

广东工业大学 /2012-12-03


1. The necessary and sufficient conditions of the linear continual control systems stable is all the characteristic roots are locatied on the ( ).
A. right-hand half complex plane.
B. lef-hand half complex plane.
C. all the complex plane.
2. The unit step response of the first-order systems is a ( ).
A. decays and oscillates curve.
B. Exponentially increasing and reach their final value when t →∞ .
C. exponentially increasing envelope to the harmonic part of the response.
3. When the characteristic roots of the second-order systems are complex-conjugate roots with negtive rael part, the unit step response is ( ).
A. Exponentially reducing envelope to the harmonic part of the response and reach their final value when t →∞ .
B.exponentially increasing envelope to the harmonic part of the response.
C.Exponentially increasing and reach their final value when t →∞ .
4. The transient response of generalized second-order systems are determined by ( ).
A. damping ratio z .
B.undamped natural frequency wn .
C.A and B.
5. In time-domain performance specifications, the peak time is defined to be ( ).
A.the time taken for the system to first achieve the final value of the output.
B.the time to the maximun of the first overshoot.
C.the time taken for the system to the final value of the output and within a pointed range.
6. In order to decrease the overshoot of the second-order system, it should to ( ).
A.decrease wn .
B. decrease z .
C.increase z .
7. When a system subject to a unit ramp input, the velocity error constant is KV, then the steady-State error is ( ).
B.¥ .
C. 1/KV .
8. If the open-loop transfer function of a unity feed-back system is 10/s(s+2), to a unit ramp i nput, the steady-state error is ( ).
9. Drawing the root locus as K increases from zero to infinity is according to ( ).
A.open-loop transfer function.
B.Closed-loop transfer function.
C.Forward path transfer function.
10. There are n poles and m zeros from the open-loop transfer function of a system ,as K Increases from zeros to infinity, m branches of the root locus finishes at m zero and n-m branches of the root locus going to ( ).
A.open-loop poles.
B.Open-loop zeros.
11. According to the rule about the sum of roots, as K increases, when some root locus move to t he right and the other root locus must move to the ( ).

