关键词:水稻; 稻瘟病; 抗病基因; 极端分离群体分池法; 抗性基因聚合 Analysis of Blast Resistance Genes in Japonica Variety Jijing 809 ZHU Ya-Jun1,**, SUN Qiang2,**, WANG Jin-Ming2, CHEN Kai1, FENG Bo1, FANG Ya-Jie1, LIN Xiu-Yun2,*, XU Jian-Long1,3,* 1 National Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement / Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
2 Rice Research Institute, Jilin Academy of agricultural Sciences, Gongzhuling 130000, China
3 Shenzhen Institute of Breeding and Innovation, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenzhen 518120, China
Fund:This study was supported by the Program of Introducing International Super Agricultural Science and Technology (2010-G2B-2), Project of transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Jilin Province (20130305038NY), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (2014AA10A601), and the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province (20140101014JC) AbstractBlast is one of the most hazardous diseases in rice production. Planting resistance variety is an effective solution to control the disease. In this study, a backcross population derived from two parents, Jijing 88 and 93072, was selected to identify blast resistance genes using bulked extremes and recessive class under artificial inoculation and further to deduce the composition of resistance genes in Jijing 809 developed from Jijing 88 and 93072. Four major resistance genes, i.e., Pi-2(t), Pi-7-1(t), Pi-7-2(t), and Pi-11(t), were responsible for segregation of resistance to the strong virulent strain GD9-1, and only one resistance gene Pi-2(t) for segregation of resistance to the weak virulent strain GD19-1. Among them, Pi-2(t) was effective to both strains. The favorable alleles at all loci were from 93072 except for the allele at Pi-2(t) from Jijing 88. According to genomic comparison, Pi-2(t) was deduced to be allelic to Pi-b, and Pi-11(t) to Pi-47(t) or Pik; whereas Pi-7-1(t)and Pi-7-2(t) were two novel resistance genes, which were linkages to SSR markers with RM21260 (0.11 cM) and RM8037 (6.97 cM). Genotypes on the four above-referenced loci were compared between Jijing 809 and its parents by using closely linked SSR markers and a set of 56k gene chip developed from re-sequenced data of 3000 accessions of rice germplasm. The results indicated that the resistance genes in Jijing 809, Pi-2(t) and Pi-11(t), were inherited from the recurrent parent Jijing 88 and the donor parent 93072, respectively, which reasonably explained the higher blast resistance in Jijing 809 than in Jijing 88. Finally, we discussed how to pyramid different known major resistant genes, especially to make full use of the ‘defeated’ resistance gene in the original resistant variety to improve blast resistance in rice.
Keyword:Rice; Blast; Resistance gene; Bulked extremes and recessive class; Pyramiding of resistance gene Show Figures Show Figures
图1 连锁图谱和抗性基因在染色体上的分布 粗黑体字体为本研究中定位到的抗性基因, 灰色字体为已经克隆的抗性基因。Fig. 1 Genetic linkage map and distribution of four resistance genes on chromosomes The bold fonts indicate the rice blast resistance genes mapped in this study, and the grey ones indicate the rice blast resistance genes previously cloned.
4 结论定位到4个主效抗病基因, 其中Pi-2(t)同时抗2个菌株。Pi-2(t)可能与Pi-b等位, Pi-11(t)可能与Pi-47(t)或Pik等位, Pi-7-1(t)和Pi-7-2(t)是2个新的抗性位点, 除Pi-2(t)位点的抗性等位基因来自吉粳88外, 其余3个位点的抗病等位基因均来自93072。吉粳809携带来自受体亲本吉粳88的Pi-2(t)和来自供体亲本93072的Pi-11(t) 2个抗性基因, 合理地解释了吉粳809抗性明显好于吉粳88的原因。 致谢: 感谢广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所朱小源研究员提供苗期稻瘟病接种帮助。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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