AuthorsListE:Wu Hegao1,Yu Jinhong1,Shi Changzheng1,Shi Yazhu1,Dong Xurong2
AuthorsHTMLE:Wu Hegao1,Yu Jinhong1,Shi Changzheng1,Shi Yazhu1,Dong Xurong2
Unit:1. 武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,武汉 430072;
2. 陕西省水利电力勘测设计研究院,西安 710001
Unit_EngLish:1. State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;
2. Shaanxi Province Institute of Water Resources and Electric Power Investigation and Design,Xi’an 710001,China
Abstract_English:At present,the design of buried steel pipe in the domestic water conservancy and hydropower industry is mainly based on the specifications of the water supply and drainage industry. However,the pipe diameter of buried steel pipe is greater than that of water supply and drainage pipe. Therefore,analyzing the pipe-soil interaction of large-diameter buried steel pipe and improving the design theory are important tasks. This study establishes a finite element calculation model for large-diameter buried steel pipe. In the finite element calculation model,the soil is assumed to follow the Drucker-Prager yield criterion,and the surface-surface contact element is adopted at the pipe-soil interface. The contact state of the pipe-soil interaction,pipe deformation,soil displacement,and soil pressure around the pipe are analyzed under the empty pipe,water filling,and full water conditions. Meanwhile,the influences of the pipe diameter and friction coefficient of the pipe-soil interface are studied. Results show that the contact state of the pipe-soil interaction is usually sticking at the top,spring line,and bottom regions of the pipe. Meanwhile,the pleura and haunch regions are prone to slide. The vertical and horizontal deformations of the pipe are not precisely the same. Moreover,the water filling condition is most unfavorable for pipe deformation,whereas the full water condition is favorable for pipe deformation. Meanwhile,owing to pipe deformation,the displacement of the soil at the top of the pipe is “U” shaped,that is,the middle is large,and the sides are small. The soil pressure distribution around the pipe is similar under the empty pipe and water filling conditions but changes significantly under the full water condition. Furthermore,the soil pressure abruptly changes near the boundary of the soil layers,and the soil pressure distribution is different from the Spangler model. As the pipe diameter increases,the water weight in the pipe is unfavorable to the force and deformation of pipe. Therefore,in the design of the large-diameter buried steel pipe,the pipe deformation in the water filling condition should be considered. Moreover,the larger the pipe diameter is,the closer the average value of the soil pressure at the top of the pipe to the prism load and the more significant the influence of the soil between pleura and top regions on the soil pressure. The friction coefficient of pipe-soil interface has only a slight influence on the pipe-soil interaction;thus,it is not a key factor.
Keywords_English:buried steel pipe;pipe-soil interaction;soil pressure;ring deformation;friction coefficient
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-16
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