关键词:籽粒苋; AhNAD-ME; 序列特征; 表达模式; 原核表达 Sequence Characteristics and Expression of NAD-malic enzyme inAmaranthus hypochondriacusL. BAI Yun-Feng1,3,*, NIE Jiang-Ting2, ZHANG Zhong-Liang1, LI Ping1, ZHANG Wei-Feng1, YAN Jian-Jun1, FENG Rui-Yun1, ZHANG Yao1 1 Institute of Crop Science, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030032, China
2 College of Bioengineering, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
3China Key Laboratory of Loess Plateau Crop Gene Resources and Germplasm Creation, Ministry of Agriculture, Taiyuan 030006, China
AbstractThe NAD(P)-malic enzyme (NAD(P)-ME) found in many metabolic pathways catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of L-malate, which results in producing pyruvate, CO2 and NAD(P)H. In C4 plants, NAD(P)-ME plays a key role in photosynthetic carbon fixation. This study was aimed to characterize the AhNAD-ME in dicotyledonous C4Amaranthus hypochondriacus by sequence analysis, examine the expression patterns ofAhNAD-ME gene in different tissues and different durations of illumination time, and construct a recombinant plasmid pEASY-E1 harboring theAhNAD-ME cDNA and then transform the plasmid intoE. coli Transette (DE3) for prokaryotic expression after IPTG induction. The result showed that AhNAD-ME contains all of the motifs required for a complete and functional malic enzyme and is localized specifically to the mitochondrial matrix. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR results showed thatAhNAD-ME was constitutively expressed in all examined tissues, with different expression levels, and strongly up-regulated under light in the leaf and stem. Results of SDS-PAGE demonstrated that the specific fusion protein with an expected molecular weight was successfully expressed inE. coli transette (DE3) induced by IPTG.
Keyword:Amaranthus hypochondriacus; AhNAD-ME; Sequence characteristics; Expression pattern; Prokaryotic expression Show Figures Show Figures
图4 图 AhNAD-ME原核表达SDS-PAGE电泳M: 蛋白质分子量标准; 1: 不含重组质粒的菌株Transette (DE3) 在30℃诱导2 h后的表达产物; 2~9: 含有重组质粒的菌株Transette (DE3)的表达产物。其中2、3、4和5分别为30℃诱导0、2、4和6 h后的表达产物; 6和7为30℃诱导4 h后的沉淀和上清; 8和9为16℃诱导4 h后的沉淀和上清液。Fig. 4 SDS-PAGE analysis of the AhNAD-MEexpressionM: premixed protein marker; 1 refers to Transette (DE3) without recombined plasmid induced by IPTG under 30℃ for 2 h; 2, 3, 4, and 5 refer to Transette (DE3) with recombined plasmid induced by IPTG for 0, 2, 4, and 6 hours, respectively; 6 and 7 refer to precipitate and supernatant liquor of Transette (DE3) with recombined plasmid induced by IPTG under 30℃ for 4 hours, respectively; 8 and 9 refer to precipitate and supernatant liquor of Transette (DE3) with recombined plasmid induced by IPTG under 16℃ for 4 hours, respectively.
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