
C—N键广泛存在于药物、天然产物以及功能材料中, 它的构建是有机合成化学的重要研究方向之一. 近年来,随着有机电化学的深入发展, 以有机电化学作为绿色合成手段, 高效地构建C—N键受到了合成化学家的广泛关注. 综述了从2015年至今有机电化学在构建C—N键领域所取得的研究进展, 对反应的条件和机理进行了总结, 并对该领域所面临的挑战及发展方向进行了展望与探讨, 希望能对从事该领域研究的****以及相关人员提供参考.
关键词: 有机电化学, C—N键, 绿色化学
C—N bonds are widely existed in drugs, natural products, and functional materials. Thus, the construction of C—N bonds is one of the most important research areas in academia and industry. Recently, the renaissance in organic electrochemistry has promoted the electrochemical C—N bond formations to be a special branch of organic synthesis. The most recent advances in the electrochemical C—N bond formations since 2015 are summarized. The reaction mechanisms of these transformations are discussed, and the challenges and future directions of this important filed are included. We hope that this review can give references to the researchers, graduate students and other related people.
Key words: organic electrochemistry, carbon-nitrogen bond, green chemistry