(852) 2948 8861
(852) 2948 7792
MA(Special Need), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MA (Curriculum Development and Teaching of Liberal Studies), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BEd(Hon) (Student Counselling), The Hong Kong Baptist University
Registered Teacher, Education Bureau, 1998
Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF)-Hong Kong
Centre for Credentialing & Education (CCE) of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC),2015
Member Instructors (Basic and Youth Course) ,The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong,2016
International Accredited Professional Mediator and Assessor,
International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute,2019
Yvonne Kan Pui Wai has special education working experience over 20 experience. She joined the Department of Special Education and Counselling in EUDHK as Lecturer I in 2014, and have been teaching and co-ordination Professional Development Programs for teachers from Secondary, Primary and Special School. She has special interest and expertise in strategies to cope with students with and to support the learning of students with emotional and behavioral problems. Before she joined the university, she had worked in Secondary School for 14 years. She taught special need students with Special Learning Difficulties, AD/HD, Autism or Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties. Since 2010, she was invited by EDB to serve as a seconded teacher. She visited to secondary schools with students of special education need and helped to develop appropriate learning strategies for teachers. She also worked with the schools’ LS panel heads in designing co-teaching lessons and in helping them to tailor-make the curriculum for special needs students.
Inclusive Education
Curricular adaptation
Supporting children with AD/HD and EBD
Mental Health
Supporting children with AD/HD and EBD
Teacher Self-efficacy and Well-being
School Advisor
St Paul Secondary School,2014- present
Chairperson of Education Committee
Hong Kong Medication Centre,2019- present
Honorary Advisor
Hong Kong Association for ADHD,2018-present
Invited guest speaker from Hong Kong Association for ADHD 2019 Conference:「如何為有行為、情緒及社交發展障礙的學生作適異性課堂教學設計」on 19 October,2019
Invited guest speaker from The Man Kwan Edu. Quailed College, 「照顧不同學習需要學生之適性教學示例」on 26 September,2019
Invited guest speaker from HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No. 3 Secondary, “Understanding disagreements, conflicts and dispute” on 25 April,2019
Invited speaker from Evangelical Free Church of China- Hong Fok Church, “Early Identification and Intervention for Autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability in a bible class ” on 22 July and 12 August,2018
Invited speaker from Education Bureau(Curriculum Development Institute) for Professional Teacher Seminar,高中通識教育科知識增益系列 :在通識教育科課堂處理學習多樣性的 適異教學策略工作坊 (新辦 ) on 22 March,2018
Invited guest speaker from S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School for Teachers’ Professional Development Day, 「法、理、情」照顧有特殊需要學生 on 29 September,2017
Invited speaker from Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities,「如何 與教師協作支援言語障礙的學生 ?」 on 23 March,2016
Invited speaker from Education Bureau(Curriculum Development Institute) for Professional Teacher Seminar,處理「注意力不足/過度活躍症」學生的教學策略on 29 February,2016
Invited speaker from Chiu Sheung School, Hong Kong Teachers’ Professional Development Day,「教師如何實踐照顧學習差異」on 28 August,2015
Invited speaker from PO AI SOCIAL WORK SERVICE for Professional Sharing Seminar, 「認識專注力不足及過度活躍症的特質、徵狀和原因 」on 4 September,2015
Invited speaker from PO AI SOCIAL WORK SERVICE for Professional Sharing Seminar,「 認識專注力不足/過度活躍症及情緒行為障礙學生的行為管理:處理學生的挑戰行為的策略和衝突調解」on 5 September,2015
Invited speaker from PO AI SOCIAL WORK SERVICE for Professional Sharing Seminar,「專注力不足/過度活躍症及怖緒行為問題對學生帶來的衝擊、挑戰和教育需要 on 5 September,2015
Invited speaker from Government of Macao Special Administrative Region Education and Youth Affairs Bureau for Teachers’ Professional Seminar, Classroom Management:注意力不足/過度活躍症學童的認識與教導 on 14-15 March,2014
Invited speaker from Education Bureau(Curriculum Development Institute) for Professional Teacher Seminar,「如何提醒有學習困難學生之議題探究能力」on 24 November,2011
Invited speaker from Education Bureau(Curriculum Development Institute) for Professional Teacher Seminar,中層管理人員研討會:新高學制課程及評估規劃「因材施教、關懷需要- 幫助有學習困難的學生改進學習之課程及評估規畫」on 18 April,2011
Invited Global Career Development Facilitator from School of Continuing and Professional Studies( CUHK) : “Career Development”on 18 January to February,2020
Invited guest speaker form Yu Chun Keung Memorial College,如何提昇學生自尊感」on 13 September,2019
Invited Counsellor as served 10 ASD family from LoveXpress Foundation Limited on 2018-19
Invited speaker from HK Association for AD/HD for Professional Sharing Seminar,「同ADHD年青人傾下偈」on28 August,2017
Invited guest speaker from The HKSYC&IA Wong Tai Shan Memorial College,「路,同行」on 25 June,2019
Invited Global Career Development Facilitator from School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUHK) for High Diploma Students, “Career Development” on February to mid-April,2017
Invited Counsellor as served 10 ASD family from LoveXpress Foundation Limited on 2017-18
Invited course trainer from St Paul Secondary School: Youth Mental Health First Aids Courseon 27-30 August,2019
Invited course trainer from St Paul Secondary School, Education of Mediation course on 27-30 August,2019 Invited course trainer form BA (Hons) in Special Education: Youth Mental Health First Aids Course on 23 and 26 August,2019
Invited course Trainer from The Hong Kong Asso. School Discipline and Counselling: Youth Mental Health First Aids Course on 23 and 30 March,2019
Invited course Trainer from Evangelical Free Church of China-Tung Fook Church: Youth Mental Health First Aids Course on 5,19 January and 2,16 February,2019
Invited course Trainer from The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong: Mental Health First Aids Basic Course on 23 October and 1 November,2018
Invited course trainer from St. Paul’s School (Lam Tin) for Teachers’ Workshop “Mental Health First Aid Course” on 6 July and 14 July,2016
Invited course trainer from Pentecostal School for Teachers’ Workshop “Mental Health First Aid Course” on 30 June and 7 July,2016
Invited guest speaker from The Methodist Church, HK , Mediation: 「拆牆建橋」on 20 Nov,2019
Invested Mediator Assessor from International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute on 4 Sept and 24 October,2019
Invited guest speaker from Caritas Wu Cheng- Chung Secondary,「和諧從何來?」on 23 August, 2019
Invited Assessor from International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute on 26 September and 24 Ocober, 2019
Presenter from BAT 2019 Mini- Conference: Review for implementation of the Advanced Course on 6 September,2019
Presenter from BAT 2018 Mini- Conference: Reflection on Practicum of Advanced Course on 5 September,2018
Presenter from BAT 2017 Mini- Conference: Teaching Package on Advanced Course on 22 September,2017
Presenter from BAT 2016 Mini- Conference: Behavioral, Emotional and Social Development Needs of Advance Course on 31 August,2016
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06
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