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章璞Pu Zhang
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pzhang at sjtu.edu.cn
Ph.D., 1991, Beijing Normal University
研究兴趣??Research Interests:
教育背景/经历 Education
工作经历 Work Experience
2004.2–: 上海交通大学数学系教授、博导
99 P.Guo, P.Zhang, Exceptional cycles for perfectcomplexes over gentle algebras, J. Algebra 565(2021), 160-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jalgebra.2020.08.013.
98 C.M.Ringel, P.Zhang, On modules M such that both mondules M and M^* are semi-Gorenstein-projective modules,Algebras and Representation Theory https://doi.org/10.1007/s10468-020-09982-w Published online: 01 September 2020
97 H.Yang You, P. Zhang, Small modules over quantum complete intersections in two variables, J. Algebra and Its Applications (2021) ** (37 pages)
96 C. M. Ringel, P. Zhang, Gorenstein-projective modulesand Semi-Gorenstein-projective modules, Algebra &Number Theory 14-1 (2020), 1-36. dx.doi.org/10.2140/ant.2020.14.1
95 P. Guo, P. Zhang, Exceptional cycles in bounded derived categories of quivers, Acta Math. Sinica 36 (2020) , 201-223.
94 C. M. Ringel, P. Zhang, Gorenstein-projective modulesand Semi-Gorenstein-projective modules II, J. Pure & Applied Algebra 224 (2020) 106248.
93 P. Zhang, B. L. Xiong,Separated monic representations II: Frobenius subcategories and RSS equivalences, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.372(2)(2019), 981-1021.
92 H. Y. You, P. Zhang, Low dimensional modules over quantum complete intersections in two variables, Front.Math. China 14(2)(2019), 449-474.
91 J. Feng, P. Zhang, Types of Serre subcategories of Grothendieck categories, J. Algebra 508(2018), 16-34.
90 鲍炎红,叶郁,章璞,张跃辉, Brown可表示定理及其应用,中国科学.数学(2018) 庆贺刘绍学先生九十华诞专辑
89 B. L. Xiong, P. Zhang, Y. H. Zhang, Bimodule monomorphism categories and RSS equivalences via cotilting modules, J. Algebra 503(2018), 21-55.
88 P. Zhang, Categorical resolutions of a class of derived categories, Sci. China Math. 61(2018), 391-402.
87 P. Zhang, Y. H. Zhang, G.D.Zhou, L. Zhu, Unbounded ladders induced by Gorenstein algebras, Colloquium Math. 151(1)(2018), 37-56.
86X.H.Luo, P. Zhang, Separated monic representations I: Gorenstein-projectivemodules, J. Algebra 479(2017), 1-34.
85 P. Zhang, L. Zhu,Objective triangle functors in adjoint pairs, Algebra Colloquium 24:4 (2017), 639-646.
84 N. Gao, Y.Q. Yin, P. Zhang,Comparisons of left recollements, Algebras and Representation Theory 20(3)(2017), 659-673.
83 C. M. Ringel, P. Zhang, Representations of a quiver over the algebra of dual numbers, J. Algebra 475(2017), 327-360. Special Issue in Memory of Prof. J. A. Green, Edited by B. Srinivasan, M. Collins and G. Lehrer.
82 F. Kong, P. Zhang, From CM-finite to CM-free, J. Pure Applied Algebra, 220(2016), 782-801.
81 C.M. Ringel, P. Zhang, Objective triangle functors, Sci. China Math. 58(2)(2015), 221-232.
80 C. M. Ringel, P. Zhang, From submodule categories to preprojective algebras, Math. Z.278(2014), 55-73.
79 B. L. Xiong, P. Zhang, Y. H. Zhang, Auslander-Reiten translations in monomorphism categories,Forum Math. 26(2014), 863-912.
78K.Y.Song, F.Kong, P.Zhang, Monomorphism operator and perpndicular operator, Comm. Algebra 42(2014), 3708-3723.
77X. H. Luo, P. Zhang, Monic representations and Gorenstein-projective modules, Pacific J. Math. 264(1)(2013), 163-194.
76P. Zhang, Gorenstein-projective modules and symmetric recollements, J. Algebra 388 (2013), 65-80.
75 F. Kong, K.Y. Song, P. Zhang, Decomposition of torsion pairs on module categories, J. Algebra388 (2013), 248-267.
74 Y. Ye, P. Zhang, Some recent progress on higher Koszulity, Number Theory and Related Areas
(Dedicated to Professor Ke-Qin Feng on the occasion of his 70-th Birthday), ALM 27,223-238, 2013. Higher Education Press and International Press, Beijing-Boston.
73 B. L. Xiong, P. Zhang, Gorenstein-projective modules over triangular matrix Artin algebras, J. Algebra and Its Applications (JAA)11(4)(2012), 125006.
72 Z.W.Li, P. Zhang, Cotilting modules with finite left perpendicular categories, 中国科学55(1)(2012), 93-97.
71 P. Zhang, Monomorphism categories, cotilting theory, and Gorenstein-projective modules, J. Algebra 339 (2011), 181-202.
70 N.Bian, Y.Ye, P. Zhang, Generalized d-Koszul modules, Math. Res. Lett. 18(2)(2011), 191-200.
69 X.H.Luo, P. Zhang, Gorenstein-projective modules over T_{m,n}(A), Chin. Ann. Math. 32B(2)(2011), 201-208.
68 Z.W.Li, P.Zhang, Gorenstein algebras of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, Adv. Math. 223(2010), 728-734.
67 N.Gao, P. Zhang, Gorenstein derived categories, J. Algebra 323 (2010), 2041-2057.
66 Z.W.Li, P. Zhang, A construction of Gorenstein-projective modules, J.Algebra 323 (2010), 1802-1812.
65 C.Cibils, P. Zhang, Calabi-Yau objects in triangulated categories, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361(2009), 6501-6519.
64 N.Bian, P. Zhang, G.L.Zhang, Setwise homotopy category, Applied Categorical Structures 17(2009), 561-565.
63 N.Gao, P. Zhang, Strongly Gorenstein projective modules, Comm. Algebra 37(2009), 4259-4268.
62 J.H.Sun, P. Zhang,On the structure of graded Hopf algebras. Acta Math. Sin. 25(1) (2009), 95-108.
61 P. Zhang, Gorenstein projective modules, 山东大学学报 (理学版) 44 (2) (2009), 1-13.
60 X.W.Chen, Y.Ye, P. Zhang, Algebras of derived dimension zero, Comm. Algebra36(1)(2008), 1-10.
59 X.W.Chen, P.Zhang, Comodules of U_q(sl_2) and modules of SL_q(2) via quiver methods, J. Pure Applied Algebra 211 (2007), 862-876.
58 X.W.Chen, P. Zhang, Quotient triangulated categories, Manuscripta Math. 123(2007), 167-183.
57 Y.Yao, Y.Ye, P. Zhang, Quiver Poisson algebras, J. Algebra 312(2007), 570-589.
56 Y.T.Wu, P. Zhang, Finite solvable groups whose character graphs are trees, J. Algebra 308(2)(2007), 536-544.
55 E.L.Green, P. Zhang, Rigids as iterated skew commutators of simples, Algebras and Representation Theory 9(6)(2006), 539-555.
54P. Zhang, Hopf algebras on Schurian quivers, Comm. Algebra 34(11)(2006), 4065-4082.
53 X.W.Chen, H.L.Huang, P. Zhang, Dual Gabriel theorem with applications, Science in China (A)49(1)(2006), 9-26.
52 P. Zhang, Skew differential operator algebras of twisted Hopf algebras, Adv. Math.183 (2004), 80-126.
51 F.van Oystaeyen, P. Zhang, Quiver Hopf algebras, J. Algebra 280(2004), 577-589.
50 E.L.Green, E.N.Marcos, R.Martinez-Villa, P. Zhang, D-Koszul algebras, J. Pure Applied Algebra 193 (2004), 141-162.
49 H.L.Huang, H.X.Chen, P. Zhang, Generalized Taft‘s algebras, Algebra Colloq.11:3 (2004), 313-320.
48 Y.H.Wang, P. Zhang, Construct bi-Frobenius algebras via quivers, Tsukuba J. Math.28(1)(2004), 215-221.
47 X.W.Chen, H.L.Huang, Y.Ye, P.Zhang, Monomial Hopf algebras, J. Algebra 275(2004), 212-232.
46 F.van Oystaeyen, P. Zhang, Quivers and Hopf algebras, In: Nonlin. Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems (胡森等编辑), Proc. ICM 2002 Satellite Conf. at Moutain Huang, World Scientific, 2003, 121-134. (国际数学家大会黄山卫星会议论文集)
45 E.L.Green, E.N.Marcos, P.Zhang, Koszul modules and modules with linear presentations Comm. Algebra 31(6)(2003), 2745-2770.
44 M.Fang, P. Zhang, Finite groups with grahps containing no triangles,J. Algebra 264(2003), 613-619.
43 Y.Ye, P. Zhang, Higher Koszul complexes, Science in China (A)(46)(1)(2003), 118-128.
42 P. Zhang, Generalized Green‘s classes, J. Algebra 250(2002), 709-730.
41 Y.Ye, P. Zhang, 高次Koszul 模,中国科学(A)(32)(11)(2002), 1042-1049.
40 H.L.Huang, P. Zhang, Triangular decomposition of affine composition algebras,Chinese J. Contemp. Math. 23(2)(2002), 137-147.
39 P.Zhang, L.B. Li, Twisted Hopf algebras, In:Representations of Algebras (F.U.Coelho, H.A.Merklen编辑), Lecture Notes Pure Appl. Math.224 (2002), 269-282, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, Basel. (巴西圣保罗国际表示论会议论文集)
38 L.B.Li, P. Zhang, Colored Ringel-Hall algebras: Applications to quantized Borcherds superalgebras,In: Proc. 9-th Inter. Conf. Represent. of Algebras (D.Happel,张英伯编辑), 北京师范大学出版社2002, 308-319. (北京国际代数表示论大会论文集)
37 P. Zhang, Y.B.Zhang, J.Y.Guo, Minimal generators of Ringel-Hall algebras of affine quivers, J. Algebra 239(2001), 675-704.
36 P. Zhang, Representationa as elements in affine composition algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.353(3)(2001), 1221-1249.
35 L.B.Li, P. Zhang, Weight property for ideals of U_q(sl_2), Comm. Algebra 29(11)(2001), 4853-4870.
34 P. Zhang, Infinite quivers and cohomology groups, In: Trends in Math.(G.F.Birkenmeier,J.K.Park,Y.S.Park编辑), Proc. Inter. Symposium on Ring Theory at Pusan, South Korea, Birkhause, Boston, 2001, 427-440.(韩国釜山中日韩国际环论会议论文集)
33 P. Zhang, PBW-basis of the comp. algebra of the Kronecker algebra, J. reine angew. Math. 527(2000), 97-116.
32 P. Zhang, Vanishing of the first Hochschild cohomology, In: Proc. Inter. Conf. on Represent. Theory (王建磐,林崇柱编辑).高教-Springer 出版社, 421-428, 2000.(上海国际表示论会议论文集)
31 L.B.Li, P. Zhang, Twisted Hopf algebras, Ringel-Hall algebras, and Green‘s classes, J. Algebra 231(2000), 713-743.
30 L.B.Li, P. Zhang, Quantum adjoint actions for U_q(sl_2), Algebra Colloq.7:4(2000), 363-379.
29 P. Zhang, O-algebras with three simple modules,J. Pure Applied Algebra 142(1999), 183-197.
28 P. Zhang, Indecomposables in the composition algebra of the Kronecker algebra, Comm. Algebra27(10)(1999), 4633-4639.
27 P. Zhang, S.H.Zhang, Indecomposables as elements in affine composition algebras,J. Algebra 210(1998), 614-629.
26 P. Zhang, Composition algebras of affine type, J. Algebra 206 (1998), 505-540.
25 P. Zhang, The Hochschild homology of a truncated basic cycle, Algebra Colloquium 5:1(1998), 77-84.
24 P. Zhang, Selforthogonal radical algebras, In: Algebras and Modules II (I.Reiten, S.O.Smalo, O.Solberg编辑),Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc. 24 (1998), 563-569.(挪威代数表示论大会论文集)
23 P.Zhang, A criterion of quasi-heredity and the characteristic modules, Manuscripta Math.93(1997), 129-135.
22 P. Zhang, S. X. Liu, An equality on Hochschild homology, Chinese Science Bull. 42(8)(1997), 624-627.
21 P.Zhang, Ringel - Hall algebras of standard homogeneous tubes, Algebra Colloq. 4:1 (1997), 89-94.
20 P. Zhang, Y.N.Lin, Characteristic modules of quasi-hereditary algebras with three simples, Chinese Science Bull.42(6)(1997), 450-453.
19 P.Zhang, Hochschild cohomology of a truncated basic cycle, Science in China(A)40(12)(1997), 1272-1278.
18 P.Zhang, Triangular decomposition of the comp. algebra of the Kronecker algebra, J. Algebra 184 (1996), 159-174.
17 P.Zhang, Quasi-hereditary algebras and tilting modules, Comm. Algebra 24(12)(1996), 3707-3717.
16 S.X.Liu, P. Zhang, Representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras in China, In: Rings,Groups,and Algebras (曹锡华,刘绍学,岑嘉评,杨重骏编辑), Lect. Notesin Pure and App. Math. 181 (1996), 159-179. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, Basel.(中国代数学发展综述论文集)
15章璞,截面代数的Hochschild上同调群,中国科学(A) 24(11)(1994), 1121-1125.
14 章璞,弱直向代数的Hochschild上同调群,科学通报39(22)(1994), 2025-2027.
13 S.X.Liu, P. Zhang, Hochschild homology of truncated algebras,Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 26(1994), 427-430.
12 J.Xiao, P. Zhang, One class of representations over trivial extensions of iterated tilted algebras, Tsukuba J. Math.17(1)(1993), 131-141.
11 S.X.Liu, P. Zhang, On the Hochschild homology groups of some finite-dimensional algebras, In: Representations of Algebras (V.Dlab, H.Lenzing编辑), Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc. 14(1993), 353-360.(加拿大渥太华国际代数表示论大会论文集)
10 P.Zhang, Directing components of Auslander-Reiten quivers,Science in China (A)36(3)(1993), 265-274.
9 P.Zhang, Some results concerning wild tilted algebras, Proc. 1st China - Japan - Korea Inter. Conf. on Ring Theory at Guilin, Okayama University Press, Japan, (1992) 180-182.(桂林中日韩国际环论会议论文集)
8 章璞,倾斜代数的AR序列的结构,数学季刊3(1992), 58-65.
7 P. Zhang, Endomorphism algebras of preprojective partial tilting modules, Chinese Science Bull. 37(22)(1992), 1857-1860.
6 P. Zhang, Separating tilting modules, Chinese Science Bull. 37(12)(1992), 975-978.
5 章璞,倾斜代数的一类单点扩张(I),数学学报34(5)(1991), 710-717.
4 章璞,倾斜代数的一类单点扩张(II),数学学报34(4)(1991), 566-574.
3 章璞,半单算子与半单类,数学杂志10(2)(1990), 145-149.
2 蔡传仁,章璞,环的(k,l,m,n)- 根,数学研究与评论 9(2)(1989), 207-210.
1 章璞,根类的极小生成子,扬州师范学院学报 9(2)(1989), 7-10.
1. 章璞, 吴泉水, 《基础代数学讲义》(现代数学基础66), 高等教育出版社, 2018
2. 章璞, 《三角范畴与导出范畴》(现代数学基础丛书155), 科学出版社, 2015,2018第3次印刷
3. 章璞, 《伽罗瓦理论—天才的激情》(现代数学基础37), 高等教育出版社, 2013,2016第2次印刷
4. 刘绍学, 章璞, 《近世代数导引》(数学基础课程系列简明教材), 高等教育出版社, 2011, 2019第4次印刷
5. 冯克勤, 章璞, 《近世代数三百题》(数学类专业学习辅导丛书), 高等教育出版社, 2010, 2019第10次印刷
6. 冯克勤, 章璞, 李尚志, 《群与代数表示引论》(教育部“研究生教学用书”), 中国科学技术大学出版社, 2003(第1版), 2006(第2版), 第4次印刷
7. 冯克勤, 李尚志, 查建国, 章璞, 《近世代数引论》, 中国科学技术大学出版社, 2002(第2版), 2009(第3版), 2018(第4版), “十二五”国家重点图书;中科院指定考研参考用书
8. Pu Zhang,Lecture Notes on Ringel-Hall algebras and quantum groups (自用讲义)
9. Pu Zhang,Lecture Notes on Hochschild cohomology groups(自用讲义)
10. 冯克勤,李尚志,章璞,《计算代数讲义》 (自用讲义)
11. Fredy Van Oystaeyen, Pu Zhang,Lecture Notes on Quivers and Hopf Algebras (自用讲义)
12. Pu Zhang,Gorensteinness and Buchweitz Theorem (自用讲义)
13. Pu Zhang,Several numeric invariants in representation theory (自用讲义)
14. Pu Zhang,强Calabi-Yau代数 (自用讲义)
15. Pu Zhang,Strongly quasi-hereditary algebras (自用讲义)
负责国家自然科学基金面上项目(与C. M. Ringel、高云、李志伟、熊保林、罗秀花、孔繁、宋科研、朱士杰合作,2013.1–2016.12)
参加F. van Oystaeyen 教授主持的比利时Flemish双边合作项目“Quantum groups and differential operators”
参加S. Koenig教授主持的欧盟国际合作项目“Algebras andRepresentations in China and Europe”
参加S. Koenig教授主持的Leverhulme Network “Algebras, Representations, and Applications”
参加C. M. Ringel教授主持的德国大众汽车国际合作项目“DastellungstheorieVon Algebren”(1998.1-2001.12)
1997.11- 《Math.Reviews》评论员
2002.01- 《Far East J. Math. Science》编委http://www.pphmj.com/journals/fjms_editorial_board.htm
2006.01- 《Advancesin Algebra》编委
2006.01- 《InternationalJ. Computational and Applied Math.》编委http://www.ripublication.com/editorial_board_of_ijcam.htm
2008-2009 《1万个科学问题(数学卷)》编委
2009- 上海交通大学****
2009- 上海交通大学学术委员会委员
2009.11- 国际纯粹与应用数学中心”委员 (Membre du CIMPA, Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées)http://www.cimpa-icpam.org/spip.php?rubrique31&select_fonction=Membre%20individuel&lang=fr
2011.01- 《ISRNAlgebra》编委
(Inter. Scholarly Research Network Ser.J., the Hindawi PublishingCorporation,USA)http://www.hindawi.com/isrn/algebra/editors/
2011.01- 《理论数学》编委 (美国科研出版社期刊编辑部, Scientific Research Publishing)http://www.hanspub.org/Journal/pm.html
2012.07- 《Algebra》编委(the Hindawi Publishing Corporation)http://www.hindawi.com/journals/algebra/editors/
2015- 《中国科学·数学》编委
吴化璋 (现安徽大学教授、博导)
祝家贵 (现巢湖学院教授、院长)
乐珏 (现中国科大学副教授, 曾在Paderborn大学和Bielefeld大学博士后)
沈炳良 (现上海财经大学浙江金华学院副教授)
王占平 (现西北师范大学教授)
王振 (现盐城工学院讲师)
吴德军 (现兰州理工大学副教授)
李立斌 (现扬州大学教授、博导、副院长, 曾在Bielefeld大学、Koln大学、Leicester大学访问****)
黄华林 (现华侨大学教授、博导、院长, 曾任山东大学教授、博导、副院长; ICTP、Oxford大学、Antewerp大学访问****; 中国科大副教授)
叶郁 (现中国科大教授、博导、数学系副主任; 曾在香港中大学习, IHES访问****, 洪堡Fellowship)
孙建华 (现扬州大学教授)
王艳华 (现上海财经大学教授; 曾在复旦大学博士后, 华盛顿大学访问****)
方明 (现中科院数学所副研究员; 曾在Leicester大学联培, Oxford大学、瑞士洛桑、Koln大学访问****; 中科院数学所博后)
候汝臣 (现烟台大学副教授)
陈小伍 (现中国科大教授、博导, 获国家基金委优青; 曾在Antewerp大学联培, 中国科大博士后, 洪堡Fellowship)
高楠 (现上海大学教授; 曾在Bielefeld大学、Koln大学、斯图加特大学访问****)
边宁 (现山东理工大学讲师)
李志伟 (现江苏师范大学副教授; 曾在Paderborn大学和Bielefeld大学联培; 获上海市优博论文)
熊保林 (现北京四中高级教师; 曾任北京化工大学副教授, Bielefeld大学访问****; 获上海市优博论文)
罗秀花 (现南通大学副教授; 曾在弗罗里达大学访问****)
宋科研 (现西南大学讲师)
孔繁 (现西南大学讲师)
尹幼奇 (现绍兴文理学院讲师)
朱林 (现上海理工大学讲师)
冯建 (现西北大学讲师)
傅广宇 (现加拿大多伦多大学博士)
武清宇 (现普林斯顿高等研究院博士后; 美国普渡大学博士)
杜家春 (现华为公司高级研究员; 中科大量子实验室博士)
程智 (现安徽师范大学副教授; 安徽大学博士生)
吴伊涛 (现扬州大学讲师, 德国马普所博后, 美国CalTech博士生; 曾在Bielefeld大学联培)
姚远 (现美国University of Texas at Austin博士生)
赵青 (现国泰君安证券公司上海部高级经理)
周霄 (现太平洋保险公司上海部风险管理高级经理)
李志伟 (本校继续读博)
罗秀花 (本校继续读博)
潘丹健 (现上海界石投资管理有限公司经理)
曾玉娥 (现上海崇智信息技术有限公司经理)
朱士杰 (现University of Iowa Assistant Professor, 美国东北大学博士生)
何海安 (现上海大学讲师; 香港科大博士, 北京大学博士后)
周峰伟 (现香港科技大学博士)
邢长贾 (现长江证券资产管理有限公司高级经理)
姚思齐 (现天通控股股份有限公司高级经理)
朱文博 (现光大证券股份有限公司高级经理)
叶青 (现六洲酒店管理有限公司高级经理)
在读博士生: 尤翰洋 郭鹏 Dadi Asefa (埃塞俄比亚) 陈伟钊 荣石
在读硕士生: 金海 崔健 蒋文豪
1992.8: ICRA, Carleton University, Canada
1994.5 - 1995.12:Alexander von Humboldt(洪堡) Fellowship at Univ. Bielefeld,Germany
1996.1 - 2: Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at Univ. Chemnitz, Germany
1996.8: ICRA, Norweigen University of Science and Technology, Norway
1997.8: The Chinese University of Hong-Kong, Hong-Kong
1998.4 - 6: Visiting Prof. at Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State Univ., USA
1998.8 - 9: Berlin 国际数学家大会及 Bielefeld 卫星会议 (ICM 全额资助)
1999.6: Pusan National University, South Korea
1999.8: CRASP, Universidade de St.Paulo, Brasil
2000.1 - 2: Volkswagen(大众汽车)Fellowship at Univ. Bielefeld, Germany
2000.7: Visiting Scholar at National University of Singapore
2001.7-12: Visiting Professor at Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State Univ., USA
2003.2-3: Visiting Professor at Antwerp Univ., Belgium
2005.2: Progress in Math., Inter. Conf. in honour of Professor Claus Michael Ringel, Bielefeld, Germany
2006.10-12: Montpellier Univ. 2, CNRS, Directeur de Recherche (法国国家科研中心, 主任研究员)
2007.8: ICRA 12, 波兰Torun 大学
2007.12: RPMC4, 香港City大学
2008.5: Representation dimensionsof algebras, Bielefeld, Germany
2008.7-8: SFB 项目: Bielefeld 大学,Koeln大学, Germany
2010.8: ICRA14, 东京
2012.8: ICRA 14, 德国Bielefeld大学
2013.3: 印度Periyar 大学数学系访问
2013.5: 德国TU Chemnitz 国际会议
2015.7: 加拿大Fields Institute 国际会议
2006-5-16 中国科大上海研究院Workshop on Algeba & Mathematical Physics 报告 Quotient triangulated categories
2006-6-2 南开陈省身研究所Infinite-Dimensional Algebras and Related Topics 报告 The Serre dualities arised from the representations of algebras
2006-7-11 华东师大Workshop on Representation Theory 报告 Serre dualities in representation theory
2006-7-18 晨兴数学中心International Conf. on geometric topology, analysis on locally symmetric spaces and discrete groups 报告 Calabi-Yau categories and Calabi-Yau algebras
2006-9-11-13 晨兴数学中心 Workshop on Derived categories and singularities
2006-9-21 复旦大学Workshop on Non-commutative Algebraic Geometry 报告 The generalized Serre dualities
2006-10-19 法国Montpellier 大学 报告 Hopf algebras on Hopf quivers
2006-10-23 法国Henri Poincare 研究所 报告 Serre dualities and Calabi-Yau categories
2006-11-20-24: 法国Luminy "Workshop on Recent Progress of Hall Algebras"
2006-12-7 法国Montpellier 大学 报告 Calabi-Yau algebras I
2006-12-14 法国Montpellier 大学 报告 Calabi-Yau algebras II
德国 Bielefeld 大学 Claus Michael Ringel 教授, 1997, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2008
德国 Chemnitz 大学 Dieter Happel 教授, 1998, 2004,2007
德国 Hagen 大学 Luise Unger 教授, 1998, 2007
德国 Paderborn 大学 Helmut Lenzing 教授, 1998
英国 Open 大学 Hossin Zand 教授, 1998
美国 Virginia 州立大学 Edward L. Green 教授, 1999
巴黎 第7 大学 Bernhard Keller 教授, 2003, 2005,2007
英国 Leicester 大学 Steffen Koenig 教授, 2004, 2005
巴黎 第11 大学 Vincent Rivasseau 教授, 2004
德国 Paderborn 大学 Henning Krause 教授, 2005, 2008
挪威 国家科学技术大学 Idun Reiten 教授, 2005
比利时 Antwerp大学 Fred van Oystaeyen 教授, 2005
法国 Montpellier大学 Claude Cibils 教授, 2006, 2008
加拿大 Sherbrook大学 刘石平 教授, 2006
美国 DePaul大学 William Chin 教授, 2006
比利时 Hasselt大学 Michel Van den Bergh 教授, 2006
美国加州大学Santa Curz 分校 董崇英 教授, 2008
美国加州大学Santa Barbara 分校Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann 教授, 2008
1 2-nd Pacific Rim Math. Association Congress (上海交大主办, 2013.6.23-28. 负责Special Session `` Triangulated Categories in Representation Theory")
2 Shanghai Conference on Representation Theory of Algebras(上海交大主办, 2011.10.2-8.)
3首届中美数学联会(复旦大学主办, 2008.12. 17-21. 负责Special Session ``Representations of Algebras and Groups")
4 Algebra Day In Shanghai(上海交大主办, 2010.11.13.)
5 全国代数表示论Workshop及会议(上海交大主办, 2009.8.18-22)
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