
关键词: 过渡金属催化, 不对称催化, 碳氢键直接官能团化, 平面手性, 二茂铁
Ferrocenes bearing planar chirality have been demonstrated to be highly efficient ligands or catalysts in asymmetric catalysis. In view of their atom and step economies, direct asymmetric C—H bond functionalization is the most concise and powerful method for the construction of planar chiral ferrocenes compared with traditional approaches. This review summarizes recent progress on the development of novel methods to synthesize planar chiral compounds via transition- metal (Cu-, Pd-, Ir-, Rh-, Au-, Pt-) catalyzed asymmetric C—H bond functionalization. Preparation of a variety of new planar chiral ferrocene-based catalysts and ligands by utilizing these methods and their application in catalytic asymmetric reactions are also discussed.
Key words: transition metal catalysis, asymmetric catalysis, direct C-H bond functionalization, planar chirality, ferrocene