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张晓东XiaoDong Zhang

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xiaodong at sjtu.edu.cn
Ph.D., 1998, University of Science and Technology of China

研究兴趣??Research Interests:
Combinatorics and Graph Theory and their applications

教育背景/经历 Education
Ph. D. in Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China, China (June 1998).
工作经历 Work Experience
August 2005-present Full Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China
March 2002- July 2005, Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China,
Jan. 2001- Jan. 2002, Postdoctoral Fellow Center of Mathematical Modeling, University of Chile, Chile (Host: Servet Martinez),
Aug. 2000-Dec. 2000, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, South Korea (Host: Suk-Geun Hwang),
Oct.1998-Aug.2000, Lady Davis Postdoctoral fellowship, Department of Mathematics, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel (Host: Abraham Berman)
August, 2012-September 2012, Visiting Professor, Chonbuk National University, South Korea;
August, 2009-September 2009, Visiting Professor, Chonbuk National University, South Korea;
August, 2007-August 2007, Visiting Professor, Chonbuk National University, South Korea;
July, 2006-August 2006, Visiting Professor, Chonbuk National University, South Korea;
Aug.2005 - Jan.2006, Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, University of California, SanDiego USA. (Host: Fan Chung Graham)
Combinatorics and Graph Theory and their Applications.
  1. Combinatorial Matrix Theory. Combinatorial matrix theory is concerned with the use of matrix theory and linear algebra (for example, the adjacency, Laplacian matrices of a graph and the incidence matrix of a combinatorial design, etc.) in proving combinatorial theorems and describing and classifying combinatorial constructions. It is also concerned with the use of combinatorial ideas and reasoning in the finer analysis of matrices and with intrinsic combinatorial properties of matrix arrays. While combinatorial matrix theory has emerged as a vital area of research over the last few decades, research in combinatorial matrix proceeds in a number of diverse directions simultaneously.
  2. Spectral Graph Theory. Most important properties of a graph are related to its eigenvalues. However, it is only recently that it has been possible to make this connection precise. New techniques have been developed to control many graph invariants in terms of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. In particular, this involves a strong two-way interaction between concepts and methods from continuous mathematics and their emerging discrete counterparts. The Neumann eigenvalues are useful for dealing with random walk problems. Thus the eigenvalue lower bounds can be used to bound the rate of convergence of the random walks and polynomial approximation algorithms can be derived for these problems.
  3. Random Graphs and Complex Networks. Inspired by empirical studies of networked systems such as the Internet, social networks, and biological networks, researchers have in recent years developed a variety of techniques and models to help us understand or predict the behavior of these systems. Here we review developments in this ?eld, including such concepts as the small-world effect, degree distributions, clustering, network correlations, random graph models, models of network growth and preferential attachment, and dynamical processes taking place on networks. The study of networks, in the form of mathematical graph theory, is one of the fundamental pillars of discrete mathematics. First, it aims to build and highlight statistical properties, such as path lengths and degree distributions, that characterize the structure and behavior of networked systems, and to suggest appropriate ways to measure these properties. Second, it aims to create models of networks that can help us to understand the meaning of these properties—how they came to be as they are, and how they interact with one another. Third, it aims to predict what the behavior of networked systems will be on the basis of measured structural properties and the local rules governing individual vertices.
  4. Combinatorics and Graph Theory’s Applications. There are many applications in Combinatorics and Graph Theory. (1) DNA structure in biology, including studying graph structures of DNA , RNA etc and describing structure of DNA and RNA with their graph propertires, such as degree, spectrum, etc. (2) Machine learning and data mining in computer science, in particular, consider the problem of constructing a representational for data lying on a lower dimensional manifold embedded in a high dimensional space. (3). Applicationsin Chemistry , such as Huckel’s theory, electron energy in a molecule, winner index, etc.

Honors and Awards:
  Second class award for outstanding achievement in science and technology from Anhui Province. Project: Research on combinatorial matrix theory (with Jiong-Sheng Li, Yao-Ping Hou, Yong-Liang Pan and Jian-Hua Yin, 2003).
  Third class award for outstanding achievement in science and technology from State Education Ministry of China. Project: Nonnegative matrices and represent theory (with Shang-Jun Yang, Xian-Neng Du, 1999)
  Second class award for outstanding achievement in science and technology from higher education of committee of Anhui Province. Project: Nonnegative matrices and their applications (with Shang-Jun Yang, 1997).
1.Editors of the journal "Theory and Applications of Graphs" fromJan. 2014.
2. Editors of the journal "Discrete Mathematics,Algorithms and Applications" from Jan. 2014.
3.中国运筹学会图论组合分会副理事长 2015-2023
5.中国数学会组合数学与图论学会协会理事 2010-2022.

1. The National Natural Science Foundation ofChina. Project: Spectral Extremal GraphTheory and Applications. No. **, Jan. 2020-Dec. 2023, Principal Investigator.
2. Registration For Inter-Governmental Science and Technological CooperationProposal: Chinese- Montenegro. Project: Researchon Chemical Graph Theory. No.3-12. Nov. 2018-Oct. 2020. PrincipalInvestiagtor.
3. The National Natural Science Foundation ofChina for International Cooperation and Exchange. Project: SpectralGraph Theory, Completely Positive Matrices and Co-Positive Matrices. No. ,Oct. 2015—Sep. 2018. Principal Investigator.
4. The National Natural Science Foundation ofChina for the State Key Program. Project:Random tree, random graph andstochastic process, No. **, Jan.2016—Dec.2020. Co- PrincipalInvestigator.
5. The National Natural Science Foundation ofChina. Project: Spectral Graph Theory forNetwork Science No. **, Jan. 2013—Dec. 21016, Principal Investigator.
6. Innovation Program of Shanghai MunicipalEducation Commission. Project: Eigenvaluesof Graphs and Its Applications, No.14ZZ016, Jan. 2014—Dec. 2016, PrincipalInvestigator.
7. Specialized Research Fund for the DoctoralProgram of Higher Education, Project: SpectralGraph Theory and Application To Complex Networks, No.20**5, Principal Investigator.
8. The National Natural Science Foundation ofChina. Project: Spectral Analysis ofgraphs and complex networks, No. **,Jan. 2010—Dec. 21012, Principal Investigator.
9. The Grant of Science and TechnologyCommission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM), No. 09XD**, Jan. 2009—Dec. 2011, Co-PrincipalInvestigator.
10. The National Basic Research Program (973)of China, No. 2006CB805900, Jan. 2006—Dec.2010, Co-Principal Investigator.
11. The National High Technology Research andDevelopment Program (863) of China, No. 2006AA11Z209, Jan. 2006—Dec. 2008, Co-Principal Investigator.
12. The Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai,No.06ZR14049, Sep. 2006 — Aug.2008, Co-Principal Investigator.
13. The National Natural Science Foundation ofChina for the State Key Program. Project:Random graphs and complex networks, No: **, Jan. 2006—Dec. 2009,Co-Principal Investigator
14. .The National Natural Science Foundation ofChina. Project: Combinatorial matrixtheory and related topics, No: **, Jan. 2004—Dec. 2006, PrincipalInvestigator.
15. The Project Sponsored by the ScientificResearch Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State EducationMinistry. Project: Combinatorial matrixtheory, Jan. 2003—Dec. 2004, Principal Investigator.

Selected Invited Talks :
1. Title: SomeSpectral Turan-type Results of Graphs, theoccasion of his 62 birthday International Conference on Number Theory and GraphTheory, June. 27-29, 2019, University of Mysore, India.
2.Title: Chemical Indices of Graphs with Given DegreeSequences, The Second MontenegrinSymposium on Graphs, Informatics and Algebra, MESIGMA 2019, Budva,Montenegro, October 11-15, 2019.
3. Title: Equitablepartition theorem of tensors and spectrum of generalized power hypergraphs, 22nd Conference of the International LinearAlgebra Society-ILAS 2019 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 8-12, 2019.
4. Title: The TuranNumbers for Linear Forests,Structural GraphTheory and Graph ColoringTSIMF, Sanya,April 29 to May 3, 2019.
5. Title: ChemicalIndices of Graphs with Given Degree Sequences, Mathematical Chemistry at the 2018 Spring Southeastern sectionalmeeting of AMS, April 14-15, 2018 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA.
6. Title: Someresults in spectral (hyper)graph theory, SIAMConference on Applied Linear Algebra May 4-8, 2018, Hong Kong BaptistUniversity, Hong Kong.
7. Title: The TuranNumbers for Linear Forests, 2017EURO-ORSC-ECCO International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization, May3-6, 2017,
8. Title: On Thespectral Turan-Type Results of graphs, TheSixth International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications June 15-18, 2017, Duy Tan University, Danang Vietnam.
9. Title: Someresults of spectral extremal graphs, 3rdPacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress (PRIMA2017),August 14-18,2017,Oaxaca, MEXICO.
10. Title: CP rankof Graphs, Copositivity and CompletelyPositivity, October 29 -November 4, Mathematisches ForschungsinstitutOberwolfach, Germany
11. Title: TheSignless Laplacian Spectral Radius of Graphs Forbidden Linear Forests, 2017 Korea-China International Conference onMatrix Theory with Applications, December 14-17, 2017 Sungkyunkwan University,South Korea.
12. Title: SpectralTuran-Type Theorems of graphs, The 29th Regional Conference of The JangjeonMathematical Society, November11-13, 2016. , Dague University, South Korea.
13. Title: Extremal GraphTheory for Degree Sequences,The SixthInternational Congress of ChineseMathematicians (ICCM),July 14–19, 2013,in National TaiwanUniversity,Taiwan.
14. Title:TheDirichlet eigenvalues of graphs and the Faber-Krahn Inequality,TheEleventh Japan-Korea Workshop on Algebraand Combinatorics, January24-25,2013,Kyushu University,Fukuoka City, Japan.
15. Title: Merris’Problems and Doubly Stochastic Graph Matrice, The 4th International Conference on Matrix Analysis andApplications2013,July 2-5, 2013,Konya, Turkey.

In addition to the full spectrum of lower level courses, I have taught Combinatorics, Complex Network, Abstract Algebra, Nonnegative Matrix Theory, Graph Theory, Modern Graph Theory, Coding Theory (in English), Linear Algebra (in English), Advanced Calculus, Probability Theory etc.
1.Luo,Peter; Zhang, Cun-Quan; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; Wiener index of unicycle graphs withgiven number of even degree vertices. Discrete Math. Algorithms Appl. 12(2020), no. 4, **, 13 pp (SCI)
2.Yang,Yu; Sun, Xiao-Jun; Cao, Jia-Yi; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong The expectedsubtree number index in random polyphenylene and spiro chains. Discrete Appl.Math. 285 (2020), 483–492.(SCI)
3.Tahir,Muhammad Ateeq; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Coronae graphs and their α-eigenvalues. Bull.Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 43 (2020), no. 4, 2911–2927.(SCI)
4.Zhang,Fuzhen; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; Enumerating extreme points of the polytopes ofstochastic tensors: an optimization approach. Optimization 69 (2020), no. 4,729–741.(SCI)
5.Lv,Chuang; You, Lihua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; A sharp upper bound on the spectralradius of a nonnegative k-uniform tensor and its applications to (directed)hypergraphs. J. Inequal. Appl. 2020, .(SCI)
6.Chen,Ming-Zhu; Liu, A-Ming; Zhang, Xiao-Dong The signless Laplacian spectral radiusof graphs with forbidding linear forests. Linear Algebra Appl. 591 (2020),25–43.(SCI)
7.Chen,Ya-Hong; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong The normality and sum of normalities oftrees. Discrete Math. 343 (2020), no. 1, 111635, 10 pp(SCI)
8.Zhang,Jie; Zhang, Guang-Jun; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Extremal trees with respectto the Steiner Wiener index. Discrete Math. Algorithms Appl. 11 (2019), no. 6,**, 16 pp.(SCI)
9.Chen,Ming-Zhu; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Some new sufficient conditions for2p-Hamilton-biconnectedness of graphs. Filomat 33 (2019), no. 3, 993–1011(SCI)
10.Yang,Yu; Fan, Ai-wan; Wang, Hua; Lv, Hailian; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Multi-distancegranularity structural α-subtree index of generalized Bethe trees. Appl. Math.Comput. 359 (2019), 107–120 .(SCI)
11.Liu,Muhuo; Xu, Kexiang; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; Extremal graphs for vertex-degree-basedinvariants with given degree sequences. Discrete Applied Mathematics 255 (2019)267–277.(SCI)
12.Chen,Ming-Zhu; Liu, A-Ming; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; Spectral Extremal Results withForbidding Linear Forests. Graphs Combin. 35 (2019), no. 1, 335–351.(SCI)
13.Hai,Han; Lee, Moon Ho; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Block-circulant inverse orthogonal jacketmatrices and its applications to the Kronecker MIMO channel. Circuits SystemsSignal Process. 38 (2019), no. 4, 1847–1875.(SCI)
14.Chen,Ming-Zhu; Liu, A-Ming; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Spectral extremal results with forbiddinglinear forests. Graphs Combin. 35 (2019), no. 1, 335–351.(SCI)
15.Chen,Ming-Zhu; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Erd?s-Gallai stability theorem for linear forests.Discrete Math. 342 (2019), no. 3, 904–916.(SCI)
16.Zhang,Jie; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong The Steiner Wiener index of trees with a givensegment sequence. Appl. Math. Comput. 344/345 (2019), 20–29.(SCI)
17.Berman,Abraham; Shaked-Monderer, Naomi; Singh, Ranveer; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Completemultipartite graphs that are determined, up to switching, by their Seidelspectrum. Linear Algebra Appl. 564 (2019), 58–71.(SCI)
18.Chen,Ya-Hong; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Peripheral Wiener index of trees andrelated questions. Discrete Appl. Math. 251 (2018), 135–145(SCI)
19.Berman,Abraham; Chen, Dong-Mei; Chen, Zhi-Bing; Liang, Wen-Zhe; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. A family of graphs that are determined bytheir normalized Laplacian spectra. Linear Algebra Appl. 548 (2018), 66-76.(SCI)
20.Chen,Ming-Zhu; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. The number of edges, spectral radius andHamilton-connectedness of graphs. J. Comb. Optim. 35 (2018), no. 4, 1104-1127.(SCI)
21.Tahir,Muhammad Ateeq; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. Graphs with three distinct α -eigenvalues.Acta Math. Vietnam. 43 (2018), no. 4, 649–659.(SCI)
22.Jin,Ya-Lei; Zhang, Jie; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. Equitable partition theorem of tensorsand spectrum of generalized power hypergraphs. Linear Algebra Appl. 555 (2018),21-38.(SCI)
23.Jin,Ya-Lei; Zhang, Xiao-Dong The number of maximal cliques and spectral radius ofgraphs with certain forbidden subgraphs. Discrete Math. Algorithms Appl. 10(2018), no. 6, **, 13 pp.(SCI)
24.Zhang,Xiu-Mei; Sun, Yu-Qin; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. On the ABC index ofconnected graphs with given degree sequences. J. Math. Chem. 56 (2018), no. 2,568–582.(SCI)
25.Chen,Ya-Hong; Gray, Daniel; Jin, Ya-Lei; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. On majorization of closed walk vectors oftrees with given degree sequences. Appl. Math. Comput. 336 (2018), 326-337.(SCI)
26.Ma,Yinghong; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Estimating the number of weak balance structures insigned networks. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 62 (2018), 250–263.(SCI)
27.Chen,Ming Zhu; Zhang, Xiao Dong Some new results and problems in spectral extremalgraph theory. (Chinese) J. Anhui Univ. Nat. Sci. 42 (2018), no. 1, 12–25.
28.Li,Zhongshan; Zhang, Fuzhen; Zhang, Xiao-Dong On the number of vertices of thestochastic tensor polytope. Linear Multilinear Algebra 65 (2017), no. 10,2064–2075.(SCI)
29.Zhang,Xiu-Mei; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; Bass, Rachel; Wang, Hua. Extremal Trees with Respect to Functions onAdjacent Vertex Degrees. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 78 (2017) 307-322.(SCI)
30.Chen,Dongmei; Chen, Zhibing; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. Spectral radius of uniformhypergraphs and degree sequences. Front. Math. China 12(2017), no. 6, 1279-1288.(SCI)
31.Zhang,Xiao-Dong Extremal graph theory for degree sequences. Proceedings of the SixthInternational Congress of Chinese Mathematicians. Vol. I, 407–424, Adv. Lect.Math. (ALM), 36, Int. Press, Somerville, MA, 2017.
32.Yang,Jin-Xuan; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. A spectralmethod to detect community structure based on distance modularity matrix.Internat. J. Modern Phys. B 31 (2017),no. 20, **, 17 pp(SCI)
33.Yuan,Long-Tu; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. On the Erdos-Sos conjecture for graphs on n=k+4vertices. Ars Math. Contemp. 13 (2017),no. 1, 49-61.(SCI)
34.Chen,Ya-Hong; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong.Note on extremal graphs with given matching number. Appl. Math.Comput. 308 (2017), 149-156.(SCI)
35.Yuan,Long-Tu; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. A variation of the Erdos-Sos conjecture in bipartitegraphs. Graphs Combin. 33 (2017),no. 2, 503-526.(SCI)
36.Yuan,Long-Tu; Zhang, Xiao-Dong The Turán number of disjoint copies of paths. DiscreteMath. 340 (2017), no. 2, 132–139.(SCI)
37.Yang,Jin-Xuan; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. Revealing how network structure affects accuracy oflink prediction. European Physical Journal B90(8) (2017) 157.(SCI)
38.Yang,Jin-Xuan; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. Finding overlapping communities using seed set.Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 467 (2017) 96-106.(SCI)
39.YangJinxuan; Zhang Xiao-Dong. Predicting missing links in complex networks based oncommon neighbors and distance, Scientific Reports | 6:38208 | DOI:10.1038/srep38208.(SCI)
40.Chen,Ya-Hong; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. Properties of the hyper-Wiener index as alocal function. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 76 (2016), no. 3, 745-760.(SCI)
41.You,Lihua; Shu, Yujie; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. Asharp upper bound for the spectral radius of a nonnegative matrix andapplications. Czechoslovak Math. J. 66(141) (2016), no. 3, 701–715.(SCI)
42.Zhang,Xiu-Mei; Yang, Yu; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. Maximum atom-bond connectivityindex with given graph parameters. Discrete Appl. Math. 215 (2016), 208-217.(SCI)
43.Xu,Kexiang; Das, Kinkar Ch.; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Ordering connected graphs by theirKirchhoff indices. Int. J. Comput. Math. 93 (2016), no. 10, 1741–1755.(SCI)
44.Jin,Ya-Lei; Yeh, Yeong-Nan; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. Laplacian coefficient, matchingpolynomial and incidence energy of trees with described maximum degree. J.Comb. Optim. 31 (2016), no. 3, 1345–1372.(SCI)
45.Gao,Zhen-Bin; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; Xu, Li-Juan On (super) vertex-graceful labeling ofgraphs. Ars Combin. 126 (2016), 121–131.(SCI)
46.Bozkurt,?. Burcu; Bozkurt, Durmu?; Zhang, Xiao-Dong On the spectral radius and theenergy of a digraph. Linear Multilinear Algebra 63 (2015), no. 10, 2009–2016. (SCI,Times Cited 1)
47.Zhang,Jie; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. Signless Laplacian coefficients and incidence energy ofunicyclic graphs with the matching number. Linear Multilinear Algebra 63(2015), no. 10, 1981–2008.
48.Chen,Ya-Hong; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. The terminal Wiener index of trees with diameter ormaximum degree. Ars Combin. 120 (2015), 353–367. (SCI)
49.Jin,Ya-Lei; Zhang, Xiao-Dong On the spectral radius of simple digraphs withprescribed number of arcs. Discrete Math. 338 (2015), no. 9, 1555–1564. (SCI)
50.Jin,Ya-Lei; Zhang, Xiao-Dong. The sharp lower bound for the spectral radius ofconnected graphs with the independence number. Taiwanese J. Math. 19 (2015),no. 2, 419–431. (SCI)
51.Yuan,Wei-Gang; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; The second Zagreb indices of graphs with givendegree sequences, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 185(2015) 230-238.
52.Zhang,Xiu-Mei; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; The Minimal Number of Subtrees with a Given DegreeSequence. Graphs Combin. 31 (2015), no. 1, 309–318
53.Yuan, Wei-Gang; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; The secondZagreb indices of graphs with given degree sequences, Discrete Applied Mathematics,185(2015) 230-238. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
54.Zhang,Xiao-Dong The roots and links in a class of M -matrices. Ann. Funct. Anal. 5(2014), no. 2, 127–137. (SCI)
55.Jin,Ya-Lei; Zhang, Xiao-Dong Complete multipartite graphs are determined by theirdistance spectra. Linear Algebra Appl. 448 (2014), 285–291. (SCI, Times Cited 4)
56.Lu, M.; Wan, D.; Wang, L.-P.; Zhang, X.-D.Algebraic Cayley graphs over finite fields. Finite Fields Appl. 28 (2014),43–56. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
57.Zhang, Jie, Zhang, Xiao-Dong, LaplacianCoefficients of unicyclic graphs with the number of leaves and girths, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics,8(2) (2014) 330-345. (SCI)
58.Rong-Ying Pan, Jing Yan, Xiao-Dong Zhang, The Laplacian Eigenvalues and Invariants ofGraphs, Filomat 28(2) (2014), 429–434 (SCI)
59.Yu, Guihai; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; Feng, Lihua Theinertia of weighted unicyclic graphs. Linear Algebra Appl. 448 (2014), 130–152.(SCI)
60.Lee MoonHo, Zhang Xiao-Dong, Jiang Xueqin; Fastparametric reciprocal-orthogonal jacket transforms, EURASIP Journal on Advancesin Signal Processing 2014, 2014:149(SCI, Times Cited 1)
61.Wagner, Stephan; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Dong,Distance-based graph invariants of trees and the Harary index, FILOMAT, 27(1)(2013) 41-50. (SCI, Times Cited 3)
62.Chen,Ya-Hong; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; On Wiener and terminal Wiener indices of trees.MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 70 (2013), no. 2, 591–602. (SCI, Times Cited1)
63.Jin, Ya-Lei; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; On the twoconjectures of the Wiener index. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 70 (2013),no. 2, 583–589. (SCI, Times Cited 7)
64.Zhang, Jie; Zhang, Xiao-Dong The signlessLaplacian coefficients and incidence energy of bicyclic graphs. Linear AlgebraAppl. 439 (2013), no. 12, 3859–3869. (SCI, Times Cited 3)
65.HeBian,Jin Ya-Lei and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Sharp bounds for the signless Laplacianspectral radius in terms of clique number, Linear Algebra and its Applications438 (2013) 3851–3861. (SCI, Times Cited 9)
66.Gu Lei, Huang Hui-Lin and Zhang, Xiao-Dong,The clustering coefficient and the diameter of small-world networks, ACTAMathematica Sinica-Englsih Series, 29(1)(2013) 199-208. (SCI, Times Cited 3)
67.Zhang, Xiu-Mei; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; Gray,Daniel; Wang, Hua; The number of subtrees of trees with given degree sequence.J. Graph Theory 73 (2013), no. 3, 280–295. (SCI, Times Cited 9)
68.ZhangXiao-Dong, Zhang Cun-Quan, Kotzig frames and circuit double covers, DiscreteMathematics, 312 (2012) 174–180. (SCI,Times Cited 2)
69.ZhangGuang-Jun, Zhang Jie and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Faber-Krahn type inequality forunicyclic graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra,60(2012)1355–1364. (SCI, TimesCited 1)
70.Zhang Guang-Jun and Zhang Xiao-Dong,The firstDirichlet eigenvlaue of bicyclic graphs, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 62(2012) 441–451. (SCI)
71.DengYun-Ping and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Automorphism groups of the Pancake graphs,Information Processing Letters, 112(2012)264-266. (SCI, Times Cited 2)
72.Chen,Ya-Hong and Zhang, Xiao-Dong, The Wiener index of unicyclic graphs with girth and matching number, ARS Combinatoria106(2012) 115-128. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
73.LeeMoon Ho, Zhang Xiao-Dong,Song Wei, and Xia Xiang-Gen, Fast reciprocal jackettransform with many parameters, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I:Regular Papers, 59(7)(2012) 1472-1481. (SCI, Times Cited 4)
74.HeBian, Gu Lei and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Nodal domain partition and the number ofcommunities in networks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory andExperiment, doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2012/02/P02012, 2012. (SCI)
75.ZhangXiao-Dong, Vertex degrees and doublystochastic graph matrices, Journal of Graph Theory, 66 (2011) 104–114. (SCI, Times Cited 2)
76. Deng Yun-Ping, Zhang Xiao-Dong, Automorphism group of the derangementgraph, The electronic journal of combinatorics, 18 (2011), #P198. (SCI, Times Cited 2)
77.ZhangGuang-Jun and Zhang Xiao-Dong, The p-Laplacian spectral radius of weightedtrees with a degree sequence and a weight set,Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 22(2011), 267-276. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
78.QianDa-Qian Qian and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Potential distribution on random electricalnetworks, Acta Mathematicae ApplicataeSinica-English Series, 27(3)(2011)549-559. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
79.DengYun-Ping, Zhang Xiao-Dong, A note oneigenvalues of the derangement graph, Ars Combinatoria, 101(2011),289-299. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
80.Ma Zhi-Hao, Yuan Wei-Gang, Bao Min-Li, and ZhangXiao-Dong, A new entanglementmeasure D concurrence, Quantum Information and Computation, (11). 1&2(2011) 0070–0078. (SCI, Times Cited 3)
81.GuLei, Zhang Xiao-Dong and Zhou Qing, Consensus and synchronization problems onsmall-world networks, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51 (2010), 082701. (SCI, Times Cited 10)
82.MaYing-Hong , Li Huijia and ZhangXiao-Dong, Weighted tunable clusteringin local-world networks with increment behavior, Journal of StatisticalMechanics: Theory and Experiment, doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2010/11/P11009, 2010. (SCI)
83.ZhangXiao-Dong, Liu Yong and Han Min-Xian, Maximum Wiener index of trees with givendegree sequence, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 64 (2010) 661-682. (SCI, TimesCited 28)
84.ZhangXiao-Dong, The signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with given degreesequences, Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (2009) 2928-2937. (SCI, Times Cited 30)
85.Zhang Xiao-Dong, Algebraic connectivity anddoubly stochastic tree matrices,Linear Algebra and its Applications 430(2009), 1656–1664. (SCI, Times Cited 2)
86.ZhangXiao-Dong and Ding Chang-Xing, Theequality cases for the inequalities of Oppenheim and Schur for positivesemi-definite matrices, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 59 (134) (2009),197–206. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
87.ZhangXiao-Dong, Lv Xia-Ping, Chen Ya-Hong, Ordering trees by the Laplaciancoefficients, Linear Algebra and its Applications 431 (2009) 2414–2424. (SCI, TimesCited 18)
88.MaYing-Hong, Li Huijia and ZhangXiao-Dong, Strength distribution of novel local-world networks, Physica A 388(2009) 4669-4677. (SCI, Times Cited 3)
89.Zhang Xiao-Dong,The Laplacian spectral radii of trees with degree sequences. Discrete Math. 308(2008), no. 15, 3143–3150. (SCI, TimesCited 34)
90.Lee Moon-HoManev, N. L, and Zhang Xiao-Dong Jacket transform eigenvalue decomposition.Appl. Math. Comput. 198 (2008), no. 2, 858–864. (SCI, Times Cited 2)
91.ZhangXiao-Dong, Xiang Qi-Yuan, Xu Li-Qun, and Pan Rong-Ying, The Wiener index oftrees with given degree sequences. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 60 (2008),no. 2, 623–644. (SCI, Times Cited 38)
92.LeeMoon-Ho, and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Fast blockcenter weighted Hadamard transform. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I. Regul. Pap.54 (2007), no. 12, 2741–2745. (SCI, Times Cited 8)
93.ZhangXiao-Dong, Ordering trees with algebraicconnectivity and diameter. Linear Algebra Appl. 427 (2007), no. 2-3, 301–312. (SCI,Times Cited 9)
94.Feng,Lihua, Li Qiao, and Zhang, Xiao-Dong, Some sharp upper bounds on the spectral radiusof graphs. Taiwanese J. Math. 11 (2007), no. 4, 989–997. (SCI, Times Cited 3)
95.FengLihua, Yu Guihai, and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Spectralradius of graphs with given matching number. Linear Algebra Appl. 422 (2007),no. 1, 133–138. (SCI, Times Cited 14)
96.FengLihua, Li Qiao, and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Minimizing the Laplacian spectral radius oftrees with given matching number. Linear Multilinear Algebra 55(2) (2007), 199–207. (SCI, Times Cited 19)
97.Feng Lihua,Li Qiao, and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Spectral radii of graphs with given chromaticnumber. Appl. Math. Lett. 20 (2007), no. 2, 158–162. (SCI, Times Cited 15)
98.XiaoDongMei, Li Wenxia,Yu Jiang, Zhang Xiao-Dong, Zhang Zhi-Zhou and He Lin,Procedures for a dynamical system on {0,1}n with DNA Molecules, BioSystems, 84(2006), 207-216. (SCI, TimesCited 9)
99.Lee MoonHo, Zhang Xiao-Dong, Pokhrel Subash Shree, Choe Chang-hui, and Hwang Gi-Yean, FastBinary Block Inverse Jacket Transform, Journal of the Korea ElectromagneticEngineering Society, 6(2006), No. 4,244-252. (SCI)
100.Zhang, Xiao-Dong; Luo, Rong; Non-bipartite graphs with third largestLaplacian eigenvalue less than three, ActaMathematica Sinica-Englsih Series, 22(3)(2006) 917-934. (SCI, Times Cited 5)
101.ZhangXiao-Dong, Eigenvectors and eigenvaluesof non-regular graphs. Linear Algebra Appl. 409 (2005), 79–86. (SCI, Times Cited 12)
102.Zhang Xiao-Dong, A note on doubly stochastic graph matrices.Linear Algebra Appl. 407 (2005), 196–200. (SCI, Times Cited 8)
103.Hong Yuan, and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Sharp upperand lower bounds for largest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrices of trees.Discrete Math. 296 (2005), no. 2-3, 187–197. (SCI, Times Cited 71)
104.Zhang Xiao-Dong, A new bound for thecomplexity of a graph. Util. Math. 67 (2005), 201–203. (SCI, Times Cited 3)
105.Zhang Xiao-Dong, and Wu Jia-Xi, Doubly stochastic matrices of trees. Appl.Math. Lett. 18 (2005), no. 3, 339–343 (SCI, Times Cited 9)
106.Zhang Xiao-Dong, A note on ultrametric matrices. CzechoslovakMath. J. 54(129) (2004), no. 4, 929–940. (SCI, Times Cited 2)
107.Zhang Xiao-Dong, The smallest eigenvalue for reversible Markovchains. Linear Algebra Appl. 383 (2004), 175–186. (SCI, Times Cited 2)
108.Martínez Servet, San Martín Jaime, Zhang Xiao-DongA class of M-matrices whose graphs aretrees. Linear Multilinear Algebra 52 (2004), no. 5, 303–319. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
109.Zhang Xiao-Dong, On the Laplacian spectraof graphs. Ars Combin. 72 (2004), 191–198. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
110.Zhang Xiao-Dong, On the two conjectures ofGraffiti. Linear Algebra Appl. 385 (2004), 369–379. (SCI, Times Cited 9)
111.Zhang Xiao-Dong, Bipartite graphs with small third Laplacianeigenvalue. Discrete Math. 278 (2004), no. 1-3, 241–253. (SCI, Times Cited 4)
112.Zhang Xiao-Dong, Graphs characterized by Laplacian eigenvalues.Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B 25 (2004), no. 1, 103–110. (SCI, Times Cited 4)
113.Zhang, Xiao-Dong, Two sharp upper boundsfor the Laplacian eigenvalues. Linear Algebra Appl. 376 (2004), 207–213. (SCI, TimesCited 19)
114.Zhang Xiao-Dong, The equality cases for theinequalities of Fischer, Oppenheim, and Ando for general M-matrices. SIAM J.Matrix Anal. Appl. 25 (2004), no. 3, 752–765. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
115.Zhang Xiao-Dong, and Bylka Stanislaw,Disjoint triangles of a cubic line graph. Graphs Combin. 20 (2004), no. 2,275–280. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
116.Hwang Suk-Geun, and Zhang Xiao-Dong,Permanents of graphs with cut vertices. Linear Multilinear Algebra 51 (2003),no. 4, 393–404. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
117.Martínez Servet, San Martín Jaime, and Zhang, Xiao-Dong, A new class of inverse M-matrices of tree-liketype. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 24 (2003), no. 4, 1136–1148.(SCI, TimesCited 10)
118.Hwang Suk-Geun, Kim Ik-Pyo, Kim Si-Ju, and Zhang, Xiao-Dong, Tight sign-central matrices. Linear AlgebraAppl. 371 (2003), 225–240. (SCI, Times Cited 3)
119.Zhang Xiao-Dong, Graphs with fourth Laplacian eigenvalue lessthan two. European J. Combin. 24 (2003), no. 6, 617–630. (SCI , Times Cited 8)
120.Berman Abraham, and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Bipartite density of cubic graphs. Discrete Math.260 (2003), no. 1-3, 27–35. (SCI, Times Cited 4)
121.Zhang Xiao-Dong, Luo Rong; The Laplacianeigenvalues of mixed graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 362(2003) 109-119. (SCI, Times Cited 16)
122.Zhang Xiao-Dong, and Li Jiong-Sheng,Factorization index for completely positive graphs. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl.Ser.) 18 (2002), no. 4, 823–832. (SCI, Times Cited 1)
123.Zhang Xiao-Dong, and Luo Rong, Upper bound for the non-maximal eigenvalues ofirreducible nonnegative matrices. Czechoslovak Math. J. 52(127) (2002), no. 3,537–544. (SCI, Times Cited 2)
124.Zhang Xiao-Dong, and Li Jiong-Sheng TheLaplacian spectrum of a mixed graph. Linear Algebra Appl. 353 (2002), 11–20. (SCI, Times Cited 26)
125.Zhang Xiao Dong, and Li Jiong-Sheng, Spectral radius of non-negative matrices anddigraphs. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 18 (2002), no. 2, 293–300 (SCI, TimesCited 12)
126.Berman, Abraham; Zhang, Xiao-Dong; On thespectral radius of graphs with cut vertices. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 83(2001), no. 2, 233–240. (SCI, Times Cited 63)
127.Berman Abraham, Zhang Xiao-Dong, Lowerbounds for the eigenvalues of Laplacian matrices. Linear Algebra Appl. 316(1)(2000) 13–20. (SCI, Times Cited 19)
128.Berman Abraham, and Zhang Xiao-Dong, A note on degree antiregular graphs. Linearand Multilinear Algebra 47 (2000), no. 4, 307–311. (SCI, Times Cited 7)
129.Li Jiong-Sheng, Zhang Xiao-Dong, On theLaplacian eigenvalues of a graph. Linear Algebra Appl. 285 (1998), no. 1-3,305–307. (SCI, Times Cited 72)
130.Li Jiong-Sheng, and Zhang Xiao-Dong, A newupper bound for eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix of a graph. Linear AlgebraAppl. 265 (1997), 93–100. (SCI, , Times Cited 43)
131.Tam Bit-Shun, Yang Shangjun, Zhang Xiao-Dong,Invertibility of irreducible matrices.Linear Algebra Appl. 259 (1997), 39–70. (SCI, Times Cited 5)
132.Zhang, Xiao-Dong, and Yang Shang Jun, An improvement of Hadamard‘s inequality fortotally nonnegative matrices. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 14(3) (1993) 705–711.(SCI, Times Cited 5).

A chapter of books.
1.The Laplacian eigenvalues of grpah: asurvey, Chapter 6 in LinearAlgebra Research Advance, PP 201—228. GERALD D. LING etc, NOVA SCIENCEPUBLISHERS, INC., 2007.
2. Spectral Analysis; Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis andMining, Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne eds.,Springer Science+Business Media New York, ISBN: 978-1-4614-6169-2 (Print)978-1-4614-6170-8 (Online)
Li Qiao and Zhang Xiao-Dong, Ten Lectures forMatrix Theory, Press of University ofScience and Technology of China, 2015.

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