关键词:水稻; 杂种不育基因; 基因定位 Identification and Mapping of a Hybrid Sterility Gene between 9311 and Nipponbare ZHANG Hong-Gen**, ZHANG Li-Jia**, SUN Yi-Biao, SI Hua, LIU Qiao-Quan, TANG Shu-Zhu*, GU Ming-Hong Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology / Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops / Key Laboratory of Plant Functional Genomics of the Ministry of Education, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China Fund:This study was supported by the Key Project of Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development (2011CB100101) and the Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions AbstractExploitation of subspecific heterosis is an effective method to improve rice yield by overcoming hybrid sterility between subspecies. In this study, F1 plants of the cross between Nipponbare and T9424, a line from a set of chromosome segment substitution lines with Nipponbare background as recipient and 9311 as donor, showed the decreasing spikelet and pollen fertility compared with the two parents, indicating that there was the incompatibility between the parents. Three substituted chromosome segments on chromosome 1, 4, and 5, respectively, were identified by whole genome re-sequencing of T9424. Analysis of the genotypes and spikelet fertility of plants in Nipponbare/T9424 F2 population indicated that hybrid sterility gene between T9424 and Nipponbare was located on chromosome 5. A total of 790 plants were then used for mapping the hybrid sterility gene, and the target gene was mapped to a candidate region with the physical distance of 110 kb between PSM8 and A14 on chromosome 5. The hybrid sterility gene, named S39(t) temporarily , controlled partial abortion of both pollen grains and embryo-sac of Nipponbare/T9424 F1 plants .These results are useful for deepening understanding of the phenomenon of hybrid sterility, and lay the groundwork for the gene cloning and its use in breeding.
表1 双亲及F1抽穗期、株高、花粉育性与小穗育性 Table 1 Heading stage, plant height, pollen and spikelet fertility of the parents and F1
双亲及F1 Parent and F1
抽穗期 Heading period (d)
株高 Plant height (cm)
花粉育性 Pollen sterility (%)
小穗育性 Spikelet fertility (%)
94 a
102.01± 4.61 a
95.00± 2.13 a
91.93± 7.25 a
94 a
89.31± 3.46 b
52.58± 12.98 b
65.36± 15.94 b
94 a
70.72± 5.60 c
94.00± 3.32 a
94.50± 2.50 a
Values are not significantly different and that followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. 标明不同字母的值差异达0.05显著水平。
表1 双亲及F1抽穗期、株高、花粉育性与小穗育性 Table 1 Heading stage, plant height, pollen and spikelet fertility of the parents and F1
图1 双亲及F1的植株和花粉Fig. 1 Plant and pollen grains phenotype of the parents and F1 A: 日本晴、日本晴/T9424 F1及T9424植株表型; B、C、D: 分别为日本晴、日本晴/T9424 F1和T9424的花粉表型。 A: plant phenotypes of Nipponbare, Nipponbare/T9424 F1, and T9424; B, C, D: pollen grains phenotypes of Nipponbare, Nipponbare/T9424 F1, and T9424, respectively.
图3 不同基因型与小穗育性分布图Fig. 3 Distribution of different genotypes and spikelet fertility A、B、C分别为标记RM1361、STS 4-7.1、RM1200检测基因型与小穗育性分布图。 A, B, and C represent the genotypes of marker RM1361, STS4-7.1, and RM1200, respectively.
图5 T9424及日本晴/T9424 F1胚囊Fig. 5 Embryo-sac of T9424 and F1 A: T9424的胚囊; B: 日本晴/T9424 F1胚囊。箭头示极核。 A: embryo-sac of T9424; B: embryo-sac of Nipponbare/T9424 F1. The arrows show the polar nucleus.
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