Prof YE Jia
Position :
Assistant Professor
Address :
Room 121, 1/F, Leung Kau Kui Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
E-mail :
Educational Qualifications
B.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Translation (CUHK)
Fields of Research/Teaching
Fields of Research
Translation in Chinese-language periodicals in the late 19th to early 20th century
Translation and Lingnan culture in post-Opium-Wars China
Translation and early Chinese cinema
Research Grants/Projects
Research Grants/Projects
Principal Investigator, General Research Fund 2021/22, Translation and the Rise of Cinematic Knowledge in Chinese Periodical Press, 1890s-1920s (Ref No. 14606721), Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee, HK$332,209. 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2024.
Co-Investigator, China Studies Area Seed Grant, Nineteenth–Century Cantonese Literati and Their Changing Attitude towards Chinese and Western Culture Before and After the Opium War: Transformation of the Cultural Landscape of Local Cantonese Elites in the Qing Dynasty, CUHK, HK$580,000. 01/06/2019 – 31/05/2022.
Principal Investigator, Early Career Scheme 2017/18, Translation in the New Tide Journal (1919–1922) and the Canonization of May Fourth in the Early Republican Periodical Press (Ref No. 24606617), Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee, HK$ 285,998. 01/01/2018 – 30/06/2020.
Principal Investigator, Direct Grant for Research, Mapping the Translators’ Network of the Shanghai Publisher Chung–hua Library (1912–1920s), Arts and Languages Panel, CUHK, HK$55,500. 07/01/2017 – 07/01/2018.
Knowledge Transfer
Open-access dataset. “Translation in New Tide Journal (1919–1922) and the Canonization of May Fourth in the early Republican Periodical Press”. Output of RGC ECS project of the same title. Permanent DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7428434. Accessible since 09/12/2020.
Open-access dataset. “A History from Below: Translators in the Publication Network of Four Magazines of China Book Company, 1913–1923”. Output of CUHK Direct Grant for Research project Mapping the Translator’s Network of the Shanghai Publisher Chung-hua Library (1912–1920s). Permanent DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7380389. Accessible since 17/07/2020.
叶嘉。2021。《通俗与经典化的互现:民国初年上海文艺杂志翻译研究》[Popular Press in/and Canonization: A Study of Translation in Early Republican Shanghai Literary Magazines]。新北:华艺学术 [Ainosco Press]。 ISBN: 978-986-437-190-7。全293页。
Journal Articles
YE, Michelle Jia. 2021. “A history from below: Translators in the publication network of four magazines issued by the China Book Company, 1913–1923”. Translation Studies. Published online: 15 July 2021.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2020. “Exhibiting Knowledge, Extending Network: Translation Bricolage Columns of the Magazines of the China Book Company, 1913–1916”. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. 32(2). 277–322.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2020. “A Space for Their Voices. (Un)apologies for Translation in the May Fourth Journal New Tide”. Special Volume “May Fourth and Translation”. Translation Wor(l)ds Series 4. 95–114.
叶嘉 。2020。〈不拒经典,不要主义 :民初杂志翻译中通俗与精英的互动〉[Embracing Canons, Resisting Isms: Interaction between Popular and Elite Literary Groups in Translation in Early Republican Magazines]。《复旦谈译录》[Translogopoeia: A Fudan Journal of Translation Studies]。第二辑。上海:三联书店;复旦大学文学研究中心。页161–196。
YE, Michelle Jia. 2019. “Between Science and Fiction: The Transmission of the Film Frau Im Mond (1929) in Chinese Periodicals, 1929–1933”. Journal of Translation Studies. New Series, vol. 3, no. 1. June. 69–96.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2018. “Expanding Translation: A Text Map of New Youth (1915–1918).” Journal of Translation Studies. New Series, vol. 2, no. 1. June. 59–106.
叶嘉。2015。〈「实用」的演变:民初上海杂志译报实践初探〉[Practicality and Change: The role of Translations from Western Periodicals in China’s Early Republican Magazines]。《编译论丛》[Compilation and Translation Review],八卷一期。页1–40。
叶嘉。2015。〈从「不忠」到「忠实」:从民初上海杂志文本看翻译规范的流变〉[From Betrayal to Faithfulness: A Study of Translation Norm in Early Republican Shanghai Magazines]。《翻译学研究集刊》[Studies of Translation and Interpretation],第十八辑。页1–24。
叶嘉。2014。〈影像速递与译者视角:民初杂志视觉翻译文本初探〉[Image Dispatch and Translator’s Perspective: A Study of Translation of Visual Texts in Early Republican Magazines]。《广译:语言、文学与文化翻译》[Lingual, Literary, and Cultural Translation],第十一期。页286–314。
叶家兴、叶嘉译。2018。《发现时代:驾驭21世纪的机遇与风险,实现成就非凡的第二次文艺复兴》。台北:宝鼎出版。译自 Ian Goldin and Chris Kutarna (2017). Age of Discovery: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of Our New Renaissance.
叶家兴、叶嘉译。2016。《世界上最聪明的地方:从锈带到智带,看智力分享如何引领全球锈带城市聪明转型》。台北:宝鼎出版。译自Antoine van Agtmael and Fred Bakker (2016). The Smartest Places on Earth: Why Rustbelts are the Emerging Hotspots of Global Innovation.
叶家兴、叶嘉译。2015。《当经济指标统治我们》。新北:左岸文化。译自Zachary Karabell (2014). The Leading Indicators: A Short History of the Numbers That Rule Our World.
叶嘉。2021。〈大於「小知识」: 民国《游戏杂志》、《香艳杂志》、《女子世界》的翻译栏目〉[Beyond Minor Knowledge: Translation Columns in Pastime, Fragrance and Ladies’ World magazines in early Republican China]。京港青年人文学者学术硏讨会。北京大学及香港城市大学,5月29–30日。
叶嘉。2021。〈从翻译至怀疑:广东《述报》(1884–1885)的时事知识取径〉[From Translation to Skepticism: Paths of knowledge in current affairs in the Cantonese Daily Shubao (1884-1885)]。「再论近代岭南文化与世界:物质文化、精神领域及情感结构」岭南文化研究国际学术会议。香港中文大学中国文化研究所, 3月5–6日。
YE, Michelle Jia. 2019. “Inventing Enemies: Translation, reference and criticism in New Tide (1919–1922)”. International Conference “4 May 1919: History in Motion”. Université de Mons, Belgium, May 2–4.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2018. “A Space of Their Voice: Apologies for Translation in New Tide (1919–1922)”. International Conference “A Space for Translation: Threshold of Interpretation”. Department of Translation, CUHK, December 10–12.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2018. “The New and the Translated: A Text Map of the May Fourth Journal New Tide”. The European Association for Chinese Studies Biennial Conference. University of Glasgow, Scotland, August 29 – September 1.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2018. “Translation in New Tide (1919–1922) and the Canonization of May Fourth”. The 6th Conference of International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Baptist University of Hong Kong, July 3–6.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2018. “Frau Im Mond (1929), Translation and Moon-inspired Periodical Writing in China, 1903–1949”. Workshop “Translating Science Fiction, Translation in Science Fiction: Chinese and English”. Center for Translation Technology, CUHK, June 1.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2017. “Translator and/as Modernizers: Visualizing the Social Network of an Early Modern Chinese Publisher”. New Zealand Discourse Conference. Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. December 6–9.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2017. “World–ness in Translation: A Prologue to Cosmopolitanism in New Youth (1915–1922)”. Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature Conference. CUHK, June 21–23.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2017. “Mapping the ‘World’ in Translations in an early Chinese Journal: a Trial with Gephi”. Translation Studies and/in the Digital Humanities Workshop. Centre for Translation Technology, CUHK, June 12–13.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2016. “Embracing Canons, Resisting Isms: Interaction between Popular and Elite Literary Groups in Translation in Early Republican Magazines”. International Seminar “Cross-cultural Translations and Reflections”. Fudan University, Shanghai, China, November 5–6.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2012. “Everything is Miscellaneous? Discursive Translations in Early Republican Shanghai Popular Magazines”. International Conference “Translation Between Chinese and English: Theory and Practice”. CUHK, May 4–5.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2010. “Translation in the form of Movie Tie-in: A Case Study of Chinese Novelization of Silent Film Gli Giorni di Pompeii, 1915”. The 6th International Conference in Translation and Interpreting. University of Manchester, The United Kingdom, October 29–31.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2010. “Madame Curie, Radium and Chinese Femininity in the 1910s: A Case Study of Radium Robbers and its Translations”. The 12th International Conference of International Society of the Study of European Ideas “Thought and Science in Fiction”. Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey, August 2–6.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2009. “Camellia and its New Life in China, 1890s–1950s”. Postgraduate Symposium “Disordering the Disciplines: Translation and Interdisciplinarity”. University of East Anglia, The United Kingdom, March 26–27.
YE, Michelle Jia. 2008. “Discovering the chaotic short story translation practice in Shanghai from the late Qing to early Republic period of China”. Postgraduate Conference “With/out Theory: the Role of Theory in Translation Studies Research”. University College London, The United Kingdom, April 17–18.
香港中文大学翻译系老师教授导师介绍简介- Prof YE Jia
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-28
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