黎万红教授 文学士(台湾中兴大学),教育文凭、哲学硕士、哲学博士(中大)
电邮 mhlai@cuhk.edu.hk
电话 3943 6454
办公室 何添楼419室
黎万红乃教育行政与政策学系副教授, 香港中文大学伍宜孙书院副院长. 於2008获香港中文大学杰出研究奖项, 并多次获学院教学奖。研究兴趣包括: 华人社会的教育发展、高等教育、教师专业性与教师发展、及教育政策研究。任教课程包括华人社会的教育变迁、教育政策研究、教育研究中的质化研究法等硕士课程,以及华人社会的教育改革、香港教育的政策与实践、学校教育的架构与过程等教育文凭课程。
PEDU 6209? 教育政策研究
PEDU 6213 华人社会中的教育变迁
PEDU 6402 教育研究中的质化方法
PGDE 5221 华人社会的教育改革
PGDP 5301? 学校教育的架构和过程
Song, J., & Lai, Manhong (online first) Teaching by Conscience or Accountability? Academics’ Perceptions and Responsibilities at two Universities in China, Higher Education Policy
Lai, Manhong & Li, Linlin (online first) Early career researchers’ perceptions of collaborative research in the context of academic capitalism on the Chinese Mainland, Higher Education Research and Development
Lai, Manhong (online first) Enhancing teaching quality in higher education: a case study of a regional university in China, Education and Urban Society
Qiao, X.F.& Lai, Manhong (2019) Pre-Service Teachers’ Job-Related Perceptions of Teaching in Rural Areas: A Study of the Free Teacher Education Program in Mainland China, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 25(7), 782-799
Lai, Manhong, Du, P. & Lo, LNK (2016) Restricted opportunities under employment reform: the experiences of select universities in the Chinese Mainland, Higher Education Research and Development, 35(3), 516-530.
Lai, Manhong, Du, P., & Li, L.L. (2014) Struggling to handle teaching and research: a study on academic work in selected universities in the Chinese Mainland, Teaching in Higher Education, 19(8), 966-979.
A Longitudinal Investigation on Student Engagement in Mathematics in Chinese Higher Education Institutions from Multiple Perspectives
Learning Experiences of Mainland Students in the Context of Internationalizing Higher Education in Hong Kong
Expected Learning Experiences of Mainland Students in the Context of Internationalizing Higher Education in Hong Kong
Academic’s Strategies for Balancing Teaching and Research: A Qualitative Study of Three Universities in the Chinese Mainland
Academics’ perceptions of work life: a qualitative study in three universities in the Chinese Mainland
Perceptions of Faculty Work Life in the Chinese Mainland: A Study on Three Comprehensive Universities in Different Rank
The Changing Academic Profession: Employment Reform in Two Key Universities in Chinese Mainland
Teacher Development and Teacher Education in the Chinese Mainland
Decentralization and Educational Reform in the Chinese Societies
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-28
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