
发展了一种氧鎓离子活化的烯丙基醚原位氧化/脱羧芳构化串联反应合成N-烷基吡咯化合物的新方法. 该反应涉及C—N键的形成和C—O键的断裂, 为制备N-烷基吡咯提供了新途径, 收率为29%~71%, 具有较好的官能团耐受性.
关键词: 醚氧化, 芳构化, 吡咯, 合成方法
An ipso-oxidation of allyl ether/decarboxylative aromatization cascade strategy is reported, resulting in the formation of N-alkyl pyrroles via oxocarbenium activation. This transformation, which involves formation of C—N bond and cleavage of C—O bond, provides a novel protocol that furnishes N-alkyl pyrroles in 29%~71% yields with good functional group tolerance.
Key words: oxidation of ether, aromatization, pyrroles, synthetic methods