关键词:杂交水稻; 种子; 成熟; 小热激蛋白; 寡糖; 活力 Soluble Oligosaccharide and Small Heat Shock Protein Correlated with Seed Germination and Vigor during Hybrid Rice Seed Maturation ZHU Li-Wei1,2,**, CAO Dong-Dong3,**, FU Yu-Ying1, HU Qi-Juan1, LI Zhan1, GUAN Ya-Jing1, HU Wei-Min1, HU Jin1,* 1 Seed Science Center, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
2 Research Center of Buckwheat Industry Technology, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China
3 Zhejiang Agriculture Science Limited Company, Hangzhou 310058, China
Fund:This study was supported by the China Special Fund for Agro-Scientific Research in the Public Interest (201203052), the Subject Fund of Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Hall (2013C02005, 2013C32023), the Natural Sciences Fund of Zhejiang Province (LZ14C130002, LY15C130002), and Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production AbstractTo study the relationship between seed soluble oligosaccharide, small heat shock protein (sHSPs) and seed vigor, we systematically studied their changes during hybrid rice seed maturity. The mean fuzzy subordinate function values of germination percentage, germination energy, germination index, vigor index and mean germination time, root number, root length, shoot length and seedling weight were analyzed. The results indicated that seeds harvesting at 19 to 34 days after pollination (DAP) had a higher viability and vigor. The seed moisture content had a decline trend, with a decrease from 48.2% at 10 DAP to 23.9% at 22 DAP. The raffinose content increased significantly, the fructose content kept decreasing, the contents of stachyose and glucose significantly increased firstly and then decreased during seed development. The relative expression levels of 64SHsp18.0 and Os03g0267200 genes increased significantly from 10 to 19 DAP, and then decreased. The moisture content, the contents of raffinose, stachyose and sucrose, thousand seed weight of fresh seeds and dry seeds, relative transcriptions of 64SHsp18.0 and Os03g0267200 genes were all significantly correlated with seed germination during seed maturity.
表1 不同成熟期水稻基因表达量的实时荧光定量PCR所用的引物序列 Table 1 Primers used in q-PCR analysis of the expression of sHsp genes in hybrid rice seeds at different development phases
基因名称Gene name
引物序列Primer sequences(5'-3')
β -OsActin
64S Hsp18.0
表1 不同成熟期水稻基因表达量的实时荧光定量PCR所用的引物序列 Table 1 Primers used in q-PCR analysis of the expression of sHsp genes in hybrid rice seeds at different development phases
表2 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数和平均发芽时间 Table 2 Germination energy (GE), germination percentage (GP), germination index (GI), vigor index (VI), and mean germination time (MGT) of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds at different maturation stages
发芽势GE (%)
发芽率GP (%)
平均发芽时间MGT (d)
10 d
19.3 c
30.7 c
3.402 f
0.4 f
5.0 a
13 d
70.7 b
83.3 b
10.541 e
2.0 e
4.2 b
16 d
94.7 a
96.0 a
14.973 d
3.2 d
3.3 c
19 d
99.3 a
99.3 a
19.483 a
4.6 a
2.7 e
22 d
99.3 a
99.3 a
17.900 b
4.3 b
2.9 de
25 d
97.3 a
97.3 a
16.794 c
4.0 c
3.1 cd
28 d
100.0 a
100.0 a
19.467 a
4.4 b
2.7 e
31 d
99.3 a
99.3 a
18.217 b
4.1 c
2.8 de
34 d
100.0 a
100.0 a
18.261 b
4.0 c
2.8 de
Values within a column followed by a different small letter are significantly different (α = 0.05, LSD). DAP: days after pollination. 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。
表2 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数和平均发芽时间 Table 2 Germination energy (GE), germination percentage (GP), germination index (GI), vigor index (VI), and mean germination time (MGT) of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds at different maturation stages
表3 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子幼苗的根数、根长、苗高和幼苗鲜重、幼苗干重 Table 3 Root numbers and length, shoot height, seedling fresh, and dry weights of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seedlings at different maturation stages
授粉后天数 DAP
根数 RN
根长 RL (cm)
苗高 SH (cm)
幼苗鲜重 SFW (g 20 seedlings-1)
幼苗干重 SDW (g 20 seedlings-1)
10 d
6.0 d
5.5 b
7.3 f
0.714 e
0.133 e
13 d
7.5 c
5.5 b
6.4 g
1.134 d
0.191 d
16 d
9.1 b
4.6 d
8.0 e
1.272 cd
0.210 cd
19 d
10.2 a
5.3 bc
9.8 bc
1.511 ab
0.235 ab
22 d
10.5 a
5.2 bc
10.7 a
1.372 abc
0.241 a
25 d
10.0 a
5.1 c
8.7 d
1.548 a
0.241 a
28 d
10.1 a
4.8 d
10.0 b
1.352 bc
0.223 abc
31 d
10.5 a
6.2 a
10.5 a
1.423 abc
0.225 abc
34 d
9.3 b
6.3 a
9.4 c
1.428 abc
0.217 bc
Values within a column followed by a different small letter are significantly different (α = 0.05, LSD). RN: root numbers; RL: root length; SH: shoot height; SFW: seedling fresh weights; SDW: seedling dry weights; DAP: days after pollination. 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著性(α = 0.05, LSD)。
表3 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子幼苗的根数、根长、苗高和幼苗鲜重、幼苗干重 Table 3 Root numbers and length, shoot height, seedling fresh, and dry weights of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seedlings at different maturation stages
表4 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数和平均发芽时间的模糊隶属函数值 Table 4 Mean fuzzy subordinate function value of germination energy, germination percentage, germination index, vigor index, and mean germination time of Y Liangyou 689 rice seeds at different maturation stages
10 d
0.000 e
13 d
0.514 d
16 d
0.800 c
19 d
0.996 a
22 d
0.945 ab
25 d
0.889 b
28 d
0.990 ab
31 d
0.948 ab
34 d
0.948 ab
Values within a column followed by a different small letter are significantly different (α = 0.05, LSD). FGE: fuzzy subordinate function value of germination energy; FGP: fuzzy subordinate function value of germination percentage; FGI: fuzzy subordinate function value of germination index; FVI: fuzzy subordinate function value of vigor index; FMGT: fuzzy subordinate function value of mean germination time; A-value: mean fuzzy subordinate function value of evaluation index. DAP: days after pollination. 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。FGE: 发芽势的模糊隶属函数; FGP: 发芽率的模糊隶属函数; FGI: 发芽指数的模糊隶属函数; FVI: 活力指数的模糊隶属函数; FMGT: 平均发芽时间的模糊隶属函数; A-value: 所有指标的平均模糊隶属函数。
表4 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数和平均发芽时间的模糊隶属函数值 Table 4 Mean fuzzy subordinate function value of germination energy, germination percentage, germination index, vigor index, and mean germination time of Y Liangyou 689 rice seeds at different maturation stages
表5 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子幼苗的根数、根长、苗高和苗鲜重、苗干重的模糊隶属函数值 Table 5 Mean fuzzy subordinate function values of root number and length, shoot height, fresh and dry weights of seedling in Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice at different maturation stages
10 d
0.148 f
13 d
0.381 e
16 d
0.489 d
19 d
0.807 b
22 d
0.828 b
25 d
0.744 c
28 d
0.693 c
31 d
0.919 a
34 d
0.813 b
Values within a column followed by a different small letter are significantly different (α = 0.05, LSD). FRN: fuzzy subordinate function value of root number; FRL: fuzzy subordinate function value of root length; FSH: fuzzy subordinate function value of shoot height; FSFW: fuzzy subordinate function value of fresh weights of seedling; FSDW: fuzzy subordinate function value of dry weights of seedling. A-value: mean fuzzy subordinate function value of evaluation index. DAP: days after pollination. 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著性(α = 0.05, LSD)。FRN: 根数的模糊隶属函数; FRL: 根长的模糊隶属函数; FSH: 苗高的模糊隶属函数; FSFW: 苗鲜重的模糊隶属函数; FSDW: 苗干重的模糊隶属函数; A-value: 所有指标的平均模糊隶属函数。
表5 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子幼苗的根数、根长、苗高和苗鲜重、苗干重的模糊隶属函数值 Table 5 Mean fuzzy subordinate function values of root number and length, shoot height, fresh and dry weights of seedling in Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice at different maturation stages
图1 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子发芽与幼苗质量的平均模糊隶属函数值柱状图上方不同的字母表示不同成熟期种子间的差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。Fig. 1 Mean fuzzy subordinate function value in seed germination and seedling quality at different maturation stages of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid riceDifferent small letters on top of bars indicate the significant differences of mean fuzzy subordinate function values of seeds at different maturation stages (α = 0.05, LSD).
表6 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子含水量及其鲜重和干重 Table 6 Differences of moisture content, thousand-seed weight of fresh seeds and dry seeds at different maturation stages of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds
授粉后天数 DAP
天气 Weather
相对湿度 RH (%)
含水量 MC (%)
鲜种子千粒重 TFSW (g)
干种子千粒重 TDSW (g)
10 d
阴 Cloudy
48.2 a
20.568 c
11.640 d
13 d
阴 Cloudy
34.1 b
22.828 b
15.960 c
16 d
阴 Cloudy
26.0 cd
24.170 a
19.047 b
19 d
雨 Rain
27.9 c
24.091 a
19.047 b
22 d
阴 Cloudy
23.9 d
23.951 ab
19.386 ab
25 d
阴 Cloudy
23.9 d
24.166 a
19.533 a
28 d
雨 Rain
26.4 cd
24.170 a
19.540 a
Different small letters after the number indicate the significant difference (α = 0.05, LSD) within the same column. RH: relative humidity; MC: moisture content; TFSW: thousand-seed weight of fresh seeds; TDSW: thousand seed weight of dry weight. DAP: days after pollination. 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。
表6 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子含水量及其鲜重和干重 Table 6 Differences of moisture content, thousand-seed weight of fresh seeds and dry seeds at different maturation stages of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds
表7 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子中水苏糖、棉子糖、蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖的含量 Table 7 Soluble stachyose, raffinose, sucrose, glucose, and fructose contents at different maturation stages of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice (µ g 10-seed-1)
授粉后天数 DAP
水苏糖 Stachyose
棉子糖 Raffinose
蔗糖 Sucrose
葡萄糖 Glucose
果糖 Fructose
10 d
52.969 c
5.110 f
42.045 f
4.814 c
1.103 b
13 d
52.565 c
15.495 e
69.859 e
7.868 a
1.200 b
16 d
101.208 b
16.136 e
117.949 d
5.124 c
0.871 c
19 d
184.617 a
21.252 d
191.934 a
6.022 b
1.693 a
22 d
187.552 a
28.031 c
148.509 b
3.106 d
1.732 a
25 d
27.187 d
35.816 b
142.333 c
2.603 e
1.067 c
28 d
31.117 d
43.004 a
180.374 a
1.549 f
0.869 c
Values within the same column followed by different letters are significantly different (α = 0.05, LSD). DAP: days after pollination. 数值后不同字母表示同一列数值间差异显著(α = 0.05, LSD)。
表7 不同成熟期Y两优689杂交水稻种子中水苏糖、棉子糖、蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖的含量 Table 7 Soluble stachyose, raffinose, sucrose, glucose, and fructose contents at different maturation stages of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice (µ g 10-seed-1)
图2 不同成熟期Y两优689水稻种子64S Hsp18.0 (A)和Os03g0267200 (B)基因相对表达量Fig. 2 Relative expression levels of 64S Hsp18.0 (A) and Os03g0267200 (B) genes at different maturation stages of Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seed
表8 Y两优689杂交水稻种子成熟过程生理生化的变化与种子发芽率和发芽势之间的直线回归关系(授粉后10~22 d) Table 8 Linear regression relationships of the physiological and biochemical changes with germination percentage and germination energy at different maturation stages in Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds (10 to 22 DAP)
生理指标 Physiological parameter
线性回归方程 Linear regression equation
皮尔逊相关系数 Pearson correlation coefficient
线性回归方程 Linear regression equation
皮尔逊相关系数 Pearson correlation coefficient
y = -2.322x + 147.2
y = -3.029x + 147.7
y = 14.510x - 261.3
y = 17.860x - 360.9
y = 7.060x - 46.47
y = 9.074x - 102.6
棉子糖含量Raffinose content
y = 0.321x + 35.72
y = 0.499x - 7.057
水苏糖含量Stachyose content
y = 2.738x + 25.81
0.957* *
y = 4.099x - 19.72
0.968* *
蔗糖含量Sucrose content
y = 0.369x + 30.74
y = 0.534x - 10.15
葡萄糖含量Glucose content
y = -3.670x + 92.70
y = -6.595x + 86.33
果糖含量Fructose content
y = 41.880x + 17.65
y = 79.050x - 53.54
64S Hsp18. relative express level
y = 0.096x + 57.77
y = 0.161x + 25.41
Os03g0267200 relative express level
y = 9.897x + 46.90
y = 16.270x + 7.993
* and * * indicate significant correlation at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. Abbreviations correspond with those given in Table 2 and Table 6. 数值后的* 和* * 分别表示α =0.05和α =0.01水平上显著相关。缩写同表2和表6。
表8 Y两优689杂交水稻种子成熟过程生理生化的变化与种子发芽率和发芽势之间的直线回归关系(授粉后10~22 d) Table 8 Linear regression relationships of the physiological and biochemical changes with germination percentage and germination energy at different maturation stages in Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds (10 to 22 DAP)
表9 Y两优689杂交水稻种子成熟过程中生理生化变化与种子发芽指数和活力指数间的直线回归关系(授粉后10~22 d) Table 9 Linear regression relationships of the physiological and biochemical changes with germination index and vigor index at different maturation stages in Y Lianyou 689 hybrid rice seeds (10 to 22 DAP)
生理指标 Physiological parameter
线性回归方程 Linear regression equation
皮尔逊相关系数 Pearson correlation coefficient
线性回归方程 Linear regression equation
皮尔逊相关系数 Pearson correlation coefficient
y = -0.443x + 21.88
y = -0.085x + 4.030
y = 2.628x - 52.89
y = 0.476x - 9.689
y = 1.339x - 14.98
y = 0.250x - 2.929
棉子糖含量Raffinose content
y = 0.076x - 1.229
y = 0.014x - 0.362
水苏糖含量Stachyose content
y = 0.613x - 2.880
y = 0.116x - 0.711
0.969* *
蔗糖含量Sucrose content
y = 0.082x - 1.700
y = 0.014x - 0.359
葡萄糖含量Glucose content
y = -0.984x + 12.97
y = -0.277x + 2.790
果糖含量Fructose content
y = 12.440x - 8.747
y = 2.183x - 1.583
64S Hsp18.0 relative express level
y = 0.025x + 3.713
y = 0.004x + 0.584
Os03g0267200 relative express level
y = 2.541x + 0.987
y = 0.451x + 0.110
* and * * indicate significant correlation at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. Abbreviations correspond with those given in Table 2 and Table 6. 数值后的* 和* * 分别表示α =0.05和α =0.01 水平上显著相关。缩写同表2和表6。
表9 Y两优689杂交水稻种子成熟过程中生理生化变化与种子发芽指数和活力指数间的直线回归关系(授粉后10~22 d) Table 9 Linear regression relationships of the physiological and biochemical changes with germination index and vigor index at different maturation stages in Y Lianyou 689 hybrid rice seeds (10 to 22 DAP)
表10 Y两优689杂交水稻种子成熟过程中生理生化变化与种子平均发芽时间(MGT)的直线回归关系(授粉后10~22 d) Table 10 Linear regression relationships of the physiological and biochemical changes with mean germination time at different maturation stages in Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds (10 to 22 DAP)
生理指标 Physiological parameters
线性回归方程 Linear regression equation
皮尔逊相关系数 Pearson correlation coefficient
y = 0.203x - 1.947
0.984* *
y = -1.362x + 35.97
-0.993* *
y = -0.627x + 15.19
-0.995* *
棉子糖含量Raffinose content
y = -0.006x + 4.648
水苏糖含量Stachyose content
y = -0.200x + 8.021
蔗糖含量Sucrose content
y = -0.027x + 7.709
葡萄糖含量Glucose content
y = 0.077x + 4.164
果糖含量Fructose content
y = -1.750x + 6.890
64S Hsp18.0 relative express level
y = -0.005x + 5.424
Os03g0267200 relative express level
y = -0.574x + 6.091
* and * * indicate significant correlation at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. Abbreviations correspond with those given in Table 2 and Table 6. 数值后的* 和* * 分别表示α = 0.05和α = 0.01水平上显著相关。缩写同表2和表6。
表10 Y两优689杂交水稻种子成熟过程中生理生化变化与种子平均发芽时间(MGT)的直线回归关系(授粉后10~22 d) Table 10 Linear regression relationships of the physiological and biochemical changes with mean germination time at different maturation stages in Y Liangyou 689 hybrid rice seeds (10 to 22 DAP)
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