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何瑞珠教授 理学士、教育文凭、教育行政硕士(中大)、哲学博士(英属哥倫比亚大学)
电邮 estherho@cuhk.edu.hk
电话 3943 6918
办公室 何添楼420室
Publication List (PDF)

理学士、教育文凭、教育行政硕士(中大)、哲学博士(英属哥伦比亚大学)。曾任香港小学及中学教师,学生能力国际评估计划PISA 2000、2003、2006、2009、2012 、2015香港首席研究员, UNESCO/NEQMAP亚太区教育素质评估网络督导委员会委员;学童身心灵健康国际评估计划HBSC 2017/18香港首席研究员,OECD/PISA 计划分析及发布组主席及委员;澳门PISA 2003、中国PISA 2006 测试、上海PISA 2009顾问,美国宾夕凡尼亚州州立大学(2004)及约翰霍普金斯大学(2010)福布莱特访问学者,世界银行对印度教育研究及培训顾问,华南教育及发展研究计划研究员;家庭与学校合作研究计划首席研究员; 香港青年中学及毕业後路向研究计划首席研究员 (HKLSA 2012-2022) 。曾任教科目包括:学校改革及学校效能;学校教育的架构和过程;香港教育政策与实践;家庭、学校、社区的协作;教育与社会;课堂与学校情景中的量化分析。研究兴趣包括:家长参与子女教育;家庭、学校、社区的合作;学校效能及学校改革;权力下放及校本管理;教育政策研究;教育研究的多层廻归统计分析。


PEDU 6211 教育与发展 — 国际视域
PEDU 6704? 家庭、学校与社区协作:从理论及研究到实践
PGDC 5302 家长参与幼童的教育

Ho, S.C., Tse, T. K. C. & Sum, K. W. (2020). A different ‘feel’, a different will: Institutional habitus and the choice of higher educational institutions in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Research, 100.
Keung, Chrysa P.C. and Ho, Esther S.C. (2019). Structure and Agency in Adolescents’ Expectations of Pursuing Post-secondary Education. Research in Higher Education. Springer http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11162-019-09574-8 Outstanding Paper Award 2020 Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference.
Ho, Esther S.C. & Lau K.L.(2018). Reading engagement and reading literacy performance: effective policy and practices at home and in school. Journal of Research in Reading 41(4): 657-679. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/1467-9817.12246
何瑞珠、李文浩、李仕杰 (2018) 「家庭参与及商校协作」:培育学生面对挑战的希望感, 《教育学报》,2018 年,第 46 卷第 1 期.
HO, S.C. & Sum, K. W. (2017). Construction and Validation of the Career and Educational Decision Self-Efficacy Inventory for Secondary Students (CEDSIS). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. First Published 17 Oct 2017 Sage Publications Inc. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/4135
何瑞珠, 黄善国, 姜培芝, 岑国荣(2017) 从PISA剖析香港青少年对升读高等教育的期望. 《教育学报》,2017 年,第 45 卷第 1 期: 47-69. http://hkier.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/journal/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/EJ_V45N1_47-69.pdf
何瑞珠 (2016) 青少年的生涯规划:家庭、学校与社区协作《香港教师中心学报》第十五卷: 1-16. http://edb.org.hk/HKTC/download/journal/j15/A01.pdf
HO, S.C. (2016) “The use of large scale assessment (PISA): Insights for policy and practice in the case of Hong Kong”. Research Papers in Education v31 n5 p516-528
DOI: 10.1080/02671522.2016.1225351
Ho, S. C. & Lam, Y. P. (2016) Multilevel Analyses of Families Influence on Adolescents Literacy Performances. Int. J. Quantitative Research in Education, Vol. 3. No 1/2 58-78.
Ho, S.C. & Willms, J. D. (1996). The effects of parental involvement on eighth grade achievement. Sociology of Education, 69 (2): 126-141
Ho Sui Chu (Ed 2017). What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia. Worldscientific: Singapore. 424 pp
Ho, S, C, & Kwong W. M. (2013) Parental Involvement on Children’s Education, Springer Briefs in Education. Springer: Singapore. 162 pages Book DOI 10.1007/978-981-4021-99-9
Ho S. C. (Ed., 2013). Multilevel Analysis of the PISA Data: Insight for Policy and Practice, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong.
Ho, S. C. (2012). Asia-Pacific Education System Review Series Number 5 – Student Learning Assessment. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Bangkok
何瑞珠 卢乃桂 (2010) 从国际评估计划剖析香港及东亚社会的教育品质与均等《教育研究》2010第一期 页1-8. 中国 北京 教育科学出版社
何瑞珠, 黄善国, 姜培芝, 岑国荣(2017) 从PISA剖析香港青少年对升读高等教育的期望. 《教育学报》,2017 年,第 45 卷第 1 期: 47-69. http://hkier.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/journal/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/EJ_V45N1_47-69.pdf
何瑞珠 (2016) 青少年的生涯规划:家庭、学校与社区协作《香港教师中心学报》第十五卷: 1-16. http://edb.org.hk/HKTC/download/journal/j15/A01.pdf

Certificate Courses on Management and Leadership for Heads of Guidance and Discipline Teams of Primary and Secondary Schools in the 2020-2022
Certificate Courses on Student Guidance and Discipline for Teachers of Primary and Secondary Schools (2021-24)
Transition to Adulthood: Voices and Choices of a New Generation of Hong Kong Young Adults
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study in Hong Kong: Assessing the Physical, Emotional and Social Well-being
Transition of Hong Kong Young Adults after Secondary School: The Road to Higher Education or Work
Harnessing mobile technology in outdoor experiential learning: Teacher facilitation in context-aware social inquiry activities in formal school education
A Qualitative Study of the Transition Pathways of Hong Kong Adolescents after Secondary Education
Programme for International Student Assessment 2015 in Hong Kong
A Longitudinal Study of Adolescents in Hong Kong (HKLSA): Transition from Secondary School
Quality School Improvement Project : Support for Learning Diversity (QSIP-SLD, Phase 2)
Programme for International Student Assessment 2012 in Hong Kong
Programme for International Student Assessment 2009 in Hong Kong
Shadow Education and Related Services in Macao: The Phenomenon and its Impact
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006 China Trial
Macao Parents’ View on Education Reform, School Education, and Children’s Education – Stage II
Macao Parents’ View on Education Reform, School Education, and Children’s Education – Stage I
Macao PISA 2003: Implication for Curriculum Reform
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006 in Hong Kong
Programme for International Student Assessment 2003 in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Center for International Student Assessment

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