关键词: 氯化试剂, 氟原子, 钯催化, 合成方法学
A mild method for palladium-catalyzed halogenation of acetanilide with N-chloro-N-fluorobenzenesulfonylamide (CFBSA) as a chlorinating reagent, oxidant, and novel promoting reagent was achieved. The decomposition of byproduct N-fluoroben-zenesulfonylamine in the presence of Pd(OAc)2 could accelerate the process of chlorination. Preliminary mechanism investigation showed that Pd catalyzed anilide directed C-H activation lead to the ortho chlorination selectivity. A series of ortho-chlorinated anilides were obtained in 28%~82% yields.
Key words: chlorinating reagent, fluorine atom, Pd-catalyzed, synthetic methodology