熊悯梓1, 钞亚鹏2,3, 赵盼2,3, 宋双伟2,3, 石莹莹1, 莫乘宝4, 仲乃琴2,3

1. 宁夏大学农学院, 宁夏 银川 750021;
2. 中国科学院微生物研究所, 北京 100101;
3. 内蒙古自治区马铃薯肥料农药高效利用技术企业重点实验室, 内蒙古 呼伦贝尔 021000;
4. 广西壮族自治区环江毛南族自治县糖蔗生产技术服务站, 广西 河池 547100
*通信作者:仲乃琴, E-mail:nqzhong@im.ac.cn.
摘要:[目的] 为了探索马铃薯疮痂病发生与土壤环境的关系,分析区域性种植方式和施肥量对土壤细菌种群变化的影响,为实现土传病害有效防治提供借鉴。[方法] 本文分别从1年连作土传病害轻的宁夏西吉(西北)、3年连作土传病害严重的河北沽源(华北)、5年轮作未发现土传病害的内蒙古海拉尔(东北)大田马铃薯根际采集土壤,利用高通量测序技术,比较了样品间细菌群落结构差异。[结果] 3组样品共获得有效条带617558条,可分类操作单元(OTUs)3077个。各样品中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)数量最多,含量均在33%以上。与未发病土壤样品相比,土传病害发生严重的样品中细菌数量、物种数、细菌多样性、种类丰富度均有所降低,有害菌数量增加,益生菌数量减少。其中,放线菌(Actinobacteria)数量明显增多,变形菌(Proteobacteria)、绿弯菌(Chloroflexi)和酸杆菌(Acidobacteria)数量明显减少,组分及数量差异明显的细菌(尤其是放线菌门)大多与土壤全磷含量呈显著相关。[结论] 过量施用化肥和常年连作改变了土壤细菌群落结构,生态环境恶化,导致土传性病害发生。其中,磷可能是影响土壤微生物群落结构变化最主要的肥料元素。
Comparison of bacterial diversity in rhizosphere soil of potato in different habitats
Xiong Minzi1, Chao Yapeng2,3, Zhao Pan2,3, Song Shuangwei2,3, Shi Yingying1, Mo Chengbao4, Zhong Naiqin2,3

1. School of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China;
2. Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
3. The Enterprise Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Potato Fertilizer and Pesticide, Hulunbuir 021000, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China;
4. Sugarcane Production Technical Service Station of Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County, Hechi 547100, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China
Received: 8 January 2020; Revised: 22 April 2020; Published online: 2 July 2020
*Corresponding author: Naiqin Zhong. E-mail: nqzhong@im.ac.cn.
Foundation item: Supported by the Major Science and Technology Innovation Projects in Shandong Province (2018CXCC0303), by the New Slow/Controlled Release Fertilizer and Stable Fertilizer Development Project (2017YFD0200708), by the Key R & D Plan of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (2018BBF02021) and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31601622)
Abstract: [Objective] To monitor the changes of soil bacterial population due to different planting patterns and intensities of fertilization, analyze the relationship between occurrence of soil-borne diseases and change of soil-environment, provide theoretical basis for effectively controlling soil-borne diseases of potato. [Methods] Soil rhizosphere samples were collected from three distinct potato fields continuously cropped for one-year in Xiji (Ningxia, northwest), three-year in Guyuan (Hebei, north) and five-year in Hailar (Inner Mongolia, northeast) with low, high and rare incidence, respectively, of soil borne diseases. Then, high-throughput sequencing technology was used to comparably analyze the bacterial community structure and diversity of these samples. [Results] A total of 617558 effective reads and 3077 sortable operating units (OTUs) were obtained from the 3 groups of samples. Among them, the dominant component was Proteobacteria with a proportion over 33%. Compared with the soil samples from the field without occurrence of potato soil-borne diseases, the bacterial abundance and diversity decreased significantly in the soil samples from the field with high incidence of potato soil-borne diseases. Meanwhile, augmentation and reduction of the relative abundance of pathogenic and probiotic bacteria, respectively, also were observed. Specifically, we found the relative abundance of Actinobacteria increased on a large scale, whereas that of Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi and Acidobacteria decreased dramatically. Moreover, we found that composition changes and quantities of some bacteria (especially Actinomycetes) were closely related to the total phosphorus content of soil. [Conclusion] Excessive application of chemical fertilizers and perennial continuous cropping affected the soil bacterial community and damaged soil ecological environment thus resulting in potato soil-borne diseases eventually. In addition, phosphorus content change may be one of the important factors that alter community structure of soil microbes.
Keywords: high-throughput sequencingpotatorhizosphere soilmicrobial diversity
1 材料和方法 1.1 样品采集 采集地点分别为宁夏回族自治区西吉县(东经105.70°,北纬35.97°,10月3日收获)、河北省沽源县常铁炉乡(东经114.89°,北纬41.52°,9月27日收获)和内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市海拉尔区(东经119.74°,北纬49.21°,10月11日收获)。其中,西吉年平均气温5 ℃,降水量约410 mm (其中夏秋季降水量约230 mm);沽源年平均气温2.4 ℃,降水量约426 mm (夏秋季降水量约226 mm);海拉尔年平均气温为–2 ℃至–1 ℃,降水量约为351 mm (夏秋季降水量约228 mm)。于各地马铃薯收获前1周采集距离地表 20 cm处的近根际土壤进行分析,9点取样法从每个地块分别获得3组平行样品(编号分别为A1、A2、A3;B1、B2、B3;C1、C2、C3)。
3组样品采集田均为播种前施肥,表 1为具体施肥情况。
表 1. 不同试验大田施肥情况表 Table 1. Fertilization situation in different test fields
Test location | Sample No. | Name | N-P-K | Dosage/(t/ha) | Manufacturer |
Xiji | A1、A2、A3 | Special fertilizer for potato | 15:17:24 | 0.600 | Stanley Dangyang Limited |
Carbamide | N > 46% | 0.075 | Ningxia Luxi Chemical Fertilizer Company | ||
(NH4)2PO4 | 15:42:0 | 0.075 | Yunnan Yuntianhua Company Limited | ||
Guyuan | B1、B2、B3 | Sakefu compound fertilizer | 12:19:16 | 0.750 | China-Arab Chemical Fertilizer Company |
KH2PO4 | 0:52:34 | 0.225 | Guizhou Kai Lin Fertilizer Company | ||
(NH4)2PO4 | 15:42:0 | 0.225 | Yunnan Yuntianhua Company Limited | ||
Carbamide | N > 46% | 0.225 | Ningxia Luxi Chemical Fertilizer Company | ||
Hailar | C1、C2、C3 | K2SO4 | 15:15:15 | 0.698 | China-Arab Chemical Fertilizer Company |
1.2 土壤样品总DNA测序 土壤样品委托北京诺禾致源生物信息科技有限公司基于Illumina Miseq技术测序平台构建文库,进行高通量双末端测序。根据相似度,将序列聚类为操作分类单元(OTU),相似度阈值为97%[21]。使用RDP分类器对序列进行系统分类,并在各分类级别上对物种进行统计。凭借OTU数据进行Alpha多样性和Beta多样性分析。
土壤基本理化性质委托北京谱尼测试集团股份有限公司测定,采用容量法检测全氮、水解性氮及有机质含量,紫外可见分光光度法检测全磷、有效磷含量,电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法检测全钾、速效钾含量,玻璃电极法检测样品pH值(表 2)。
表 2. 不同地区土壤样品基本理化性质 Table 2. Basic physical and chemical properties of soil samples in different regions
Test location | pH | SOM/(g/kg) | TN/(g/kg) | TP/(g/kg) | TK/(g/kg) | AN/(mg/kg) | AP/(mg/kg) | AK/(mg/kg) |
Xiji | 8.2 | 13.50 | 0.90 | 0.77 | 18.4 | 54.6 | 15.3 | 187 |
Guyuan | 7.2 | 9.85 | 0.70 | 0.32 | 23.2 | 47.7 | 31.6 | 164 |
Hailar | 7.8 | 41.8 | 2.31 | 0.71 | 23.1 | 189.0 | 54.3 | 312 |
2 结果和分析 2.1 OTU聚类及RDP分类 9个样本共计获得617558个原始有效条带。基于97%的序列相似性进行了聚类分析,获得了3077个可分类的操作单元(OTU)。通过RDP分类全部OTUs可划分为32门、46纲、104目、194科、409属。与其他2组样品相比,土传病害严重的河北沽源土壤样品中独有1纲、4目、12科、22属。
2.2 样品细菌群落的α多样性 细菌群落的α多样性结果中物种覆盖率均达到97%以上,表明3组样品所构建的细菌文库能有效地反映其物种多样性,且各组样品多样性指数组内偏差较小,数据可靠。样品B的Shannon指数数值低于A、C 2组,表明其菌落多样性差。从Chao1指数、ACE值和OTU数量结果判断,样品B中细菌数量、物种数均低于A、C 2组样品。且B与A、C 2组样品在Chao1指数和ACE指数上存在显著性差异,B组与C组之间差异达到极显著水平。C组样品的物种丰富度明显最好,其次为A组样品,最差为B组样品(表 3)。
表 3. 不同样品的α多样性指数 Table 3. Alpha diversity index of different samples
Alpha | A | B | C |
OTUs | 139.333±11.930 | 148.667±9.539 | 160.667±10.214 |
Shannon | 8.851±0.109 | 7.860±0.258 | 8.915±0.146 |
Simpson | 0.993±0.002 | 0.975±0.001 | 0.994±0.001 |
Chao1 | 1761.135±153.205 | 1433.035±148.747 | 1979.203±171.137 |
ACE | 1767.951±154.973 | 1438.257±148.228 | 1998.977±163.566 |
Coverage | 0.991±0.003 | 0.992±0.001 | 0.988±0.003 |
2.3 土壤细菌差异性比较
2.3.1 基于门分类水平(Phylum level)的土壤细菌组分比较: 图 1结果表明,放线菌门Actinobacteria在B组样品中的组分远高于A、C 2组(A 17.3%、B 31.07%、C 15.73%);而变形菌门Proteobacteria (A 1.39%、B 3.71%、C 0.5%)、酸杆菌门Acidobacteria (A 13.53%、B 3.88%、C 6.19%)、芽单胞菌门Gemmatimonadetes (A 1.39%、B 3.71%、C 0.5%)、绿弯菌门Chloroflexi (A 8.30%、B 4.36%、C 6.04%)、硝化螺旋菌门Nitrospirae (A 1.07%、B 0.27%、C 2.37%)和Verrucomicrobia (A 1.77%、B 1.16%、C 1.86%)则表现为相反的结果;B组样品中Proteobacteria (A 33.91%、B 41.88%、C 47.86%)、Bacteroidetes (A 14.07%、B 10.47%、C 8.19%)和unidentified_Bacteria (A 0.41%、B 0.45%、C 1.51%)与A、C 2组无明显区别。
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图 1 不同土壤样品间门分类水平菌群分布图(Top 10) Figure 1 Distribution of microflora in different classifications of different soil samples (Top 10). |
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2.3.2 基于科分类水平(Family level)的土壤细菌组分比较: 如图 2所示,样品B中,鞘脂单胞菌科Sphingomonadaceae所占组分最高,其次为伯克氏菌Burkholderiaceae、Micrococcaceae、Nocardioidaceae、Xanthobacteraceae、Gemmatimonadaceae、Sphingobacteriaceae、Chitinophagaceae、Caulobacteraceae和unidentified_Gammaproteobacteria,且与A、C 2组样品存在明显区别,其中鞘脂单胞菌科Sphingomonadaceae (A 8.53%、B 15.18%、C 4.79%)、伯克氏菌Burkholderiaceae (A 1.88%、B 6.63%、C 1.61%)、Nocardioidaceae (A 2.21%、B 5.67%、C 1.69%)和Sphingobacteriaceae (A 1.39%、B 3.71%、C 0.5%) 4个科所占组分明显增加,而Gemmatimonadaceae (A 7.52%、B 4.26%、C 5.79%)、Chitinophagaceae (A 5.58%、B 2.45%、C 3.55%)、unidentified_Gammaproteobacteria (A 1.47%、B 0.6%、C 4.43%) 3个科所占组分减少。
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图 2 不同样品间科分类水平菌群分布图(Top 10) Figure 2 Distribution of microflora in different families among different samples (Top 10). |
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2.3.3 基于科分类水平(Family level)的土壤细菌数量差异性比较: B与A、C 2组样品T-Test分析结果显示(图 3),样品B的放线菌纲Gaiellales和弗兰克氏菌科Frankiaceae显著多于A、C 2组样品。而变形菌门的亚硝化单胞菌科Nitrosomonadaceae、Haliangiaceae和绿弯菌门的unidentified_Chloroflexi、unidentified_Dehalococcoidia以及酸杆菌门的Pyrinomonadaceae、拟杆菌门的Microscillaceae、芽单胞菌门的Longimicrobiaceae显著少于A、C 2组样品。
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图 3 样品间细菌数量差异t-Test比较(科水平) Figure 3 t-Test comparison of differences in the number of bacteria between samples (family level). |
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2.3.4 基于属分类水平(Genus level)的土壤细菌组分比较: 相对丰度位居前30的细菌组分分析结果显示(图 4):样品B中Sphingomonas (A 5.69%、B 12.97%、C 2.57%)、Pedobacter (A 1.18%、B 3.29%、C 0.37%)、Delftia (A 0.05%、B 1.62%、C 0.06%)、Pelomonas (A 0.02%、B 1.37%、C 0.04%)、Phyllobacterium (A 0.09%、B 1.33%、C 0.27%)、Nocardioides (A 0.75%、B 2.34%、C 0.62%)、Aeromicrobium (A 0.77%、B 1.97%、C 0.62%)、Mycobacterium (A 0.15%、B 1.26%、C 0.55%)、Gemmatimonas (A 0.91%、B 1.85%、C 0.87%)、Massilia (A 0.62%、B 1.74%、C 0.33%)、Kribbella (A 0.56%、B 0.96%、C 0.39%)、Hymenobacter (A 0.27%、B 1.16%、C 0.05%)、Phycicoccus (A 0.25%、B 1.28%、C 0.16%)和Ralstonia (A 0.01%、B 0.06%、C 0.02%)14个属所占组分均高于A、C 2组样品,而Skermanella (A 1.55%、B 0.38%、C 0.78%)、unidentified_Acidobacteria (A 2.33%、B 0.40%、C 0.91%)、Haliangium (A 1.01%、B 0.23%、C 1.74%)、unidentified_Nitrospiraceae (A 0.32%、B 0.10%、C 1.15%)和Bacillus (A 0.51%、B 0.65%、C 1.35%) 5个属表现为相反的结果。
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图 4 样品间细菌组分差异属分析(Top 30) Figure 4 Analysis of differences in bacterial components between samples (Top 30). |
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2.3.5 基于属分类水平(Genus level)的土壤细菌数量差异性比较: 样品B与A、C 2组样品T-Test分析结果显示(图 5):样品B中放线菌门的Gaiella、Angustibacter、Jatrophihabitans以及玫瑰单胞菌(Roseomonas)数量显著多于A、C 2组样品;而变形菌门的Haliangium、Psychroglaciecola,酸杆菌门的土壤酸杆菌unidentified_Acidobacteria,绿弯菌门的unidentified_Chloroflexi、unidentified_Dehalococcoidia数量显著少于A、C 2组样品。
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图 5 样品间细菌数量差异t-Test比较(属级水平) Figure 5 t-Test comparison of differences in the number of bacteria between samples (genus level). |
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2.3.6 样品间UniFrac分析: unWeighted UniFrac分析结果显示(图 6),A、C未发病2组样品的OTU在进化谱系中更为接近,细菌种类较发病B组样品更相似。
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图 6 样品间unWeighted UniFrac分析 Figure 6 UnWeighted UniFrac analysis between samples. |
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2.4 细菌多样性与环境因子的关系 选择组分位居Top 30且样品间差异明显以及t-Test数量差异显著的细菌,分析其与环境因子的相关性(表 4)发现:16个属与土壤全磷含量存在显著相关性,其中unidentified_Chloroflexi、unidentified_Dehalococcoidia、Psychroglaciecola、unidentified_Acidobacteria、Haliangium和Skermanella呈显著正相关,Gaiella、Angustibacter、Jatrophihabitans、Roseomonas、Nocardioides、Aeromicrobium、Gemmatimonas、Massilia、Phycicoccus和Hymenobacter呈显著负相关;4个属与土壤有机质含量显著相关,其中Haliangium、Bacillus和unidentified_Nitrospiraceae呈显著正相关,Roseomonas呈显著负相关;5个属与土壤全氮含量显著相关,Haliangium、Bacillus和unidentified_Nitrospiraceae呈显著正相关,Roseomonas、Massilia呈显著负相关;unidentified_Acidobacteria和Skermanella 2个属与土壤全钾含量呈显著负相关;4个属与土壤碱解氮含量显著相关,其中Haliangium、Bacillus和unidentified_Nitrospiraceae呈显著正相关,Roseomonas呈显著负相关;Bacillus和unidentified_Nitrospiraceae 2个属与土壤有效磷含量呈显著正相关;6个菌属与土壤速效钾含量显著相关,Psychroglaciecola、Haliangium、Bacillus和unidentified_Nitrospiraceae呈显著正相关,Roseomonas和Massilia呈显著负相关。由此可见,土壤7项指标中,全磷对细菌组分和数量的变化影响最大。值得一提的是,3组样品中与全磷含量呈显著负相关性的10个属中,Gaiella、Angustibacter、Jatrophihabitans、Nocardioides、Aeromicrobium和Phycicoccus均属于放线菌门。
表 4. 细菌多样性与环境因子的关系(属级水平) Table 4. Relationship between bacterial diversity and environmental factors (genus level)
Genus | SOM | TN | TP | TK | AN | AP | AK |
Gaiella | –0.480 | –0.488 | –0.915** | 0.531 | –0.432 | –0.016 | -0.511 |
Angustibacter | –0.310 | –0.318 | –0.873** | 0.639 | –0.259 | 0.154 | –0.344 |
Jatrophihabitans | –0.515 | –0.522 | –0.898** | 0.482 | –0.469 | –0.065 | –0.545 |
Roseomonas | –0.725* | –0.730* | –0.817** | 0.208 | –0.691* | –0.352 | –0.746* |
unidentified_Chloroflexi | 0.357 | 0.365 | 0.910** | –0.637 | 0.305 | –0.125 | 0.390 |
unidentified_Dehalococcoidia | 0.618 | 0.625 | 0.938** | –0.431 | 0.572 | 0.159 | 0.647 |
Sphingomonas | –0.449 | –0.452 | –0.521 | 0.144 | –0.427 | –0.210 | –0.462 |
Delftia | –0.287 | –0.291 | –0.491 | 0.259 | –0.261 | –0.041 | –0.303 |
Pelomonas | –0.284 | –0.288 | –0.494 | 0.264 | –0.259 | –0.037 | –0.301 |
Phyllobacterium | –0.223 | –0.227 | –0.474 | 0.298 | –0.197 | 0.022 | –0.240 |
unidentified_Acidobacteria | –0.076 | –0.068 | 0.760* | –0.868** | –0.132 | –0.532 | –0.040 |
Haliangium | 0.809** | 0.812** | 0.679* | 0.012 | 0.787* | 0.526 | 0.821** |
Nocardioides | –0.512 | –0.518 | –0.836** | 0.419 | –0.470 | –0.098 | –0.538 |
Aeromicrobium | –0.452 | –0.457 | –0.715* | 0.346 | –0.416 | –0.100 | –0.474 |
Skermanella | 0.056 | 0.064 | 0.745* | –0.733* | 0.005 | –0.370 | 0.089 |
Bacillus | 0.887** | 0.886** | 0.344 | 0.436 | 0.891** | 0.812** | 0.882** |
Mycobacterium | –0.036 | –0.042 | –0.578 | 0.576 | 0.003 | 0.296 | –0.062 |
Gemmatimonas | –0.306 | –0.312 | –0.669* | 0.429 | –0.269 | 0.040 | –0.330 |
Ralstonia | –0.281 | –0.285 | –0.493 | 0.265 | –0.256 | –0.034 | –0.298 |
Massilia | –0.664 | –0.670* | –0.861** | 0.308 | –0.625 | –0.257 | –0.689* |
unidentified_Nitrospiraceae | 0.869** | 0.870** | 0.512 | 0.243 | 0.861** | 0.693* | 0.872** |
Phycicoccus | –0.566 | –0.573 | –0.889** | 0.426 | –0.522 | –0.129 | –0.594 |
Kribbella | –0.289 | –0.291 | –0.304 | 0.060 | –0.277 | –0.153 | –0.296 |
Hymenobacter | –0.642 | –0.648 | –0.808** | 0.273 | –0.606 | –0.262 | –0.665 |
*: Indicates that the correlation reaches a significant level (P < 0.05); **: Significantly significant correlation level (P < 0.01). |
2.5 DRMO和PGPR分析 表 5呈现的是根际土壤中有害病原微生物和非寄生性有害微生物的数量差异(Deleterious rhizosphere microorganisms,简称DRMO)[22-23]。3组样品中主要病原细菌为雷尔氏菌属(Ralstonia,Ralstonia insidiosa占79.0%)、链霉菌属(Streptomyces)、节细菌属(Arthrobacter)、红球菌属(Rhodococcus,Rhodococcus fascians占33.2%)。其中发病严重的沽源B组样品中雷尔氏菌属、节细菌属、红球菌属的含量较未发病的A、C 2组多。
表 5. DRMO细菌数目表 Table 5. DRMO bacterial count table
Sample | Ralstonia | Streptomyces | Arthrobacter | Rhodococcus |
A | 9 | 474 | 11 | 105 |
B | 753 | 397 | 100 | 851 |
C | 29 | 497 | 3 | 138 |
表 6列出的是促进植物生长发育或对病原菌具有一定拮抗作用的植物根际有益细菌(Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria,简称PGPR),主要包括芽孢杆菌属的凝结芽孢杆菌(Bacillus coagulans)占3.1%、简单芽孢杆菌(Bacillus simplex)占80.7%、假单胞菌属的类产碱假单胞菌(Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes)占7.3%、温哥华假单胞菌(Pseudomonas vancouverensis)占21.1%、黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)、慢生根瘤菌属(Bradyrhizobium)、硫杆菌属(Thiobacillus)。其中,海拉尔土壤样品的PGPR细菌数量明显较西吉和沽源样品多。尤其芽孢杆菌属和假单胞菌属的数量显著多于A、B 2组样品。硫杆菌属仅存在于C组样品中。Flavobacterium和Bradyrhizobium在样品A中的数量明显少于B、C 2组样品。
表 6. PGPR细菌数目表 Table 6. PGPR bacterial count table
Sample | Bacillus | Pseudomonas | Flavobacterium | Azotobacter | Bradyrhizobium | Thiobacillus |
A | 644 | 831 | 668 | 0 | 376 | 0 |
B | 651 | 500 | 1329 | 10 | 1630 | 0 |
C | 1861 | 2363 | 1494 | 1 | 1709 | 44 |
除此之外,在C组样品中存在大量的Rhodanobacter lindaniclasticus和Terrimonas。有文献报道前者能有效降解有机农药和持久性有机污染物[24],后者仅存在于有机质丰富的环境中[25]。上述数据间接反映了C组样品的土壤环境更优。
3 讨论 宁夏西吉、内蒙古海拉尔和河北沽源3块采样田同属于北方产区,均为集约化垄作双行种植和农机作业,夏秋季降雨量相近,但土传病害发病程度却截然不同。我们调查发现,三者主要区别在于种植方式和施肥量。其中,沽源采样田的大肥连作生产方式是华北地区马铃薯集约化生产的典型代表,疮痂病高发难防,已经严重影响到当地产业的可持续发展;呼伦贝尔农垦土地资源丰富,坚持轮作倒茬,施肥量小,很少发生疮痂病;宁夏西吉种植1年的薯田,施肥量较小,除发现少量的青枯病植株外未见疮痂病薯。有报道称,土传病害的危害程度跟种植方式密切相关[26]。为此,本文以上述3个薯田土样作为研究对象,综合分析了细菌群落与种植方式等因素之间的相互关系。虽然采集田相距较远,其土壤性质和质地的差异无疑会影响样品基本细菌类群组成,对结果分析产生一定影响,但在同一采样田分别选取和测定了3个平行样品,重复间数据差异小、可靠性强;且与疮痂病高发土样相比,未发病两组样品的细菌种类更为相似。可见,本文分析结果具有一定的代表性,能通过其细菌菌群结构折射出薯田种植方式与疮痂病危害的相关性,可为生产实践提供借鉴。
利用高通量测序技术能够准确测出大多数微生物的16S rDNA序列,已被越来越多地应用于研究植物和土壤环境中微生物的群落结构和多样性。马铃薯疮痂病属于细菌性土传病害,目前尚无防效十分显著的化学药剂及其他措施,但已有一些文章研究报道了细菌对其产生的拮抗作用[27]。近年来我们从全国各主要产区的发病大田中分离和鉴定出80余株对疮痂链霉菌具有拮抗效果的细菌,并以此为基础开发出复合功能菌剂进行试验和示范,获得了良好的防控效果,关于真菌对放线链霉菌的拮抗效果报道较少。因此,本文将关注点集中在细菌种群结构变化与疮痂病发生的相关性分析。通过对宁夏西吉、河北沽源和内蒙古海拉尔3个生态区大田马铃薯根际土壤进行高通量测序分析表明,马铃薯疮痂病高发的土壤样品中放线菌数量及所占比例增多而变形菌、绿弯菌、酸杆菌等减少是一明显特征,这一结果与崔丙健等[28]、杨尚东等[29]的结果相似。变形菌门的一些菌种已被广泛应用于植物病虫害防治、肥料高效利用、工业废水处理和复杂污染物降解等[30]。其中δ-变形菌纲Deltaproteobacteria对土壤中的有机质、氮、磷、硫的循环都有显著的促进作用[31]。绿弯菌门的细菌可通过光合作用产生能量,在理化性质优良的土壤中相对丰富度可达10% [32]。酸杆菌Acidobacteria是新划分出的一门细菌,在土壤细菌中占比很高,一般嗜酸、寡营养、难培养[33]。
DRMO分析数据表明,在土传病害严重发生的样品中,病原菌(及潜在的)数量明显增多。其中青枯雷尔氏菌属(Ralstonia insidiosa)是一种典型的细菌性病害,寄生范围广,可通过伤口或根尖进入根部,入侵植物木质部导管,致使多种重要经济作物感病,并阻碍植物水分运输[35];红球菌属细菌(Rhodococcus fascians),是香豌豆带化病(Sweetpea fasciansdowson)的致病菌[36]。节细菌属的某些菌株具有一定的解磷能力,但大多具有致病性,代表种Arthrobacter ilicis可致叶片疫病[37]。我们曾于2017年从河北沽源疮痂病高发田(B组样品采集地)的病薯中分离到了欧洲疮痂链霉菌,但测序结果中未显示出,推测可能与数据库的数据完善程度有关。
另外,在疮痂病严重发生的样品中PGPR细菌数量显著降低。其中芽孢杆菌是重要的农业微生物资源,在土壤、动物肠道、空气、水以及植物体内普遍存在,可溶解难溶磷、钾等化合物,能有效拮抗镰刀菌(Fusarium)、曲霉菌(Aspergillus)、丝核菌(Rhizoctonia)、疮痂链霉菌(Streptomyces scabies)等多种病原菌[38];简单芽孢杆菌能够快速分解有机物、降氨氮,且对马铃薯疮痂病有一定的拮抗效果[39];凝结芽孢杆菌仅存在于C组样品中,是良好的抗腐剂,且与植物抗病密切相关[40]。假单胞菌属的类产碱假单胞菌是昆虫致病菌,能够杀死草地蝗虫和竹蝗等[41];温哥华假单胞菌具有一定的解磷能力,可将土壤中难以吸收的磷分解成为有效磷,从而促进核桃生长[42]。黄杆菌(Flavobacterium)具有较好的解磷能力[43];根瘤菌是最常见的PGPR细菌,除与植物共生、增加固氮能力外,部分根瘤菌也有解磷作用[44]。硫杆菌属也仅存在于C组样品中,这一类菌大多具有解磷作用[45]。
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