关键词:小麦; 花发育; MADS-box基因; 表达模式 Expression Patterns of MADS-box Genes Related to Flower Development of Wheat LI Hai-Feng1,2,*, HAN Ying1, LIU Meng-Jia1, WANG Bing-Hua1, SU Ya-Li1, SUN Qi-Xin1,* 1 State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas / College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
2 Xinjiang Agriculture Vocational Technology College, Changji 831100, China
Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31571657), the Fundamental Research Foundation for the Central Universities (2014ZZ009), and the Foundation of Xinjiang Agriculture Vocational Technology College (XJNZYKJ201501) AbstractThe objective of this study was to elucidate the molecular mechanism of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) flower development. According to the phylogenetic tree of MADS- box genes from different species, we found that wheat contained all kinds of genes involved in the ABCDE model for flower development. The expression patterns of A-, B-, C-, D-, and E-class genes were analyzed by semi-quantitative and quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). Wheat AP1/ FUL gene TaFUL (A-class) was expressed in all floral organs with the highest expression level in lemmas and paleas. Genes TaAP3 (B-class), TaAG(C-class) showed conservative expression patterns in specific organs, i.e., TaAP3 was expressed in lodicules and stamens whereas TaAGwas expressed in stamens and pistils. The OsMADS13 homologous gene in wheat (D-class) was expressed in both pistils and lodicules, suggesting its function in lodicule and ovule development simultaneously. Gene TaSEP (E-class) was mainly expressed in paleas and the inner-three whorls. LHS1 is a grass-specific gene family and belongs to E-class. The expression of TaLHS1 was detected in lemmas, paleas, and glumes of wheat. TaDL, the homologous gene of rice DROOPING LEAF ( DL) controlling carpel development, was expressed in glumes, lemmas and carpels. These results suggest a conservative molecular mechanism for flower development in wheat, but some genes may have diversified functions due to evolution. The expression evidence of TaDL and TaLHS1 in glumes, in combination with the morphology and structure analyses of glume, lemma and palea, implied that lemma and glume might originate from the same organ in wheat.
图1 小麦花的结构和器官 A: 小穗; B: 剥去一半外稃的小花; C: 内轮花器官; D: 浆片; E: 护颖; F: 外稃; G: 內稃; H~J: 护颖(H)、外稃(I )和內稃(J)表层的扫描电镜照片; K: 小穗石蜡横切片; L和M: 护颖(L)和外稃(M)横切片局部放大; N: 內稃的横切片; O和P: 內稃边缘(O)和中间结构(P)的放大。L-N中, * 指示维管束。gl: 护颖; le: 外稃; pa: 內稃; lo: 浆片; st: 雄蕊; pi: 雌蕊。A~C和E~G中, bar = 500 µ m; D和H~J中, bar = 100 µ m。Fig. 1 Wheat flower structure and floral organs A: spikelet; B: floret with a half of lemma; C: inner floral organs; D: lodicules; E: glume; F: lemma; G: palea; H-J: epidermics SEM observation of glume (H), lemma (I), and palea (J); K: transverse section of one spikelet; L and M: Amplification of glume (L) and lemma (M). N: Transverse section of one palea; O and P: amplification of marginal tissue (O) and main strucuture of palea (P). Asterisks in L-N indicate vascular bundles. gl: glume; le: lemma; pa: palea; lo: lodicule; st: stamen; pi: pistil. Bar = 500 µ m in A-C and E-G; bar = 100 µ m in D and H-J.
图2 拟南芥、水稻、短柄草、玉米、小麦花发育基因系统进化树 不同颜色的圆弧表示不同基因类型。Fig. 2 Phylogenetic tree of floral genes in Arabidopsis, Brachypodium distachyon, rice, maize, and wheat Color circular arcs show the gene classes.
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