关键词:玉米; 染色体片段代换系; 产量; 杂种优势; 数量性状位点 Identification of Heterotic Loci for Yield and Ear Traits Using CSSL Test Population in Maize PENG Qian**, XUE Ya-Dong**, ZHANG Xiang-Ge, LI Hui-Min, SUN Gao-Yang, LI Wei-Hua, XIE Hui-Ling, TANG Ji-Hua* Key Laboratory of Wheat and Maize Crops Science / Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops / College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China AbstractHeterosis plays an important role in enhancing crop yield and quality. Dissecting the genetic basis of heterosis can promote hybrid maize selection, however it is unclear up to now. In this study, a set of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) population, which was constructed using the inbred line lx9801 as the receptor parent and the inbred line Chang 7-2 as the donor parent, was crossed with the inbred line T7296 to construct the corresponding test population. The test population was used to identify the heterotic loci (HL) for grain yield and ear traits in maize, which showed significant difference in heterosis between the corresponding chromosomal region of the inbred line Chang 7-2 and lx9801 as well as the test inbred line T7296. A total of 64 HL were identified for gain yield and ear traits, and among them 23 HL were identified at the two environments simultaneously, including 4 HL for ear length, 4 HL for ear width, 4 HL for row number, 7 HL for kernels per row, and 4 HL for grain yield. Additionally, the HL for both grain yield and its components simultaneously were found on many chromosomal regions. This study could offer a basic material for thoroughly dissecting the genetic basis of heterosis for grain yield and its components in maize.
Keyword:Maize; Chromosome segment substitution lines; Grain yield; Heterosis; Quantitative trait loci Show Figures Show Figures
表2 CSSLs× T7296测交群体产量及穗部性状间的表型相关系数 Table 2 Phenotypic correlation coefficients between grain yield and ear traits of the CSSLs× T7296 population in two environments
性状 Trait
穗长 Ear length
穗粗 Ear width
穗行数 Row number
行粒数 Kernels per row
产量 Grain yield
穗长 Ear length
0.17* *
0.31* *
0.25* *
穗粗 Ear width
0.39* *
0.43* *
0.29* *
0.45* *
穗行数 Row number
0.39* *
0.25* *
行粒数 Kernels per row
0.63* *
0.27* *
0.56* *
产量 Grain yield
0.54* *
0.67* *
0.32* *
0.49* *
Correlation coefficients between grain yield and ear traits in Xunxian and Changge are listed above and below the diagonal, respectively. * , * * Significance at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively. 长葛点和浚县点的产量与穗部性状的相关系数分别列于表格对角线的上部和下部。* , * * 分别表示0.05和0.01显著水平。
表2 CSSLs× T7296测交群体产量及穗部性状间的表型相关系数 Table 2 Phenotypic correlation coefficients between grain yield and ear traits of the CSSLs× T7296 population in two environments
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