
设计并合成了一种可催化对亚甲基苯醌化合物的1,6-加成反应的金属铋络合物, 并得到二芳基及其取代化合物. 该反应的显著特征是使用了廉价、未开发、未引起重视和可重复利用的金属铋络合物, 使反应更具有可持续性. 另外二芳基甲基取代化合物产率高、底物范围广、官能团耐受性好, 反应操作简便、条件温和, 是一种可行性高且有吸引力的方案.
关键词: 亚甲基苯醌化合物, 铋催化, 1,6-加成
An effective 1,6-addition route for para-quinone methides (p-QMs) to synthesize bismuth-catalyzed substituted diarylmethanes was developed. The key feature of this transformation in our methodology is that the metallic bismuth complexes are inexpensive, untapped, overlooked, and reusable, making the reaction more sustainable. Moreover, this protocol provides facile access to a class of deviratives of diaryl and triarylmenthanes with good to excellent yields and good tolerance of the functional groups. A feasible and appealing solution is delivered by convenient work-up and mild reaction conditions.
Key words: p-QMs, bismuth-catalysis, 1,6-addition