
香港中文大学翻译系老师教授导师介绍简介- Prof CHEN I-Hsin

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-28

Prof CHEN I-Hsin

Position :
Assistant Professor
Address :
Room 115, 1/F, Leung Kau Kui Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
E-mail :

Educational Qualifications
PhD Translation and Intercultural Studies, The University of Manchester, UK
MA English Literary Studies, The University of York, UK
MA Women’s Studies, The University of York, UK
BA Journalism, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Fields of Research/Teaching
Fields of Research
Translation studies
Chinese studies (especially pre-221 BCE Chinese literature)
Religious studies
Areas of Teaching
Literary translation (Chinese-English and English-Chinese)
Translation of philosophy and religious writings
Philosophical debate in translating
Mass media translation

Journal article
“Translating Chinese Teachings as Rewriting Religion Beyond Eurocentrism:
Herrlee Glessner Creel, Arthur F. Wright, and Herbert Fingarette.” (under revision)
“The Translator as Innovative Sino-Christian Universal Thinker: James Legge’s Dialogue with Zhu Xi in hisConfucian Analects.”Journal of Translation Studies2, no. 2 (2018, New Series): 23–50.
“The Historical Development ofJiao教 in Chinese and Its Impact on the Concept of ‘Religion’ in English Scholarship.”Translation and Interpreting Studies13, no. 2 (2018):317–336.
“Into a Philosophical and Spiritual Meditating Place Through Cross-cultural Hermeneutics: James Legge’s Translation ofXin心”International Communication of Chinese Culture4, no. 2 (May 2017): 255–270. Special issue: Confucianism and Place.
“From God’s Chinese Names to a Cross-cultural Universal God: James Legge’s Intertextual Theology in His Translation ofTian, Di and Shangdi.”Translation Studies9, no. 3 (2016): 268–281.
A chapter in an edited volume
“‘No Beginning, No End, and Is the Beginning and Root of Ten Thousand Things’: The Jesuit Translation of Christian Temporal Concepts into Chinese.”In Translation and Time, edited by James St. André. Kent State University Press. (forthcoming, early 2019)
PhD thesis
“Connecting Protestantism to Ruism: Religion, Dialogism and Intertextuality in James Legge’s Translation of theLunyu.” Thesis submitted to the University of Manchester, UK, 2014.
《从批判理论到後马克思主义》. With Hsieh Ming-shan 谢明珊, and Yang Chi-ho 杨济鹤. Chinese Translation of Simon Tormey, and Jules Townshend,Key Thinkers from Critical Theory to Post-Marxism(London: Sage, 2006). [I translated the introduction and the first chapter.] New Taipei: Weber. 2011. (reviewed and funded by the National Academy for Educational Research, Taiwan)
《离散与混杂》. Chinese Translation of Virinder S. Kalra, Raminder Kaur, and John Hutnyk,Diaspora and Hybridity(London: Sage, 2005). New Taipei: Weber. 2008. (reviewed and funded by the National Institute for Compilation and Translation [now the National Academy for Educational Research], Taiwan)

Awards and Honors
Translation publication grant for 《从批判理论到後马克思主义》, awarded by the National Academy for Educational Research, Taiwan (2011)
Scholarship for Overseas Students, awarded by the University of York, UK (Oct 2008–Sept 2009)
Translation publication grant for 《离散与混杂》, awarded by the National Institute for Compilation and Translation (now the National Academy for Educational Research), Taiwan (2007)
The Women’s Studies Palgrave Prize for Outstanding Work, UK (Mar 2006)
第六届「李政育先生新闻作品暨新闻系系徽设计奖」书介奖, awarded by College of Communication, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (June 2002)

“(Re)creating Spaces to Reconstruct Ideas in New Trends: Knowledge Innovation in the Translation of Zhu Xi’s Concept of Li by Daniel K. Gardner, Julia Ching, and Joseph A. Adler.” A Space for Translation: Thresholds of Interpretation. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 10-12 December 2018.
“Joseph Percy Bruce’s Translation of Zhu Xi’s Lixue: Philosophy as Cross-cultural Mapping of New Conceptual Spheres.” China and the World: The Mapping of Exchange. The 22nd biennial conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS). The University of Glasgow, UK. 29 August-1 September 2018.
“翻译与全球朱子学的产生:以卜道成、陈荣捷与维腾伯恩对朱熹「理」概念的英译为例.” International Conference on “Zhu Xi and Zhu Xi Studies.” Trier University, Germany. 13-15 July 2018.
“Rethinking Knowledge Through the Early English Translations Of Zhu Xi’S Study of理.”
Genealogies of Knowledge I: Translating Political and Scientific Thought across Time and Space. The University of Manchester, UK. 7-9 December 2017.
“‘No Beginning, No End, and Is the Beginning and Root of Ten Thousand Things’: The Jesuit Translation of Christian Temporal Concepts into Chinese.”
Translation and Time: Exploring the Temporal Dimension of Cross-cultural Transfer. Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 8-10 December 2016.
“Translating Chinese Teachings as Rewriting Religion Beyond Eurocentrism: Herrlee Glessner Creel, Arthur F. Wright and Herbert Fingarette.”
Translation and Religion: Interrogating Concepts, Methods and Practices. School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, University of Edinburgh, UK. 1-3 September 2016.
“A Place to Meditate: James Legge’s Translation ofXin心.”
11th East-West Philosophers’ Conference: Place. East-West Center and University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, USA. 24-31 May 2016.
“The Translator as Innovative Sino-Western Universal Thinker: James Legge’s Dialogue with Zhu Xi in hisLunyu.”
中国翻译史进程中的译者:第一届中国翻译史国际研讨会 Translators in the Making of Chinese Translation History: The First International Conference on Chinese Translation History. Research Centre for Translation and Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 17-19 December 2015.
“The Historical Development ofJiao教 in Chinese and Its Impact on the Concept of ‘Religion’ in English Scholarship.”
中国文化中的关键词及其翻译国际学术研讨会 The Translation of Key Terms in Traditional and Modern China. Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 2-3 January 2015.
“Revealing Universal Love through ‘Perfect Virtue’ and ‘Filial Piety’: James Legge’s Interpretation of Two Principal Ruist Notions in HisLunyu.”
British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS) Annual Conference. School of Modern Languages, Newcastle University, UK. 3-5 September 2014.
“Performing ‘Transcendence’ through Ruist–Christian Dialogue: James Legge’s Dialogic and Intertextual Annotation on Ren in HisLunyu.”
New Perspectives on Translation: Insights into the Performative and Cognitive Work of Translators. Advancing Research in Translation & Interpreting Studies (ARTIS) Inaugural Symposium in Memory of Martha Cheung. Manchester Conference Centre, UK. 13 May 2014.

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