关键词:大豆; GmNAC; 进化树; NaCl处理; 表达分析; 序列变异 Identification, Expression and Variation Analysis of Salt Tolerance Related GmNAC Genes in Soybean ZHANG Yan-Wei1,2, ZHANG Li-Feng1, LI Wei1, WANG Cai-Jie1, ZHANG Jun1, XU Ran1,* 1 Crop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan 250131, China
2 Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology of Ministry of Education, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150001, China
Fund:The study was supported by the Open Foundation of Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology of Ministry of Education, Northeast Agricultural University (SB14A04), the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-04-CES18), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31501329), and the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (ZR2015YL070) Abstract NAC genes play an important role in plant stress tolerance. In this study, bioinformatic method was used to identify the stress related GmNAC gene in soybean. The expression of candidated GmNAC genes in root and leaf was analyzed in soybean with NaCl treatment by Real-time PCR. Reverse transcription PCR was performed to clone genes with significant difference in expression. The results showed that there were 175 genes in soybean GmNAC gene family. There were 11 GmNAC proteins with highly conserved NAC located on the same evolutionary branch with the stress related NAC proteins in rice and Arabidopsis. The expression of 11 GmNAC genes in soybean root was higher than that in leaf. The GmNAC genes were all induced by NaCl stress, but part of the GmNAC genes showed different expression levels between root and leaf in soybean varieties with different salt tolerances. There were three synonymous mutations and one non-synonymous mutation on the CDS region of Glyma06g11970.1 and one synonymous mutation on the CDS region of Glyma06g16440.2 in Qihuang 34, Xudou 10, and Fendou 95.
Keyword:Soybean; GmNAC; Phylogenetic tree; NaCl treatment; Expression analysis; Sequence variation Show Figures Show Figures
表3 水稻和拟南芥逆境相关NAC基因 Table 3 Stress related NAC genes in rice and Arabidopsis
基因登录号 Gene ID
基因名称 Gene name
基因功能 Gene function
ABA信号通路; 参与ABA、热、高盐、JA、干旱应答; 生长发育[6, 7, 8]。 ABA signaling pathway; induced by ABA, heat, high salt, JA, drought; regulate plant growth and development.
JA生物合成, JA通路, 高盐应答, 菌防卫应答, 器官发育, 调控细胞程序性死亡, 调控防御应答[7, 8]。 JA biosynthesis; JA signaling pathway; response to high salt, fungi; organism development; negative regulation of programmed cell death; negative regulation of defense responses.
ABA信号通路, 参与高盐、ABA、生长素、乙烯、JA、脱水、损伤应答, 信号传导[5]。 ABA signaling pathway; induced by ABA, IAA, ethylene, JA, high salt, dehydration, wounding; signal transduction.
洪涝等逆境胁迫反应[9]。 Involving in response to stress such as flooding.
耐寒, 耐盐, 耐氧化胁迫[10, 11, 12, 13]。Involving in response to cold, high salt, oxidative stress.
生物和非生物胁迫应答[14, 15]。Response to biotic and abiotic stress.
耐旱, 耐盐[16]。Involving in response to drought, high salt.
表3 水稻和拟南芥逆境相关NAC基因 Table 3 Stress related NAC genes in rice and Arabidopsis
图1 NAC蛋白系统进化树 ●: 大豆干旱胁迫诱导的GmNAC蛋白; ○: 水稻和拟南芥中逆境相关的NAC蛋白。Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of NAC proteins ●: GmNAC proteins induced by drought in soybean; ○: Stress related NAC proteins in rice and Arabidopsis.
图7GmNAC基因在大豆品种中的序列变异 a: Glyma06g11970.1在大豆品种中的序列变异; b: Glyma06g16440.2在大豆品种中的序列变异。Fig. 7 Sequence variations of GmNAC in soybean varieties a: Variations of Glyma06g11970.1 in soybean varieties; b: Variations of Glyma06g16440.2 in soybean varieties.
4 结论获得了3个盐胁迫相关的GmNAC基因(Glyma04g38560.1、Glyma06g11970.1和Glyma0 6g16440.2), 其中Glyma06g11970.1和Glyma0 6g16440.2在徐豆10、齐黄34和汾豆95中存在SNP位点。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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