

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

张光连G.L Zhang

6 号楼 528
办公接待时间??Office Hour:
9:00-11:30 Friday
办公室电话??Office Phone:
g.l.zhang at sjtu.edu.cn
Ph.D., 2004, Tsinghua University

研究兴趣??Research Interests:
几何表示理论, 代数表示理论与代数几何
Geometric representation theory, Algebraic representation theory and Algebraic geometry

教育背景/经历 Education
Ph.D.,2001.01-2004.01 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University(清华大学数学科学系).
工作经历 Work Experience
2004.01-2005.11 清华大学高等研究中心博士后.
2005.11-2006.12 澳大利亚悉尼大学博士后.
2005.01-04 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学访问****.
2008.04-05 日本京都大学数理解析研究所访问教授.
2008.07-2008.07 南开大学陈省身数学所访问****.
2008.07-2009.07 “台湾中央研究院数学所”访问****.
2010.08-2010.09 中国科学院数学所访问****.
2015.04-2015.08 美国加州理工学院访问****,
2008.02-- 上海交通大学任教.
Research Interests
1.Geometric representation and Canonical bases.
2.Algebaic representation and Canonical bases.
3.Quantum Geometric Langlands dulaity and Geometric Langlands duality.
4.Kazhdan-Lusztig Theory.
5.Algebraic geometry.

Teaching Courses
2007-2008 (2) 群与代数表示论.
2009-2010 (2)群与代数表示论,线性代数.
2010-2011 (1) 线性代数.
2010-2011 (2)群与代数表示论, 抽象代数.
2012-2013 (1) 基础代数学,线性代数.
2012-2013 (2) 群与代数表示论.
2013-2014 (1,2) 高等代数与解析几何,PRP项目:交换代数与代数几何初步.
2014-2015 (1) 代数几何,高等代数与解析几何.
2015-2016 (1,2)高等代数与解析几何.
2020-2021(1)代数几何,表示论, 代数拓扑

1. Guanglian Zhang, Rui.Cheng Hou , A comparison of two realization of affine Lie algebras of type ${\widetilde A}_(n-1)$.Algebra Colloquim 11:3 (2004)371-386(SCI).
2. Guanglian Zhang, Shuai wang, Green formula and heredity of algebra, Science in China. Ser.A. Math.2005 Vol.48 No 5.610-617(SCI).
3. Jiie Xiao, Guanglian Zhangand Bin Zhu, BGP-reflection functors on root categories, Science in China. Ser.A .Math.2005 Vol.48 No 8.1033-1045(SCI).
4. A.Obul, Guanglian Zhang , PBW-Basis of Generic Composition Algebras of Affine Valued Quivers, Journal of algebra 2006 Vol. 297 No 2. 333-360(SCI).
5. Jiie Xiao, Guanglian Zhang ,A trip from representations of Kronecker quiver to canonical bases of quantum affine algebra, Contemporary Mathematics. AMS. Vol. 413, 2006.
6. Bangming, Deng, Jie Du and Guanglian Zhang, Linear quivers, Generic extensions and Kashiwara operators, Indaga.Mathem.N.S.18 (2007), no. 1, 3–21(SCI) .
7.Zhang, Guanglian; Zhang, R. B. Equivariant vector bundles on quantum homogeneous spaces. Math. Res. Lett. 15 (2008), no. 2, 297–307(SCI).
8.Bian, Ning; Zhang, Pu; Zhang, Guang-Lian Setwise homotopy category. Appl. Categ. Structures 17 (2009), no. 6, 561–565(SCI).
9. Zongzhu,Li ,Jie Xiao and Guanglian Zhang Representations of tame quivers and affine canonical bases, PUBL RES I MATH SCI , 47 (2011), 825-885(SCI).
10. Hou R C, Zhang G L. Quasi-binomial coefficients stemming from Nakayama algebras. Sci China Math, 2014, Vol 57, No 7, 1545-1552(SCI).

1.Jie.Xiao, Fan.Xu , and Guanglian Zhang, Derived Categories and Lie algebras, arXiv:math.QA/**v1, Submitted.
2. Guanglian Zhang ,Canonical bases for the quantum extented Kac-moody algebras ,ArXiv:0901.1720[math.RT], 6 Jan 3013. Submitted.
3.Guanglian Zhang,Remark on a theorem in Mumford‘s Red book of varieties and schemes, Arxiv:1612.06119v1.[math. AG].
4. Guanglian Zhang,Rational Ringel-Hall algebras, Hall polynomials of affine type and canonical bases, Arxiv:1708.06758v1.[math. RT] .

1.Classification of coherent sheaves over a projective Line $P^1(k)$. (pdf)
2. Lecture on Algebraic Geometry

Research Grants
1.2013.01-2015.12 ,量子几何Langlands对偶与典范基,上海市自然科学面上基金,(主持人)
2. 2010.01-2013.12,李理论及其应用, 国家自然科学基金重点项目.(主要参加者)
3.2.2008.01-2010.12,丛代数与丛范畴, 国家自然科学基金面上项目.(第一合作者)

电话:(86-21) **
传真:(86-21) **
Address:Room 712, N0.6 Science Buildings,
800 Dongchuan RD Shanghai, Minhang District
Shanghai 200240,China
Telephone:(+86-21) **
Fax:(+86-21) **
相关话题/上海交通大学 数学