关键词:水稻( Oryza sativaL.); 斑马叶突变体; 叶绿体; 基因精细定位 Morphological Characterization and Fine Mapping of Zebra Leaf Mutant zebra1349in Rice ( Oryza sativaL.) GUO Guo-Qiang1,2,3, SUN Xue-Wu2, SUN Ping-Yong2, YIN Jian-Ying3, HE Qiang2, YUAN Ding-Yang2,*, DENG Hua-Feng1,2,*, YUAN Long-Ping1,2,* 1College of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
2State Key Laboratory of Hybrid Rice, Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, Changsha 410125, China
3Hengyang Agricultural Science Research Institute, Hengyang 421001, China
Fund:The study was supported by the grants from National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program)(2011AA10A101) and the Key Project Funded by the Hengyang Science and Technology Bureau (2011KZ15) AbstractA new zebra leaf mutant zebra1349was attained in a restorer line crossing population of [R128//(R318/R1025) F1] F6 in Hengyang Agricultural Science Research Institute of Hunan province. This mutant showed normal green leaves at seedlings stage, but a zebra leaf phenotype with green-yellow bands in penpendicular to leaf vein appeared at five days after transplanting, which was most obvious at sixth-leaf stage, and recovered normal green leaves around 30 days (ninth-leaf stage) after transplanting. Until the mature stage, the zebra1349 mutant showed insignificant difference with the wild type in major agronomic traits. The contents of total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid in yellow parts of the mutant leaf at sixth-leaf stage decreased by 55.86%, 61.02%, 39.34%, and 47.03%, respectively. Transmission Electron Microscopic (TEM) results indicated that the chloroplast of the mutant yellow leaf showed a serious thylakoid membrane degradation and decomposition, and the number of thylakoid grana lamella decreased significantly with larger gap and looser arrangement. Genetic analysis using F1and F2of the reciprocal crosses between zebra1349 and normal green rice varieties revealed that the zebra-leaf trait was controlled by one pair of recessive nuclear genes. With 1192 recessive plants in a F2population from the cross between zebra1349 mutant and normal green variety 02428, the ZEBRA1349gene was finely mapped between two InDel markers indel39 and indel44 on chromosome 12 with a genetic distance of 0.04 cM and 0.17 cM respectively, and the physical distance was 89 kb based on comparing with the reference genome of Japonicarice Nipponbare. These results provide a foundation for further map-based cloning of ZEBRA1349 and molecular marker-assisted breeding.
Keyword:Rice ( Oryza sativa L.); Zebra leaf mutant; Chloroplast; Gene fine mapping Show Figures Show Figures
图1 突变体zebra1349与其野生型亲本R1349在不同时期的表型 A: 苗期, 移栽前; B: 移栽后5 d, 斑马叶出现; C: 移栽后30 d, 斑马叶复绿; D: 成熟期; WT: 野生型; M: 突变体。Fig. 1 Phenotype of thezebra1349 mutant and its wild-type parent R1349 at the different stages A: seedling stage, before transplanting; B: at five days (d) after transplanting, zebra leaves appeared; C: at thirty days (d) after transplanting zebra leaves disappeared; D: mature stage. WT: wild type; M: mutant.
表1 Table 1 表1(Table 1)
表1 突变体zebra1349与野生型(WT)亲本主要农艺性状比较 Table 1 Comparison of major agronomic traits between the zebra1349 mutant and its wild-type (WT) parent
材料 Material
生育期 Whole growth period (d)
株高 Plant height (cm)
剑叶长 Flag leaf length (cm)
有效穗数 No. of effective panicles
穗长 Panicle length (cm)
每穗总粒数 No. of spikelets per panicle
结实率 Seed setting rate (%)
千粒重1000-grain weigh (g)
127.50± 1.31
88.71± 2.60
19.16± 1.19
7.94± 0.61
18.60± 0.76
148.40± 5.52
92.04± 1.31
22.1± 0.12
128.30± 1.42
87.45± 2.29
18.27± 1.23
8.07± 0.70
18.30± 0.52
146.46± 3.29
92.87± 0.83
22.2± 0.12
The zebra1349mutant and its wild-type had no significant difference in those traits investigated (P > 0.05), t(18)0.05=2.10. zebra1349和野生型的所有性状均差异不显著(P > 0.05), t(18)0.05=2.10。
表1 突变体zebra1349与野生型(WT)亲本主要农艺性状比较 Table 1 Comparison of major agronomic traits between the zebra1349 mutant and its wild-type (WT) parent
图2zebra1349和野生型(WT)不同发育时期叶片中色素含量分析 * * 表示野生型与突变体在0.01水平上差异显著。Fig. 2Pigment content in leaves of zebra1349 mutant and wild type (WT) at different growth stages * * Represent significant difference between zebra1349 mutant and the wild type at the 0.01 probability level.
图3 突变体zebra1349和野生型叶肉细胞中叶绿体显微结构 A、B、C、D分别为野生型、zebra1349斑马叶绿区部位和黄区部位及复绿叶片的叶绿体结构。P: 原片层体; G: 基粒; O: 嗜锇粒。Fig. 3 Ultrastructures of chloroplasts in the mesophyll cell of thezebra1349 mutant and WT A, B, C, D represent chloroplasts of the wild type, the green parts, the yellow parts and green leaves of the zebra1349mutant, respectively. P: prolamellar body; G: granum; O: osmiophilic globule.
图4ZEBRA1349基因在第12染色体上的精细定位 A: ZEBRA1349被定位到第12染色体RM101与CS1215之间; B: ZEBRA1349被精细定位在InDel标记indel39与indel44之间; C: ZEBRA1349被定位在BAC克隆OJ1194_E11 89 kb范围内; D: 定位区间预测的基因。Fig. 4 Fine mapping ofZEBRA1349 on chromosome 12 A:ZEBRA1349 was positioned between RM101 and CS1215 on chromosome 12; B: ZEBRA1349was fine mapped between two InDel markers indel39 and indel44; C: ZEBRA1349was located in a BAC of OJ1194_E11 within 89 kb; D: putative genes in the target interval.
表4 Table 4 表4(Table 4)
表4 水稻第12染色体定位区间内基因及其推测功能 Table 4 Gene names and their putative functions in the target interval
基因名称 Gene name
推测功能 Putative function
Expressed protein
Pentatricopeptide, putative, expressed
Regulator of chromosome condensation domain containing protein, expressed
Expressed protein
Expressed protein
Retrotransposon protein, putative, unclassified
Expressed protein
Expressed protein
Expressed protein
Expressed protein
Expressed protein
Peptidase family C78 domain containing protein, expressed
表4 水稻第12染色体定位区间内基因及其推测功能 Table 4 Gene names and their putative functions in the target interval
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