

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-14


α-芳(烷)硒基酮作为重要的中间体在有机合成方面具有重要的应用. 报道了电化学氧化-碘促进下, 丙酮α-H芳(烷)硒化制备α-芳(烷)硒基丙酮化合物的方法, 本方法使用稳定、易得的二芳(烷)基二硒醚作为硒化试剂. 与已有的其它方法相比, 本方法具有反应条件温和、原子经济性高、底物适用范围广等优点, 为α-芳(烷)硒基丙酮化合物的制备提供了一条绿色、高效的合成路径.
关键词: 有机电合成, 碘促进反应, α-H芳(烷)硒化, α-芳(烷)硒基丙酮
α-Aryl(alkyl)selenyl ketones have been important intermediates in organic transformation. Here, a new route to α-aryl (alkyl) selenoacetones via the electrochemical oxidated iodide promoted α-H aryl(alkyl)selenation of acetone by using stable and easy available diaryl(alkyl)diselenides as selenide reagent is reported. Comparing to the previous methods, this strategy has the advantages of mild reaction conditions, high atom economy and wide functional groups tolerance, providing an efficient and green route to α-aryl (alkyl) selenoacetones.
Key words: electro-organic synthesis, iodide-promoted reaction, α-H aryl(alkyl)selenation, α-aryl(alkyl)selenoacetones


相关话题/机电 经济 丙酮 方法 化合物