

中国海洋大学 免费考研网/2016-03-13












1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“海藻中黄酮类化合物的分离鉴定及活性研究”(项目批准号**,2013.1-2016.12,主持人)

2. 青岛市南区科技发展基金项目:海参加工制品质量控制体系及检测方法研究(编号:2011-5-028-QT,2012.1-2013.8,主持人)

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“海藻中紫外线屏蔽物质的制备及性质的研究”(项目批准号**,2008.1-2010.12,主持人)

4. 教育部科学技术研究重点项目:“海藻中类菌孢素氨基酸-MAAs化合物的制备及应用研究’’(项目编号:109099,2009.1-2010.12,主持人)

5. 山东省科技发展计划项目:新型天然植物褐藻酸缓释硬质胶囊制备(2008GG**;2009.1-2011.12,主持人)

6. 农业部948项目:淡水鱼糜制品组织重组及凝胶增强核心技术(编号:2011-Z26,2011.1-2011.12,子课题负责人)

7. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题:“计算机辅助控制鱼皮胶原活性肽定向制备技术研究” (2006AA09Z438;2007.1-2008.12,第三完成人)。

8. (国家质检总局科研项目)质检公益性行业科研专项:海参加工制品质量控制体系及检测方法研究(No.2007GYB147 (2008.1-2008.12,第2位)

9. 国家科技支撑计划:“海洋食品生物活性物质高效制备关键技术研究与产业化示范 ”(2008BAD94B07,2008.1-2010.12,第三位)

10. 国家自然科学基金:“鱼鳞蛋白肽-钙螯合物的有效制备、结构表征及其促钙吸收效果与机制研究 ”(**, 2012.1-2014.12,第二位)

11. 山东省科技攻关项目:“海蜇活性化合物的利用及新型食品制造技术开发 ”(2011GHY11523,2011.1-2015.12,第二位)

12. 山东省科技攻关项目:鱼皮胶原蛋白与梯级肽制备技术及开发应用,(2006GG**, 2006.12-2008.12,第四位)




3. Research on the stability of Porphyra-334 solution and its influence factors. Journal of OceanUniversity of China (English Edition), 3(2): 166-170 (2004). 第一作者。

4. Molecular species composition of glycolipids from Sprirulina platensis, Food Chemistry, 77(1): 9-13 (2002). 第四作者。(SCI收录学术刊物)

5. Rheological properties and structural changes in different sections of boiled abalone meat. Journal of OceanUniversity of Qingdao (English Edition), 2(1): 44-48 (2003). 第三作者。

6. The relationships between rheological properties and structural changes of chilled abalone meat. Journal of OceanUniversity of Qingdao (English Edition), 2(2):117-123 (2003). 第二作者。

7. Determination of trace germanium in marine sediments by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS). Journal of OceanUniversity of China (English Edition), 3(2):179-182 (2004). 第三作者。

8. Rheological and structural properties of sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus during heat treatment. Journal of OceanUniversity of China (English Edition), 4(3):244-247(2005). 第三作者。

9. Determination of selenium in marine aquatic products by Hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS). Journal of OceanUniversity of China (English Edition). 4(3):252-256(2005). 第一作者。

10. The Isolation of Prophyra-334 from marine algae and its UV-absorbing behavior. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 23(4): 400-405. (2005).第一作者。

11. Influence of pH and temperature on the UV-absorbing properties of porphyra-334. Fisheries Science. 71(6): 1382-1384. (2005). 第一作者。(SCI收录学术刊物)

12.污水的可生化性及其影响因素研究,中国海洋大学学报。35(6): 1029-1032(2005).第二作者。

13. Chitosan oligomers preparation by non-specific hydrolases in continuous ultrafiltration flow system. 第三次世界渔业大会论文集,2000. 第三作者。

14.The hydrolyzation of collagen by fucoidan oligosaccharide’s complex with CeIV. Journal of Ocean university of China (English Edition). 5(2): 151-156. (2006). 第三作者。

15. 汪东风,马洪明,徐玮,张朝辉,薛长湖,林洪,“食品化学”精品课程的建设实践,山东交通学院学报14:5-7(2006).


17. 高昕,贺庆梅,张朝辉*,许加超,张丽。两种海藻中MAAs抗氧化活性的研究。海洋环境科学,29(1):76-79(2010).

18. 陈丽,李八方,赵雪,张朝辉,任国艳,庄永亮,闫鸣艳,可食性狭鳕鱼皮明胶-壳聚糖复合膜的制备与性质,水产学报, 33(4):685-691(2009)

19. 张秀坤,李八方,张朝辉,庄永亮,侯虎,陈丽,岩藻聚糖硫酸酯的生物活性及作用机理研究进展,安徽农业科学,37(27):12924-12926,(2009)

20. 陈丽,李八方,赵雪,张朝晖,庄永亮,闫鸣艳。可食性狭鳕鱼皮明胶-褐藻胶复合膜的性质和结构表征。食品工业科技,2009,30(10):275-278(通讯作者)

21. 闫鸣艳,李八方,赵 雪,张朝辉。芘荧光探针法研究狭鳕鱼皮胶原蛋白临界聚集质量浓度,精细化工,2009,26(2),182-186

22. 孟飞,张朝辉,赵雪,陈伯虎,高昕,李八方,加热条件下沙蜇组织结构和流变学特性的变化,水产学报,2010;34(10):1605-1609.

23. 王京,张朝辉,李八方,赵雪,李平林,制备条件对可食性鱼糜蛋白膜性质的影响,食品科学,2010;31:236-240

24. 黄媛媛(学生),张朝辉,李八方,赵雪,大叶藻中黄酮类物质提取提取工艺的研究,食品工业科技,2010;11:291-292,359

25. 金宁宁,张朝辉,康超,吴琼,陈为凯,王双双,全蝎保健酒稳定性的研究,酿酒科技,2011,1:40-42

26. 侯虎,赵雪,张朝辉,李平林,李八方,大孔聚苯乙烯吸附树脂对鳕鱼排免疫活性肽的脱盐,过程工程学报,2010,10:899-904

27. 庄永亮,赵雪,张朝辉,闫鸣艳,李八方,海蜇伞部胶原蛋白的提取及其理化性质,食品科学,2009,30:89-92

28. Yongliang Zhuang, Hou Hu, Xue Zhao, Zhaohui Zhang, Bafang Li, Effects of collagen and collagen hydrolysate from jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum) on mice skin photoaging induced by UV irradiation. Journal of food Science, 2009,74:183-188

29. Hu Hou, Xue Zhao, Bafang Li, Zhaohui Zhang, Yongliang Zhuang. Inhibition of melanogenic activity by gelatin and polypeptides from pacific cod skin in B16 melanoma cells. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2011, 35, 1099–1116. (SCI,IF=0.815)

30. Hou Hu, Bafang Li, Zhao Xue, Zhaohui Zhang, Pinglin Li, Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of Alaska Pollock frame for preparing protein hydrolysates with low-bitterness. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2011(44):421-428.

31. Hu Hou, Yan Fan, Bafang Li, Changhu Xue, Guangli Yu, Zhaohui Zhang, Xue Zhao. Purification and identification of immunomodulating peptides from enzymatic hydrolysates of Alaska pollock frame. Food Chemistry, 2012,134, 821–828.(SCI,IF=3.655)

32. Hu Hou, Bafang Li, Zhaohui Zhang, Changhu Xue, Guangli Yu, Jingfeng Wang, Yuming Bao, Lin Bu, Jiang Sun, Zhe Peng, Shiwei Su. Moisture absorption and retention properties and alleviating skin-photodamage activity of collagen polypeptide from marine fish skin. Food Chemistry, 2012, 135, 1432-1439.(SCI, IF=3.655)

33. Hu Hou, Bafang Li*, Zhaohui Zhang*, Shanshan Wang, Lidong Guo, Jingfeng Wang, Ying Wang, Yukun Lu, Zhicong Wang. On-line monitoring the hydrolysis of Alaska pollock frame using glutamic acid biosensor for obtaining immunomodulatory peptides, Food Research International, 2012, minor revision (SCI, IF=3.150)

34. Hu Hou, Bafang Li, Xue Zhao, Zhaohui Zhang, Pinglin Li. Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of Alaska pollock frame for preparing protein hydrolysates with low-bitterness. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2011, 44, 421-428. (SCI,IF=2.545)

35. Hu Hou, Xue Zhao, Bafang Li, Pinglin Li, Zhaohui Zhang, Xiaomin Shao, Weijian Pang, Xin Qu. Solid-phase microextraction method for the determination of volatile compounds in hydrolysates of Alaska pollock frame. International Journal of Food Properties, 2011, (Accepted). (SCI,IF=0.668)(DOI: 10.1080/**.2011.567429)

36. Xin Gao*, Zhaohui Zhang, Wenjing Sheng, Yuri Tashiro AND Hiroo Ogawa. Determination of glycosaminoglycan in sea cucumber Stichipus japonicus by high-performance liquid chromatography with post column derivatization. Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science, 9: 56-59(2009).

37. Xin Gao, Tian Yu, Zhao-hui Zhang*, Jia-chao Xu and Xiao-ting Fu,Rheological and sensory properties of four kinds of jams,Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research,2011,2(11):227-234(SCI)

38. Xin Gao, Zhaohui Zhang*,Lianfeng Liu and Qian Liu, Rheological changes of sea cucumber Stichipus japonicus during different heated times, International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture,2011,2(14): 258-262. (SCI)

39. Lianfeng Liu, Zhaohui Zhang *, Qian Liu, Bofeng Yang, Jinfa Huang, Xin Gao. Rheological and Structural Properties of Sea Cucumber Stichopus japonicus during Different Heating Temperature. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture. 2012;4(10):209-216. (SCI)

40. 高昕*,张亚琦,许加超,张朝辉。不同干燥条件对鲍鱼组织构造及流变特性的影响。中国食品学报,8(3):108-115(2008)(0.445)

41. 杨述,高昕※,许加超,付晓婷,张朝辉。不同硬度奶酪的质构及流变特性比较。食品科学,31(21):50-54,2010

42. 刘志娟,张朝辉*,赵雪,李八方,单环刺螠体壁胶原蛋白的提取及其理化性质,食品科学,2012,33(7):37-40

43. 高立娟,张朝辉*,赵雪,李八方,不同加工条件下鲍鱼肌肉质构变化,安徽农业科学,2011,39(22):13533-1353

44. 金宁宁、张朝辉*、康超、吴琼、陈为凯、王双双,全蝎保健酒稳定性研究,酿酒科技,2011,1:40-42

45. 金宁宁,张朝辉*,李八方,严芳芳,孙京莎,江蓠中类菌孢素氨基酸(MAAs)分离纯化及其成分分析,水产学报,2011,35(12):1829-1986

46. 贺庆梅,张朝晖*,高昕,许加超。两种海藻中紫外吸收物质特性的研究。2007年中国水产学会学术年会暨水产微生态调控技术论坛论文集。79-80(2007)

47. 张朝辉,高昕,付晓婷,食品物性学课程的实践教学改革探讨,教育教学论坛,2012,10:58-59
