刘安琪1#, 张伟2#, 王明锋2, 廖头根2, 贺茂强1,3, 任晋玮1
![zhaorl@im.ac.cn; renjw@im.ac.cn](http://journals.im.ac.cn/html/actamicrocn/2020/5/images/REemail.gif)
1. 中国科学院微生物研究所真菌学国家重点实验室, 北京 100101;
2. 云南中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心, 云南 昆明 650202;
3. 清迈大学农业学院昆虫学与植物病理学系, 泰国 清迈 50200
*通信作者:任晋玮, E-mail:renjw@im.ac.cn;
赵瑞琳, E-mail:zhaorl@im.ac.cn.
摘要:[目的] 开发优质的产香大型真菌资源,丰富挥发性香味成分的获取途径。[方法] 本文通过传统形态分类学和分子生物学相结合的方法对采自泰国北部的野生产香大型真菌及其菌株进行鉴定。利用液体发酵、HP20大孔树脂固相萃取和气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)等方法分析发酵液中的挥发性物质。同时筛选了对该真菌液体培养的最佳碳源、氮源及无机盐离子条件。[结果] 该真菌经鉴定为茉莉小皮伞Marasmius jasminodorus,分析发现其主要香味组分及对应的峰面积百分比分别为芳樟醇(33.11%)、5-羟甲基糠醛(4.64%)、4-甲基-5-(β羟乙基)噻唑(4.55%)、甲基麦芽酚(4.49%)、糠醇(4.46%)、桃醛(2.20%)、羟基丙酮(2.18%)等。同时该菌的最优培养液配方中最佳碳源、氮源及无机盐离子为麦芽糖、酵母粉和KH2PO4。[结论] 本研究表明该大型真菌能够产生多种在现有工业生产中广泛应用的挥发性香味成分,如芳樟醇等,所以其在天然香精香料生产中具有较好的潜在应用前景。
Identification and volatile components analysis of an aromatic macrofungi
Anqi Liu1#, Wei Zhang2#, Mingfeng Wang2, Tougen Liao2, Maoqiang He1,3, Jinwei Ren1
![Corresponding author](http://journals.im.ac.cn/html/actamicrocn/2020/5/images/REcor.gif)
![Corresponding author](http://journals.im.ac.cn/html/actamicrocn/2020/5/images/REcor.gif)
![zhaorl@im.ac.cn; renjw@im.ac.cn](http://journals.im.ac.cn/html/actamicrocn/2020/5/images/REemail.gif)
1. State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
2. Technology Center, China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co., LTD., Kunming 650202, Yunnan Province, China;
3. Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand
Received: 2 September 2019; Revised: 9 October 2019; Published online: 4 November 2020
*Corresponding author: Jinwei Ren, E-mail:renjw@im.ac.cn;
Ruilin Zhao, E-mail:zhaorl@im.ac.cn.
Foundation item: Supported by the Major Special Projects of China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co., Ltd. (2017CP01)
#These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: [Objective] The aim of this study was to explore aromatic macrofungi resources, and obtain volatile aroma components. [Methods] An aromatic mushroom collected from northern Thailand was identified by combining the traditional morphological taxonomy and molecular phylogenetic analysis. HP20 macroporous resin and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to analyze the volatile components in fermentation broth. Then, carbon source, nitrogen source and inorganic salts were optimized. [Results] The fungus was identified as Marasmius jasminodorus. The analysis result suggests that the main aromatic compounds and their peak area percentage include linalool (33.11%), 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (4.64%), 5-Thiazoleethanol, 4-methyl (4.55%), Maltol (4.49%), 2-Furanmethanol (4.46%), 2(3H)-Furanone, 5-heptyldihydro (2.20%), 2-Propanone and 1-hydroxy (2.18%). In addition, the optimal fermentation conditions of carbon source, nitrogen source and inorganic salts were maltose, yeast powder and KH2PO4. [Conclusion] The study shows that this macrofungi can produce a variety of volatile aroma components that are widely used in existing industrial production, such as linalool, and it has potential application in the production of natural flavor.
Keywords: aromatic fungigenus MarasmiusidentificationGC-MS
近年来研究发现,产香微生物以真菌为主,例如周森等[13]筛选了优质的产香白地霉菌,在发酵中产生的多种醇、醛、酯、芳香族化合物对白酒中风味物质形成具有重要作用。玉云等[14]从菠萝中分离得到产花草香的有孢汉逊酵母Hanseniaspora uvarum。陈利军等[15]分析蒙塔涅梨孢假壳的挥发性物质,其中苯乙醇含量高达98%,具有生物生产苯乙醇的开发潜力。Bosse等[16]使用30种担子菌通过苹果渣的生物转化在提取液中检测到14种风味化合物,其中3-苯基丙醛、3-苯基-1-丙醇和苯甲醇是最主要的产物。
1 材料和方法 1.1 材料 从本课题组近几年在野外收集所得的300份菌株中,通过平板培养,人工筛选出多个具有特殊香味的菌株,经扩大培养重新筛选菌株,得到一株具有浓郁香味的标本(采集号:LE2016056)现保藏于中国科学院菌物标本馆(馆藏号:HMAS279932)。
1.2 菌株分离 野外采集得到子实体标本后,在实验室采用单孢分离法获得菌株。在酒精灯火焰附近取菌盖部分置于无菌的培养皿中,菌褶朝下菌盖朝上。静置过夜后取出菌盖,培养皿中获得担孢子。使用少量无菌水冲洗培养皿上的担孢子,得到孢子悬液。通过配制不同的孢子悬液浓度梯度,获得浓度适宜的被稀释后的孢子悬液,并涂布到PDA培养基中,25 ℃避光培养,定时复检,挑取孢子萌发后的菌丝至其他培养皿中,纯化后即获得相关菌株。菌株现保藏于中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会普通微生物中心(菌株保藏编号为CGMCC17072)。
1.3 标本及菌株鉴定
1.3.1 形态学检测: 子实体形态学检测采用Largent[17-18]真菌分类学实验方法,对子实体的菌盖、菌褶、菌肉、菌柄和菌环等特征进行观察记录,颜色名称对照Kornerup & Wanscher[19]的手册进行描述。微观形态特征使用Olympus CX31进行观察。
1.3.2 分子系统发育分析: 本实验中将野外采集标本(HMAS279932, 采集号为LE2016056)及菌株(菌株保藏号CGMCC17072)用志昂生物科技公司生产的快速植物DNA磁珠法提取试剂盒提取DNA,利用通用ITS引物ITS1 (5′-TCCGTAGGT GAACCTGCGC-3′)和ITS4 (5′-TCCTCCGCTTAT TGATATGC-3′)进行PCR扩增。
PCR反应体系25 μL:1 μL DNA模板、1 μL primer ITS1、1 μL primer ITS4、12 μL 2×Taq PCR MasterMix (200 mol/L dNTPs、4.0 mmol/L MgCl2、2.5 U Taq DNA聚合酶)、10 μL ddH2O。扩增程序为94 ℃ 4 min;94 ℃ 40 s,50 ℃ 50 s,72 ℃ 50 s,35个循环;72 ℃ 8 min,PCR扩增产物由北京博迈德测序公司进行测序。将得到的ITS序列与GenBank中的核酸序列先进行序列比对,排除测序的污染问题。然后从GenBank下载相关序列,并与这两个自测序列一起进行分子系统发育分析,序列使用Muscle比对分析后在BioEdit v. 7.0.4中手动调节少数歧义碱基位置[20-21],用最大似然法(ML)构建系统进化树,RaxmLGUI选用GTRGAMMA模型,运算1000次,在FigTree v1.4.0中打开系统进化树调节显示BS (Bootstrap)值大于70的支持率。
1.4 菌株挥发性成分分析
1.4.1 菌株扩大培养: 准备250 mL锥形瓶配制PDB加富培养基(20 g葡萄糖,200 g马铃薯浸汁,3 g KH2PO4,1.5 g MgSO4,0.01 g VB1,1000 mL蒸馏水,pH自然),培养液约为125 mL。在超净台中,用灭过菌的直径0.5 mm打孔器在原始平板中打孔,将长满菌丝的菌块接入新的培养液中,(每个培养瓶接10块菌块)。放入摇床,调节温度25 ℃,转速150 r/min培养10–12 d。
1.4.2 挥发性成分提取方法: 收集液体发酵后的菌液,以反相硅胶(ODS)为吸附材料进行固相萃取,对香味成分进行提取与富集;用无水乙醇对反相硅胶进行洗脱,得到含有香味成分的乙醇洗脱液。对菌株提取物的挥发性成分进行气质联用(GC-MS)分析,得到总离子流图(TIC);对主要的色谱峰提取质谱图,并通过岛津GC-MS自带的NIST 11数据库进行相似度检索,推测其化学成分。
1.4.3 挥发性物质GC-MS分析条件: 采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用技术分析,仪器为岛津公司GCMS-QP 2010Ultra。GC条件:色谱柱为Rtx-Wax毛细管柱(30 m×0.25 mm×0.25 μm),起始柱温35 ℃,程序升温以5 ℃/min至230 ℃,保持15 min,柱流量为1 mL/min,进样不分流。MS条件:EI离子源,离子源温度230 ℃,接口温度230 ℃,扫描范围29–500 amu,溶剂延迟4.5 min,采用面积归一化法进行定量分析。
1.5 菌株产香最佳碳、氮源及无机离子筛选
1.5.1 菌株产香最佳碳源筛选: 以葡萄糖、麦芽糖、蔗糖、可溶性淀粉4种碳源为研究对象,每种以20 g/L的浓度加入500 mL无碳培养基(3 g酵母粉,3 g KH2PO4,0.01 g VB1,1000 mL蒸馏水,pH自然),使用250 mL摇瓶培养液80 mL,接种量5 mL,接种后在转速140 r/min,25 ℃条件下培养7 d,过滤菌液,ODS固相萃取提取挥发性成分用于GC-MS分析,统计峰面积百分比大于0.01的保留时间及化合物检索相似度得分大于80的成分,对比分析得出最优碳源。
1.5.2 菌株产香最佳氮源筛选: 以酵母粉、蛋白胨、NH4Cl、蛋白胨+酵母粉这4种氮源组合为研究对象,每种以3 g/L的浓度加入500 mL无氮培养基(20 g葡萄糖,3 g KH2PO4,0.01 g VB1,1000 mL蒸馏水,pH自然),使用250 mL摇瓶培养液80 mL,接种量5 mL,在25 ℃条件下培养7 d,转速140 r/min,过滤菌液提取挥发性成分进行GC-MS分析,统计峰面积百分比大于0.01的保留时间及化合物检索相似度得分大于80的成分,对比分析得出最优氮源。
1.5.3 菌株产香最佳无机离子筛选: 以KH2PO4、MgSO4、KH2PO4+MgSO4这3种无机离子组合为研究对象,每种以3 g/L的浓度加入500 mL无盐培养基(20 g葡萄糖,3 g酵母粉,0.01 g VB1,1000 mL蒸馏水,pH自然),使用250 mL摇瓶培养液80 mL,接种量5 mL,在25 ℃条件下,转速140 r/min培养7 d后提取挥发性成分进行GC-MS分析,统计峰面积百分比大于0.01的保留时间及化合物检索相似度得分大于80的成分,对比分析得出最优无机离子。
2 结果和分析 2.1 标本及菌株鉴定结果
2.1.1 形态学检测结果: 标本菌盖直径10–40 mm,钟形至扁平,中部稍凸,橙红色或红褐色,中央颜色深且边缘色浅,膜质,表面光滑,边缘有微皱条纹。菌肉极薄,菌褶近白色至污白色,离生,稀疏,长短不一。菌柄长20–60 mm,粗1–2 mm,中生,细柱形,暗褐色,上部色浅基部棕色,平滑坚韧,中空。子实体具有强烈气味,香甜芬芳,如茉莉花香。担孢子(9–12)μm×(3–4) μm,椭圆形,光滑无色。担子(23–25) μm×(5–6) μm,具有4个担子小梗。褶缘囊体形态多样,基部圆柱形状,端部着生多个不规则的短棒状附属物,整体形似扫帚,(9–19)μm×(6–10) μm,无色至淡黄色。于腐叶层上单生或散生。
标本形态(图 1)与Wannathes等[22]描述的茉莉小皮伞Marasmius jasminodorus Wannathes,Desjardin & Lumyong形态相同。该种原产地泰国,估计广泛分布于热带亚洲。目前标本保存于中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆,采集号LE2016056,馆藏号HMAS279932。
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图 1 茉莉小皮伞Marasmius jasminodorus形态特征 Figure 1 Morphology characteristics of Marasmius jasminodorus. A: Fruiting bodies, bar=1 cm; B: A colony on the enriched PDA plate for 12 days |
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2.1.2 标本及菌株的分子系统发育分析结果: 将干标本及菌株的ITS序列经BLAST比对分析后,结果表明为小皮伞属。根据文献查阅,下载相关序列,包括茉莉小皮伞Marasmius jasminodorus模式标本序列(GenBank: EU935512)共45条,构建了小皮伞属的分析数据库。用最大似然法构建系统进化树(图 2),子实体干标本(HMAS279932)及其菌株的ITS序列GenBank (提交GenBank序列号分别为MK656316,MK656317)与Marasmius jasminodorus模式标本序列聚在一起,且具有99%的自展支持率。
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图 2 基于ITS序列采用最大似然法构建的MK656316和MK656317以及相关小皮伞属系统发育树 Figure 2 Phylogenetic analysis constructed by the Maximum Likelihood method based on comparison of the internal transcribed spacer region sequence between MK656316, MK656317 and related phylogenetic tree of genus Marasmius. Crinipellis malesiana and Crinipellis brunneipurpurea were used as outgroup. Bars represent phylogenetic distance of 0.04. The branch figure shows that BS value is more than 70% |
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2.2 挥发性物质GC-MS分析结果 对菌株CGMCC17072的乙醇溶液进行GC-MS分析(图 3),从其挥发性成分中鉴定了28种已知化合物(表 1),其中有7种主要产物,均是合成香精香料产品的原料,包括芳樟醇(33.11%)、5-羟甲基糠醛(4.64%)、4-甲基-5-(β羟乙基)噻唑(4.55%)、甲基麦芽酚(4.49%)、糠醇(4.46%)、桃醛(2.20%)、羟基丙酮(2.18%)。
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图 3 菌株LE2016056发酵液挥发性成分GC-MS总离子流图 Figure 3 Total ion chromatogram of volatile aroma compounds from fermentation liquor of LE2016056 strain |
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表 1. 菌株LE2016056发酵液部分挥发性成分 Table 1. Volatile flavor compositions of fermentation liquor of LE2016056 strain
Number | Retention time/min | Compounds | Peak area percentage/% |
1 | 6.260 | 1-Propanol | 0.36 |
2 | 11.505 | Acetoin | 0.03 |
3 | 11.620 | Hydroxyacetone | 2.18 |
4 | 13.140 | 2-Propenoic acid, oxiranylmethyl ester | 0.51 |
5 | 13.260 | Furfural | 0.62 |
6 | 13.835 | Acetic acid | 8.80 |
7 | 14.570 | Thiazole, 5-ethenyl-4-methyl | 0.06 |
8 | 14.985 | Formic acid | 3.22 |
9 | 15.240 | Linalool | 33.11 |
10 | 15.705 | 2-Furancarboxaldehyde, 5-methyl | 0.29 |
11 | 15.890 | 4-Cyclopentene-1, 3-dione | 0.77 |
12 | 18.035 | 2-Furanmethanol | 4.46 |
13 | 18.275 | Butanoic acid, 3-methyl | 0.65 |
14 | 19.755 | 2(5H)-Furanone | 0.56 |
15 | 24.035 | Maltol | 4.49 |
16 | 25.480 | Pantolactone | 0.17 |
17 | 25.620 | 2, 5-Dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone | 0.38 |
18 | 26.295 | Nerolidol | 0.25 |
19 | 26.395 | Cyclopropyl carbinol | 0.33 |
20 | 29.760 | 4H-Pyran-4-one, 2, 3-dihydro-3, 5-dihydroxy-6-methyl | 5.13 |
21 | 30.535 | 5-Thiazoleethanol, 4-methyl | 4.55 |
22 | 31.050 | Butanoic acid, 2-methyl-3-oxo-, ethyl ester | 0.81 |
23 | 33.260 | 2(3H)-Furanone, 5-heptyldihydro | 2.20 |
24 | 33.570 | 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural | 4.64 |
25 | 34.195 | 1, 5-Heptadien-4-one, 3, 3, 6-trimethyl | 0.12 |
26 | 34.735 | (S)-5-Hydroxymethyl-2[5H]-furanone | 0.47 |
27 | 35.215 | (R)-3-Hydroxy-gamma-butyrolactone | 2.14 |
28 | 35.805 | Hydrocinnamic acid | 0.06 |
2.3 菌株产香最佳碳、氮源及无机离子筛选结果 实验探究不同碳源、氮源、无机离子组合对挥发性成分影响的结果表明(表 2、3、4),该菌在麦芽糖为碳源、酵母粉为氮源、KH2PO4为无机盐离子条件下代谢产生的挥发性成分种类多,同时7种主要挥发性成分的相对含量多。因此,麦芽糖、酵母粉和KH2PO4分别为最优碳源、氮源和无机盐离子组合。
表 2. 不同碳源条件对菌株LE2016056产香的影响 Table 2. Effects of different carbon sources on aromatic production of strain LE2016056
Carbon source | Quantity | Relative content of 7 main volatile components/% | ||||||
Hydroxyacetone | Linalool | Furfuryl alcohol | Maltol | 5-Thiazoleethanol, 4-methyl | 2(3H)-Furanone, 5-heptyldihydro | 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural | ||
Glucose | 43 | 2.01 | 24.28 | 0.82 | – | 6.16 | – | 5.61 |
Maltose | 55 | 1.94 | 31.73 | 4.17 | 5.16 | 5.21 | 2.31 | 3.04 |
Sucrose | 50 | 2.78 | 32.05 | 1.66 | 0.47 | 4.22 | – | 15.12 |
Soluble starch | 16 | – | 76.39 | – | – | 3.41 | – | – |
Relative content refers to the percentage of the peak area of one component in the total area of all components under the same carbon source condition. |
表 3. 不同氮源条件对菌株LE2016056产香的影响 Table 3. Effects of different nitrogen sources on aromatic production of strain LE2016056
Nitrogen sources | Quantity | Relative content of 7 main volatile components/% | ||||||
Hydroxyacetone | Linalool | Furfuryl alcohol | Maltol | 5-Thiazoleethanol, 4-methyl | 2(3H)-Furanone, 5-heptyldihydro | 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural | ||
Yeast extract | 43 | 2.01 | 24.28 | 0.82 | – | 6.16 | – | 5.61 |
NH4Cl | 34 | 4.50 | 16.39 | 1.06 | – | 9.86 | 2.13 | 6.24 |
Peptone | 22 | 2.12 | 32.52 | – | – | 7.20 | – | 9.26 |
Peptone+Yeast extract | 25 | 0.84 | 59.94 | – | – | 2.39 | – | 1.40 |
Relative content refers to the percentage of the peak area of one component in the total area of all components under the same nitrogen source condition. |
表 4. 不同无机离子条件对菌株LE2016056产香的影响 Table 4. Effects of different inorganic ion on aromatic production of strain LE2016056
Inorganic ion | Quantity | Relative content of 7 main volatile components/% | ||||||
Hydroxyacetone | Linalool | Furfuryl alcohol | Maltol | 5-Thiazoleethanol, 4-methyl | 2(3H)-Furanone, 5-heptyldihydro | 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural | ||
KH2PO4 | 43 | 2.01 | 24.28 | 0.82 | – | 6.16 | – | 5.61 |
MgSO4 | 44 | 2.62 | 15.80 | 0.83 | – | 7.06 | – | – |
KH2PO4+MgSO4 | 40 | 2.20 | 17.83 | 0.73 | – | 6.05 | – | 8.12 |
Relative content refers to the percentage of the peak area of one component in the total area of all components under the same inorganic ion condition. |
3 讨论 本研究对一个采自泰国的大型真菌及其菌株经形态学和分子系统发育相结合的方法鉴定为茉莉小皮伞Marasmius jasminodorus,属于蘑菇纲(Agaricomycetes)、蘑菇目(Agaricales)、小皮伞科(Marasmiaceae)。该物种是Wannathes等[22]经形态学与分子系统发育分析结果而描述的新种。
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