
氨基酸类化合物在现代医药化学研究和药物设计开发方面具有非常重要的作用, 一直以来, 开发高效的合成方法学来制备这些氨基酸类化合物的研究吸引了化学家们广泛的研究兴趣. 另一方面, 近些年电化学反应逐渐兴起成为一种绿色可再生的合成手段, 是有机合成化学领域的研究热点, 其在氨基酸的合成方面的应用也受到了极大的关注. 本综述第一次较为系统全面地总结了近些年有关电化学手段合成氨基酸的研究进展, 讨论了这些电化学方法在合成氨基酸类化合物方面的实际应用的可行性、具备的优势以及存在的一些局限, 为氨基酸绿色合成方面的研究提供了一定的参考.
关键词: 电化学反应, 氨基酸, 自由基反应, 不对称合成, 镍配合物
Due to the pivotal role of tailor-made amino acids in modern medicinal chemistry research and drug design, the interest in the development of synthetic methodology for preparation of these compounds is at an all-time high. Currently, electrochemical approaches for synthesis of amino acids are being actively pursued to take the advantage of sustainability and green chemistry facets offered by the electrochemistry. This work presents the first specially focused, comprehensive treatment of the literature data related to synthesis of amino acids via electrochemical means. Aspects of practicality, benefits and current shortcoming of this approach are critically discussed.
Key words: electrochemical reactions, amino acids, radical reactions, asymmetric synthesis, Ni-complex