关键词:花生; AhDGAT2a基因; 启动子; 功能验证 Cloning and Functional Analysis of Peanut AhDGAT2a Promoter ZHENG Ling1,2, SHI Ling-Min1,3, TIAN Hai-Ying1,2, SHAN Lei1,2, BIAN Fei1, GUO Feng1, XUAN Ning1, WAN Shuo-Bo1,2,*, PENG Zhen-Ying1,2,3,* 1 Biotechnology Research Center, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Ecology and Physiology, Jinan 250100, China
2College of Life Science, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China
3College of Agronomy, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830000, China
Fund:This study was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Shandong (ZR2013CM036) and Shandong Province Germplasm Innovation and Utilization Project (2014-2017) AbstractDiacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) is a rate-limiting enzyme in triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthesis pathway. In this study, GenomeWalking method was used for cloning the promoter sequence of AhDGAT2a gene from Luhua 14, and finally a 1200 bp fragment flanking 5′-upstream of AhDGAT2a was obtained and named as pAhDGAT2a. The crucial regulatory elements in pAhDGAT2a were further analyzed with software PlantCARE. There were many TATA-box, CAAT-box, light regulation, stress and defense response and hormone response elements. To assess the activity of pAhDGAT2a, we constructed pAhDGAT2a:GUS cassettes and introduced it into the tobacco SR1 genome by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Expression pattern was monitored by histochemical staining. Results showed that GUS activity driven by the pAhDGAT2a was detected in almost all vegetative and reproductive tissues, with a higher expression level in stigma, anther and young seeds than in the other organs, indicating that pAhDGAT2a has a constitutive promoter activity.
Keyword: Arachis hypogaeaL .; AhDGAT2a gene; Promoter; Function analysis Show Figures Show Figures
图1 pAhDGAT2a的两轮扩增结果 M: DL2000; A: 第2轮扩增结果; B: 第3轮扩增结果。Fig. 1 PCR products of pAhDGAT2a promoter M: DL2000; A: products of the second round PCR; B: products of the third round PCR.
图3 转基因烟草的GUS染色图 A~D: 野生型烟草; E~H: 转基因烟草; A, E: 烟草幼苗; B, F: 花; C, G: 花药和柱头; D, H: 未成熟的种子。A~C, E~G比例尺为1 cm; D, H比例尺为1 mm。Fig. 3 GUS staining of the transformed tobacco lines A-D, wild type tobacco; E-H, transgenic tobacco. A and E: seedlings; B and F: flowers; C and G: anthers and stigmas; D and H: immature seeds. Bars = 1 cm in A-C and E-G; bars = 1 mm in D, H.
目前关于植物DGAT1基因组织特异性表达的研究有较多报道, 而关于植物DGAT2基因的组织器官特异性表达的研究较少。普遍认为大多数高等植物的DGAT1基因在各组织器官中均表达, 而DGAT2则与植物种子中特殊脂肪酸的积累有关。拟南芥DGAT1在发育中的种子、花瓣、花芽中表达量高, 而在叶和茎中表达量低[19], 大多数双子叶植物例如大豆、斑鸠菊、油菜的表达模式与拟南芥相似[14, 17, 40], 而旱金莲DGAT1只在发育的种子中表达[41]。桐树DGAT2基因在种子发育中期被较强诱导表达, 而在其他器官中表达量很低, 表明桐树DGAT2与种子中脂肪酸积累直接相关[28]。斑鸠菊、大戟、琉璃苣和蓖麻的DGAT2基因在种子发育早期高表达, 而大豆DGAT2基因在种子中的表达量很低。相反, 大豆DGAT1基因在种子中表达量较高[42]。我们前期关于AhDGAT2基因组织器官特异性表达模式研究表明, 该基因在花生的各个器官都表达, 但是在叶、花以及种子发育前期表达量较高[25]。本研究中将pAhDGAT2a构建GUS植物表达载体并转化烟草, 结果发现该序列不仅能正确启动GUS基因表达, 而且在转基因烟草的各个器官中都表达, 与我们前期研究结果一致, 但是与桐树DGAT2和大豆DGAT2的表达特点显著不同。本研究中GUS活性在转基因烟草柱头和花药中较强表达, 显示出AhDGAT2a基因在花生授粉中的重要性, 这一点在其他文献中未见报道。这些研究均表明, DGAT1与DGAT2基因的组织器官特异性表达模式因物种而异。二者不仅在植物种子脂肪酸合成中具有重要作用, 同时对于其他组织器官内的脂肪酸合成(比如维持细胞膜脂类的动态平衡), 甚至对于植物个体的整个发育过程都具有十分重要的作用。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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