本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02
赵俐俐Lili Zhao
副教授Associate Professor
6 号楼 514
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zhaolili at sjtu.edu.cn
Ph.D., 2006, Zhejiang University
研究兴趣??Research Interests:
教育背景/经历 Education
1997.09 ~ 2001.06 浙江省浙江大学 本科(基础数学,国家基地班) 2001.09 ~ 2006.06 浙江省浙江大学 研究生(微分几何,师从白正国教授、沈一兵教授,硕博连读)
工作经历 Work Experience
2006.08 ~2010. 07上海交通大学数学系
2010.08 ~ 2011.08 美国IUPUI博士后
2011.08 ~ 现在 上海交通大学数学系
Research Interests
My primary research interests are in differential geometry, especially Riemannian case and Finslerian case.
Riemannian geometry was first put forward in generality by Bernhard Riemann in the nineteenth century and was used by Albert Einstein in his general relativity theory. It deals with a broad range of geometries whose metric properties vary from point to point, as well as two standard types of Non-Euclidean geometry, spherical geometry and hyperbolic geometry, as well as Euclidean geometry itself.
Finsler geometry is an old area in differential geometry, and developed very slowly in the last 70 years, due to the complexity of Finsler structures. Roughly speaking, Finsler geometry is to study metric spaces without quadratic restriction on its metric function. One of the fundamental problems in Finsler geometry is to study the characteristic of projectively flat metrics on an open domain in a Euclidean space. This is the Hilbert’s 4th problem in regular case. I’ve discussed the sufficient and necessary condition for a kind of polynomial Finsler metrics, which is defined by a Riemannian metric and a 1-form, to be locally projectively flat. And also, I’ve discussed the sufficient and necessary condition for a special kind of polynomial Finsler metrics to be locally projectively flat, obtained the non-trivial special solution and completely determined the locally structure of those with constant flag curvature.
Publications and Preprints
1. (With Y.B. Shen) Some projectively flat (α,β)-metrics, Science in China, Ser. A, 49(2006), 838–851.
2. On some projectively flat polynomial (α,β)-metrics, Journal of Zhejiang University, SCIENCE A,8(2007), 957~962.
3. (With B. Chen) Finsler metrics of nonzero sectional flag curvature, Differential Geometry and its Application,28(2010), 33-39.
4. (With B. Chen) Randers metrics of sectional flag curvature, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 36/1(2010), 55-67.
5. (With B. Chen) A note on Randers metrics of scalar flag curvature, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, doi: 10.4153/CMB-2011-092-1.
6. (With E. S. Sevim, Z. Shen) On a class of Ricci-flat Douglas metrics, International Journal of Mathematics, doi: 10.1142/S**X**.
7. (With E. S. Sevim, Z. Shen) Some Ricci-flat Finsler metrics, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen,doi:10.5486/PMD.2013.5603
8. (With B. Chen, Z. Shen) On A Class of Ricci-flat Finsler Metrics in Finsler Geometry, Journal of Geometry and Physics, doi:10.1016/j.geomphys.2013.03.009.
9.(With B. Chen) On a Yamabe problem in Finsler Geometry, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 60(2017), 253-268.
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Address:Room 712, N0.6 Science Buildings,
800 Dongchuan RD Shanghai, Minhang District
Shanghai 200240,China
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