

中国海洋大学 免费考研网/2016-03-13

联系方式:青岛市市南区鱼山路5号敏行馆B楼地下一层;Email:liangxg@ouc.edu.cn;Tel:**;实验室网站http://www.drnatech.com/一、个人简历梁兴国,男,1992年7月毕业于天津大学化工学院精细化工专业,获工学学士学位;1995年3月获同专业硕士学位;毕业后留校任助教,讲师。2001年9月毕业于日本东京大学工学研究科化学生命工学系获工学博士学位。先后在东京大学先端科学技术研究中心,美国波士顿大学生物医学工程系高级生物技术中心做博士后研究。2006年1月应聘到名古屋大学工学研究科,先后任助教,讲师,并于2009年8月升任副教授。入选第一批国家“青年****”。现受聘为中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院教授,副院长,博士生导师。同时受聘为中国海洋大学“山东省‘****’第一层次”特聘教授、“泰山学者”海外特聘教授、“筑峰人才工程”岗位第二层次特聘教授。研究领域为核酸化学与核酸生物技术,主要从事核酸化学,食品中核酸的定性定量检测,食品用核酸纳米材料,以及核酸的代谢及营养作用等方面的教学及科研工作。在国际学术期刊上发表论文70余篇,其中SCI收录近50篇。欢迎有志于为我国核酸化学与核酸生物技术做出贡献的学子共同学习和进行科学研究。二、学术成果1、主要学术论文1) Liang, X.G.*; Zhou, M.G.; Kato,K.; Asanuma, H.* Photoswitch nucleic acid catalytic activity by regulating topological structure with a universal supra-photoswitch. ACS Synthetic Biology 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/sb300120n2) Kato, T.; Liang X.G.; Asanuma, H. Model of elongation of short DNA sequence by thermophilic DNA polymerase under isothermal conditions. Biochemistry. 2012, 51(40), 7846-7853.3) Liang, X. G.;* Mochizuki, T.; Fujii, T.; Kashida, H.; Asanuma, H.* Design of an artificial functional nanomaterial with high recognition ability. Natural Computing, 2012, 11, 231-238. 4) Ito, H.; Urushihara, M.; Liang, X. G.;* Asanuma, H.* Improvement of RNAi activity and strand-selectivity of RISC formation by modified siRNA involving intercalators near 5'-termini. ChemBioChem, 2012, 13, 311-315. 5) Nishioka, H.; Liang, X.G.;* Kato, T.; Asanuma, H.* Photon-fueled DNA nanodevice carrying two different photoswitches. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 1165-1168. 6) Liang, X. G.;* Fujioka, K.; Asanuma, H.* Nick Sealing by T4 DNA Ligase on a Modified DNA Template Tethering a Functional Molecule on D-Threoninol. Chem. Eur. J., 2011, 17, 10388-10396. 7) Asanuma, H.;* Toda, T.; Murayama, K.; Liang, X.G.; Kashida, H. Unexpectedly stable artificial duplex from flexible acyclic threoninol. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 14702-14703.8) Ito, H.; Liang, X.G.;* Nishioka, H.; Asanuma, H.* Construction of photoresponsive RNA for photoswitching RNA hybridization. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, 8, 5519-5524.9) Tanaka, F.;* Mochizuki, T.; Liang, X.G.; Asanuma, H.; Tanaka, S.; Suzuki, K.; Kitamura, S.; Nishikawa, A.; Ui-Tei, K.; Hagiya, M. Robust and photo-controllable DNA capsules using azobenzenes. Nano Lett., 2010, 10, 3560-3565.10) Hara, Y.; Fujii, T.; Kashida, H.; Sekiguchi, K.; Liang, X. G.; Niwa, K.; Takase, T.; Yoshida, Y.; Asanuma, H.* Coherent Quenching of a Fluorophore for the Design of a Highly Sensitive In-Stem Molecular Beacon. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2010, 49, 5502-5506.11) H. Kashida, K. Sekiguchi, X. G. Liang, H. Asanuma.* Accumulation of fluorophores into DNA duplexes to mimic the properties of quantum dots. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 6223-6230.12) Zhou, M.G.; Liang, X.G.*; Mochizuki, T.; Asanuma, H.* A light-driven DNA nanomachine for efficiently photoswitching RNA digestion. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 2167-2170. (Selected as a hot paper, reported by Chemistry World (Royal Society of Chemistry), Highlighted in Nature 2010, 464, 10.)13) Liang, X.G.;* Wakuda, R.; Fujioka, K.; Asanuma, H. Photoregulation of DNA transcription by using photoresponsive T7 promoters and clarification of its mechanism. FEBS J., 2010, 277, 1551-1561. (selected as the front cover)14) Nishioka, H.; Liang, X.G.;* Asanuma, H. * Effect of the ortho modification of azobenzene on the photoregulatory efficiency of DNA hybridization and thermal stability of its cis-form. Chem. Eur. J., 2010, 16, 2054-2062. 15) Liang, X.G.; Nishioka, H.; Mochizuki, T.; Asanuma, H. An interstrand-wedged duplex composed of alternating DNA base pairs and covalently attached intercalators. J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 575-581.16) Kashida, H.; Takatsu, T.; Fujii, T.; Sekiguchi, K.; Liang, X.G.; Niwa, K.; Takse, T.; Yoshida, Y.; Asanuma, H. In-Stem molecular beacon containing a pseudo base pair of threoninol nucleotides for removal of background emission. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 7044-7047. 17) Liang, X.G.; Mochizuki, T.; Asanuma, H. A supra-photoswitch involving sandwiched DNA base pairs and azobenzenes for light-driven nanostructures and nanodevices. Small, 2009, 15, 1761-1768. (Our work was used as the cover of issue 15.)18) Kashida, H.; Liang, X.G.; Asanuma, H. Rational design of functional DNA with a non-ribose acyclic scaffold. Curr. Org. Chem., 2009, 13, 1065-1084.19) Liang, X.G.; Takenaka, N; Nishioka, H.; Asanuma, H.* Molecular design for Reversing the photoswitching mode of turning ON and OFF DNA hybridization. Chem. Asian. J. 2008, 3, 553-560.20) Liang, X.G.; Nishioka, H.; Takenaka, N; Asanuma, H.* A DNA nanomachine powered by light irradiation. ChemBioChem. 2008, 9, 702-705.21) Nishioka, H.; Liang, X.G.; Kashida, H.; Asanuma, H.* 2¢,6¢-Dimethylazobenzene as an Efficient and Thermo-Stable Photo-Regulator for the Photoregulation of DNA Hybridization. Chem. Commun. 2007, 4354-4356.22) Asanuma, H.; Liang, X.G.; Nishioka, H.; Matsunaga, D.; Liu, M.Z.; Komiyama, M. Synthesis of azobenzene-tethered DNA for reversible photo-regulation of DNA functions: hybridization and transcription. Nat. Protocol 2007, 2, 203-212.23) Liang, X.G.; Kuhn, H.; Frank-Kamenetskii, M.D. Monitoring single-stranded DNA secondary structure formation by determining topological state of DNA catenanes. Biophys. J. 2006, 90, 2877-2889. 24) Liang, X.G.; Jensen, K.; Frank-Kamenetskii, M.D. Very efficient template/primer- independent DNA synthesis by thermophilic DNA polymerase in the presence of a thermophilic restriction endonuclease. Biochemistry 2004, 43, 13459-13466.25) Liang, X.G.; Asanuma H.; Kashida, H.; Takasu, A.; Sakamoto, T.; Kawai, G.; Komiyama, M. NMR Study on the photoresponsive DNA tethering an azobenzene: Assignment of the absolute configuration of two diastereomers and structure determination of their duplex in the trans-form. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 16408-16415.26) Komiyama, M.; Ye, S.; Liang, X.G.; Yamamoto, Y.; Tomita, T.; Zhou, J.M.; Aburatani, H. PNA for one-base differentiating protection of DNA from nuclease and its use for SNPs detection. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 3758-3762.27) Liang, X.G.; Asanuma, H.; Komiyama, M. Photoregulation of DNA triplex formation by azobenzene. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 1877-1883.28) Asanuma, H.; Takarada, T.; Yoshida, T.; Tamaru, D.; Liang, X.G.; Komiyama, M. Enantioselective incorporation of azobenzene into oligodeoxyribonucleotide for effective photoregulation of duplex formation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 2671-2673. 29) Asanuma, H.; Liang, X.G.; Yoshida, T.; Yamazawa, A.; Komiyama, M. Photocontrol of triple-helix formation by using azobenzene-bearing oligo(thymidine). Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 2000, 39, 1316-1319.30) Yamazawa, A.; Liang, X.G.; Asanuma, H.; Komiyama, M. Photoregulation of DNA polymerase reaction by oligonucleotides bearing an azobenzene. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2000, 39, 2356-2358. 31) Asanuma, H.; Ito, T.; Yoshida, T.; Liang, X.G.; Komiyama, M. Photoregulation of the formation and dissociation of a DNA-duplex by using the Cis-Trans isomerization of azobenzene. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1999, 38, 2393-2395.2、学术著作:1) Wang, D.F.; Yu, L.Y.; Li, H.Y.; Zhang, B.; Wang, S.H.; Liang, X.G. Chapter 8 Minerals. Food Chemistry. 2012, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. (English) ISBN 978-1-61942-125-7.2) Asanuma, H. Liang, X.G. Design of photoresponsive DNA by use of cartridge-type artificial nucleotide, in “New trend of nucleic acid chemistry”, 2011, the chemical society of Japan, Kagaku-Dojin Publishing Company, INC. ISBN: **61.3) Liang, X.G.; Kato, T. Asanuma, H. De Novo DNA Synthesis by DNA Polymerase. in “Bacterial DNA, DNA Polymerase and DNA Helicases.” 2009, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (English) ISBN: **42.4) Asanuma, H.; Liang, X.G. The Dynamic Photoregulation of DNA. in “Science and Technology of Supramolecule – From Base to Innovation.” 2009, New Technology New Science (NTS) Press. (Japanese) ISBN: 979-4-86043-309-3.5) Zhou, C.L; Liang, X.G.; Diao, X.H.; Yang, H.M; Zhang, T.Y.; Wang, S.R. Experiment Methods for the Synthesis of Fine Chemicals. 1998, China Petrochemical Press. (Chinese) ISBN 7-80043-718-3. 4-43.3、专利申请:1) Liang, X.G.; Asanuma, H.; Suzuki, M.; Kato, T. “Method for DNA amplification.” JP2009-156940 (JP**-A). 2) Liang, X.G.; Asanuma, H.; Suzuki, M.; Kato, T. “Specific amplification of target DNA.” JP2009-145741 (JP**-A). 3) Asanuma, H.; Liang, X.G.; Kashida, H.; Yoshida, Y.; Takase, T.; Niwa, K. “Oligonucleotide probes and their applications.” JP2008-17252 . (2008-285966, PCT/JP2009-061980, WO/2010/001902)4) Asanuma, H.; Liang, X.G.; Kashida, H.; “Detection of target nucleic acids.” JP2009-298170. (2011-125824)5) Asanuma, H.; Liang, X.G.; Kashida, H.; Hara Y. “Fluorescence probes and their applications.” JP2009-298160. (2011-135823)6) Asanuma, H.; Liang, X.G.; Kashida, H.; Nishioka, H.; Fujii, T.; Ishikawa, T. “Modified oligonucleotides and their applications.” JP2010-194942.7) Ye, S.; Yamamoto, Y.; Komiyama, M.; Liang, XG. “Non-labeled detection of SNPs using PNA and single stranded nuclease.” JP2004-033003.8) Asanuma, H.; Liang, X.G.; Ito, Hiroshi. “Modified oligonucleotides and their applications in RNAi.” JP2011-?????.
