关键词:甘蓝型油菜; 抗裂角; 材料筛选 Screening of Germplasm with Resistance to Pod Shattering in Rapeseed (Brassica napusL.) DONG Jun-Gang*, DONG Zhen-Sheng, MENG Qian, ZHANG Bo College of Agronomy, Northwest A#cod#x00026;F University, Yangling 712100, China
AbstractShattering resistance is an important trait for rapeseed varieties suitable for mechanical harvesting, therefore screening of germplasm with pod shattering resistance is the basic work for the breeding of shattering resistance. In the present paper, we employed two methods, including random impact test (RIT) and shattering percentage test in the field, to evaluate pod shattering resistance of 75 accessions ofB. napus. These accessions displayed wide variation in shattering resistance index (SRI) and shattering percentage (SP) in the field, which ranged from 0.01 to 0.70 with the variance coefficient (CV) of 70.70% for SRI, and from 1.58% to 55.51% withCV of 62.53% for SP in the field. The simple correlation analysis showed there was no correlation between pod SRI and SP in the field when all accessions included. However, for the accessions with strong or weak shattering resistance, there was no difference between two methods, except for the accessions with the shattering resistance between strong and weak ones. The SP and the wall thickness of pod had significantly negative correlation (r = −0.429), pod SRI and the wall thickness of pod had significantly positive correlation (r = 0.687). Thus, the pod wall thickness can be used as an auxiliary index to screen shatter resistant germplasm. A germplasm Ny with high pod shattering resistance was identified in this study. Ny has thicker wall and smoother surface of pod. The shattering percentage of Ny was 7.74% under adverse condition (two weeks after the maturity), and 1.58% under normal condition (one week after maturity). The pod SRI of Ny was 0.70 in 2011 and 0.48 in 2013, higher than those of rest materials. Ny will be a valuable resource for rapeseed breeding for pod shattering resistance in the future.
Keyword:Brassica nupus L; Pod shattering resistance; Germplasm screening Show Figures Show Figures
图3 抗裂指数SRI与田间落粒率相关性趋势图A: 逐渐加入抗裂性好的资源后相关性的变化; B: 逐渐加入抗裂性差的资源后相关性的变化。Fig. 3 The trend of correlation between SRI and pod shattering percentage in the fieldA: trend after shatter-resistant accessions added; B: trend after shatter-susceptible accessions added.
表2 油菜角果抗裂性与角果性状的相关系数 Table 2 Correlation coefficient among SRI, shattering percentage and other pod traits
性状 Trait
抗裂指数 SRI
落粒率 SP
角果长 PL
角喙长 BL
角果宽 PB
果柄长 LP
果皮厚度 WT
角粒数 SPP
抗裂指数 SRI
落粒率 SP
角果长 PL
角喙长 BL
角果宽 PB
果柄长 LP
果皮厚度 WT
角粒数 SPP
Correlation coefficients in 2012 are listed in lower left, and those in 2013 in upper right.* and** indicate that the values are significant at 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. SRI: shattering percentage; SP: shattering percentage; PL: length of pod; BL: beak length; PB: pod breadth; LP: length of pedicel; WT: wall thickness; SPP: seeds per pod. 对角线下为2012年相关系数, 对角线上为2013年相关系数。*和**分别代 表0.05和0.01显著水平。
表2 油菜角果抗裂性与角果性状的相关系数 Table 2 Correlation coefficient among SRI, shattering percentage and other pod traits
图4 抗裂材料Ny与2份易裂材料的角果比较Za532 (编号390, SRI=0.17, 落粒率=30.65%)和N5424 (编号379, SRI=0.31, 落粒率=27.02%)为易裂角材料, Ny (编号41319, SRI=0.7, 落粒率1.58%)为抗裂角材料。 Za532 (Code is 390, SRI=0.17, SP=30.65%) and N5424 (379, SRI=0.31, SP=27.02%) are susceptible to shattering, while Ny (41319, SRI=0.7, SP=1.58%) is pod-shattering resistant.Fig. 4 Comparison of pods of shatter-resistant accession Ny and two shatter-susceptible accessions
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