摘要选用Xushu 18 (6 x)和Nancy Hall (6 x)、2个二倍体 I. trifida (2 x)品系(4597-10和4597-21)、四倍体 I. trifida (4 x)、六倍体 I. trifida (6 x)、二倍体 I. temussima (2 x)和 I. littorallis (2 x)以简化基因组测序技术SLAF-seq测序, 获得724 589个SLAF标签, 其中多态性SLAF标签35 310个。通过序列分析, 获得40 765个有效单核苷酸多态(SNP), 并用这些SNP分析了8个种质的群体结构和系统发生树。结果表明, 利用简化基因组测序技术SLAF-seq能高效、低成本地开发出大量可用于群体遗传分析的SNP标记; 通过构建进化树发现甘薯栽培种和野生种 I. trifida的亲缘关系比较近。这些分析结果为进一步研究甘薯栽培种的起源提供了基础数据。
关键词:甘薯; SLAF-seq; 分子标记; SNP; 进化分析 Analysis of Interspecific SNPs in Sweetpotato Using a Reduced-Representation Genotyping Technology SHI Xuan1, WANG Ru-Yuan1, TANG Jun2, LI Zong-Yun1,*, LUO Yong-Hai1,* 1 School of Life Science, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China
2 Sweetpotato Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / National Sweetpotato Improvement Centre, Xuzhou 221121, China
Fund:This study was supported by the Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions, the Project on Crop Conservation Funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of China (2015NWB006), the General Projects Funded by Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK2012579, BK20141146), and the Major Project Funded by Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (12KJA180001) AbstractXushu 18 (6 x), Nancy Hall (6 x), I. trifida (2 x) 4597-10, I. trifida (2 x) 4597-21, I. trifida (4 x), I. trifida (6x), I. temussima (2 x), and I. littorallis (2 x) were used as experimental materials for sequencing by specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq), a high-throughput reduced-representation genotyping technology. In total, 724 589 SLAF tags were obtained and 40 765 SNPs were identified out of 35 310 polymorphic SLAF tags. A total of 40 765 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were obtained by sequence analysis. Population structure and phylogenetic relationship of eight germplasm were analyzed using the SNP dataset, which suggests that SLAF-seq can be used to develop large-scale SNPs for population genetic analysis, effectively and economically. Our analysis revealed that the relationship between sweet potato cultivars and the wild species I. trifida is closer . These results provide empirical data for further study of the origin of sweet potato.
Keyword:Sweetpotato; SLAF-seq; Molecular marker; SNP; Phylogenetic analysis Show Figures Show Figures
图1 基于所鉴定SNP分析群体结构A: 不同分群数(K值)的聚类结果显示无明显群体结构存在; B: 不同K值对应的交叉验证错误率显示k为8的时候交叉验证错误率最小。Fig. 1 Analysis of population structure by using identified SNPsA: cluster results of different structuring number (K-values) show no obvious population structure; B: cross validation error rates corresponding to different K-values show k = 8 is the best.
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