喹唑啉酮类化合物是一种重要的含氮杂环化合物, 也是多种天然产物以及合成药物的骨架分子. 利用廉价易得的苯甲醇以及邻氨基苯甲酰胺为原料, 通过CuCl2和电流共同氧化苯甲醇, 在室温条件下于水相中一锅法合成喹唑啉酮及其衍生物, 目标化合物可获得中等至优秀的产率. 该方法用电流代替价格昂贵、毒性大的氧化剂, 为合成喹唑啉酮类化合物提供了一条操作简便、绿色可持续的合成途径.
关键词: 电合成, 喹唑啉酮, 绿色化学, 铜催化剂, 水相
Quinazolinone is one of the most important nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compound, which is widely found in numerous natural products and synthetic drugs. Quinazolinone derivatives were synthesized by one-pot co-oxidation of benzyl alcohol with CuCl2 and electric current in aqueous phase. The reaction provides an efficient protocol to a series of quinazolinones derivatives in good to high yields. This synthesis process features convenient operation and environmental friendliness, which make it a promising method for the preparation of quinazolinone derivatives insteading of expensive and toxic oxidants with electric current.
Key words: electrochemistry, quinazolinone, green chemistry, copper catalysis, water