关键词:杂交水稻; 轻简栽培; 机械化; 种子价格; 稻米品质 Dilemma and Way-out of Hybrid Rice during the Transition Period in China PENG Shao-Bing College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China Fund:This study was supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201203096) and the Program for Chang- jiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University of Ministry of Education of China (IRT1247) AbstractHybrid rice technology is one of a few world-class technologies that were developed by Chinese scientists. Its wide adoption has made tremendous contribution to food security in China. However, the planting area to hybrid rice has started declining in recent years in China. This is because rice farmers now prefer inbred varieties with low-input requirements and cheap seed price to cut down the production cost. Hybrid rice technology is still effective in enhancing grain yield and farmers’ incoming if it is used properly. To reverse the declining trend of hybrid rice planting area in China, breeders need to adjust their breeding targets and develop new hybrid rice varieties with the following characteristics: (1) suitable for low-input and mechanized cultivation, (2) resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, (3) high resource use efficiency, and (4) good grain quality. In addition, the cost of hybrid seed production must be reduced with low-input and mechanized cultivation technology in order to produce hybrid rice seeds which are affordable to rice farmers.
Keyword:Hybrid rice; Low-input cultivation; Mechanization; Seed price; Grain quality Show Figures Show Figures
图1 1985-2015中国早稻播种面积(数据来源于国家统计局[12])Fig. 1 Planting area of early-season rice in China from 1985 to 2015 (The data are from National Bureau of Statistics of China[12])
a: With Clearfield trait; International price was provided by Dr. Weijun Xu of SL Agritech Corporation, Philippines; Price of USA was provided by Dr. Fangming Xie of International Rice Research Institute; Price of China was provided by Mr. Hongzhi Song of Agricultural Technology Extension and Service Station, Dajing Township, Wuxue City, Hubei Province. a: 带有Clearfield性状; 国际市场价格由菲律宾SL Agritech Corporation许为军博士提供; 美国市场价格由国际水稻研究所杂交水稻首席专家谢放鸣博士提供; 中国市场价格由湖北省武穴市大金镇农技站宋红志提供。
2 杂交稻仍然代表先进的水稻生产技术尽管杂种优势的生理机理还不是十分清楚, 但杂交稻的产量优势是不容置疑的。国内大量的试验证明杂交稻的产量比常规稻有高15%~20%的潜力[14]; 在国际水稻研究所这一常规稻育种实力很强, 而杂交稻育种规模相对较小的科研单位, 其育成的杂交稻组合的产量潜力也比常规稻高近10%[15]。 同常规稻相比, 杂交稻苗期早生快发、分蘖力强、生长旺盛。我们的试验结果表明[16]: 杂交稻品种(丰两优香1号、扬两优6号、Y两优1号)在旱直播用种量从每平方米150粒降低到60粒时, 其产量没有下降。而常规稻品种黄华占在同样的情况下产量下降了8.2%, 达到显著水平(表2)。对于千粒重为25 g (含水量14%)的水稻品种, 每平方米60粒的播种量只相当于每公顷15 kg的用种量, 这是非常低的直播用种量, 甚至低于移栽稻的正常用种量。在这么低的播种量下, 杂交稻依靠前期的营养生长优势、高分蘖力, 保证了单位面积的穗数不减少, 从而确保了产量不降低。而常规稻黄华占在这么低的播种量下, 单位面积的穗数明显降低, 导致产量显著降低。人们一般认为杂交稻不适合直播种植方式, 这是出于种子成本上的考虑, 我们的试验结果表明由于杂交稻营养生长期的生长优势, 在生物学意义上杂交稻比常规稻更适合于直播这种轻简化栽培技术[16]。 我们的另一个试验比较了杂交稻和常规稻对降低氮肥和移栽密度的响应。结果表明: 杂交稻品种扬两优6号在施氮量从180 kg hm-2减到90 kg hm-2时, 其稻谷产量从10.49 t hm-2下降到10.24 t hm-2, 减产2.4%; 常规稻品种黄华占在同样的情况下, 稻谷产量从8.88 t hm-2下降到8.19 t hm-2, 减产7.8% (表3)。同时, 我们将移栽的株行距从0.13 m × 0.30 m增加到0.20 m × 0.30 m时(移栽密度从25.0蔸 m-2减到16.7蔸 m-2), 扬两优6号的稻谷产量从10.49 t hm-2下降到10.46 t hm-2, 减产仅0.3%; 黄华占的稻谷产量从8.88 t hm-2下降到8.42 t hm-2, 减产5.2% (表4)。这些试验结果说明杂交稻比常规稻更适合于减氮降密的种植方式。人们普遍认为杂交稻需要加大投入才能发挥其产量优势, 但这并不表明杂交稻比常规稻需要消耗更多的资源。我们的试验结果证明杂交稻产量对投入减少的敏感性并没有常规稻高, 更重要的是在两个不同的氮肥和劳动力投入水平下, 杂交稻的产出显著高于常规稻。这也说明杂交稻的资源利用效率要比常规稻高。此外, 国外的研究表明, 杂交稻前期的营养生长优势有利于限制杂草生长[17]。也有研究报道在干旱和极端温度等非生物逆境条件下, 杂交稻的表现优于常规稻[18]。另外, 杂交稻的食味品质欠缺是由于亲本的米质不好造成的, 不是杂交稻技术本身的问题, 两系杂交稻的米质普遍优于三系杂交稻就证明了这一点[19]。 表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 播种量对杂交稻和常规稻产量的影响 Table 2 Effect of seeding rate on the grain yield of hybrid and inbred varieties (t hm-2)
品种 Variety
播种量 Seeding rate
150 grains m-2
90 grains m-2
60 grains m-2
黄华占 Huanghuazhan
9.22 a
9.29 a
8.46 b
丰两优香1号 Fengliangyouxiang 1
9.05 a
8.98 a
8.79 a
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
10.60 a
10.71 a
10.83 a
Y-两优1号 Y-liangyou 1
11.13 a
11.36 a
11.34 a
The data are from Sun et al., 2015[16 ]. Values within the same row followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. 数据来源于Sun et al., 2015[16]。同一行内标以不同字母的值在0.05水平上差异显著。
表2 播种量对杂交稻和常规稻产量的影响 Table 2 Effect of seeding rate on the grain yield of hybrid and inbred varieties (t hm-2)
表3 Table 3 表3(Table 3)
表3 降低施氮量对杂交稻和常规稻产量的影响 Table 3 Effect of N reduction on the grain yield of hybrid and inbred varieties (t hm-2)
品种 Variety
施氮量Nitrogen rate
低氮下减产比率 Reduction under low nitrogen(%)
180 kg hm-2
90 kg hm-2
黄华占 Huanghuazhan
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
Field experiment was conducted in 2014 in Dajin Township, Wuxue County, Hubei Province (unpublished data). 2014年湖北武穴大金(未发表数据)。
表3 降低施氮量对杂交稻和常规稻产量的影响 Table 3 Effect of N reduction on the grain yield of hybrid and inbred varieties (t hm-2)
表4 Table 4 表4(Table 4)
表4 降低密度对杂交稻和常规稻产量的影响 Table 4 Effect of low planting density on the grain yield of hybrid and inbred varieties (t hm-2)
品种 Variety
种植密度Planting density
低密下减产比率 Reduction under low density (%)
25.0 hill m-2
16.7 hill m-2
黄华占 Huanghuazhan
扬两优6号 Yangliangyou 6
Field experiment was conducted in 2014 in Dajin Township, Wuxue County, Hubei Province (unpublished data). 2014年湖北武穴大金(未发表数据)。
表4 降低密度对杂交稻和常规稻产量的影响 Table 4 Effect of low planting density on the grain yield of hybrid and inbred varieties (t hm-2)
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