
关键词: N-苯氧基乙酰胺, 内氧化剂, C-H键活化, 偶联组分
The C-H bond activation has become one of the hot fields of organic chemistry in recent years due to its atom economy and step simplicity. In the conventional C-H bond activations, an equivalent amount of oxidants is usually added to regenerate the catalyst and allow the catalytic cycle proceed smoothly. N-Phenoxyacetamide, as a novel reaction substrate containing an oxidizing directing group, can effectively avoid the use of an equivalent external oxidants. Thus, the C-H activation could be conducted under redox neutral conditions. In this paper, the latest research progress of N-phenoxyacetamides in the field of organic synthesis, especially C-H bond activations is reviewed, and the mechanism of the reaction is discussed.
Key words: N-phenoxyacetamides, internal oxidant, C-H bond activation, coupling partners