关键词:高粱; 萌发期; 抗旱性; 主成分分析; 聚类分析 Screening and Identification for Drought Resistance during Germination in Sorghum Cultivars WU Qi1, ZHOU Yu-Fei1,*, GAO Yue1, ZHANG Jiao1, CHEN Bing-Ru1,2, XU Wen-Juan1, HUANG Rui-Dong1,* 1College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China
2 Institute of Crop Resources, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Gongzhuling 130124, China
Fund:This study was supported by the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-06-02-02), the General Fund of Department of Education of Liaoning Province (L2014271), and the Postdoctoral Fund of Shenyang Agricultural University (139173) AbstractGermination is a key stage showing drought resistance in sorghum. The present study was conducted to investigate the responses of 54 different sorghum cultivars (hybrid combinations) to drought stress during germination and screen sorghum cultivars suitable for growing in arid environment. PEG-6000 (-0.4 MPa) was used to simulate the typical drought stress environment in artificial climate chamber. Eight parameters including germination potential, germination rate, germination drought resistance index were measured. The results indicated that the comprehensive factor score functions were suitable for the comprehensive assessment of drought resistance during germination of sorghum cultivars based on principal component analysis (PCA). Based on comprehensive factor scores ( Y-value), 54 sorghum cultivars (hybridized combinations) were clustered into four groups, in which 13218A×20982R was the highest drought resistant hybrid, 13 cultivars (hybridized combinations) were drought resistant, e.g. Jiza 133, 23 cultivars were drought sensitive, e.g. Sumac, and 17 cultivars were highly drought sensitive, e.g. Liaoza 35. Results of PCA showed that germination drought resistance index, germination rate and root length can be used to screen a large number of sorghum cultivars with drought resistance.
Keyword:Sorghum; Germination; Drought resistance; Principal component analysis; Cluster analysis Show Figures Show Figures
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