关键词:水稻; 突变体; 矮秆基因; 基因克隆; 基因功能 Genetic Identification of a New D1-allelic Mutant and Analysis of Its Gene Function in Rice WANG Cui-Hong, MA Jian, WANG Shuai, TIAN Peng, QI Chang-Yan, ZHAO Zhi-Chao, WANG Jiu-Lin, WANG Jie, CHENG Zhi-Jun, ZHANG Xin, GUO Xiu-Ping, LEI Cai-Lin* National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement / Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China Fund:This study was supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest Program of China (201203014) and the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences “Crop Functional Genomics” AbstractPlant height is one of important traits for rice yield. One genetically stable rice mutant, LTH-m3, was isolated from the cv. Lijiangxintuanheigu (LTH)-derived mutant population by mutagenesis using ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS). LTH-m3 was involved in the pathways of gibberellic acid (GA) and brassinosteroid (BR), and showed no sensitiveness to exogenous GA (GA3) and significantly reduced sensitiveness to exogenous BR (eBL) compared with the wild type. The genetic analysis, gene cloning and transgenic complementary test confirmed that LTH-m3 was a new d1-allelic mutant with small grain and dwarf phenotypes, and a single base was mutated (G2522→A2522) in the functional dwarf gene D1 at the conjunction site of its sixth exon and intron, which caused excision of the sixth exon in mRNA and premature termination of the D1encoded Gα protein, resulting in mutated phenotypes in the mutant. The further study showed that the D1 mutation caused obvious expression change of some dwarf genes such as SD1 and SLR1 in the mutant, and could affect the GA and BR pathways in their feedback regulations and signaling transductions in plant cells. The mutant overcome the defects of the universally blast-susceptible cv. LTH, such as too tall plant, soft stem and easy lodging, and could be utilized as an improved substitute of LTH in the future rice blast researches. The mutated D1 gene identified from the LTH-m3mutant may be useful for further study of Gα functions and signaling pathways of GA and BR.
In the primer of SD1-Ex, “ SD1” stands for target gene, “ Ex” stands for the usage of the primer, i.e., gene expression, and the original name for the primer reported by Zhou et al. (2013)[46] is put in parenthesis. #: SD1-Ex中“ SD1” 代表目标基因, “ Ex” 代表引物的用途, 即用于基因表达分析, 括号内为Zhou等(2013)报道的引物原名[46]。
图1 野生型与突变体LTH-m3的表型 a, b: 幼苗; c: 第4叶片; d: 暗培养下形态; e: 成熟期植株; f: 穗; g: 粒宽; h: 粒长. 图a~f的左侧为野生型LTH, 右侧为突变体LTH-m3。图g和h的上侧为LTH, 下侧为LTH-m3。白色箭头指向中胚轴。Fig. 1 Phenotypes of the wild type and the LTH-m3 mutant a, b: seedlings; c: the 4th leaf; d: plant under dark treatment; e: adult plant; f: panicle; g: grain width; h: grain length. From figure a to f, the left is wild type LTH and the right is mutant LTH-m3; in figures g and h, the upper is wild type LTH and the lower is LTH-m3. The arrows indicate the mesocotyl.
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 野生型和LTH-m3的主要农艺性状比较 Table 2 Comparison of major agronomic traits between wild type and LTH-m3
性状 Trait
野生型 Wild type (LTH)
突变体 Mutant (LTH-m3)
抽穗期 Heading date (d)
94.0 ± 0.57
99.0 ± 0.67 * *
株高 Plant height (cm)
163.6 ± 3.50
57.7 ± 2.16 * *
分蘖数 Tillers per plant
18.8 ± 2.30
25.1 ± 4.23 * *
有效穗数 Panicles per plant
16.6 ± 2.17
19.5 ± 3.37 *
穗长 Panicle length (cm)
27.4 ± 6.40
19.2 ± 0.79 * *
穗粒数 Spikelets per panicle
161.6 ± 6.44
159.0 ± 10.79
结实率 Seed-setting rate (%)
92.2 ± 3.23
92.8 ± 4.43
粒长 Grain length (mm)
7.7 ± 0.28
5.0 ± 0.05 * *
粒宽 Grain width (mm)
3.3 ± 0.09
3.2 ± 0.02
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
23.0 ± 0.58
13.5 ± 0.26 * *
* : significantly different at P < 0.05, and * * : significantly different at P < 0.01 based on the t-test. * 表示t 测验在P < 0.05水平上差异显著, * * 表示t 测验在P< 0.01水平上差异显著。
表2 野生型和LTH-m3的主要农艺性状比较 Table 2 Comparison of major agronomic traits between wild type and LTH-m3
图2 野生型LTH和突变体LTH-m3各节间的长度及其伸长模式 a: LTH和LTH-m3各节间长度, 左侧为LTH, 右侧为LTH-m3, 标尺为5 cm。b: LTH和LTH-m3节间长度模式。I、II、III、IV分别表示穗下第1、第2、第3和第4节间。Fig. 2 Length and elongation model of the internodes in LTH and LTH-m3 a: internode length of LTH and LTH-m3. left: LTH; right: LTH-m3, the bar stands for 5 cm. b: internode elongation patterns of LTH and LTH-m3. I, II, III, and IV indicate internodes from the uppermost to the forth.
图3 GA3处理下突变体LTH-m3与野生型LTH苗高(a)及苗高增长率(b)的比较Fig. 3 Comparison of seedling height (a) and its relative increase (b) under treatments of GA3 between LTH-m3 mutant and wild type LTH
图5 突变体LTH-m3矮化基因的定位 a, b: 分别利用20个和312个突变表型的F2单株定位的基因位置。c: D1基因结构示意图, 白色框代表5′ 和3′ 非翻译区, 黑色框代表外显子区, 横线代表内含子区, 箭头指向突变体中D1的突变位点, 位于第6个内含子与外显子剪接位点处。Fig. 5 Mapping of the dwarf gene in mutant LTH-m3 a, b: gene mapping using 20 and 312 mutant-like F2 plants, respectively. c: the structure of D1, the white, black boxes represent 5′ and 3′ end un-translated regions and exons, and the horizontal lines represent introns. The arrow indicates the mutation position in the 6th intron of D1 in LTH-m3.
图7D1转基因互补表型 a: 抽穗期野生型、突变体及转基因阳性株T0代植株表型; b: 成熟期野生型、突变体及转基因阳性株T1代种子表型; c: 苗期野生型、突变体及转基因阳性株T1代植株表型。Fig. 7 Phenotypes complemented by transforming D1into the mutant a: phenotypes of the wild type, mutant and T0 transformant plants at heading stage; b: phenotypes of the wild type, mutant and T1 transformant seeds at maturing stage; c: phenotypes of the wild type, mutant and T0 transformant seedlings.
图6 突变体中D1基因的CDS序列和D1蛋白结构域突变位点 a: 野生型和突变体中D1基因CDS序列比对, 红色下画线部分为剪切掉的第6外显子。b: 突变体中D1蛋白结构域示意图, 第6外显子的缺失导致翻译提前终止, 箭头是翻译终止位置。Fig. 6 CDS sequence of D1 gene and the mutation site of D1 domain in the mutant a: alignment of CDS sequences of D1 in the mutant and wild type, in which the red underline indicates the cut 6th exon. b: a schematic diagram of the mutation in D1 protein, and the arrow indicates the mutation position of preterm stop codon in the mutant.
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