

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06



專門: ﹕學習動機、學習、自我進程、教學成就

B A Macquarie University 1971
B Ed University of New England 1973 (Pass with Merit)
M Ed (Hons) University of New England 1976
Ph D University of Sydney, 1989 (Thesis Title: The Psychological Determinants of Motivation of Non-Traditional Aboriginal Students)
Registered Teacher - The Council of Public Education Registration Number 29782
Registered Psychologist – Psychology Board of Australia PSY0001138433



Dennis M. McInerney is an honorary professor at the Education University of Hong Kong. Prior to this he was Chair Professor of Educational Psychology and Associate Vice President (Research and Development) and  Co-Director of the Assessment Research Centre of the Institute. Professor McInerney continues research consultancies with a range of international universities and individuals. 

Before his appointment at The Hong Kong Institute of Education he was Professor and Associate Dean (Education Research) at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore having served for a period as Vice-Dean (Research and Methodology) within the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice. Previous to this Professor McInerney was Research Professor and Associate Director of the Self Research Centre at the University of Western Sydney. 

Professor McInerney has published numerous research articles in refereed international journals, books and conferences and edits two international research series, Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning (Vols 1-11) and International Advances in Self Research (Vols 1-4). Professor McInerney has received numerous research grants including seven Australian Research Council grants and two Hong Kong University Grants Committee grants. He was awarded the University of Western Sydney’s Senior Researcher Award and was the first Professor to receive a Personal Chair at the University of Western Sydney, Macarthur. Professor McInerney was also awarded the inaugural President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research (Research Excellence) at the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

Professor McInerney has written a number of textbooks including Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning (Pearson 6th Edition, 2014); Developmental and Educational Psychology for Teachers: An applied approach (with Dave Putwain, Routledge. 2017); Developmental Psychology for Teachers (Allen & Unwin, 2006); Helping Kids Achieve Their Best: Understanding and Using Motivation in the Classroom (published by Allen & Unwin, 2000 and republished by Information Age Publishing, 2005), and Publishing Your Psychology Research (Sage and Allen & Unwin, 2001).


Professional Memberships

  • Associate Fellow Hong Kong Psychological Society
  • Member Australian Psychological Society (retired)
  • Member of the American Psychological Association (retired)
  • Member of the Australian Psychological Society College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists (retired)


Research Interests

  • Cross-cultural studies of learning and motivation
  • Self-processes and adaptive psychological determinants of school engagement
  • Instrument design and validation, with a specific focus on indigenous and ethnic minorities


Recent and Ongoing Research Projects

2015-2019: Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant ($AUD313, 536. 00). Research degree progress and success: Making a difference in candidate metacognitive profile, expectation, satisfaction and well-being (Partner Investigator) with A. P Holbrook, J. J. Scevak, K. M. Shaw, D S. Bourke (Chief-Investigators). DP150102088.

2014-2015: Research Grants Council/GRF Grant. The complexity and dynamics of social goals: An investigation of a hidden dimension of Hong Kong student motivation. Dr. Cheng, Wing Yi Rebecca (PI), Dennis M McInerney and Lam Shui Fong (Co-I).

2013: National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) (NPRP 6 - 122 - 5 – 015), Qatar National Research Fund The interaction of psychological variables and student achievement: finding optimal structure to student success (with R. Nasser & G. A. Liem).

2011 : The impacts of social and psychological factors on English and Putonghua learning and the implications to education policies. Dr, Wong, Wai Lap Simpson (PI) Chung, K. K. H, Ho S H C, McInerney D. M., Chow, W. Y. B (Co-I).

2011-2014: Research Grants Council RGC/GRF Grant ($808,769) Teacher commitment, motivation and attributes: What characterizes teachers in Hong Kong Schools? (With H. Marsh & A. Morin).

2010-2011: Hong Kong Institute of Education (HK$180,000) for research proposal development and pilot research into personal bests (PBs). (RG 15/2010-2011R: The Role of Personal Bests as a Motivator in Students’ Academic Development) (with A. Martin, G. A. D. Liem & Leung, Kim Chau, Charles).

2010: National Priorities Research Program (NPRP09-3022-5-052), Qatar National Research Fund ($US 69, 255) Peer and teacher socio-cultural motivation. Its impact on student academic performance (with R. Nasser).

2008-2011: Research Grants Council RGC/GRF Grant ($HK1.16m) Optimizing the Potential of Hong Kong Students: Harnessing the Interaction between Psychological Variables and Student Achievement (with M. Mok, R. Cheng, P. Y. Lai and A. S Yeung).

2008 (November): Start-up Grant HKIEd (HK$400,000).

2007-2008: Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice, NIE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ($S156, 290) Building the future for Singaporean students: The relationship of values, future visions, motivational profiles and learning to school success (with Arief D. Liem).

2006-2012: Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant ($AUD300,000) Securing the future: Optimising the success of remote Indigenous students at post-secondary education. A crosscultural study (with T. Cook & J. Tuovinen). DP0662865

2005-2012: Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant (ARC $AUD272,181 – NTDEET $AUD272,000 cash and kind) Building the future of Indigenous students. The relationship of future vision, learning, and motivational profiles to school success (with T. Cook & J. Tuovinen) LP0561651.

2005-2011: Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant ($AUD285,000) Maximising Real Educational Achievement – The REACH Project: Integrating motivation and self-concept to optimise students’ academic outcomes (with H. Marsh & A. Martin). 


Representative Publications

Authored Books

McInerney, D. M., & Putwain, D. (2017). Developmental and Educational Psychology for Teachers: An applied approach. U.K.: Routledge.

Lee, P., Fasoli, L., Ford, L., Stephenson, P., & McInerney, D. M. (2014). Indigenous kids and schooling in the Northern Territory. An introductory overview and brief history of Aboriginal Education in the Northern Territory. Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education Press.

McInerney, D. M. (2015). Educational psychology: Constructing learning. 6th ed. Sydney: Pearson.

McInerney, D. M., & McInerney, V. (2010). Educational psychology: Constructing learning. 5th ed. Sydney: Pearson.

McInerney, D. M. (2010). The role of sociocultural factors in shaping student engagement in Hong Kong: An ethnic minority perspective. Chair Professors. Public Lecture Series. The Hong Kong Institute of Education: Hong Kong.

麥翰林、鄭穎怡和黎寶燕 (2010)。《善用動機、盡展所長:教與學的錦囊》。美國北卡羅萊納 州夏洛特市:Information Age Publishing。(McInerney, D. M., Cheng, R. W. Y., & Lai, P. Y. (2010). Utilize motivation to fulfil potentials: Tips for teaching and learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (in Chinese).

McInerney, D. M. (2006). Developmental psychology for teachers: An applied approach. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

McInerney, D. M., & McInerney, V. (2006). Educational psychology: Constructing learning. 4th ed. Sydney: Pearson.

McInerney, D. M. (2005). Helping kids achieve their best. Understanding and using motivation in the classroom (Revised). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.


Edited Books

Liem, G.A. D., & McInerney, D. M. (Eds.) (2018). Big Theories Revisited (2nd Ed.). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

Guay, F., Marsh, H. W., McInerney, D. M., & Craven, R. G. (Eds.) (2017). SELF Driving Positive Psychology and Well-being. Volume 6, International Advances in Self Monograph Series. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Guay, F., Marsh, H. W., McInerney, D. M., & Craven, R. G. (Eds.) (2015). Self-concept, Motivation and Identity: Underpinning Success with Research and Practice. Advances in Self Research (Vol. 5). Charlotte, NC: Information Press.

Chung, K. K. H., Yuen, K. C. P, and McInerney, D. M. (Eds.) (2014). Understanding developmental disorders of auditory processing, language and literacy across languages: International perspectives. In D. M. McInerney (Ed.) Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning. Vol. 11. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

McInerney, D. M., Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. & Guay, F. (Eds.). (2013). Theory driving research: New wave perspectives on self-processes and human development. Advances in Self Research (Vol. 4). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

McInerney, D. M, Walker, R. A., & Liem, G. A. D. (Eds.) (2011). Sociocultural theories of learning and motivation. Looking back, looking forward. In D. M. McInerney (Ed.) Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning. Vol. 10. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

McInerney, D. M., Brown, T. L., & Liem, G. A. D. (Eds.) (2009). Student perspectives on assessment: What students can tell us about assessment for learning. In D. M. McInerney (Ed.), Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning. Vol. 9. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

Tan, O S., McInerney, D. M., Liem, A. D., & Tan, A-G. (Eds.) (2008). What the West can learn from the East. Asian perspectives on the psychology of learning and motivation. Vol. 7 in Research in Multicultural Education and International Perspectives (Series Editors F. Salili and R. Hoosain). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

McInerney, D. M., & Liem, A. D. (Eds.) (2008). Teaching and learning: International best practice. In D. M. McInerney & S. Van Etten (Ed.,) Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning. Vol. 8. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

Marsh, H. W., Craven, R., & McInerney, D. M. (Eds.) (2008). Advances in self research. Vol. 3. Self- Processes, Learning, and Enabling Human Potential: Dynamic New Approaches. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

McInerney, D. M., Van Etten, S., & Dowson, M. (Eds.) (2007). Research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning. Vol. 7. Standards in Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

McInerney, D. M., Dowson, M., & Van Etten, S. (Eds.) (2006). Research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning. Vol. 6. Effective Schools. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.


Chapters in Books

Liem, G. A. D., & McInerney, D. M. (in press). Academic motivation: The universal and culturally specific. In T. Good & M. McCaslin (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Education.

Cheng, R, W-y., Leung, B.F.H., & McInerney, D. M. (2019). Social goal orientation,behavioural engagement and coping of Hong Kong students. In G. A. D, Liem and Tan, S. R(Eds.), Asian Education Miracles. In search of sociocultural and psychological explanations.(pp.29-44). NY, New York: Routledge.

McInerney, D. M., & King, R. B. (2018). Culture and self-regulation in educational settings. In Schunk, D. H., & Greene, J. A. (2018). Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance (2nd ed.) (pp. 485-502). New York: Routledge.

Datu, J. A. D., & McInerney, D. M. (2017). Does culture matter for grit? Mapping cross-cultural directions in grit research programs. In F. Guay, H. W. Marsh, D. M. McInerney, & R. G. Craven, R. G. (Eds.) (2017). SELF Driving Positive Psychology and Well-being. Volume 6 (pp. 113-133). International Advances in Self Monograph Series. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

McInerney, D. M., Maehr, M. L., & Dowson, M. (2017). Motivation and culture. In Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral psychology. Elsevier. ISBN 9780128093245.

King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2016). Culture and motivation: The road travelled and the way ahead. Handbook of Motivation at School (2nd ed.) (pp. 275-299). Edited by Kathryn Wentzel and David Miele. NY: Routledge.

McInerney, D. M. (2016). A journey through David Watkin’s research and contribution to crosscultural psychology. In R. B. King & A. B. I. Bernardo (Eds.). The Psychology of Asian Learners. A festschrift in honor of David Watkins. (pp.15-34). Singapore: Springer.

King, R.B., & McInerney, D. M. (2016). Examining the links between social goals and learning strategies. In R. B. King & A. B. I. Bernardo (Eds.). The Psychology of Asian Learners. A festschrift in honor of David Watkins. (pp. 405-417). Singapore: Springer.

Clement, N., Lovat, T., Holbrook, A., Kiley, M., Bourke, S., Paltridge, B., Starfield, S., Fairbairn, H., & McInerney, D. M. (2015). Exploring doctoral examiner judgements through the lenses of Habermas and epistemic cognition. In J. Huisman & M. Tight, Theory and Method in Higher Education Research (213-233). Bingley UK: Emerald Publishing.

King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2015). Culture and Motivation: The road travelled and the way ahead. Edited by Kathryn Wentzel and David Miele, Handbook of Motivation at School (2nd ed.) (.-.). (in press): Routledge.

McInerney, D. M. (2013). The gifted and talented and effective learning: A focus on the Actiotope model of giftedness in the Asian context. In S. N. Phillipson, H. Stoeger, & A. Ziegler (Eds.), Exceptionality in East Asia: Explorations in the actiotope model of giftedness (pp.255-268). New York: Routledge.

McInerney, D. M., & King, R. B. (2013). Harnessing the power of motivational factors for optimizing the educational success of remote indigenous students: A cross-cultural study. In R. G. Craven, & J. Mooney (Eds.), Seeding Success in Indigenous Australian Higher Education (pp. 81-111). UK: Emerald. doi:10.1108/S1479-3644(2013)0000014004

McInerney, D.M., & King, R.B. (in press). Traveling a thousand miles away: Motivational implications of the cross-cultural transition. In S. Karabenick & T. Urdan (Eds.), Advances in motivation and achievement, vol. 17.

McInerney, D. M., & Ali, J. (2013). Indigenous Motivational Profiles: Do They Reflect Collectivism? A cross-cultural analysis of similarities and differences between groups classified as individualist and collectivist cultures. In R. G. Craven, G. H. Bodkin-Andrews, & J. Mooney (Eds.), International Advances in Education: Global initiatives for equity and social justice (pp. 211-232). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

McInerney, D. M., & Liem, G. A. D. (2012). Culture and schooling: Looking beyond individualism and collectivism. In L. Burton, D. Westen, & R. Kowalski (Eds.), Psychology: Australian and New Zealand Edition (3rd ed.) (pp.788-789). Sydney: John Wiley & Sons.

McInerney, D. M., Fasoli, L., Stephenson, P., & Herbert, J. (2012). Building the future for remote Indigenous students in Australia. An examination of future goals, motivation, learning and achievement in cultural context. In J. N. Franco and A. E. Svensgaard (Eds.). Handbook on Psychology of Motivation: New Research. NOVA Press, New York.

McInerney, D. M. (2012). School Motivation. In N. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, New York: Springer. 2012, Part 19, 2966-2972, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_892.

King, R. B., McInerney, D. M. (2012). Including social goals in achievement motivation research: Examples from the Philippines. In Walter Lonner, Dale Dinnel, Sue Hayes, & David Sattler (Eds.), Readings in Psychology and Culture. E-book at the Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Department of Psychology, Western Washington University. USA.Retrieved from http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/orpc/vol5/iss3/4 (http://www.wwu.edu/~culture).

McInerney, D. M. (2011). Culture and self-regulation in educational contexts: Assessing the relationship of cultural group to self-regulation. In B. Zimmerman & D. Schunk (Eds.), Handbook of Self-Regulated Learning and Performance. Educational Psychology Handbook Series. New York: Routledge.

McInerney, D. M., Cheng, R. W. Y., & Lai, P. Y. (2010). Utilize motivation to fulfill potentials: Tips for teaching and learning (in Chinese). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Liem, A. D., & McInerney, D. M. (2010). Indonesian students and their citizenship-related attributes: Motivational perspective of the attainment of civic education desirable outcomes. In K. J. Kennedy, W. O. Lee, & D. L. Grossman (Eds.), Citizenship Education Pedagogies in Asia and the Pacific (pp. 149-174). New York: Springer.

McInerney, D.M. (2010). Educational psychology - Theory, research, and teaching. In K. Wheldall (Ed.), Developments in educational psychology (2nd Ed) (14-29). London: Routledge.

Nelson, G. F., Green, J., McInerney, D. M., Dowson, M., & Schauble, A.C. (2009). Education in Cross-Cultural Settings: Psychology Underpinnings of Achievement in Papua New Guniea. In A. Gari, & K.Mylonas (Eds.), Quod Erat Demonstrandum: From Herodotus' Ethnographic Journeys to Cross-Cultural Research (397-404). Athens, Greece: Pedio.

McInerney, D. M. & Liem, A. D. (2009). Achievement motivation in cross-cultural context: Application of Personal Investment Theory in educational settings. In A. Kaplan., S.A. Karabenick, & E. V. De Groot (Eds.), Culture, Self and Motivation: Essays in honor of Martin L. Maehr. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

McInerney, D. M. (2009). Educational psychology – Theory, research, and teaching: A 25-year retrospective. 2nd Ed. In K. Wheldall (Ed.), Developments in Educational Psychology. London: Routledge.

Liem, A. D., & McInerney, D. M. (2009). Indonesian students and their citizenship-related attributes: Motivational perspective of the attainment of civic education desirable outcomes. In K. J. Kennedy, W. O. Lee, & D. L. Grossman (Eds.), Citizenship Education Pedagogies in Asia and the Pacific.Springer.

Liem, A. D., & McInerney, D. M. Best International Practice in Teaching and Learning. In D. M. McInerney & S. Van Etten (Eds.), (2008). Teaching and learning: International best practice. Vol. 8 in Research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning. (pp. 3-21). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

McInerney, D.M., & Liem, A. D. (2008). Motivation theory and engaged learning. In P. A. Towndrow, C. Koh, & H. C. Tan (Eds.), Motivation and Practice for the Classroom. The Netherlands; Sense Publishers.

McInerney, D. M., & Liem, A. D. (2008). Individualism/collectivism – fact or fiction? In D. Westen, L. Burton & R. Kowalski (Eds.), Psychology: Australian and New Zealand Edition (2nd ed.). Sydney: John Wiley & Sons.

McInerney, D. M. (2007) Personal investment, culture, and learning. Insights into the most salient influences on school achievement across cultural groups. In F. Salili & R. Hoosain (Eds.), Culture, Motivation and Learning: A multicultural perspective. Vol 6 in Research in Multicultural Education and International Perspectives. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

McInerney, D. M. (2007) The motivational roles of cultural differences and cultural identity in self-regulated learning. (Invited) In D. Schunk & B. Zimmerman (Eds.), Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning: Theory, Research, and Applications. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Green, J., Martin, A.J., Marsh, H.W., & McInerney, D. M. (2006). Academic motivation and engagement: Examining relations with key educational outcomes. In R.G. Craven., J. S. Eccles, & T. M. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, Motivation, Social and Personal Identity for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Fourth International Biennial SELF Research Conference, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan (ISBN 1 74108 148 3).

Green, J., Martin, A.J., Marsh, H.W., & McInerney, D. M. (2006). Gender and grade effects in the structure of academic motivation and engagement: A higher order confirmatory factor analysis approach. In R.G. Craven., J. S. Eccles, & T. M. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, Motivation, Social and Personal Identity for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Fourth International Biennial SELF Research Conference, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan (ISBN 1 74108 148 3).

McInerney, D. M. (2006). Educational psychology – Theory, research, and teaching: A 25-year retrospective. In K. Wheldall (Ed.), Developments in Educational Psychology. How far have we come in 25 years? London: Routledge.

Chapters in Books (Self-edited)

King, R. B., Datu, J. A., & McInerney, D. M. (2018). Personal investment theory: A crosscultural framework for the study of student motivation. In G. A. D. Liem & D. M. McInerney (Eds.). Big Theories Revisited (2nd Ed.). (pp. 69-88). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

Splitter, L. J., & McInerney, D. M. (2015). Motivation: A philosophical and psychological synthesis. In F. Guay, H. Marsh, D. M. McInerney & R. G. Craven (Eds.), Self-concept, Motivation and Identity: Underpinning Success with Research and Practice. Advances in Self Research (Vol. 5). Charlotte, NC: Information Press.

King, R.B., & McInerney, D.M. (2013). Seeing the forest beyond the trees: A multilevel perspective on school motivation. In D.M. McInerney, H.W. Marsh., R.G. Craven, & F. Guay (Eds.), International advances in self research: Vol.4. Theory driving research: New wave perspectives on self-processes and human development (pp. 287-310). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

McInerney, D. M, Walker, R. A., & Liem, G. A. D. (2011). Sociocultural Theories of Learning and Motivation. Looking back, looking forward. In D. M. McInerney, R. A. Walker, R. A., & G. A. D. Liem. Sociocultural Theories of Learning and Motivation. Looking back, looking forward. In D. M. McInerney (Ed.) Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning. Vol. 10. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

Brown, G., McInerney, D. M, & Liem, G. A. D. (2009). Student perspectives of assessment: Considering what assessment means to learners. In D. M. McInerney, G. Brown, & G. A. Liem, G. A. D. (Eds.), Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning. Vol. 9 Student Perspectives on Assessment: What Students Can Tell Us about Assessment for Learning.Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

Liem, A. D., & McInerney, D. M. (2008). Best International Practice in Teaching and Learning. In D. M. McInerney & S. Van Etten (Eds.), Teaching and learning: International best practice. Vol. 8 in Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

Da Silva, D., & McInerney, D. M. (2008). Motivational and self-goals of female students in contemporary Japan. In O. S. Tan, D. M. McInerney, A. D. Liem, & A-G. Tan (Eds.), What the West can learn from the East: Asian perspectives on the psychology of learning and motivation, Research on Multicultural Education and International Perspectives Series (Vol. 7). Charlotte, NC.: Information Age Publishing.

McInerney, D.M., Liem, A. D., Ortiga, Y. P. Y., Lee, J. Q., & Manzano, A. S. (2008). Future goals and self-regulated learning among Singaporean Chinese students: The mediating role of utility values of schooling, perceived competence, academic self-concept and academic motivation. In O. S. Tan, D. M.

McInerney, A. D. Liem, & A-G. Tan (Eds.), What the West can learn from the East: Asian perspectives on the psychology of learning and motivation, Research on Multicultural Education and International Perspectives Series (Vol. 7). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Tan, O. S., McInerney, D. M., Liem, A. D., & Tan, A. G. (2008). West-East and East-West learning: Some psychological and cultural Insights. In O. S. Tan, D. M. McInerney, A. D. Liem & A.-G. Tan (Eds.), What the West Can Learn from the East: Asian Perspectives on the Psychology of Learning and Motivation. Vol. 7 in Research on Multicultural Education and International Perspectives Series. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing

McInerney, D. M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2008). Self-processes, learning, and enabling human potential. In H. W. Marsh, R. G. Craven, & D. M. McInerney (Eds.), Advances in Self Research. Vol. 3. Self-Processes, Learning, and Enabling Human Potential: Dynamic New Approaches. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Refereed Journal Publications

Chao, C. N. G, McInerney, D. M., & Bai, B. (2019). Self-efficacy and self-concept as predictors of language learning achievements in an Asian bilingual context. The Asia- Pacific Education Researcher, 28, 139-147. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-018-0420-3. SCImago Q2, H Index 18.

McInerney, D. M. (2019). Motivation. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology.10.1080/01443410.2019.1600774. IF 1.344.

King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., & Pitliya, R. J. (2018). Envisioning a culturally imaginative educational psychology. Educational Psychology Review, 30, 1031-1065. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-018-9440-z. SCImago Q1, H Index 90, IF 4.707 5 Yr IF 5.244 SCImago Journal Rank 2.204.

McInerney, D. M., Korpershoek, H., Wang, H., & Morin, A. J. S. (2018). Teachers’ occupational attributes and their psychological wellbeing, job satisfaction, occupational self-concept and quitting intentions.  Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 145-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2017.12.020. SCImago Q1, H Index 93, IF 2.473 5 Yr IF 3.335 SCImago Journal Rank 1.501.

Litalien, D., Morin, A. J. S., & McInerney, D. M. (2017). Generalizability of achievement goal profiles across five cultural groups: More similarities than differences. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 51, 267-283. DOI 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2017.08.008. SCImago Q1, H Index 86, IF 3.356 5 Yr IF 4.130 SCImago Journal Rank 2.319.

Morin, A.J.S., Boudrias, J.-S., Marsh, H.W., McInerney, D.M., Dagenais-Desmarais, V., & Madore, I. (2017). Complementary variable- and person-centered approaches to exploring the dimensionality of psychometric constructs: Application to psychological wellbeing at work. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32, 395-419. DOI 10.1007/s10869-9448-7 [ISI 2014: 2.075; Scopus 2014: Q1 in applied Psychology; Business and International Management; Business, Management and Accounting (misc.); Psychology (misc.)].

King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., & Nasser, R. (2017). Different goals for different folks: a cross-cultural study of achievement goals across nine cultures. Social Psychology of Education, on line) 1 July, 2017. DOI 10.1007/s11218-017-9381-2.

Litalian, D., Morin, A. J. S., and McInerney, D. M. (2017). Achievement goal profiles among adolescent males and females. Developmental Psychology, 52, 731-751. DOI: 10.1037/dev0000288 SCImago Q1, H Index 159, IF 3.116 5 Yr IF 4.289 SCImago Journal Rank 2.585 

Ryan, T., Allen, K. A., Gray, D. L., McInerney, D. M. (2017). How social are social media? A review of online social behaviour and connectedness. Journal of Relationships Research, 8, e8, 1-8. doi 10.1017/jrr.2017.13.

McInerney, D. M., & Flowerday, T. (2016). Indigenous issues in education and research: looking forward. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 47, 1-3. SCImago Q1, H Index 71, IF 2.49 5 Yr IF 3.378 SCImago Journal Rank 1.426  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2016.05.001

King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2016). Do goals lead to outcomes or can it be the other way around?: Causal ordering of mastery goals, meta-cognitive strategies, and achievement. British Journal of Educational Psychology. DOI:10.1111/bjep.12107. SCImago Q1, H Index 59. IF 2.25 5Yr IF 2.6

King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2016). Culturalizing motivation research in educational psychology. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 1-7. DOI: 10.1111/bjep.12106 I Q1, H Index 59. IF 2.25 5Yr IF 2.6 F 2

Martin, A.J., Collie, R.J., Mok, M.M.C., & McInerney, D.M. (2016). Personal best (PB) goal structure, individual PB goals, engagement, and achievement: A study of Chinese- and English-speaking background students in Australian schools. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 75-91. DOI:10.1111/bjep.12092 SCImago Q1, H Index 59. IF 2.25 5Yr IF 2.6

McInerney, D. M., Ganotice, F., King, R. B., Marsh, H. W., & Morin, J. S., (2015). Exploring commitment and turnover intentions among teachers: What we can learn from Hong Kong teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education. 52, 11-23. DOI 10.1016/j.tate.2015.08.004 .  SCImago Q1, H Index 67. IF 1.413 5Yr IF 1.684

Morin, A. J., Meyer, J. P., McInerney, D. M., Marsh, H. W., & Ganotice F. (2015). Profiles of dual commitment to the occupation and organization: Relations to well being and turnover intentions. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32, 717-744. DOI 10.1007/s10490-015-9411-6. SCImago Q1, H Index 44. IF 2.091 5Yr IF 1.684

King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., Ganotice, F. A., & Villarosa, J. (2015). Positive affect catalyzes academic engagement: Cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental evidence. Learning and Individual Differences, 39, 64-72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2015.03.005  SCImago Q1, H Index 57. IF 3.361 5Yr IF 4.071.

Korpershoek, H., Xu, J. K., Mok, M. M. C., McInerney, M. D., & Van der Werf, M. P. C. (2015). Testing the multidimensionality of the Inventory of School Motivation in a Dutch student sample. Journal of Applied Measurement, 16, 41-59. SCImago Q3, H Index 22. IF NA.

Mok, M. M. C., McInerney, D. M., Zhu, J., & Or, A. (2015). Growth in mathematics cognitive and content domains: A 6-year longitudinal study. Assessment & Learning, 3, 129-159. NA

Mok, M. M. C., McInerney, D. M., Zhu, J., & Or, A. (2015). Growth trajectories of mathematics achievement: Longitudinal tracking of territory-wide student academic progress. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 154-171. DOI:10.1111/bjep.12060. SCImago Q1, H Index 51. IF 2.25 5Yr IF 2.6

Liem, G. A. D., McInerney, D. M., & Yeung, A. S. (2015) Academic Self-Concepts in Ability Streams: Considering Domain Specificity and Same-Stream Peers. Journal of Experimental Education. 83, 83-89. DOI: 10.1080/00220973.876227. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2013.876227. SCImago Q1-2, H Index 29. IF 0.72 5Yr IF 1.64

Nasser, R., & McInerney, D. M. (2014). Achievement-oriented beliefs and their relation to academic expectations and school achievement among Qatari students. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, DOI:10.1080/01443410.2014.993928. SCImago Q1, H Index 29. IF 1.031 5Yr IF NA.

Herbert, J., McInerney, D. M., Fasoli, L., Stephenson, P., Ford, L. (2014). Indigenous secondary education in the NT: Building the future. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 43, 85-95. doi:10.1017/jie.2014.17 NA

Magson, N. R., Craven, R. G., Nelson, G. F., Yeung, A. S., Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., & McInerney, D. M. (2014). Motivation matters: Profiling Indigenous and non-Indigenous students’ motivational goals. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 43, 96-112. Doi 10.1017/jie.2014.19. NA

King, R. B., McInerney, D. M. (2014). Culture’s consequences on student motivation: Capturing universality and variability through personal investment theory. Educational Psychologist, 49, 175-198. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00461520.2014.926813. SCImago Q1, H Index 80. IF 4.844 5Yr IF 4.161

Yeung, A. S., McInerney, D. M., & Ali, J. (2014). Asian students in Australia: Sources of the academic self. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 34, 598-618. DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2014.915928). SCImago Q1, H Index 29. IF 1.031 5Yr IF NA

Allen, K.A., Ryan, T., Gray, D. L., Waters, L. E., & McInerney, D. M. (2014). Social media use and social connectedness in adolescents: The positives and the potential pitfalls. Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 31, 18-31. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/edp.2014.2. SCImago Q4, H Index 3. IF NA

King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2014). Mapping changes in students’ English and math self-concepts: A latent growth model study Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 34, 581-597. DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2014.909009. SCImago Q1, H Index 29. Impact Factor 1.031 5Yr IF NA

Cheng, R. W-y., McInerney, D. M., & Mok, M. M. C. (2014). Does Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect always exist? Investigation of Goal Orientations as Moderators in the Hong Kong context. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology. 34, 561-580.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2014.898740. SCImago Q1, H Index 29. IF 1.031 5Yr IF NA.

McInerney, D. M., Ganotice, F., King, R. B., Morin, A. J. S., & Marsh, H. W. (2014) Teachers’ commitment and psychological well-being: Implications of self-beliefs for teaching in Hong Kong. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology. 35, 926-945. DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2014.895801. SCImago Q1, H Index 29. IF 1.031 5Yr IF NA

King, R.B., McInerney, D.M. (2014). The work avoidance goal construct: Examining its structure antecedents, and consequences. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 39, 42-58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2013.12.002. SCImago Q1, H Index 56. IF 2.347 5Yr IF 3.159.

Ali, J., McInerney, D. M., Craven, R., Yeung, A., & King, R. B. (2014). Socially-oriented motivational goals and academic achievement: Similarities between Native and Anglo Americans. The Journal of Educational Research. 107 (2), 123-137. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00220671.2013.788988. SCImago Q1, H Index 42. IF NA 5Yr IF 1.282

Peters, B., & Forlin, C., McInerney, D., & Maclean, R.  (2013). Social interaction and cooperative activities: Drawing plans as a means of increasing engagement for children with ASD. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 9(2), 61-88. NA

King, R.B., McInerney, D.M., & Watkins, D. A. (2013). Examining the role of social goals in school: A study in two collectivist cultures. European Journal of Psychology of Education. DOI 10.1007/s10212-013-0179-0  SCImago Q2, H Index 27. IF 0.800 5Yr IF 0.89

Liem, G. A. D., Marsh, H. W., Martin, A. J., McInerney, D. M., & Yeung, A. S. (2013). The big-fish-little-pond effect and a national policy of within-school ability streaming: Alternative frames of reference. American Educational Research Journal, 50(2), 326-370. SCImago Q1, H Index 64. IF 2.275  5Yr IF 3.09

King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., & Watkins, D. A. (2012). Studying for the sake of others: Examining the role of social goals on academic engagement. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 32, 749-776 SCImago Q1, H Index 29. IF 1.031 5Yr IF NA

Green, J., Liem, G.A.D., Martin, A.J. Colmar, S., Marsh, H.W., & McInerney, D.M. (2012). Academic motivation, self-concept, engagement, and performance in high school: Key processes from a longitudinal perspective. Journal of Adolescence, 35, 1111-1122.  SCImago Q1, H Index 69. IF 1.638 5Yr IF 2.288

McInerney, D. M., Cheng, R. W-y., Mok, M. M. C., & Lam, A. K. H. (2012). Academic self-concept and learning strategies: Direction of effect on student academic achievement. Journal of Advanced Academics. 23(3), 248-268. SCImago NA IF 0.750

King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., & Watkins, D. A. (2012). How you think about your intelligence determines how you feel in school: The role of theories of intelligence on academic emotions. Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 814-819. SCImago Q1, H Index 36. IF 1.565 5Yr IF 2.158

King, R. B., Ganotice, F. A., & McInerney, D. M. (2012) Cross-cultural validation of the Sense of Self Scale in Chinese and Filipino settings. Child Indicators Research, 5, 719-734. SCImago Q2, H Index 6. IF 1.038 5Yr IF NA

McInerney, D. M. (2012). Conceptual and methodological challenges in multiple goal research among very remote Indigenous Australian students. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 61(4), 634-668. SCImago Q1, H Index 51. IF 2.098 5Yr IF 3.02

King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., & Watkins, D. (2012). Competitiveness is not that bad…at least in the East: Testing the hierarchical model of achievement motivation in the Asian setting. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36, 446-457. SCImago Q1, H Index 41. IF 1.216 5Yr IF 1.555

King, R.B., McInerney, D.M., & Watkins, D.A. (2010). Can social goals enrich our understanding of students' motivational goals? Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 10, 1-16. NA

Lee, J. Q., McInerney, D.M., Liem, G. A. D., & Ortiga, Y. Y. (2010). The relationship between future goals and achievement goal orientations: An intrinsic-extrinsic motivation perspective. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 35, 264-279. SCImago Q1, H Index 56. IF 2.00, 5-Yr IF 3159.


Keynote and invited addresses

McInerney, D. M. (2018). Teacher commitment: Are there essential characteristics that ensure engagement and longevity in the teaching profession. University of Auckland, New Zealand, March 6th.

McInerney, D. M. (2018). What makes effective cross-cultural research in education and psychology. University of Auckland, New Zealand, March 7th.

McInerney, D. M. (2018). Motivation of Chinese secondary students in Australia. University of Auckland, New Zealand, March 21st .

McInerney, D. M. (2018). Approaches to classroom motivation. University of Auckland, New Zealand, March 21st .

McInerney, D. M. (2016). Conducting valid research in cross-cultural settings - essential theoretical, methodological, measurement, and applied principles.  Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30th November 2016.

McInerney, D. M., (2015). Giftedness as a sociocultural concept. Invited paper given at the Third International Semi-Conference of the International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence (IRATDE) entitled ‘Cutting-edge research on talent development’. October 23-25, Novotel Nurenberg Centre Ville, Germany.

McInerney, D. M. (2014). Enhancing learning in classrooms through motivation. Hong Kong Learning and Teaching Expo (LTE) Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. “Enhancing teaching efficiency with diversity”, 11th to 13th  December, 2014.

McInerney, D. M. (2014). The many faces of Identity: Is it a relevant construct for understanding and enhancing learning. International Academic Forum, Seventh Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan, October 28 – November 2, 2014.

McInerney, D. M. (2014). Social goals and motivation for college students. The Philippine Educational Measurement and Evaluation Association (PEMEA) International Conference on Education Measurement and Evaluation 2014 (ICEME 2014), Manila, 20th September, 2014.

McInerney, D. M. (2013). Engaging students in effective learning: The essential role of motivation. Invited keynote at the First International Conference on Teacher Education – Focusing on Teaching Materials and Methods Course. Ministry of Education and National Taiwan Normal University together with the Association of Normal Education R. O. C and National Taichung University of Education. November 29.

McInerney, D. M. (2013). The many faces of teacher commitments. Nature and consequences for psychological well-being. Invited keynote at the joint 7th SELF Biennial International Conference and the ERAS Conference, 9th to 11th September, Singapore.

McInerney, D. M. (2013). Harnessing the power of social forces for healthy self development and successful engagement in education. Invited paper for the International Academic Forum Third Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, Osaka, Japan, March 28th to March 31st.

McInerney, D. M. (2013). Strategies to motivate learners. Invited workshop for CELC-Temasek Foundation-Rajabhat Universities-Thai Ministry of education Collaboration “Development of Curriculum, Methodologies and Materials for English Language Lecturers and Teacher-Trainers of Rajabhat Universities, January 3rd, 2013.

McInerney, D. M. (2013). Monitoring and Evaluating Effectiveness of Motivational Strategies. Invited workshop for CELC-Temasek Foundation-Rajabhat Universities-Thai Ministry of education Collaboration “Development of Curriculum, Methodologies and Materials for English Language Lecturers and Teacher-Trainers of Rajabhat Universities, January 5th , 2013.

McInerney, D. M. (2012). Designing culturally valid research. Keynote address at the 5th Annual Conference on Educational Research (ICER): Challenging Education for Future Change. September 8th – 9th, 2012 Khon Kaen Thailand.

McInerney, D. M. (2011). The way forward. Gifted and talented education. Paper presented at the Giftedness in East-Asia Symposium, Explorations in the Actiotope Model of Giftedness, 1st- 2nd August, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China.

McInerney, D. M. (2011). Classroom applications of contemporary motivation theories. Paper presented at the 1st Annual Conference on Educational Reform Initiatives for Best Practices. QATAR University, March 26th.

McInerney, D. M. (2010). Is it success for all? Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Optimizing talent: Closing educational and social mobility gaps worldwide. Salzburg Global Seminar, October 3rd – October 7th, Salzburg.

McInerney, D. M. (2010). Motivation for engaged learning. Synthesising across theoretical perspectives. Paper presented the first Educator’s Congress “Pushing the Frontiers in Knowledge and Education,” De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, September 30- October 1, 2010.

McInerney, D. M. (2010). The relationship between future goals and achievement goal orientations: An intrinsic-extrinsic motivation perspective. Paper presented at the Quantitative Special Interest Group, Department of Education, Oxford University, 24th May, 2010.

McInerney, D. M. (2010). The role of sociocultural factors in shaping student engagement in Hong Kong: An ethnic minority perspective. Keynote address at the Chair Professor Lecture. The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 2nd March. Tai Po.

McInerney, D.M. (2010). The motivational profiles and perceptions of schooling of Asian students in Australia. Presentation made at the Centre for Educational Research, University of Western Sydney, Australia, 22nd March.

McInerney, D. M. (2009). Teaching Standards: professional knowledge, professional practice, professional engagement and values: Best Practice. Ministry of Education, Negara Brunei Darussalam, 19th Teachers’ Day Celebration, 9th-11th Nov.

McInerney, D. M. (2009). Western oriented research with very remote Indigenous minorities. Can it work? : An analysis of theoretical, methodological and logistical issues related to measuring self-constructs among very remote Indigenous students in Australia. Keynote Address at the Fifth SELF Biennial Conference: Enabling Human Potential: The Centrality of Self and Identity: Al Ain UAE – January 13-15, 2009.

McInerney, D. M., & Liem, A. D. (2008). Applications of contemporary motivational theory to enhance engagement in learning of students and learners in industry in culturally diverse and technologically rich educational environments. Keynote address at the International Conference on Learning Competency ICLC, Seoul, Korea, January 16-18, 2008.


Conference presentations and other publications

Litalien, D., Morin, A. J. S., & McInerney, D. M. (July 2017). Generalizability of achievement goal profiles across students from various cultural backgrounds. 36th Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Mérida, Mexico.

Chao, C. N. G., McInerney, D. M., & Bai, B. (2017) Self-efficacy and self-concept as predictors of language learning achievements in an Asian bilingual context. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. 27th April to 1st May, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

McInerney, D. M., Ganotice, F. A., & King, R. B. (2015). Exploring the synergies between distal future and proximal achievement goals and metacognition in academic achievement. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. 16th April to 20th April, Chicago, USA.

McInerney, D. M. (2013, November). Engaging students in effective learning: The essential role of motivation. Invited keynote at the First International Conference on Teacher Education – Focusing on Teaching Materials and Methods Course. Paper presented at Ministry of Education and National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.

Liem, G. A. D., McInerney, D. M., & Yeung, A. S. (2013, September). Academic self-concepts of students in ability streams: Do same-stream peers matter?. Paper presented at the joint 7th SELF Biennial International Conference and the ERAS Conference, Singapore.

McInerney, D. M. (2013, September). The many faces of teacher commitments. Nature and consequences for psychological well-being. Invited keynote at the joint 7th SELF Biennial International Conference and the ERAS Conference, Singapore.

Yang, L., Watkins, D., & McInerney, D. M. (2013, September). Enhancing the domain-specific self-concept of low-achieving secondary students in China’s TVET: Why it matters?. Paper presented at the joint 7th SELF Biennial International Conference and the ERAS Conference, Singapore.

McInerney, D. M., King, R. B., & Lam, J. (2013, August). Multiple goals and educational outcomes in the Chinese cultural context: A person-centered analysis. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Munich.

McInerney, D. M., King, R.B., & Lam, J. (2013, August). Does student motivation really decline? Re-examining motivational change in the Chinese cultural context. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Munich.

McInerney, D.M., & King, R.B. (2013, July). Exploring the synergies between distal future and proximal achievement goals in academic achievement. Paper presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Hawaii.

McInerney, D.M., & King, R.B. (2013, July). Teacher commitment and psychological well-being. Paper presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Hawaii.

McInerney, D. M. (2013, April). TALCK provocations. Paper presented at the APA Div. 15 sponsored Provocation on Teacher Beliefs about Educational Activities. Panel 2. The relationship of TALCK beliefs to practice and achievement, Hotel Rex, San Francisco.

McInerney, D.M., & King, R.B. (2013, April). Do mastery goals lead to enhanced metacognition and learning strategies or is it the other way around?. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, USA.

McInerney, D. M. (2013, March). Harnessing the power of social forces for healthy self development and successful engagement in education. Paper presented at the International Academic Forum Third Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, Osaka, Japan.

McInerney, D. M. (2013, January). Monitoring and Evaluating Effectiveness of Motivational Strategies. Paper presented at the workshop for CELC-Temasek Foundation-Rajabhat Universities-Thai Ministry of education Collaboration “Development of Curriculum, Methodologies and Materials for English Language Lecturers and Teacher-Trainers of Rajabhat Universities, Thailand.

McInerney, D. M. (2013, January). Strategies to motivate learners. Paper presented at the workshop for CELC-Temasek Foundation-Rajabhat Universities-Thai Ministry of education Collaboration “Development of Curriculum, Methodologies and Materials for English Language Lecturers and Teacher-Trainers of Rajabhat Universities, Thailand.

McInerney, D.M., & King, R.B. (2012, December). Do teacher competency frameworks reflect best practices from educational psychology research?. Paper presented at the 3rd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Shanghai, P.R. China.

McInerney, D. M. (2012, September). Designing culturally valid research. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Educational Research (ICER): Challenging Education for Future Change, Khon Kaen, Thailand.

McInerney, D. M., & Nasser, R. (2012, August). Segregated schooling for girls and boys in Qatar: Effects on peer relationships, motivation, and achievement. Paper presented at the 2012 American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, Florida.

McInerney, D. M., Marsh, H. W., & Morin, A. (2012, August). Teacher commitment, motivation and attributes: effects on job satisfaction, psychological health, and wellbeing. Paper presented at the 2012 American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, Florida.

McInerney, D. M. (2012, April). Parents, teachers and peers: Who has most influence on student motivation and achievement?. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the American Educational Research Association 2012 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.

King, R.B., & McInerney, D.M. (2012, March). What you think about your IQ determines what you feel and how you feel in school. Paper presented at the Oxford University STORIES Faculty of Education conference, Oxford, UK.

McInerney, D. M. (2011, August). The way forward. Gifted and talented education. Paper presented at the Giftedness in East-Asia Symposium, Explorations in the Actiotope Model of Giftedness, HKIEd, Hong Kong, China.

Cheng, R. W-y., McInerney, D. M., Mok, M. M. C., & Lam, A. K. H. (2011). Does the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect always exist? Investigating of moderators in the Hong Kong context. Paper presented at the Sixth Self Biennial International Conference, June 19-22, 2011, Quebec City, Canada. : UGC/GRF Grant

King, R. B., Ganotice, F. A., McInerney, D. M., & Watkins, D. A. (2011). Exploring the cross-cultural validity of the Sense of Self (SoS) scale in Hong Kong and the Philippines. Paper presented at the Sixth Self Biennial International Conference, June 19-22, 2011, Quebec City, Canada.

McInerney, D. M., Mok, M. M. C, Cheng, R, W., & Lam, A. K. H. (2011). Academic self-concept and learning strategies: Direction of effect on student academic achievement. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2011 Annual Meeting, 8-12 April. : UGC/GRF Grant.

McInerney, D. M. (2011, March). Classroom applications of contemporary motivation theories. Paper presented at the 1st Annual Conference on Educational Reform Initiatives for Best Practices, QATAR University, Qatar.

McInerney, D M. (2010, September). Motivation for engaged learning. Synthesising across theoretical perspectives. Paper presented the first Educator’s Congress “Pushing the Frontiers in Knowledge and Education”, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines.

McInerney, D. M., & Lam, A. K. H. (2011). A longitudinal study of student motivation in high school. Does it really decline? Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2011 Annual Meeting, 8-12 April.

McInerney, D. M. (2010). Building the future for remote indigenous students in Australia: An examination of future goals, motivation, learning and achievement in cultural contexts. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education Research (ICER) 2010, Khon Kaen, Thailand, September 10-September 11, 2010.

McInerney, D. M. (2010). Building the future for remote indigenous students in Australia: An examination of future goals, motivation, learning and achievement in cultural contexts. Paper presented at an Invited Key Forum at the GARMA Festival, Gulkula, Northern Territory, Australia, 6th – 10th August, 2010.

McInerney, D. M. (2010). Conceptual and methodological challenges in achievement motivation and self-construct research among very remote indigenous Australian students. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission. Challenges and Opportunities in Testing Assessment in a Globalized Economy. July 19-21, Hong Kong.

McInerney, D. M., Yeung, S. Y. & Liem, G. A. D. (2010). Facilitating conditions of learning: Stability and relationships of personal constructs and significant others in and out of school. Paper presented at the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 11-16 June, Melbourne, Australia.

McInerney, D. M. (2010, May). The relationship between future goals and achievement goal orientations: An intrinsic-extrinsic motivation perspective. Paper presented at the Quantitative Special Interest Group, Department of Education, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.

McInerney, D. M. (2010, March). The role of sociocultural factors in shaping student engagement in Hong Kong: An ethnic minority perspective. Keynote speech presented at Chair Professor Lecture Series, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.

McInerney, D.M. (2010, March). The motivational profiles and perceptions of schooling of Asian students in Australia. Paper presented at the Centre for Educational Research, University of Western Sydney, Austrialia.

McInerney, D. M. (2009, November). Teaching Standards: professional knowledge, professional practice, professional engagement and values: Best Practice. Keynote speech presented at 19th Teachers’ Day Celebration, Ministry of Education, Negara Brunei Darussalam,Mala.

McInerney, D. M. (2009, January). Western oriented research with very remote indigenous minorities. Can it work? An analysis of theoretical, methodological and logistical issues related to measuring self-constructs among very remote indigenous students in Australia. Paper presented at the 5th SELF Biennial Conference, "Enabling Human Potential: The Centrality of Self and Identity", Al Ain, UAE.

Liem, G. A. D, Marsh, H. W., Martin, A. J., McInerney, D. M. & Yeung, A. S. (2010). Islands in the stream and streams in the island: Ability streaming and the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect in Singapore. Paper presented at the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 11-16 June, Melbourne, Australia.

McInerney, D. M., Lee, J. Q, Liem, G. A. D. & Ortiga, Y. (2009, August). Future goals and achievement goals: Expanding the horizons of goal theory. Paper presented at the EARLI 13th Biennial Conference Fostering communities of learners, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Liem, A. D., & McInerney, D. M. (2008, March). Socioculturally-rooted antecedents of achievement goal orientations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, USA.

Liem, A. D., & McInerney, D. M. (2008, March). The journey is important, but it is the destination that motivates me to study: The relationship of future goals to values, self-concept, and achievement goals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, USA.

Martin, A.J. Green, J., McInerney, D.M., Marsh, H.W., & Colmar, S. (2008, March). The impact of motivation, engagement, and self-concept on academic ‘process’ and ‘product’ outcomes: Key findings from the Australian Real Educational ACHievement (REACH) Project. Paper presented at Invited Presidential Symposium on Innovation in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, New York, USA.

McInerney, D. M., & Liem, A. D. (2008, March). The relationship between valued future goals ,achievement goals, instrumental value of school, perceived competence, learning strategies, self-regulation and school achievement for Chinese Singaporean students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, USA.

Liem, A. D., & McInerney, D. M. (2008, July). Mapping values and achievement goals using smallest space analysis. Paper presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin, Germany.

McInerney, D. M., & Liem, A. D. (2008, July). Cultural perspective on school motivation: The relevance and application of goal theory within individualist and collectivist societies. Paper presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin, Germany.

McInerney, D. M., & Liem, A. D. (2008, July). How do future goals affect students’ motivation and learning? A qualitative study with Singaporean students. Paper presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin, Germany.

Lee, J. Q., McInerney, D. M., Liem, A. D., Ortiga, Y. Y., & Manzano, A. A. (2008, July). What do you tell you students what school is for and how does it affect his motivation?: A study in the Singaporean context. Paper presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin, Germany.

Ortiga, Y. Y., McInerney, D. M., Liem, A. D., Manzano, A. A., & Lee, J. Q. (2008, July). Future goals and the utility value of schooling for students in Singapore’s lower streams. Paper presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin, Germany.

McInerney, D. M., & Liem, A. D. (2008, July). Are there cultural differences in achievement motivation between the collectivists and the individualists? Etic and emic analyses of motivational goals. Paper presented at the XIX international congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bremen, Germany.

Liem, A. D., & McInerney, D. M. (2008, July). How do Indonesian students learn in their Civic Education class? The relationships of motivational beliefs, perceived competence, self-regulation and academic performance. Paper presented at the XIX international congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bremen, Germany.

McInerney, D. M., & Liem, A. D. (2008, July). Gender and developmental analyses of value priorities: Evidence from two Southeast Asian countries. Paper presented at the XIX international congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bremen, Germany.

Marsh, H.W., Martin, A.J., Melmberg, L-E., O’Mara, A., McInerney, D.M., Levacic, R., & Green, J. (2007). Synergy between quantitative methods and substantive research. Symposium at the Annual British Educational Research Association Conference, London, Great Britain.

Martin, A.J. Marsh, H.W., McInerney, D.M., & Green, J. (2007). The role of teacher-student relationships in high school students’ motivation and engagement at school: A construct validity approach. Paper presented at the Annual British Educational Research Association Conference, London, Great Britain.

Martin, A.J. Marsh, H.W., McInerney, D.M., & Green, J. (2007). Methodological extensions to the study of teacher-student relationships and high school students’ academic outcomes. Paper presented at Department of Education Quantitative Methods Special Interest Group, University of Oxford, Great Britain.

Martin, A.J. Marsh, H.W., McInerney, D.M., & Green, J. (2007, peer reviewed). The role of teacher-student relationships in high school students’ motivation and engagement at school: A construct validity approach. Paper presented at the Annual British Educational Research Association Conference, London, Great Britain

Brickman, S. J., Miller, R. B., McInerney, D. M. & Dowson, M. (2006). Values, interests and perceptions of instrumentality in a school context. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference.

McInerney, D. M. (2006, July). Personal investment, culture and learning: Insights into the most salient influences on school achievement cross cultural groups. Paper presented at the 26th International Congress of Psychology, Athens, Greece.

McInerney, D. M. (2006, July). Motivational beliefs about personal and other academic success: Are there cultural difference? Paper presented at the 4th Biennial SELF Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

McInerney, D. M. (2006, July). Predictors of intention to go on to University: Are these the same across cultures? Paper presented at the 4th Biennial SELF Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Ali, J., McInerney, D. M. & Craven, R. (2006). Paper presented at the 4th Biennial SELF Conference, 23rd -27th July, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Da Silva, D. & McInerney, D. M. (2006). Paper presented at the 4th Biennial SELF Conference, 23rd -27th July, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Nelson, G Paper presented at the 4th Biennial SELF Conference, 23rd -27th July, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Barker, K. L., Dowson, M., & McInerney, D. M. (2006, July). Unifying the literature on students’ academic motivation: A multidimensional and hierarchical representation of students’ goals and academic self-concept. Paper presented at the 4th Biennial SELF Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Nelson, G. F., Green, J., McInerney, D. M., Dowson, M., & Schauble, A. C. (2006). Education in Cross-Cultural Settings: Psychological Underpinnings of Achievement in Papua New Guinea. Paper presented at 18th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Spetses, Greece.

Green, J., Nelson, G. F., McInerney, D. M., & Dowson, M. (2006). Education and Learning in Papua New Guinea: A Psychometric Investigation. Paper presented at 18th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Spetses, Greece.

Nelson, G. F., McInerney, D. M., Craven, R., & Dowson, M. (2006). Psychological Influences of Student Achievement in Developing Countries: A Psychometric Study of Future Goals. Paper Presented at 4th International Biennial SELF Research Conference, Michigan, USA.

Nelson, G. F., McInerney, D. M., Craven, R., Dowson, M., & Schauble, A. C. (2006). Finding Hope in Hopelessness: Future Goals and Aspirations of Papua New Guinean Students. Paper Presented at 4th International Biennial SELF Research Conference, Michigan, USA.

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