上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司, 上海 200092
Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) CO., LTD, Shanghai 200092, China
以某有机污染土壤热脱附修复工程为例,考察了自研异位间接两级热脱附设备特点、工艺流程、温度监控以及尾气排放达标情况,以探究异位热脱附技术在有机污染土壤修复工程中的应用。应用结果表明,在一级加热炉膛温度300 ℃、二级加热炉膛温度500 ℃,停留时间为30 min的条件下,能实现污染土中石油烃、苯系物和多环芳烃类复合有机污染物的高效去除。采用“冷凝+吸附”工艺处理热脱附尾气,并采用“氧化+混凝”工艺处理废水,均能实现达标排放。本案例研究结果表明,所开发的间接两级热脱附设备可应用于复合有机污染土壤的修复工程。
This study clarified the characteristics of ex-situ indirect two-stage thermal desorption equipment, process design, temperature monitoring and off-gas emissions in the application of thermal desorption for the remediation of organic contaminated soil. The results showed that with the temperatures of primary and secondary heating furnaces at 300 ℃ and 550 ℃, respectively and residence time of 30 min, contaminants including petroleum hydrocarbons, BTEX and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil can be removed effectively. Off-gas and wastewater were treated by condensation-adsorption and oxidation-coagulation, respectively, and the treated effluents could meet the air and water quality standards. This study demonstrated that the indirect two-stage thermal desorption equipment is suitable for the ex-situ remediation of contaminants in the soil.
Layout plan of the remediation site
Schematic process of thermal desorption
Comparison of temperature distribution in thermal desorption system
Monitoring of temperature in thermal desorption process
Monitoring of VOCs concentration in off-gas
Calculation of the square amount of contaminated soils during ex-situ thermal desorption
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