

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06

助理教授, 副系主任
(852) 2948 8303
(852) 2948 7794
專門: 執行功能、青少年犯罪行為、情緒及行為困難、教育心理學
Ph.D. (Educational Psychology), The University of Hong Kong
M.S.A, Central Michigan University
Bachelor of Arts (Major Psychology, Minor Sociology), The University of British Columbia
Registered Educational Psychologist, Division ofEducational Psychology(DEP), The Hong Kong Psychological Society
Dr. Kean Poon obtained her doctorate degree at the University of Hong Kong and is a registered educational psychologist. She is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling. Her research interests include (a) Executive Functioning in Special Education(b) Adolescents with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and/or Reading Disability (c) Juvenile Delinquency.
Graduate Member, Hong Kong Psychological Society (2008-present)
Accredited Mediator, Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (2010—present)
Accredited Mediator, The Accord Group (Australia) (2008—present)
Registered Educational Psychologist, Division ofEducational Psychology(DEP), The Hong Kong Psychological Society(2014)
School Guidance and Managing Diversity
Understanding Students with Special Needs
Education Project
Development of Mobile App Games to Enhance Executive Functioning among Children with AI Enabled Personalized Features (Co-Investigator, Innovation & Technology Fund, 2021-22)
Effects of Aerobic Exercise and High-Intensity Interval Training on the Mental Health of Adolescents Living in Poverty (Principal Investigator, RGC Research Matching Grant Scheme, 2021-2023)
Understanding and Promoting the Wellbeing of Students with SENs (Principal Investigator, Beijing-Hong Kong Universities Alliance (BHUA) Activities Fund, 2021-2022)
Web-based Learning for Students with Diverse Needs (Reading and Writing) at the Junior Secondary Level (Principal Investigator, Quality Education Fund Thematic Network, 2021-2022)
Working Memory Application for Pre-School Children from Low-Income Families (Principal Investigator,Innovation & Technology Fund, 2021-22)
Effectiveness of Music Therapy in Social Skill Intervention for Children with ASD/ID: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Co-Investigator, Health and Medical Research Fund, 2020-2022)
Examining the Effectiveness of Working Memory Training App in Students with ADHD and/or RD (Principal Investigator, Knowledge Transfer Seed Fund, 2020-2021)
Mind and Study Matter: Tutoring and Counselling Programme (Principal Investigator, HSBC Private Banking and Asian Charity Services, 2020-2022)
Play-Oriented Supporting System (POSS) for Both Training and Assessing Children with Specific Learning Difficulties (Co-Investigator, Faculty Strategic Area Fund, 2020-2023)
The Good Shepherd Project (Principal Investigator, Advance Children Medical and Education Foundation, 2020-2022)
Developing an English Version of the Task-Switching Training App for Adolescents with Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (Principal Investigator, Department Knowledge Transfer Seed Fund, 2019-2020)
Enhancing Executive Functioning in Children Living in Low Income Families: Cantonese Opera and Social-emotional Learning Intervention (Co-Investigator, General Research Fund, 2019-2021)
The Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies in Relation to Executive Function in Chinese and Australian Adolescents with ADHD (Principal Investigator, FEHD Internationalization and Exchange Research Scheme, 2019-2022)
Aggressive Youth in Hong Kong: Subtypes, Neuropsychological Risk and Intervention (Principal Investigator, Internal Research Grant, 2018-2019)
Improving Children’s Chinese Literacy Performance by Developing an Educational Computer Game for Training Morphological Skills (Co-Investigator, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, 2018-2020)
Intervention Efficacy of Assistive Listening Devices for Chinese Children with Dyslexia: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Co-Investigator, Health and Medical Research Fund, 2017-2019)
Relationship between Poverty and Neurocognitive Skills (Co-Investigator, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, 2017-2020)
Enhancing Executive Functioning of Children Living in Poverty: A Randomized Experiment Study (Principal Investigator, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, 2016-2018)
Working Memory Training in Young Children with ADHD and/or RD: A randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial (Principal Investigator, Departmental Collaborative Research Fund, 2016-2017)
Development of Hot and Cool Executive Functions in Chinese Delinquent Adolescents (Principal Investigator, Internal Research Grant, 2015-2016)
Yum, Y. N., Lau, W. K. W., Poon, K., & Ho, F. C. (2020). Music therapy as social skill intervention for children with comorbid ASD and ID: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics, 20(1), 1-10.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-020-02454-6
Poon, K., Ho, M. S. H., Chu, P. C. K., & Chou K. L.(2020): Transferability and sustainability of task-switching training in socioeconomically disadvantaged children: a randomized experimental study. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 32(8), 747-763.https://doi.org/10.1080/20445911.2020.1839082
Poon, K. (2020). The impact of socioeconomic status on parental factors in promoting academic achievement in Chinese children.International Journal of Educational Development, 75,1-9.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2020.102175
Poon, K. (2020). Evaluating dual-process theory of decision-making in Chinese delinquent adolescents.Australian Psychologist, 55(3), 257-268.https://doi.org/10.1111/ap.12417
Poon, K. (2018). Hot and Cool Executive Functions in Adolescence: Development and Contributions to Important Developmental Outcomes.Frontiers in Psychology,8:2311, 1-18.
Poon, K. (2016). Understanding Risk-taking Behavior in Bullies, Victims, and Bully Victims: Using Cognitive- and Emotion-Focused Approaches.Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1838, 1-15.
Poon, K.& Ho, C. S.-H., (2016). Risk taking Propensity and Sensitivity to Punishment in Adolescents with Reading Disability and/or ADHD symptoms.Research in Developmental Disabilities, 53-54, 296-304.
Poon, K.& Ho, C. S.-H., (2015)Contrasting Deficits on Psychosocial Outcomes in Chinese Delinquent Adolescents with Reading Disability and/ or Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms.Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology.26(1),38-59
Poon, K.& Ho, C. S.-H., (2014) Contrasting Deficits on Executive Functions in Chinese Delinquent Adolescents with Reading Disability and/ or Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms.Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(11), 3046-3056
Poon, K.Addiction and Cognition: Hot and Cool Executive Functions in Adolescence: Development and Contributions to Important Developmental Outcomes (The 4th International Medicine in Addiction Conference, Sydney (2017))
Poon, K.Cognitive Appraisal and Behavioral Measure of Risk in Chinese Bully, Victim andBully-victim Adolescents (The 8thWorld Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Melbourne, (2016))
Poon, K.Executive functioning and delinquent behavior in Chinese juvenile delinquent with co-morbid developmental reading disability and attention- deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. (The conference of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions, Paris (2012))
Poon, K.Risk taking Propensity and Sensitivity to Punishment in Adolescents with Reading Disability and/ or ADHD symptoms. (The inauguralInternational Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam (2015))
Universal Journal of Educational Research
Journal of Psychiatry
01/2004—12/2008 Health Plus Magazine (Articles on Psychology)
8 Mar, 2018 -Invited speaker from the Hong Kong Police Force on "Youth Pathology"
29 Nov, 2017 -Invited speaker from the Hong Kong Police Force on "Youth Pathology"
24 Nov, 2017 -Invited speaker from International Research Symposium on Public Management in Asia: Innovation and Transformation on “Enhancing Executive Functioning of Children Living in Poverty: A randomized experiment study”
22 Sep, 2017 -Invited Speaker of Pooi Kei Primary School Teachers’ Training workshop《「高分低能?」淺談執行能力及其提升方法》
11 Jul, 2017 -Speaker of conference on Catering for Diverse Learning Needs—“Working memory training in Young Children with ADHD and/or RD”
16 May, 2017 – Professional development sharing to Po Leung Kuk School based Educational Psychologists on “Executive Function: Implication for Educational Psychological Services”
28 Apr, 2017 - Invited speaker of the Ebenezer 120thAnniversary International Research Symposium on “Chinese Adolescents with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and Reading Disabilities”
23 Mar, 2016 -Invited speaker from the Hong Kong Police Force on "Youth Pathology"
12 Mar, 2016 -Keynote speaker oftheseminar on inclusive education organized by theConsortium of Asia Pacific Education Universities (CAPEU) on "Risk taking in adolescents with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and Reading Disabilities".
25 Nov, 2015 -Invited speaker from the Hong Kong Police Force on "Youth Pathology"
15 Sep, 2015 -Invited speakerfrom the Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Yuen Long) forTeachers Development Day on "School Guidanceand DisciplineApproach"
6 Jul, 2015 -Invited speaker from theChrist College for Student Seminar on"Executive Functioning Development in Adolescence"
28 May, 2015 -Dr. Kean Poonreceives Phoenix Satellite Television interview on parenting issues(Phonenix Satellite Television,May 28, 2015)(26:16 - 48:00)
2 Feb, 2015 -Invited speaker from the Christ College for Teachers Sharing Workshop on “Executive Functioning Development in Adolescence”
28 Nov, 2014 -Invited speaker from the Society of Boys' Centres Hui Chung Sing Memorial School for Professional Sharing Seminar 「從理論基礎及本地研究出發: 探討讀障或過渡活躍症及專注力不足症學生行為問題的成因」
3 Oct, 2014 -Invited speaker from the Hong Kong Juvenile Care Center Chan Nam Cheong Memorial School & Society of Boys' Centres for Professional Development Seminar 「從理論及本地研究看讀寫障礙及過度活躍和專注力不足學童在群育學校的教育

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