

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06

(852) 2948 8370
(852) 2948 7794
專門: 多元的性與性別,性教育, 輔導及輔導員教育
Ed.D University of Hong Kong
MSW (Mental Health Counselling) California State University, USA
PgD (Sex Therapy) Florida Postgraduate Sex Therapy Training Institute
PgD (Sexuality Studies) University of Amsterdam
B.Soc.Sci (Social Work) Chinese University of Hong Kong
Registered Social Worker (HKSWRB)
Approved Clinical Supervisor (HKPCA)
Certified Sex Therapist (HKASERT)
郭勤博士現為特殊教育與輔導學系的副教授。她於香港大學取得博士學位。郭勤為註冊社工、認可社工/輔導臨床督導員及認可性治療師。她過往曾在香港及美國兩地工作,任職的地方包括學校社工、家庭服務、精神健康輔導, 康復服務和性少眾 (LGBTQIA+)服務。她曾於不同院校、社會服務機構及政府部門就精神健康、性教育及性別多元議題向教師,社工、輔導員及精神復康工作者提供專業培訓和臨床輔導/社工督導。
郭勤的研究領域是在華人社會文化背景下,探討性少眾/同志/酷兒/跨性別學生的生活經歷; 性教育議題; 服務性少眾及有特殊學習需要學生的教師/輔導員/社工的專業培訓; 教師/專業工作者多元文化能力。
Sexuality-Embracing Diversity
Sex Education
Counselling Supports to Children with Special Educational Needs
Counseling Ethics; Counseling Theories and Practices
Counselling Supervision
PhD thesis supervision - Sexuality Education for students affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (PhD candidate)
EdD thesis supervision - Parents with children affected by dyslexia: Experience in parent-school collaboration (EdD candidate)
MPhil thesis supervision - Parental experience: Parents with transgender children (MPhil student)
Second Major/Minor in Counselling Program Coordinator
Sexual and Gender Diversity
Sexual prejudice, transgender prejudice and social services/schools
Help-seeking barriers, community service needs, and service accessibility
Parents and families of LGB and transgender students
School, family, and community support for LGBTQIA students
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
SEN (ASD) students and sexuality education
Parental and family support to SEN students with sex education needs
Social justice and comprehensive sexuality education
Counselling and Counsellor Education
Counsellor education and cultural competence
Sexual prejudice and counsellor competence
Sexual prejudice and teacher competence
Social work education and cultural competence
Mental health counselling
Students from Marginalized Groups : Accessibility of Sex Education (RGC-Research Matching Grant 2021-2023, P.I.)
Remaking Chinese Families: Narratives and Practices of Adoptive Families in Hong Kong. (Research Grants Council General Research Fund/GRF2020-2022). (Co-I)
Diversity, Equity and Social Inclusion Research Group. (Co-I)
Empowering Teachers to Challenge Transprejudice. (Research Grants Council General Research Fund/GRF2019-2021). (P.I)
Empowering Teachers in Sexual Diversity Training to Combat Sexual Prejudices. (Research Grants Council Early Career Scheme/ECS 2015-2018). (PI).
Enhancing Social Workers' Sexual Diversity Competence through Sexual Prejudice Reduction Program. (Research Grants Council General Research Fund/GRF2016-2019).(P.I)
Sex Education and Victim Counselling Program (Collaborate with NGOs, CUHK, CityUHK, 2018-2020)
Genderism and Transgender People in Transition: Experiences in Families and Community Support Programs (Collaborate with NGOs, 2018-2020) (P.I)
Gender and Sexual-Orientation Harassment Experiences of LGBTQ Students (Equal Opportunities Commission Fund 2014-2015) (P.I)
Early Career Award (2014/2015 University Grant Committee,Research Grants Council)
Kwok, D. K. & Kwok, K. (Accepted). Navigating Transprejudice: Chinese Transgender Students’ Experiences of Sexuality Education in Hong Kong. Sex Education, Sexuality, Society and Learning (SSCI, SJR, MS Ranking A)
Kwok, D. K. (2021). Contesting Sexual Prejudice to Support Sexual Minorities: Views of Chinese Social Workers.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (6) (SSCI; SJR, MS Ranking A), Online.
Tam, H.-L., To, S.-M., Kwok, D. K., & Chan, D. K. Y. (2021). Life routinization and clandestine photo-taking behavior among young people in Hong Kong: Implications for social work practice.Qualitative Social Work, Online, SSCI-Q2.
Kwok, K & Kwok, D.K. (2020). More Than Comfort and Discomfort: Emotion Work of Parenting Children with Autism in Hong Kong, Children and Youth Services Review (SSCI, SJR) (Online)
To, S.M., Wong, P.K.S., Tam, H.L., Kwok, D.K., & Lau, C.D. (2019). Sexual Compulsivity, Sexual Self-Concept, and Cognitive Outcomes of Sexual Behavior of Young Chinese Hong Kong Males with Compulsive Sexual Behavior: Implications for Intervention and Prevention. Children and Youth Services Review (SSCI, SJR)
Kwok, D. K. (2019). Training educators to support sexual minority students: Views of Chinese teachers. Sex Education, 19(3), 346-360. doi: 10.1080/14681811.2018.1530649(SSCI;SJR)
Kwok, D.K.(2018).Community support for Chinese trans* students experiencing genderism.Sex Education, Sexuality, Society and Learning. 18(4), 406-419.(SSCI;SJR)
Kwok, D.K.(2016). School Experience of Chinese Sexual Minority Students in Hong Kong.Journal of LGBT Youth, 13 (4), 378-396.(SJR)
Kwok, D.K.,Wu, J. (2015). Chinese attitudes towards sexual minorities in Hong Kong: Implications for mental health.International Review of Psychiatry, 27(5), 444-454.(SSCI,SJR)
Kwok, D. K.,Wu, J., & Shardlow, S. M. (2013). Attitudes toward Lesbians and Gay Men Among Hong Kong Chinese social work students.Journal of Social Work Education, 49(2), 337-352.(SSCI; SJR)
Wu. J., &Kwok D. K.(2013). Attitudes towards sexual minorities among Chinese people: implications for mental health.International Psychiatry, 40(2), 33-34.
Kwok, D. K., Winter, S., & Yuen, M. (2012). Heterosexism in School: The Counselling Expereience of Chinese Tongzhi students in Hong Kong.British Journal of Guidanceand Counselling, 40(5), 561-575.(SSCI, SJR)
Wu, J. &Kwok D. K.(2012) Psychometric properties of Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay men Scale with Chinese university students.Psychological Reports, 110(2), 521.(SSCI, SJR)
Kwok, D.K (2021) . Genderism and Trans Students in Hong Kong Higher Education. In N. Harrison (Ed), Marginalised Communities in Higher Education: Disadvantage, Mobility and Indigeneity (p.64-78). UK: Routledge.
Kwok, D.K.(2020). Sexuality and teacher education: LGBT students and teacher education. In M.A. Peters(Ed),Encyclopedia of Teacher Education(xx-xx). Singapore: Springer.
Kwok, D. K.(2019). Community support for Chinese trans* students. In J. Sinclair-Palm and J.Gilbert (Eds.),Trans Youth in Education(xx-xx). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Kwok, D.K.(2018). Section Introduction: Contesting sexual and transgender prejudice: Advocating human rights of LGBTQ students in Asia. K.J. Kennedy & J.C.K. Lee,Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia(853-856). London: Routledge.
Kwok, D.K.& Lee, J. (2018). Sexual prejudice and school experience of LGBQ students in South Korea and Hong Kong. K.J. Kennedy & J.C.K. Lee,Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia(857-863). London: Routledge.
Kwok, D.K.& Lee M.W.B. (2018). Contesting school heterosexism: Rights-based sexuality education for LGBQ students. K.J. Kennedy & J.C.K. Lee,Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia(872-879). London: Routledge.
Kwok, D.K.(2018). Supporting transgender students: Chinese school social workers as transgender allies. K.J. Kennedy & J.C.K. Lee,Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia(889-896). London: Routledge.
Kwok, K. &Kwok, D.K.(In press) (2018). Community support services for LGBQ students in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. K.J. Kennedy & J.C.K. Lee,Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia(880-888). London: Routledge.
Kwok, D.K.(2017). Empowering Chinese lesbian, gay and bisexual (Tongzhi) students: Affirmative school counseling practice in Hong Kong. In M.T. Hue (Eds),School counselling in Chinese Context: School practice for helping students in needs in Hong Kong.New York: Routledge.
Kwok, D.K.& Kwok, K. (2017). Contesting gender binaries in school counselling - supporting students encountering transgender harassment. In M. T. Hue (Ed.),School Counselling in a Chinese Context: Supporting Students in Need in Hong Kong(79-93). New York: Routledge.
Kwok, K. &Kwok, D.K(2015).When new migrants meet old migrants: Indonesian ethnic economy in Hong Kong. In Y.W. Chan, D. Haines, & J. Lee (Eds.), (188-206). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Kwok, D. K.(2014) Narratives of Hong Kong sexual minority students in secondary schools – Reflections and implications for school counseling.In S. Ngai et al. (Eds),Chinese Social Welfare Policy.National University of Taiwan Press (In Chinese).
Kwok, K. &Kwok, D. K.(2014) Diverging Opportunities: Chinese Workers in the Transnational Immigrant Economy in Vienna. In Zhang Jijiao and Ellen R. Judd (eds),Migration, Labor Market and Human Resource: Comparative Study among EU, North America and Asia. Springer.
Kwok, D. K.(2013) Social work students’ learning experience on sexuality issues in Hong Kong.In C. M. See (Ed.),Research and practice: Counseling and social work in the new frontier of helping. (Chapter 4).USM Press.
Kwok, D. K.(2012) Teaching sexual diversity in Hong Kong: Challenging Homophobia. In B. C. Eng (Ed.),A Chinese Perspective on Teaching and Learning(pp.121-137).Routledge Publishing.
Kwok, D.K.& Shiu W.F. (2018, August).Inclusive Sexuality Education, Perspectives from Trans* People affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Inclusive Education, June 8-9 June, 2018 Special Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University.
Shiu W.F & Kwok, D.K. (2018, August). Young people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A review of literature of their sexuality educational needs in Asian Chinese societies. International conference on Sexualities, Genders and Intersectionalities, August 8-10, 2018 University of Montreal, Canada,
Kwok, D.K. (2018, August). Help-seeking Barriers Faced by LGBTQ survivors of IPV: Perspectives from Social Workers. International conference on Sexualities, Genders and Intersectionalities, August 8-10, 2018 University of Montreal, Canada.
Kwok, D.K. (2017, July). Sexual Prejudice in Social Services - Voices of Chinese Social Workers. International Conference on Breaking Boundaries, Sexuality, Gender, Reproduction, Health and Rights, July 10-15, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
Kwok, D.K. (2017, June). Cultural competence of Chinese teachers working with Tongzhi students. International Conference on Applied Psychology, June 29-30, 2017, Singapore; East Asian Research Center.
Kwok, D.K. Lee, B; Ho, W.Y.; Shiu, W.F.; Wan, H.M. (2016, June). Conceptualizing Chinese transgender prejudice – themes found from a qualitative study. 24th Biennial World Professional Association for Transgender Health Symposium, June 17-21, 2016, University of Amsterdam.
Kwok, D.K. (2016, October). Sexual Prejudice and Sexual Diversity Training for Chinese Teachers Preliminary Themes Identified from Qualitative Interviews.International Conference: Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7-8, 2016
Kwok, D.K. (2016, June). Sexual Prejudice In Hong Kong: Implications For Mental Health Of Sexual Minorities. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016, Seoul, Korea.
Kwok, D.K. (2016, August). Conceptualizing Sexual Prejudice and Barriers in Seeking Social Services Voices from Chinese Sexual Minorities. Sexuality and Social Work Conference, 2016, Olten, Switzerland.
Kwok, D.K. (2015, Dec). Sexual Prejudice and Institutional Barriers: Service Accessibility of Sexual Minority Youth in Hong Kong. International Conference on Outreach Work, City University of Hong Kong.
Kwok, D.K. (2015, June). What have been missing in our sexuality education – perspectives from young people in Hong Kong. Cross-Strait Hong Kong and Macau Conference on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, Macau.
Kwok, D.K. (2014, August). Protecting the rights of sexual minority students in schools. Symposium on “Education for Equality: Challenges and Strategies”, Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Kwok, D. K. (2014, July). Supporting transgender students in Hong Kong Schools. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Melbourne Australia.
Kwok, D.K. (2014, July). Contesting genderism in Hong Kong Chinese counselling students’ learning experience on transgender concerns. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Melbourne Australia.
Kwok, D. K. (2013). Bullying of Tongzhi Youth – Preliminary results from a qualitative investigation in Hong Kong. International Conference of LGBT Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, June, 2013.
Kwok, D. K. (2011) Heteronormativity and experience of LGBQ social work students in Hong Kong, Paper presented at the International Conference “Naming and Framing: The Making of Sexual (In)Equality”, organized by the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS), July, at Madrid, Spain.
Kwok, D. K. (2014) Embracing sexual and gender diversities – a teaching and learning casebook in Hong Kong Chinese society. Sexuality Practice Research Project, City University of Hong Kong (Chinese).
Kwok, D. K. (2011) Experiences of Chinese gay & bisexual youth in "Project Touch” - empowerment-based HIV/AIDS prevention project. Sexuality Practice Research Project, City University of Hong Kong (Chinese).
Kwok, D. K. (2010) Experiences of Chinese gay & bisexual youth in "Project Touch” - empowerment-based HIV/AIDS prevention project. Sexuality Practice Research Project, City University of Hong Kong.
Kwok, D. K. & Queer Sisters HK (2009) How to work with sexual minorities in Hong Kong – Video demonstration for counselors and social workers. Queer Sisters and Sexuality Counseling Practice Research Project, Department of Applied Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong.
Kwok, D. K. & Queer Sisters HK (2009) How to work with sexual minorities in Hong Kong. Queer Sisters and Sexuality Counseling Practice Research Project, Department of Applied Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong.
Committee Service
Disciplinary Panel and Assessment Panel of the Hong Kong Social Workers Registration Board.
Board Memberof the Hong Kong Association of Sexuality Educators, Researchers & Therapists.
Ad Hoc Reviewer: Sex Education (Sexuality Society and Learning); Journal of Social Work; Transcultural Psychiatry; Culture Health and Society; Journal of Homosexuality; International Journal of Transgenderism; Journal of LGBT Youth; The Journal of Sex Research.
Clinical Consultant, Adviser, or Trainer for front-line practitioners in government, non-government organizations, and community support groups, such as counselors, social workers and teachers on cultural competence of working with LGBTQI population. Examples of collaborative organizations include Radio Hong Kong- HKSAR Government; Social Welfare Department - HKSAR Government; Tung Wah Group of Hospitals; Po Leung Kuk; Hong Kong YWCA; Aids Concern; Hong Kong BGCA; Queer Sisters; Caring Community for the Queers; Transgender Resource Center; Rainbow of Hong Kong, Caritas Hong Kong – Youth and Community Services; The Hong Kong Teachers' Centre (HKTC); The Hong Kong Council of Social Services; The Hong Kong Social Workers Association; Richmond Fellowships of Hong Kong; Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups; The Church of United Brethren in Christ, Parents Resources Centre; The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong; Teen’s Key Hong Kong; Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service Hong Kong; Asso.of Sexuality Educators, Researchers & Therapists; Vocational Training Council; The Education University of Hong Kong – Professional Development Program; University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education; City University of Hong Kong Division of Applied Social Science; City University of Hong Kong Department of Applied Social Studies; Caritas High Education (Social Work Program); Baptist University of Hong Kong (Department of Social Work); Polytechnic University (Family Therapy Program)
“Embracing diversities: sexuality education for students with Special Educational Needs”, workshop for sex educators from the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong.
“Transmen and transwomen in transition: sexual desire, partner intimacy, and religious identity”, workshop for sex therapists and frontline practitioners, organized by the Hong Kong Association of Sexuality Educators, Researchers & Therapists.
“Sexuality education for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in mainstream schools”, training workshop for social workers from The Church of united Brethren in Christ, Parents Resources Centre.
"Sexuality education for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders ", series of workshops organized by the Hong Kong Vocational Training Council.
"Sexual intimacy, multiple identities, and trans* couples - reflections from qualitative interviews", workshop for frontline social workers, organized by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals.
"Help-seeking barriers faced by LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner violence: perspectives from social workers", in Symposium on Combating Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence, the Hong Kong Council of Social Services
"Understanding sexual and gender fluidity of non-binary trans* people - reflections from sex therapy sessions", organized by the Hong Kong Association of Sexuality Educators, Researchers & Therapists.
"Rights-based sexuality education - addressing diversities of SEN students in sexuality education", organized by professional training program, the Education University of Hong Kong.
"Cultural competence of social workers working with gender variant service users in faith-based substance abuse shelter services", organized by faith-based social service organizations.
"Intimacy and sexuality - Sexuality education needs of young people affected by Austistic Spectrum Disorders", organized by the Yang Memorial Methodist Social Services
"Working with sexual and gender minority clients in mental health services - implications for social work practice", organized byRichmond Fellowship of Hong Kong
"Respecting Diversities - Sexuality Education for Students with Intellectual Disability and Austistic Spectrum Disorders", organized by special schools in Hong Kong
"Meaning behind sexual offending behaviors of young people affected by ASD, insights learned from a qualitative study", organized by Caritas Hong Kong
"Supporting LGBQ service users in social work intervention", organized by the Social Welfare Department, Hong Kong SAR Government
“Understanding sexual pleasure in sexuality education, a human rights perspective”, organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
"Sexuality education for social workers", organized by Caritas Hong Kong.
"HIV prevention and sexuality education", organized by St John’s Cathedrals, HIV prevention service.
Sexuality Education: Children’s Book Featuring LGBTQ Themes (Standnews, 25/06/2018)
Gender Recognition and Human Rights (Sing Tao, 7/12/2017)
Is sexual orientation needed to be changed? (Sing Tao, 02/6/2017)
Transgirl’s voice: I am your daughter, everything goes well!” (Sing Tao, 17/11/2017)
Transgender: RTHK programme (25/5/2017)
Standing Up to Transgender Prejudice in Hong Kong Schools (Sing Tao, 20/1/2017)
"If you can't go to Heaven, I can't either" By Dr Diana Kwok (Sing Tao, 13/9/2016)
Parents Talking about Sex - Empowerment and Sex Positive Approach
家長「放下身段」與子女談性星島日報 20.01.2016
Sexuality Education - Girls Exploring Sexual Pleasure
提供空間正視性歡愉感受明報 01.12.2015
Sexuality Education for Visually Impaired Students
感受人體溫暖視障孩子的性教育星島日報 17.11.2015
Girls Talking about Virginity
第一次性體驗明報 20.10.2015
Sexuality Education for Children Affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorders
特殊需要孩子的性成長需要星島日報 23.06.2015
Sexuality Education - Embracing Family Diversities
性教育應呈現多元家庭素材星島日報 23.04.2015
Youth Sexuality Education - Embracing Diversities
對四個青少年人故事的回應衛生署紅絲帶中心 02.12.2014
Sexuality Education - Insights Learned from Transgender Students
跨性別學生的故事星島日報 25.11.2014
Sexuality Education for Tongzhi/LGBQ Students in Schools
學校並不安全保障同志學生權益星島日報 24.09.2014
平等性教育計劃(Sexuality For ALL)

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