算公式如下: 1.5 统计分析采用 Microsoft Excel整理、汇总数据, 用SPSS19.0进行方差分析、显著性检验。利用SPSS线性回归模型进行通径分析, 运行程序“ Analyze- Regression-Linear” , 获得通径系数(线性回归方程的标准系数, standardized coefficient)和相关系数。任一自变量对因变量的间接通径系数=相关系数× 通径系数。
图2 不同间作处理的土地当量比(LER)W: 单作小麦; M1: 低密度单作玉米; M2: 高密度单作玉米; N: 尼龙网隔根; P: 塑料布隔根。误差线为标准误差, 其上所标不同字母表示处理间差异显著(P< 0.05)。Fig. 2 Land equivalent ration (LER) of different intercropping treatmentsW: sole wheat; M1: sole maize in low density; M2: sole maize in high density; N: Nylon mesh barrier; P: Plastic sheet barrier. The error bar indicates standard error. Different letters above error bars indicate significant difference among treatments (P< 0.05).
表2 不同小麦/玉米间作处理的产量构成 Table 2 Yield components in different wheat/maize intercropping treatments
处理 Treatment
小麦 Wheat
玉米 Maize
穗数 Spike number (m-2)
穗粒数 Kernel number per spike
千粒重 TKW (g)
穗数 Ear number (m-2)
穗粒数 Kernel number per ear
千粒重 TKW (g)
552.0 a
29.8 c
42.2 d
11.1 b
545.2 bc
326.3 bc
12.6 a
557.6 a
328.2 b
317.3 bcd
35.7 a
43.5 c
5.7 e
518.0 d
327.4 b
306.7 cd
35.2 a
44.6 b
6.5 d
537.2 cd
322.3 bc
326.4 bc
34.4 a
45.3 a
6.1 de
522.4 d
344.7 a
330.8 b
34.4 a
41.6 e
7.4 c
556.8 ab
320.3 cd
299.3 d
34.3 a
42.8 d
5.6 e
518.5 d
323.7 bc
297.0 d
32.1 b
43.8 c
6.0 e
525.9 d
315.6 d
534.3 a
28.9 d
40.2 f
11.4 b
549.1 a
326.8 d
13.7 a
537.4 b
337.3 c
317.7 bc
32.6 b
43.2 c
6.0 fg
505.1 cd
352.9 b
311.7 bcd
32.5 b
42.7 c
6.9 cd
514.1 c
353.9 b
314.3 bcd
34.9 a
46.8 a
6.1 ef
548.0 a
366.2 a
332.7 b
33.1 b
45.5 b
7.3 c
529.1 b
357.5 b
292.3 d
30.1 c
41.2 d
5.6 g
496.3 d
314.8 e
307.3 cd
30.2 c
40.8 ef
6.5 de
482.8 e
335.6 c
In each year, different letters after values indicate significant difference among treatments at P < 0.05. TKW: thousand-kernel weight. 数据后不同字母表示同一年度中处理间差异显著(P< 0.05)。
表2 不同小麦/玉米间作处理的产量构成 Table 2 Yield components in different wheat/maize intercropping treatments
表3 不同处理小麦、玉米产量构成的通径分析 Table 3 Correlation coefficient and path coefficient of wheat and maize yield with yield component factors in different treatments
自变量Independent variable
与籽粒产量的简单相关系数Correlation coefficient with yield
直接通径系数Direct path coefficient
间接通径系数Indirect path coefficient
小麦 Wheat
0.957* *
玉米 Maize
0.941* *
0.830* *
X1: spike number/ear number; X2: kernel number per spike/ear; X3: thousand-kernel weight. * and * * indicate significant correlation at P< 0.05 and P< 0.01, respectively. X1: 穗数; X2: 穗粒数; X3: 千粒重。* 和* * 分别表示在P< 0.05和P< 0.01水平下显著相关。
表3 不同处理小麦、玉米产量构成的通径分析 Table 3 Correlation coefficient and path coefficient of wheat and maize yield with yield component factors in different treatments
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